How to manage default subdomain for a given IP address. WHM CP - ip

My client's security team noticed that their website's IP address resolves to the DEV domain and not the LIVE domain.
I other words -
https://99.999.999.999 (if you put it in the browser) resolves to instead of
Is there a way to specify the default domain/subdomain that the IP address resolves to using WHM CP? They'd like it to resolve to
Both websites would still use the same IP.


Cannot access wordpress hosted on localhost from my phone

What I have done:
Created an inbound rule in my firewall on port 80 for requests from local network
Modified Apache's httpd.conf and httpd-vhost.conf to allow requests from local network
Changed the Wordpress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) from localhost to my machine's LAN IP
Connect my phone to the wifi of the same router as my computer
What I can access from my phone:
My WAMP server homepage
The sample directory I created in my server's root directory
My problem:
Whenever I try to access the wordpress directory in my server's root directory from my phone the URL gets changed from my machine's IP address to 'localhost' and I am given the error message that the site cannot be reached. When I open my Wordpress site from my computer it is showing my IP without changing it to localhost. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
It’s because your pc knows the domain name for the IP address. You can check hosts file under C:\windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
Your phone also should know where to ask that domain name. And I advice you to set up a domain in your local. That could solve the problem

How to do i use wamp server to host godaddy domain

So i have bought a domain from godaddy
I have installed wamp got it running so if i put my local ip it goes to my website
i have port forwarded my ip
Now how do i use my domain to access my website hosted in wamp
I have done this also today. How do I host my own website with my purchased domain name from my own laptop?
Edit: I can confirm that if i type my ip in it works good on any wifi or data
To use the domain purchased now you need a DNS server. So that I link your domain name with the IP of your apache server.
If you have a fixed IP. See if you can assign this IP from the Godady panel.
If you have a dynamic IP, you must use a third-party service that may be able to link the dynamic IP and update it for your domain name.
There are many services, but I recommend: or

How are nameserver addresses resolved?

So if I try to navigate to and I don't have the ip address cached, my browser will attempt to contact google's nameservers. If the nameserver is, how exactly is the nameserver's ip address resolved?
Your browser doesn't contact Google's nameservers directly (unless you work there), instead it attempts to contact your organization's DNS servers (as defined by your ISP or network admins) to resolve, and those DNS servers work from there, working their way up the DNS hierarchy to the DNS root servers if necessary.
How do the DNS root servers know the IP addresses for Google's servers? They don't. They look at the ".com" in the domain name, and forward the request to the ".com" TLD servers, currently managed by Verisign. Verisign notes the ".google" part of the domain name, and forwards the request to Google's DNS servers.
How does Verisign know the IP address of Google's DNS servers? Google tells them by registering resource DNS records with them when the IP address changes.
Of course, caching is used up and down all levels of this tree.
See for more info.

IP Addresses for Domains and their Subdomains the same?

I would like to know. When a domain has an IP address:, would any of its subdomains (, etc) have the same IP address listed in the DNS records? Or does it work like this: A request is sent from the browser to the DNS server for The DNS server returns the IP address for, and the split/differentiation is made when the request for hits the host server? So the host server basically know what to do with and not the DNS server?
It can kind of be a combination of both. Ultimately, though, the decisions are made based on what you set your DNS settings to be. Your host (or hosts) will then get whatever traffic you determined they should get in your DNS settings.
So for example...
You can set your DNS settings to take [anything] and always direct that to your server. You would do this by adding a wildcard entry to your DNS subdomains. Wildcard entries use a * symbol to mean "anything". You would then need to configure your server to know what to do with all these different potential subdomains it could be receiving.
At the same time, you can set specific subdomains to go to other hosts. For example, if you wanted to go to some other webmail host, you would set up in your DNS the subdomain "mail" and have that traffic redirected to wherever you were hosting your webmail.

IIS 7 IP Addresses and Domain Restrictions - denying all

This evening I noticed a brute force attack attempt from the same IP address on several of our websites hosted on the same IP address. The attempt was to exploit a bunch of php-related vulnerabilities.
As I get notifications on all of these, I simply added the incoming IP address in IIS Manager/IP Address and Domain Restrictions - set to deny, then left it.
No more notifications, so I figured everything was good.
Later when I attempted to access any of our websites, I got a 403 access denied error from any IP address I tried to access these sites from. I do have one site that I have explicit allow rules set for other IP addresses, which I was able to access, however all the other sites do not have this special rule.
To get all the sites working again, I added an Allow rule where I added an IP address range is the web server's IP address, and Mask or Prefix = "(1)".
Here are the settings in IP Address and Domain Restrictions:
Mode: Allow
Requestor: ([my server's IP address])(1)
Entry Type: Local
So what I'd like to know is why this is now allowing access to the rest of my sites. Did I mistakenly delete a value that should have been there before?
From what I read here, By default, domain name restrictions are disabled.
