How do I get a Production API Key? - sabre

I am new to Sabre and its products and I am not sure where to turn to for help. I need to get 2 things
A production API Key and
Access to soap API's
Currently, I am not sure how to do either. I have a sabre account with test credentials, but I need production credentials and access to soap API's in order to proceed with building my application. Who should I contact in order to escalate my account privileges?

You have two different ways to get the apiKey.
If you are a solution development company or if you are a travel agency developing your own solution.
If you are a developer company you should contact Saber directly and sign a development agreement with them.
If you are a travel agency developing an integration then you should contact your account executive and request apiKey.
All this access information via SOAP or REST you can find on their website.


Woocommerce Membership REST API check if user has a membership plan

I ma developing a mobile app with a wordpress backend that was developed by someone else and the person is unreachable. I have the usual Woocomerce membership plans built on the backend. The website works perfectly fine. The issue is this
I checked the REST API endpoints through 'discovery' and found all the usual endpoints, but my issue is how will i test the if the user has a membership plan via REST API. I have already wasted a lot of time figuring out the solution.
/wc/v3/memberships lists all the endpoints
/wc/v3/memberships/plans/ lists all the plans
when i make a call to all these endpoints, it gives me all the users which have memberships.
My question is how would i know if the current loggedin user has purchased a membership, there is no such specific endpoint to it, plus the docs are not very specific. They are vaugue. Good enough for a beginner but not for a production level.
This is the url which i am referring to, which i got from the "official" Woocomerce Membership website
Use this endpoint :
Just replace with current user id. you can get current user id through this endpoint :

How to become a developer approved by LinkedIn to use LinkedIn's Connections API?

I would like to use LinkedIn's Connections API to retrieve the 1st degree connections of users registering on my application. But, "The use of this API is restricted to those developers approved by LinkedIn and subject to applicable data restrictions in their agreements.". Has anyone experience in getting approved and what are the main points to consider before applying? And, how can we apply? Thanks!
To access any APIs you'll first need to setup a business page on LinkedIn (instructions here) for app verification then head to the developer page to create an app
To access their restricted APIs you'll want to reach out to their support team via the contact us page and request access; specifically looking for a Relationship Manager if you have an existing business relationship or a Business Development contact per the compliance docs:
The use of these APIs is restricted to developers approved by LinkedIn.
Reach out to your LinkedIn Relationship Manager or
Business Development contact as you will need to meet certain criteria and sign an API agreement with data restrictions
in order to use this integration.

Multi merchants with PayPal API

I am a payment processing site for several different companies. I currently use Cybersource and it allows me to pass transactions under separate company credentials so payments are processed to the correct company.
With PayPal, I am trying to find which API I should use so that I can do an Express Checkout payment and pass different usernames and signatures for different companies. So far NVP seems like one that would work but I am using VS2015 with ASP.Net (VB).
The SDK for PayPalCoreSDK.Dll uses a Configuration.cs file to store credentials. I don't know how to provide each company's credentials "on the fly".
Any suggestions? Thanks!
PayPal provides option to use 3rd party API permission. Your system will do the API call and you will include the email address of other companies in subject field to receive the payment.

how to create marketo sandbox account for developement purpose for writing and testing API

I am new in marketo.
I have to write API to integrate marketo in my web application but it says it requires token Id to make any API call in marketo and token will be provided if you login in marketo but problem is that I am new to marketo and I don't have Marketo login credential.
Is there any way to create test account in marketo so that I can create one and write my API and test it there.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
You need to apply for a partner account which gives you a sandbox account here:
Partner webpage
There appear to be minimum requirements to be eligible however. Where I work we have a partner account and an internal deployment for our marketing team, and I have found the sandbox partner account severely limited compared to a real deployment.

Woo commerce and quickbooks online plus integration

My company uses woo commerce on a wordpress platform to manage our online orders and is going to use quickbooks online plus for accounting. I'm looking for an integration solution between woo commerce and quickbooks online plus to post the online order automatically to quickbooks online plus when the order has been processed in woo commerce. So far I had no luck at all. We purchased a plugin from 60extensions only to realise it's for quickbooks desktop version, not online version. I have searched everywhere and asked the quickbooks online support but no luck!
Does anyone know a solution for this? Even a different shopping cart that can be integrated to quickbooks online?
You can build this integration using QB V3 REST APIs.
You must have OAuth tokens to connect with your QB account data through REST endpoint. For that you need to have your customer(app's end user) go through the 3 legged OAuth flow. To generate access token and access secret corresponding to a QBO account, user's intervention is a must.
But once you have those tokens, you can store it in your program and use the same in all future communications between your app and QB account data.
To start development using QB API, you need to create an IA apps in Intuit's appcenter.
From the above link you will get - apptoken, consumer key and consumer Secret. You can use the above 3 keys in IPPOAuthPlayground(PFB link) to get the access token and access secret corresponding to your QB Online account.
Using the above tokens, you can call any REST endpoints against your QB Online account. For development purpose, you can use IPP provided devkit.
If you just want to test this endpoints against your company then you can use APIExplorer tool as well.
You can have a look at IPP's marketing site - to see if you get any suitable plugin/saas app for this use case.
