Using LinkedIn API to retrieve advertising reports - linkedin

I'm working on a simple app to programmatically retrieve ads performance within Linkedin. I have general API experience but this is the first time i get my feet wet with the Linkedin API.
One example from Linkedin API documentation suggest something that would get me started:
I am encountering two problems:
First this example implies that you already know the campaign ID. However I am unable to find a way to retrieve a list of campaign ID's for a given account.
Second, if I manually pull a campaign ID, I receive an error: "{"serviceErrorCode":2,"message":"Too many fields requested. Maximum possible fields to request: 20","status":400}". Pretty clear error.
A little research tells me that by adding the parameter "&fields=" I will be able to limit my query to less than 20 field (I really need only a dozen anyway) but I can't find and documentation regarding the names of the fields available.
Any help or pointer will be appreciated.

please refer the link below scroll down where you ill see the field names mentioned as metrics , these are the fields.


What the best clockify API endpoint to get time entries of (grouped by) saved reports?

Asking here, after asking to Clockify support.
Trying to extend some of clockify capabilities to create extra reporting for our clients,
I’ve been playing with your API and specifically: the enpoint /reports/{reportsId}
• My goal:
Get all the time entries of a specific "saved report” (usually saved by our Project Managers)
• What I EXPECT from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
To get all the info and entities (users, time entries, projects, etc.) only regarding that particular reportId
• What I GET from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
Lots of info regarding the whole workspace, and I only see summaryReport
as more “specific to the saved report itself”...
• Questions:
Is this the correct behavior?
How do you filter down time entries of specific reports in URLs like ?
Do you only call "/reports/{reportsId}” and filter down on client-side? (it seems to me that way, exploring the Network tab)
If that’s the way, what’s the point of calling the report endpoint? Only for the summaryReport object?
3- Is "/reports/{reportsId}” the best endpoint I can use to reach my goal? …or which way would you recommend me?
summaryReport.timeEntries will contain all the individual time entries from that particular report. Each entry has a user, project, client, time etc. Grouping by project is done on the client.
I'm not sure I fully understand your specific problem though. Are you suggesting the entries you get from the report endpoint do not belong to the given report?

Get campaign name from LinkedIn API

I am trying to get in touch with LinkedIn support for the past month now, unfortunately I had no luck getting to the dev team through the account management.
We are using a reporting tool to pull LinkedIn campaign data via their API. We would like to pull Campaign Names which doesn't seem to be possible at the moment referencing
However, is there any kind of way to retrieve the Campaign Names (ID is making it really hard for us to identify campaigns on the fly)? It seems like such a basic request, I find it hard to believe LinkedIn has no way of doing this.
Thanks in advance!!
A little further down that page you referenced is a section called "FINDER" with this:
You will get the "name":"MY_CAMPAIGN_NAME" field there. That's the only place I've found it so far.

Google Analytics API get Goal name

I need to get a goal name using google analytics API. I'd like to display this name along with some dimensions such as ga:goalCompletionsAll, ga:goalValueAll but I'm unable to.
I have done some research and all I could find are the explanations here Not getting Goal name using Google Analytics gapi but I'm using coldfusion and http requests to make the API call.
I know that I need to use the Management API to get the goal names and the Core Reporting API for other dimensions. I've done the API calls for both and looked at both responses and I'm unable to connect both results i.e the goal name and dimensions.
Kindly assist and thanks in advance
The reporting API doesn't return the name of the goal. You will need to go though the Management API.
goals.list returns a list of goals for the authenticated user. Then you can check if the goal nr is 1 what the name of it.
Note: Remember goal names can change over time so you cant really store these.
You should have two lists your the metrics you are requesting and the results of the goals.list. Currently there are only XX goal columns for metrics this may change in the future who knows. You will need to test your metrics to find out which number they selected. Depending upon what your application is allowing you can end up with several goals selected in one request.
You want to look at and Goal id is the number.
My application is C# so I cant really share with you how I am handling this.

How to include custom segments in the list of segments when querying the Google Analytics API?

This may be a possible duplicate of this question, but according to all the Google Analytics documentation I really should be able to pull my list of custom segments.
Since I have a very large list of them, it would be suboptimal for me to manually copy the segment ids over one at a time.
I'm following this walk through. Steps to reproduce:
Create a custom segment using date of first session in your Google Analytics account.
Authorize the Google Analytics guide to access your Google Analytics account.
Try their on-page query tester, and inspect whether your custom segment is there.
One thing I've already ruled out was the user that created the segment. I've manually created a segment with the same user that I'm querying the API with and it still does not show. Is there a flag I need to set somewhere to include custom segments?
It turns out that it will list some custom segments, but not ones created with date of first session, so this is a duplicate of this question, which means that there is a bug in the Google Analytics API.
There was a bug which is now fixed. So it is now possible to list the Date of Session Segments in the Google Analytics Management API by calling the segments.list() method.
So after days of trying to solve this one I've come to the conclusion that it cannot be done as asked.
There is, however, another way to do it. For every segment set up a daily (or weekly, etc) email report to a email as a TSV. In each email body specify the name of the segment so when you're consuming the emails you can know which segment the attached TSV is for. It doesn't look like the daily reports were designed with segments in mind, since non of the metadata included in the TSV mentions which segment it is for.
From there it's trivial. Connect to the email address using an IMAP client once a day and update the numbers.
Note that the daily email only contains the numbers for that day (not a specified range), so you'll need to first generate the report one time with the historical data to load in.
While hacky, one nice thing about this approach is that it keeps your reports in sync with your (faked through email) api code (provided you match the column headings in the TSV). So, if for example, a new filter is included into a report, the new daily fields will continue to update.
Unfortunately though, the past data won't be reflected in the change.
Obviously this isn't great, but if you are monitoring daily cohorts it's the best you've got if you need to stay with Google Analytics. I have raised this as a bug to the Google Analytics developers, but I haven't heard back as to whether or not they plan to fix it.

Scrape all google search result for a specific name

I think the question has been answered here before,but i could not find the desired topic.I am a newbie in web scraping.I have to develop a script that will take all the google search result for a specific name.Then it will grab the related data against that name and if there is found more than one,the data will be grouped according to their names.
All I know is that,google has some kind of restriction on scraping.They provide a custom search api.I still did not use that api,but hoping to get all the resulted links corresponding to a query from that api. But, could not understand what will be the ideal process to do the scraping of the information from that links.Any tutorial link or suggestion is very much appreciated.
You should have provided a bit more what you have been doing, it does not sound like you even tried to solve it yourself.
Anyway, if you are still on it:
You can scrape Google through two ways, one is allowed one is not allowed.
a) Use their API, you can get around 2k results a day.
You can up it to around 3k a day for 2000 USD/year. You can up it more by getting in contact with them directly.
You will not be able to get accurate ranking positions from this method, if you only need a lower number of requests and are mainly interested in getting some websites according to a keyword that's the choice.
Starting point would be here:
b) You can scrape the real search results
That's the only way to get the true ranking positions, for SEO purposes or to track website positions. Also it allows to get a large amount of results, if done right.
You can Google for code, the most advanced free (PHP) code I know is at
However, there are other projects and code snippets.
You can start off at 300-500 requests per day and this can be multiplied by multiple IPs. Look at the linked article if you want to go that route, it explains it in more details and is quite accurate.
That said, if you choose route b) you break Googles terms, so either do not accept them or make sure you are not detected. If Google detects you, your script will be banned by IP/captcha. Not getting detected should be a priority.
