Time-dependent covariates- is there something wrong with this code? (R program) - r

I am checking a few of my Cox multivariate regression analyses' proportional hazard assumptions using time-dependent co-variates, using the survival package. The question is looking at survival in groups with different ADAMTS13 levels (a type of enzyme).
Could I check if something is wrong with my code itself? It keeps saying Error in tt(TMAdata$ADAMTS13level.f) : could not find function "tt" . Why?
Notably, ADAMTS13level.f is a factor variable.
cox_multivariate_survival_ADAMTS13 <- coxph(Surv(TMAdata$Daysalive, TMAdata$'Dead=1')
+TMAdata$`Age at diagnosis`
+TMAdata$`Peak Creatinine`
tt = function(x, t, ...)
{mtrx <- model.matrix(~x)[,-1]
mtrx * log(t)})
Thanks- starting with the fundamentals of my actual code or typos- I have tried different permutations to no avail yet.

#Limey was on the right track!
The time-transformed version of ADAMTS13level.f needs to be added to the model, instead of being separated into a separate argument of coxph(...).
The form of coxph call when testing the time-dependent categorical variables is described in How to use the timeSplitter by Max Gordon.
Other helpful documentation:
coxph - fit proportional hazards regression model
cox_multivariate_survival_ADAMTS13 <-
) ~
+ `Age at diagnosis`
+ CCIwithoutage
+ Gender.f
+ `Peak Creatinine`
+ DICorcrit.f
+ tt(ADAMTS13level.f),
tt = function(x, t, ...) {
mtrx <- model.matrix(~x)[,-1]
mtrx * log(t)
data = TMAdata
p.s. with the original data, there was also a problem because Daysalive included a zero (0) value, which eventually resulted in an 'infinite predictor' error from coxph, probably because tt transformed the data using a log(t). (https://rdrr.io/github/therneau/survival/src/R/coxph.R)


Is it possible to use lqmm with a mira object?

I am using the package lqmm, to run a linear quantile mixed model on an imputed object of class mira from the package mice. I tried to make a reproducible example:
tau=0.5, group= Month, data=airquality,na.action=na.omit)
fit2<-with(imputed, lqmm(Ozone~Solar.R+Wind+Temp+Day,random=~1,
tau=0.5, group= Month, na.action=na.omit))
"Error in lqmm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Day, random = ~1, tau = 0.5, :
`data' must be a data frame"
Yes, it is possible to get lqmm() to work in mice. Viewing the code for lqmm(), it turns out that it's a picky function. It requires that the data argument is supplied, and although it appears to check if the data exists in another environment, it doesn't seem to work in this context. Fortunately, all we have to do to get this to work is capture the data supplied from mice and give it to lqmm().
fit2 <- with(imputed,
lqmm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Day,
data = data.frame(mget(ls())),
random = ~1, tau = 0.5, group = Month, na.action = na.omit))
The explanation is that ls() gets the names of the variables available, mget() gets those variables as a list, and data.frame() converts them into a data frame.
The next problem you're going to find is that mice::pool() requires there to be tidy() and glance() methods to properly pool the multiple imputations. It looks like neither broom nor broom.mixed have those defined for lqmm. I threw together a very quick and dirty implementation, which you could use if you can't find anything else.
To get pool(fit2) to run you'll need to create the function tidy.lqmm() as below. Then pool() will assume the sample size is infinite and perform the calculations accordingly. You can also create the glance.lqmm() function before running pool(fit2), which will tell pool() the residual degrees of freedom. Afterwards you can use summary(pooled) to find the p-values.
tidy.lqmm <- function(x, conf.int = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
estimate = coef(x),
std.error = sqrt(
diag(summary(x, covariance = TRUE,
R = 50)$Cov[names(coef(x)),
glance.lqmm <- function(x, ...) {
logLik = as.numeric(stats::logLik(x)),
df.residual = summary(x, R = 2)$rdf,
nobs = stats::nobs(x),
na_types = "rii")
Note: lqmm uses bootstrapping to estimate the standard error. By default it uses R = 50 bootstrapping replicates, which I've copied in the tidy.lqmm() function. You can change that line to increase the number of replicates if you like.
WARNING: Use these functions and the results with caution. I know just enough to be dangerous. To me it looks like these functions work to give sensible results, but there are probably intricacies that I'm not aware of. If you can find a more authoritative source for similar functions that work, or someone who is familiar with lqmm or pooling mixed models, I'd trust them more than me.

