Unable to configure BBB with Macbook pro M1 - apple-m1

I am new to Beaglebone Black (BBB). I was trying to connect BBB with Macbook Pro M1 but unable to do that. In network interfaces, it always shows BBB as not connected. I have tried setting it up manually. (If I select automatically DHCP, IP section and all will remain empty).
Config of IP in macbook
Below is the /etc/network/interfaces file:
I would like to tell that i am able to login in BBB by using below command
"screen /dev/tty.usb*******"
where ****** is random number which will be always different.
If anybody can help that will be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Your first screenshot says that the status of the cable is unplugged.
Try to install the appropriate Network serial driver for mac OS as given in BeagleBoard.org and check your status.
[USB drivers for different operating system][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/0HDHh.png


ESP8266-05 always return +CWJAP:4 on connection to any Wi-Fi network

I am a novice with ESP8266. I have an ESP-05 module connected to my PC USB through CH340 com-port adapter.
I was able to list all networks with AT+CWLAP, but when I put the command to connect to, it shows me a CWJAP:4 error. I tried my home network, the network in my office, and the Wi-Fi network created by my Android phone. The same result always...
AT+GMRAT version: 14 2016 18:54:01)
SDK version:2.0.0(5a875ba)
Mar 13 2018 09:35:47
The password is 100% valid (I've tried to put the wrong password, in this case, it returns CWJAP:3 as required).
What can be a reason?? Thanks.
I found the solution by myself. It looks like the USB port I used initially has not enough power or it's broken somehow. The network list command is working, but its USB power was not enough to handle transmitting.
I just tried another USB port and it works well.
Thanks all.

Using the serial port in a Ubuntu for W10 (WSL)

I'd like to know if it is possible to establish communication via a serial port in an Ubuntu for W10 terminal using the USB interface.
Concretely, I am using a Sparkfun edge board and in this tutorial, it is explained how to detect if the device is connected by checking /dev/tty*. However, it does not work in my testbed, nothing new appears in the directory.
Probably, it is related to using Ubuntu over Windows, but I'd like to be sure before moving to another system.
This is a bit old, but it should've worked then... New devices don't show up in the directory, they're already all there, so you need to know what COM port it's on, let's say it's on COM4, then your device will be /dev/ttyS4 in linux.
I've been using this for well over a year to upload files to my MCU boards kinda like what you want to do, and as long as the device shows up as a COM interface in Windows, and isn't in use, you should be able to connect it to it in WSL as /dev/ttyS[COM#].
Hope this helps, even if it's a bit delayed.

See who is connected in my network

I want to check who is using my network, I just want to know the number of connected devices (phone or computers), I tried the nmap program and some other but nothing was useful to get the number of devices that are using my network? I'm using ubuntu. Please help!

What is causing putty to not connect to beaglebone black

I have a Beaglebone Black(rev c),I am trying to connect it to Windows 8 laptop using putty. I am putting IP address as and port as 22,but when I says open to it,putty window will pop-up and after sometime I will get fatal ERROR saying:
"Network connection time-out"
I am new to this, can someone tell me what am i missing?
Seems to indicate the an SSH server is not running on the BBB. Or possibly for some reason the BBB did not take as an IP. Or perhaps you might need to wait a little bit longer for the SSH server to start up.
Short of this, there is not much to go on. One way to trouble shoot the issue would be to get a serial debug cable, connected and working to the BBB. Then you could dmesg | grep ssh or some such and hopefully get closer to what the actual problem is. Sorry if this is not enough for you to go by, but it is really hard to figure out what is going on without more information.
Other potential problems could be as simple as a USB cable that sometimes works or sometimes doesn't.
It may not be this but have you installed the drivers? See step 2 here: http://beagleboard.org/getting-started. If it's not that or you have already installed those then I am not sure sorry. Perhaps someone else has another suggestion.
Is the BeagleBone connected to your network with an Ethernet cable? It will only use for the network-over-usb when there's only a USB cable connected - if you have Ethernet connected it will use DHCP to get an IP from your router, in which case you can check your router page to see what IP it got.
If you do just have USB connected then a driver issue is the most likely culprit, but you could try to ssh to the hostname beaglebone.local instead of the IP.

Steps that I could take to troubleshoot a network connection for a desktop (no wifi)

This is my first post, so don't judge if I mess something up.
The problem is that I bought a new Desktop PC for my office (a Windows 8 machine with motherboard Z97-HD3 (has integrated Ethernet/LAN card)) and it worked OK for a few weeks, but now, the internet is gone.
When I boot up my PC I get "Network Identifying". After a minute or so, it says that it is connected, but when I open a browser it either says: "This webpage is not available" (more often) or "SSL certificate problem" (rarely). I've been chipping on this problem for a few days and the only steps that I've mustered up to take are these:
1. Is it the cable? Try the Ethernet/LAN cable on a different computer
Tried that. It works on my other laptop. So I conclude that the problem is with the new computer.
2. Is it a software problem or hardware?
2.1. Look at the back of the PC. The Ethernet card lights are on.
2.2. Try pinging localhost. Start > Open command prompt (cmd) > "ping". All 4 packages are sent and received with time 1ms
2.3. Maybe there is something wrong with Windows? Tried installing Ubuntu, but the internet doesn't connect as well
Anything else I could do? Or should I conclude that this is a hardware issue and return it to the shop?
First, make sure that you can ping your Gateway (gateways are computers/routers that are between two networks ). You can find out the IP of your gateway by running this in cmd:
There you will see your currently assigned(or static) ipaddress, the subnetwork, as well as the IP of your Gateway. Then try to ping your Gateway.
If you can then you know that all is good with cables and software and the problem is either configuration(you dont have gateway set) or the gateway can't make the connection outside of your local network.
if you can't ping your gateway, then you know something is wrong on your PC.
