Julia - Metaprogramming for using several modules - julia

I'm using Julia to autograde students' work. I have all of their files Student1.jl, Student2.jl, etc. as separate modules Student1, Student2, etc in a directory that is part of LOAD_PATH. What I want to be able to do works completely fine in the REPL, but fails in a file.
macro Student(number)
return Meta.parse("Main.Student$number")
using Student1
works completely fine in the REPL. However, since I'm running this in a script, I need to be able to include the modules with more metaprogramming that is currently not working. I would have thought that the exact same script above would have worked in a file Autograder.jl by calling
#eval(using Student1)
in a module Autograder. But I get either an UndefVarError: Student1 not defined or LoadError: cannot replace module Student1 during compilation depending on how I tweak things.
Is there something small in Julia metaprogramming I'm missing here to make this autograding system work out? Thanks for any advice.

The code just as you have written works for me on julia versions 1.1.0, 1.3.1, 1.5.1, 1.6.0 and 1.7.0. By that I mean, if I add an inputs variable and put your first code block in a file Autograder.jl and run JULIA_LOAD_PATH="modules:$JULIA_LOAD_PATH" julia Autograder.jl with the student modules in the modules directory I get the output of the call_function function in the Student1 module.
However if Autograder.jl actually contains a module then the Student$number module is not required into Main and your macro needs to be modified accordingly:
module Autograder
macro Student(number)
return Meta.parse("Student$number") # or "Autograder.Student$number"
inputs = []
#eval(using Student1)
Personally I wouldn't use a macro to accomplish this, here is one possible alternative:
student(id) = Base.require(Main, Symbol("Student$(id)"))
let student_module = student(1)
or without modifying the LOAD_PATH:
student(id) = include("modules/Student$(id).jl")
let student_module = student(1)


Avoid restarting julia REPL everytime you make an ammendment to a function

I am working on a julia code where I have several files and call functions from these files to a main function called run.jl. Every time I make changes to any one of these files I need to restart the julia REPL which is a bit annoying. Anyway to work around this.
For example
# --------------------------------- run.jl
using .AgentTypes: Cas, Resc
using .RescFuncs: update_rescuers_at_pma!, travel_to_loc
# ... some code
for i = 1:500
# ------------------------------ resc_funcs.jl
function travel_to_loc(model)
println(get_resc_by_prop(model, :on_way_to_iz))
for resc_id in get_resc_by_prop(model,:on_way_to_iz)
push!(model[resc_id].dist_traject, model[resc_id].dist_to_agent) #This is just for checking purposes
model[resc_id].dist_to_agent -= model.dist_per_step
push!(model[resc_id].loc_traject, "on_way_to_iz")
#If we add new print statement here and execute run.jl it wont print
println(model[resc_id].loc_traject) #new amendment to code
But now when I go and update travel_to_loc function for example. I need to restart the julia repl before those changes are reflected. I am wondering if there is a way after you save the file (resc_funcs.jl in this case) those amendments are reflected when you execute run.jl.
The simplest workflow could be the following:
Select some folder to be your current working folder in Julia (eg. by using cd() command from Julia)
Create sample file MyMod.jl
module MyMod
export f1
function f1(x)
Add the current folder to LOAD_PATH and load Revise.jl
push!(LOAD_PATH, ".")
using Revise
Load the module and test it:
julia> using MyMod
[ Info: Precompiling MyMod [top-level]
julia> f1(3)
Try to edit the file eg. change x+1 to x+3
Run again
julia> f1(3)
you will still need to restart REPL when your data structures change (you modify a definition of a struct object)
you could generate a full module package using Pkg.generate but I wanted to make things simplified.