Is there a way to assess proportional hazards with the tt() function in the survival package currently?

I know that in the survival package, you are able to define a function which allows you to transform time in the event that you have a covariate that violates proportional hazards.
However, in the documentation I've seen, you should be able to run a proportional hazards test using cox.zph, but each time I try to run it, it says that the "function is not defined for models with tt() terms."
Is this a change that occurred recently, or am I implementing this incorrectly? The code is below.
cox0 <- coxph(Surv(time=st.time, time2=end.time, event) ~ black + tt(black) + christian +
cluster(id), data =df,
tt = function(x, t, ...) {
mtrx <- model.matrix(~x)[,-1]
mtrx * log(t)
test <- cox.zph(cox0,

How to extract p-values from lmekin objects in coxme package

I want to be able to view the p-values for the lmekin object produced by the coxme package.
model= lmekin(formula = height ~ score + sex + age + (1 | IID), data = phenotype_df, varlist = kinship_matrix)
I tried:
fixef(model)/ sqrt(diag(vcov(model)) #(Calculates Z-scores but not p-values)
But these did not work. So how do I view the p-values for this linear mixed model?
It took me ages of searching to figure this out, but I noticed a lot of other similar questions without proper answers, so I wanted to answer this.
You use:
Note it is important to load the coxme package beforehand or it will not work.
I've also noticed a lot of posts about how to extract the p-value from lmekin objects, or how to extract the p-value from coxme objects in general. I wrote this function, which is based on the coxme:::print.coxme function code (to view code type coxme:::print.coxme directly into R). print calculates p-values on the fly - this function allows the extraction of p-values and saves them to an object.
Note that mod is your model, eg. mod <- lmekin(y~x+a+b)
Use print(mod) to double check that the tables match.
extract_coxme_table <- function (mod){
beta <- mod$coefficients$fixed
nvar <- length(beta)
nfrail <- nrow(mod$var) - nvar
se <- sqrt(diag(mod$var)[nfrail + 1:nvar])
z<- round(beta/se, 2)
p<- signif(1 - pchisq((beta/se)^2, 1), 2)
I arrived at this topic because I was looking for the same thing for just the coxme object. The function of IcedCoffee works with a micro adjustment:
extract_coxme_table <- function (mod){
beta <- mod$coefficients #$fixed is not needed
nvar <- length(beta)
nfrail <- nrow(mod$var) - nvar
se <- sqrt(diag(mod$var)[nfrail + 1:nvar])
z<- round(beta/se, 2)
p<- signif(1 - pchisq((beta/se)^2, 1), 2)

Extracting path coefficients of piecewise SEM (structural equation model)

I'm constructing a piecewise structural equation model using the piecewiseSEM package in R (Lefcheck - https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/piecewiseSEM/vignettes/piecewiseSEM.html)
I already created the model set and I could evaluate the model fit, so the model itself works. Also, the data fits the model (p = 0.528).
But I do not succeed in extracting the path coefficients.
This is the error i get: Error in cbind(Xlarge, Xsmall) : number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2)
I already tried (but this did not work):
standardising my data because of the warning: Some predictor variables are on very different scales: consider rescaling
adapted my data (threw some NA values away)
This is my modellist:
predatielijst = list(
lmer(plantgrootte ~ gapfraction + olsen_P + (1|plot_ID), data = d),
glmer(piek1 ~ gapfraction + olsen_P + plantgrootte + (1|plot_ID),
family = poisson, data = d),
glmer(predatie ~ piek1 + (1|plot_ID), family = binomial, data = d)
with "predatie" being a binary variable (yes or no) and all the rest continuous variables (gapfraction, plantgrootte, olsen_P & piek1)
Thanks in advance!
Try installing the development version:
Replace list with psem and run the coefs or summary function. It will likely get rid of your error. If not, open a bug on Github!
WARNING: this will overwrite your current version from CRAN. You will need to reinstall from CRAN to get version 1.4 back.
try to use lme (out of the nlme library) ilstead of glmer. As far as I understand, the fact that lmer does not provide p-values (while lme does) seems to be the problem here.
Hope this works.

