How to stop Atom from changing != into a different symbol - atom-editor

I have started using Atom to make clean screen shots of my code for presentation purposes, primarily because it has the indent guides for clear syntax visibility.
This is the first time I have used a program with a != operator. And Atom keeps changing the != into a weird looking crossed out elongated equal sign. I have looked into the preferences & packages, but I cannot find anything that might control symbols being altered.
Would anyone be able to point me to where this automatic alteration can be turned off?


Is there a quick keyboard shortcut in QT to highlight current word?

Currently using Qt.
I notice many others have a lightning-quick ability to highlight a word, copy and paste it.
Without using moving your hands from keyboard to mouse, is there a quick way?
Highlighting words is a function of your operating system, rather than a Qt thing. The exact key combination to use depends on which operating system you use; google searching highlight single word <your OS>should give you the desired result.
Typically it's the combination for jumping the cursor to the next word, combined with shift:
Mac OS ⌥option+→+⇧shift
Windows / Linux Distributions ctrl+→+⇧shift

what's preventing additions to the current set of R reserved words/symbols?

Is there a historical precedent of internal changes to the R parser, adding new reserved words or symbols?
If I remember correctly data.table uses a serendipitous := that was once defined but left unused in R internals, but I'm not aware of others. However, as the language evolves, it would sometimes seem useful to define new symbols.
An obvious case could be made for magrittr's pipe %>% which has become ubiquitous for many, but remains a pain to type (sure, there are keyboard tricks, but still). Similarly, dplyr/rlang introduce/repurpose notations for "tidy evaluation" (!!, !!!, :=, ~, etc.).
Another case I'm seeing is the verbosity of lambda functions. Would it be possible, theoretically, to define internally something like f = λ(x) x+1 instead of f = function(x) x+1, or are there character restrictions on top of other reasons?
Why add an ergonomics feature if you risk breaking a runtime that hosts a huge ecosystem? Also, once you add one feature, you are on a slippery slope and are staring straight in the face of feature bloat.
And if you say that we can be smart and judicious about what features we add, how do we structure that decision process? R does not have a "benevolent dictator" having a final word in decisions like this so you are left with design by committee with all that it entails.
The big thing with R has always been the package ecosystem, in which if you want a feature you write it yourself -- as in your magrittr example. The language itself has remained close to its S roots and has successfully served as a stable platform for all the development that has been happening.

Why is there both setf/setb and setaf/setab in tput?

I'm trying to use tput to set foreground and background colors in my terminal in a device independent way.
If the whole purpose of termcap/terminfo/tput is to become device independent, why are there both versions that explicitly use ANSI controls (setaf/setab) and versions that do not (should not)?
This discussion quotes terminfo(5) which in turn quotes standards that explicitly says that those are to be implemented using ANSI and not ANSI, respectively.
Why isn't there just setf/setb and they always set the foreground and background colors. I don't care how it's done, that's why I use tput!
Why isn't there just setf/setb and they always set the foreground and background colors
are actually two questions!
The first part, why there are ANSI and non-ANSI terminal commands takes too long to exaplin, and it's unnecessary as the history is quite well explained on Wikipedia.
The second part could perhaps be freely rephrased to "what's the difference?" or "what can I do about it?".
ANSI type terminals use another mapping between colour number and colours than non-ANSI terminals. For example, the code for yellow on one would be cyan on the other. There are simply two different mapping tables. Those things are described quite well on Wikipedia.
What you can do about it:
Discover which type of terminal you have, and use corresponding command.
Or modify your termcap.
None of these solutions are fully generic though, unfortunately.

What are the main elements in a QR code?

I didn't know before about artistic or artwork QR codes, while checking some of these codes, they are completely different from the regular standard QR code, but how is it possible to create this kind of QR code without loosing it's value (the scan result is the same) ?
These QR Codes are the most ones that amazed me:
The only thing in common is the 3 corners, and they're different in style.
So my question is, what are the elements that we should preserve while creating such QR Codes ?
The most important things are:
Very nearly square modules
Modest light border
Substantially preserve the three-finder patterns
... and the first line of modules around them, which carries format info
... and the bottom-right alignment pattern, is helpful
The rest, the interior, can be substantially obscured and still be readable, certainly with high error correction. But messing with the elements above will tend to make it unreadable much more rapidly

Can I implement a small subset of Curses in pure C++ (or any similar language) easily?

(I couldn't find anything related to this, as I don't know what keywords to search for).
I want a simple function - one that prints 3 lines, then erases the 3 lines and replaces with new ones. If it were a single line, I could just print \r or \b and overwrite it.
How can I do this without a Curses library? There must be some escape codes or something for this.
I found some escape codes to print colored text, so I'm guessing there is something similar to overwrite previous lines.
I want this to run on OSX and Ubuntu at least.
Edit: I found this -;node_id=575125
Is there a list of ALL such available commands?
(Short answer: Yes. See "ANSI Escape code" in Wikipedia for a complete list of ANSI sequences. Your terminal may or may not be ANSI, but ANSI sequence support seems pretty common - a good starting point at least).
The commands depends on the terminal you are using, or these days of course the terminal emulator.
Back in the day there were physical boxes with names such as "VT-100" or "Ontel".
Each implemented whatever set of escape sequence commands they chose.
Lately of course we only use emulators. Nearly every sort of command line type interface operates in a text-window that emulates something or other.
Curses is a library that allowes your average programmer to write code to manipulate the terminal without having to know how to code for each of the many difference terminals out there. Kind like printer drivers let you print without having to know the details of any particular printer.
First you need to find out what kind of terminal you are using.
Then you can look up the specific commands.
One possible answer is here.
"ANSI" is a common one, typical of MSDOS.
Or, use curses and be happy for it :-)