OpenMDAO adding command line args for ExternalCodeComp that won't results in runtime error

In OpenMDAO V3.1 I am using an ExternalCodeComp to execute a CFD code. Typically, I would call it as such:
mpirun nodet_mpi --design_run
If the above call is made in the appropriate directory, then it will find the appropriate run file and execute the CFD run. I have tried command args for the ExternalCodeComp;
execute = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
execute = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi --design_run']
execute = ['mpirun nodet_mpi --design_run']
I either get an error such as:
RunTimeError: 255, execvp error on file "nodet_mpi --design_run" (No such file or directory)
Or that the command cannot be found.
Is there any way to setup the execute statement to include commandline args for the flow solver when an input file is not defined?
Thanks in advance!
One detail in your question seems incorrect, you state that you have tried execute = "...". The ExternalCodeComp uses an option called command. I will assume that you are using the correct option in your code.
The most correct form to use is the list with all arguments as single entries in the list:
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
Your error msg seems to indicate that the directory that OpenMDAO is running in is not the same as the directory you would like to execute the CFD code from. The absolute simplest solution would be to make sure that you are in the correct directory via cd in the terminal window before executing your python script.
However, there is likely a reason that your python script is in a different place so there are other options I can suggest:
You can use a combination of os.getcwd() and os.chdir() inside the compute method that you have implemented to make sure you switch into and out of the working directory for the CFD code.
If you would like to, you can modify the entries of the list you've assigned to the self.options['command'] option on the fly within your compute method. You would again be relying on some of the methods in the os module for help. os.path.exists can be used to test if the specific input files you need exist or not, and you can modify the command option accordingly.
For option 2, code would look something like this:
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
if os.path.exists('some_input.file'):
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run', '--other_options']
# the parent compute function actually runs the external code
super().compute(inputs, outputs)

How do I determine whether a julia script is included as module or run as script?

I would like to know how in the Julia language, I can determine if a file.jl is run as script, such as in the call:
bash$ julia file.jl
It must only in this case start a function main, for example. Thus I could use include('file.jl'), without actually executing the function.
To be specific, I am looking for something similar answered already in a python question:
def main():
# does something
if __name__ == '__main__':
To be more specific, the method Base.isinteractive (see here) is not solving the problem, when using include('file.jl') from within a non-interactive (e.g. script) environment.
The global constant PROGRAM_FILE contains the script name passed to Julia from the command line (it does not change when include is called).
On the other hand #__FILE__ macro gives you a name of the file where it is present.
For instance if you have a files:
You have the following behavior:
$ julia a.jl
$ julia b.jl
In summary:
PROGRAM_FILE tells you what is the file name that Julia was started with;
#__FILE__ tells you in what file actually the macro was called.
tl;dr version:
if !isdefined(:__init__) || Base.function_module(__init__) != MyModule
There seems to be some confusion. Python and Julia work very differently in terms of their "modules" (even though the two use the same term, in principle they are different).
In python, a source file is either a module or a script, depending on how you chose to "load" / "run" it: the boilerplate exists to detect the environment in which the source code was run, by querying the __name__ of the embedding module at the time of execution. E.g. if you have a file called mymodule.py, it you import it normally, then within the module definition the variable __name__ automatically gets set to the value mymodule; but if you ran it as a standalone script (effectively "dumping" the code into the "main" module), the __name__ variable is that of the global scope, namely __main__. This difference gives you the ability to detect how a python file was ran, so you could act slightly differently in each case, and this is exactly what the boilerplate does.
In julia, however, a module is defined explicitly as code. Running a file that contains a module declaration will load that module regardless of whether you did using or include; however in the former case, the module will not be reloaded if it's already on the workspace, whereas in the latter case it's as if you "redefined" it.
Modules can have initialisation code via the special __init__() function, whose job is to only run the first time a module is loaded (e.g. when imported via a using statement). So one thing you could do is have a standalone script, which you could either include directly to run as a standalone script, or include it within the scope of a module definition, and have it detect the presence of module-specific variables such that it behaves differently in each case. But it would still have to be a standalone file, separate from the main module definition.
If you want the module to do stuff, that the standalone script shouldn't, this is easy: you just have something like this:
module MyModule
__init__() = # do module specific initialisation stuff here
If you want the reverse situation, you need a way to detect whether you're running inside the module or not. You could do this, e.g. by detecting the presence of a suitable __init__() function, belonging to that particular module. For example:
### in file "MyModule.jl"
module MyModule
export fun1, fun2;
__init__() = print("Initialising module ...");
### in file "MyModuleImplementation.jl"
fun1(a,b) = a + b;
fun2(a,b) = a * b;
main() = print("Demo of fun1 and fun2. \n" *
" fun1(1,2) = $(fun1(1,2)) \n" *
" fun2(1,2) = $(fun2(1,2)) \n");
if !isdefined(:__init__) || Base.function_module(__init__) != MyModule
If MyModule is loaded as a module, the main function in MyModuleImplementation.jl will not run.
If you run MyModuleImplementation.jl as a standalone script, the main function will run.
So this is a way to achieve something close to the effect you want; but it's very different to saying running a module-defining file as either a module or a standalone script; I don't think you can simply "strip" the module instruction from the code and run the module's "contents" in such a manner in julia.
The answer is available at the official Julia docs FAQ. I am copy/pasting it here because this question comes up as the first hit on some search engines. It would be nice if people found the answer on the first-hit site.
How do I check if the current file is being run as the main script?
When a file is run as the main script using julia file.jl one might want to activate extra functionality like command line argument handling. A way to determine that a file is run in this fashion is to check if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == #__FILE__ is true.