How to extract info from package in R and use in function?

I apologize for the vague question title. What I want to do is run a regression in R using geeglm from the geepack R package, then use information from that to calculate a quasilikelihood information criteria (QIC; Pan 2001). I can do this fairly easily for single models but I would like to write a general function that can do this for a variety of different types of models. I guess my real question is whether there is a better alternative than having a long series of nested ifelse statements?
Here's my current code:
data(dietox) #data from the geepack package
# Run gee regression
dietox$Cu <- as.factor(dietox$Cu)
mf <- formula(Weight ~ Cu * (Time + I(Time^2) + I(Time^3)))
gee1 <- geeglm(mf, data = dietox, id = Pig, family = gaussian, corstr = "ar1")
Then I can run a function to calculate the quasilikelihood:
QlogLik.normal <- function(model.R) {
mu.R <- model.R$fitted.values
y <- model.R$y
# Quasi Likelihood for Normal
quasi.R <- sum(((y - mu.R)^2)/-2)
However, I would like to write a function that is more general because the quasilikelihood function is different for every distribution. The above function would work for gee1 because it had a gaussian (normal) distribution. If I wanted to generalize it for a variety of distributions I could use a series of nested ifelse statements (below), but I don't know if this is the best way to do this. Does anyone have other options or a better solution? This just doesn't seem very elegant to say the least (clearly I don't have much programming or R experience).
QlogLik <- function(model.R) {
mu.R <- model.R$fitted.values
y <- model.R$y
ifelse(model.R$modelInfo$variance == "poisson",
# Quasi Likelihood for Poisson
quasi.R <- sum((y*log(mu.R)) - mu.R),
ifelse(model.R$modelInfo$variance == "gaussian",
# Quasi Likelihood for Normal
quasi.R <- sum(((y - mu.R)^2)/-2),
ifelse(model.R$modelInfo$variance == "binomial",
# Quasilikelihood for Binomial
quasi.R <- sum(y*log(mu.R/(1 - mu.R)) + log(1 - mu.R)),
quasi.R <- "Error: distribution not recognized")))
In this example, I used the model output from geeglm to extract the type of distribution used to model the variance
but there may be other ways to determine what distribution was used in the geeglm model. Any help would be appreciated.
You should be able to rewrite your function like this:
QlogLik <- function(model.R) {
mu.R <- model.R$fitted.values
y <- model.R$y
type <- family(model.R)$family
poisson = sum((y*log(mu.R)) - mu.R),
gaussian = sum(((y - mu.R)^2)/-2),
binomial = sum(y*log(mu.R/(1 - mu.R)) + log(1 - mu.R)),
stop("Error: distribution not recognized"))
As #baptise points out, switch useful in these cases. You use family(model.R)$family to automatically detect what family type should be used with switch.
Also, if your commands for what to do in different cases run beyond one line, you can wrap the lines with curly brackets ({ do something here }) instead.
type1 = { something <- do(this)
thisis(something) },
type2 = do(that))
I hope this helps!
You may also use model.R$family$family which gives the type of distribution used to model the variance, but so far I didn't know if you could eliminate those ifelse statements. The quasi.R in your code differs among different distributions, so you have to define each of them separately.
BTW, it is a good question and thanks for posting it: I had similar situations in the past, and hope to get some advice on how to write the codes more efficiently.
