Can I use Wandb in Tracking my YOLOv4 Training? - yolov4

I want to track my training in YOLOv4 using wandb but I can't see any tutorial on how to do it. I saw a youtube video but it was a training in YOLOv5.
My wandb account is now logged in in the YOLOv4 training but I cant see no chart in the wandb page. It only displays this page Wandb YOLOv4
I want to know how exactly I can use wandb in my YOLOv4 training.


Delay in Website Loading in Page Insights

Please check this Screenshot: Page Insights Image
I have marked in it. I have 2 Questions:
Why the website is loading after 4-5 Slides in the Page Insights.
Why the FID is not fetching in Page Insights.
Could be any number of reasons. A few slides of non-content are expected for most sites. The filmstrip is suppose to show how it loads (in your case the menu loads first, then the image), rather than how slowly it loads. The stats above are more important but they do show it being slow. Page speed insights will give plenty of advice and guidance on improving your performance below the filmstrip.
FID is a measure of how long it take from interaction (I.e. clicking on a button) until that interaction is processed. Many static, content, sites (e.g. newspapers, blogs and other articles) will not have an interaction (scrolling don’t count as interactions for FID for example) so it’s perfectly normal for there to be no FID score there. In this case FID is ignored in terms of whether you pass or fail Core Web Vitals so no FID is effectively the same as a passing FID.

Facing issue on google pagespeed insights

I am trying to know my website's page speed from google page-speed insights. But it showing question mark as result. I want to know about this question mark and its solution.
my website is developed in WordPress.
I recommennd Lighthouse Developer Tools
Simply follow the steps, and you can perform your first Audit without Page Speed Insights!
First step for your website is to serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve the load time.
For example: "07/besp_long1-1.png" which has a size of 1,761 kb can be served with a smaller size and in a next-gen format like .webp.
The given URLs by you are showing following errors in Google Page Speed Insights:
Field Data - The Chrome User Experience Report does not have sufficient real-world speed data for this page.
Origin Summary - The Chrome User Experience Report does not have sufficient real-world speed data for this origin.
It means that your website doesn't provide sufficient number of distinct samples that provide a representative, anonymized view of performance of the URL as per the Documentation of Google page speed insights.
As an alternative I would recommend using Lighthouse Tool to avoid such issues.

Custom dimension reporting not working - can see dimensions in tag manager

I'm trying to track the internal campaigns on our website and followed the tutorial given by Smashing Magazine.
After implementing this, I was looking at the custom report and it is not showing any data. All it says is this - "There is no data for this view."
Attaching a screenshot from Tag Manager preview mode.
This is our site and I'm trying to track the buttons with custom parameters (itm_source, itm_medium, itm_campaign, itm_term, itm_content).
Appreciate any help in this regard.

Google Experiments A/B Transaction Tracking

I am adding a step into the buying journey on an eCommerce retail website. I want to test to see if this affects overall conversion rates. Our platform doesn't support A/B testing itself so I'm hoping I can test this using Google Experiments.
A lot of examples for Google Experiments involve having a different page/url to test with, so you want to test a different button style or page layout, different content etc. In my case this doesn't apply as my test is a multipage test, if I add a step here how many of those customers end up on my order confirmation page. The business logic which determines whether to add the additional step is handled via javascript so essentially I want half of my visitors to load to old js file and half to load the new js file and then to see how they differ in Google Experiments.
I'm guessing the only way I can do this is to set-up an experiment where the original page would be
and my variation page would be
Then in my framework I could check for that url parameter and load to new js file. But would that track through the whole buying journey once the customer has left that page?
Any help or suggestions would be very welcome.
Thank You

How do I view Custom Dimension reports in GA?

I have several Custom Dimensions setup in both admin and in the code on my site.
I have verified that the data is being sent correctly to Google Analytics (I used the Chrome GA debugger), but can't seem to find any reports that show these new dimensions.
Since their changing things all the time, it's probably hidden somewhere, but I've gone through every standard report and haven't seen anything.
So, where do you go to view this information?
Found it! Well sort of. Right now, Google doesn't have a standard report that includes Custom Dimenstions. You have to go in Customization to build a custom report and include any of the custom metrics or dimensions you've created.
If you're new to GA, custom reports can probably be a little confusing so wrote up a quick blog post that walks through setting up, implementing and building reports with custom dimensions:
