Can you add custom extensions to WPML? - wordpress

I am using WPML to translate a religious website. I have the scripture stored in the database where each verse is a post. In WPML, translation is slow as one must open a verse, which is only one line long, translate it, save it and move on to the next.
I have tried automatic translation but they are not accurate enough and manual translation is too slow. I have also talked to WPML support but they don't have a solution.
Any suggestions welcome. Thank you :)

If the automatic translation is not good enough I think that you have three options:
Use professional translation service
Automatic translation but with different service, e.g. try DeepL of Google Translate if you were using Bing
Review text that was automatically translated


How to make manual corrections to Google Translated Content?

The following Google Webmaster Central Blog entry suggests that you can manually correct translations by Google translate for your own website, which go live immediately and are also shown to your visitors:
Unfortunately this feature seems to be not online anymore. Does anyone know a similar solution to achieve these results?
We want to translate a WordPress WooCommerce website with a lot of products from English to Chinese and therefore have to decide if we want to translate everything manually or use automatic translation via Google translate. Since the automatic Google translation is much quicker we prefer that way but we want to correct the many incorrect translated terms.
In case there is no way to make manual corrections to the Google Translations we also thought about downloading the translated version and re-importing it into WooCommerce again to make the edits there.
The feature looks like it's available at

Wordpress-blog with two languages - which plugin?

I spent a couple of hours in the search of a solution to a two-languages-blog (site?). It seems that there are two general approaches: a single site which holds both languages; or two sites (thus WP installations) where each one holds a single language.
The solution for the latter one would be the Multisite Language Switcher.
But in principal, I'd prefer to work with a single site. Less hassle.
And I would like to use the same "New Post" page to enter the title and text for the languages - thus two title boxes, two text boxes. If I upload an image, I can insert it directly into each of the text boxes.
There, it seems the WPML is the way to go. Not sure about qTranslate. Tried it but only the title box was added.
Can you recommend anything else? Or am I thinking to narrowly? Thanks a lot for any hints or tips! - easy to use and manage languages.
For each post you choose the language you'll need. You won't get to add both languages in the same post since it would result in the same url.
For images, you don't need to upload it twice, just choose it again from the media library.
Not free, but WPML is probably the most advanced language plugin (hence the not free part). It will allow you to use a single install and choose the language based on directory or query string parameter. Overall fairly affordable.
Tried out a couple of plugins. Finally spent many hour with multisite and domain mapping. When I got it working, I used the Multiple Language Switcher.... and like it a lot! Thanks for the hints!

A translator per language in LinguaPlone

I want to have a group in Plone that can only translate for 1 specific language. Is this possible? And if yes, how?
Use case is that there are quite a bit of languages in a site, and that the translators can only translate for their language.
Not without very substantial customization. With some code added, you could make the translate drop-down actions smarter, so that they only offered particular languages to users from particular groups. That might give you what you need.
If you need security to match, it would be harder. You'd have to intervene (via code) after translation creation to set sharing.
So, possible yes. Practical, probably not.
If this is a very high priority project, and you have resources available, get in touch with the folks working on the next generation of LinguaPlone, and offer to help develop (or to fund development) for the feature. That might be the very best way to make it happen.
Actually — this doesn't have to be so hard.
By granting the translator add and edit permissions in the required language subfolder, and not in the other language subtrees, this should all simply work.
The only real need for customisation might be to hide the translate actions from the menu if the user doesn't have permissions to translate to there.

How to build website with two speaking language (Arabic and English)?

I am beginner in web designing, I using CLASSIC ASP for web development.
My client need his website in two languages (Arabic and English).
What is the best way for develop website in multiple language?
I read some information from website's :-
Create website in two lanuages. for example ( (
2.Use transilaters(Google,SpeakFish,etc..) for your default website.
Anyone can help me for this which is the suitable way for develop website in multiple languages?
Any reference or any links?
hoping your help
There are several methods:
your first method - create two different sites - has as advantage that the texts can be custom tailored for each language
create a single site, but display every text with a function that knows the current language and shows the text in one or the other - will be easier to update, but a little harder to change all translations
I would say don't use automatic translators - they do a lousy job. Better let a human do this.
Build a single website using a CMS that does multilanguage out of the box, or supports plugins for multilingual sites (F.A. Joomla + JoomFish).
Online translators always create a really terrible reading experience, so please get a (possibly trained) human translator to covert the texts for you.

Internationalization of ASP.NET apps

How do you guys handle translation/internationalization of your ASP.NET applications? How do you work with your translators?
We have ASP.NET apps that need to be available in German, French, Italian, English. We use string resources everywhere. However, more than once, our translators have told us just getting a bunch of "txtMyTextbox.Text" and then a German text to be translated is next to impossible to deal with - the context is missing.
So are there any other solutions available? Due to the fact these translators are dispersed all over Europe, we cannot get them to fly in and do their work "on location" - there has to be a way to send them the text fragments to be translated, along with some context, and let them do their work.
Is there any tool out there that would allow me to package up my ASPX pages and ASCX controls along with the text resources, and that would actually visualize them to the translator (without him having to install and host IIS and all) ? I vaguely remember there was a lot one tool in my olden Delphi days that did that - visualize the form (without the real app running), and allowing someone to pick the labels and translate them.
Or would there be a tool that would allow me to make screenshots of my ASPX pages and highlight all label and display their control name ("txtMytextbox") in red, so that the screenshot could serve as an orientation help for someone working on translating a list of labels?
Any hints are most welcome and highly appreciated!
take a look at the Lingobit
How about going around ASP.NET's insternationalization scheme and using a diferent approach, using .po files like the "rest of the world" . The actual text is the key, and translators see that text qhen they are translating. Works pretty well.
describes this.
Make your resource keys more meaningful. This will give them some context
Can the translators get access to a running app? If so, you could set the tooltips of all your labels to be the resource key. That would allow them to mouse over a label to see where its string is coming from.
As your translators become more familiar with the product, they'll be able to better cope with the lack of context. The first time around is a little rough, and you'll need to go through a few rounds of testing and translation revisions. There's not much you can do about it.
Here is the article written by Scott Hanselman. Hope it helps
Globalization, Internationalization and Localization in ASP.NET
