Debug Firebase hosted Flutter Web app locally in Android Studio - firebase

I have a Flutter web application that is hosted in Firebase.
I'm using the setup described here to load the correct firebase configurations depending on the Firebase environment the application is running in.
My trouble is now I want to be able to debug this locally in my IDE.
I can run the application locally using firebase serve, which starts the webapp (e.g. on localhost:5000) and serves the correct firebase config based on the environment/alias I'm using, that's all nice and good.
My question is whether it is now possible to debug that running application in Android Studio? I know there are ways to do this in Visual Studio code, but I'd rather find a setup that works with AS if possible.
I could also debug the application by clicking the debug button in Android studio, and that will try to launch the application, however it will fail to start since it wont be served the firebase config file correctly (since this is firebase serve does for us).
Is there a way to combine the debugging capabilities of Android Studio with the firebase serve command to give a working application that's debuggable in my IDE?
Thanks in advance,


How can I retrieve firebase hosting deploy ID or message inside my webapp?

For logging purposes I´d like to print to console or even display the current deploy ID (or message) of my firebase web app that is being accessed by the browser.
Firebase Hosting recently released a new REST API. You can use sites.releases.list to see what version is currently deployed.
Old answer:
Firebase deploy IDs don't appear to be available anywhere via programmatic access. The CLI doesn't support listing current or previous deploys.
My recommendation would be to go in the other direction. Have your source code in a vcs like git. When you build and deploy a new version set the vcs hash or version in the deployed code and as the message for firebase deploy. You can then log the log the source version in your code and you can manually associate that back to a release in the Firebase UI.

Anywhere Administration application with the Chrome Simulator

I am trying to setup the Anywhere Administration application in Maximo. I have altered with si.adminmode=true in the MobileFirst Studio and done a buikld all. I have also run Anywhere-Admin-Loader allApps.
I can see my apps and their lookUp data resources but when I put a query against the resource in the admin app the simulator does not honor it an returns data based on the clause in the app.xml.
What step have a missed in the Studio?
Assuming you are using a standalone mobilefirst server after making the change in, you have to rebuild and redeploy the runtime war to the standalone server and restart the standalone server.
If you using the embedded server of MobileFirst Studio to run the runtime, as long as you have "Build Automatically" set at the project level it should be rebuilding and redeploying the war automatically to pickup the si.adminmode=true change. You might have to restart the server from within Studio to get these changes to be picked up.
From the application itself, you have to logout and log back in to pickup these administrative changes.

How do I deploy the polymerfire demo to firebase?

I want to try the demo for polymerfire in firebase. To get it run locally I followed these steps. But what exact steps do I need to do to get it to run in firebase?
I figured firebase init and firebase deploy should be run but the browser only displays errors in the console. Must the polymer project be build in a certain way and what should the firebase "public" folder be?
All files from public folder will be deployed to your Firebase static web hosting, so you can access them though your Firebase hosting address like This allows you to upload your web app.
You build your polymer app (I guess you need to run polymer build). You drag all files generated as production build to your public folder. Next, you run firebase deploy and after deployment process your app will be accessible from your hosting address as I mentioned above.
Edit: Polymerfire demo is actually not that simple to export, but I found a really nice tutorial step-by-step from Google Codelabs here is a link Build a Progressive Web App with Firebase, Polymerfire and Polymer Components
I just installed a new version of the polymer cli and Firebase cli. When I do a Polymer build, no build/bundled or build/unbundled is created.
I do get a build/default, which I can run with a firebase serve and a firebase deploy. So something has changed recently. just fyi

Can Meteor-based-ios app access data from my own server?

I'm new to Meteor and made a very simple meteor-based ios app for personal use and interest, which read data from MongoDB provided by Meteor. I have a quick question and I just want to make sure that I am not spending time on meaningless work.
What I have done is "meteor run ios-device", and it works pretty well that under the same network (wifi) the app on ios could read data from the localhost:3000 on laptop (Mac). Also, I have learned that it is easy to deploy a meteor app on my own server, just run "meteor build /path/to/buildFile --architecture..." and move the bundle to the server to set up; however, then I got confused about this: after the app is deployed to a server, is it possible that the app on ios also able to access to that server?
In short words, app ios works fine with localhost, so is there a way to make it works fine with web hosting so that the app does not need to connect to the same network as the host?
Note that I didn't purchase Apple developer account that could release app to AppStore, so I can only use "real machine debugging". Will this disallow me to make app on ios access the data from my own server?
Thanks for any advance!
I have successfully deployed my project on my own OpenShift server so that I could access it within any networks in browsers. So my point is how do I build an ios app for this project so that I can also access it in iPhone within any network. I have tired run "meteor run ios-device --mobile-server=[my own openshift server]:8000", and when I build the app for deploying I ran this "meteor build ~/some/path --server=[my own openshift server]:8000". This seems does not works. Still waiting for advance!
You are describing one of the main use case of Meteor.
Refer to:
Meteor Guide > Mobile > Configuring your server
Meteor Guide > Mobile > Building for production
To summarize:
When building your Meteor project, if you have ios and/or android platform(s), Meteor will require you to specify the --server option with the URL of the server where your Meteor server bundle will be deployed.
That way, your app will know where to connect to.
Note that you may not need to go through Apple App Store, as long as you do not need to distribute your app. You can simply use the Xcode project (generated by meteor build) to install your app directly on your iPhone.

Can i deploy Azure project on IIS?

I have solution with startup project that have .ccproj format. This is an Azure project that require Azure SDK installed. By default i am able to run it using IIS Express with Azure storage emulator & Azure compute emulator. But when i make some changes i need to recompile entire solution and re-run it. How can i deploy it in IIS server ? Could you advise me alternative deploy method how to run it in simplest way ?
I want to re-compile and attach to process after make some changes in project without restarting IIS Express & Azure emulators, it takes a lot of time.
should be able to run on IIS but you will need to abstract all the calls that your code read content from RoleEnvironmental and direct them to read from Web.config, and have a copy of corresponding settings in your web.config.
once the abstraction is done, set your web app as default startup project, you should be able to run them as normal web app on iis or iisexpress.