Call Rmath via Ctypes from Ocaml on OS X

I want to use R's mathematical functions as provided in libRmath from Ocaml. I successfully installed the library via brew tap homebrew science && brew install --with-librmath-only r. I end up with a .dylib in /usr/local/lib and a .h in /usr/local/include. Following the Ocaml ctypes tutorial, i do this in utop
#require "ctypes.foreign";;
open Ctypes;;
open Foreign;;
let test_pow = foreign "pow_di" (float #-> int #-> returning float);;
this complains that it can't find the symbol. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to open the dynamic library first? Set some environment variables? After googling, I also did this:
nm -gU /usr/local/lib/libRmath.dylib
which gives a bunch of symbols all with a leading underscore including 00000000000013ff T _R_pow_di. In the header file, pow_di is defined via some #define directive from _R_pow_di. I did try variations of the name like "R_pow_di" etc.
Edit: I tried compiling a simple C program using Rmath using Xcode. After setting the include path manually to include /usr/local/include, Xcode can find the header file Rmath.h. However, inside the header file, there is an include of R_ext/Boolean.h which does not seem to exist. This error is flagged by Xcode and compilation stops.
Noob alert: this may be totally obvious to a C programmer...
In order to use external library you still need to link. There're at least two different ways, either link using compiler, or link even more dynamically using dlopen.
For the first method use the following command (as an initial approximation):
ocamlbuild -pkg ctypes.foreign -lflags -cclib,-lRmath yourapp.native
under premise that your code is put into yourapp.ml file.
The second method is to use ctypes interface to dlopen to open the library. Using the correct types and name for the C function call, this goes like this:
let library = Dl.dlopen ~filename:"libRmath.dylib" ~flags:[]
let test_pow = foreign ~from:library "R_pow_di" (double #-> int #-> returning double)

Error in Ada separate file

I am translating a Ada83 to Ada95 file. The problem happens when I try to compile a file which calls a separate. The error is "Illegal character " and refers to directive to preprocessor:
with BAS_PUT;
#end if;
procedure ....
This problem does not happen when the same preprocessor directive is in a file adb that it is not a separate function.
Someone can help me???
Ada has no preprocessor, so # is indeed an illegal character.
Some compilers (eg: Gnat) do come with one, but if so it is one of their own devising. If you like you can set up your build system to run your Ada source files through external preprocessor (eg: the C pre-processor). I've never done that, but I'm told its eminently doable.
If your compiler does happen to come with a preprocessor, it is non-standard. Use it if you like, but by definition it will be useless for creating portable source files (which appears to be what you are trying to do with it).
Most folks would consider it better form to just create different source files for your different environments, and have the build environment (make rules?) switch between them.
