Set wd in RStudio - r

I am creating a series of r scripts that will be used by multiple people, meaning that the working directory of files used and stored will differ. There are two folders, one for the R code, called "rcode," and another to store the generated outputs, called "data". These two folders will always be shared in tandem. To accommodate for the changing working directory I created a "global" script that has the following lines of code and resides in the "rcode" folder:
source_path = rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path
swd_data <- paste0("..\\data\\")
The first line gets the source path of the global script. The second line makes this the working directory. The third line essentially tells the script to store an output in the "data" folder, which has the same path as the "rcode" folder. So to read in a csv file within the "data" folder I write:
old_total_demand <- read.csv(paste0(swd_data, "boerne_total_demand.csv"))
When I use this script on my Windows laptop it works beautifully, but when I use it on my Mac I get the following error:
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file '..\data\demand\boerne_total_demand.csv': No such file or directory
Would anyone have any idea why this would be? Thanks in advance for the help.

I'm not sure what systems your collaborators will be using, but you may run into issues due to differences between Window/Mac/Linux with regards to how paths are written. I suggest you create a R Project .Rprj using RStudio and save that in your directory that contains subdirectories for data and rcode, and share the entire project directory.
Then from the R project opened through RStudio you should be able to directly refer to your data by:
data <- read.csv("data/boerne_total_demand.csv")
The working directory will always be where your .Rproj is stored, so you can avoid having to setwd as it causes lots of chaos when sharing and collaborating with others.

I have this code from my current script at hand.
I hope you like it !
path <- dirname(getActiveDocumentContext()$path)
swd_path <- paste0(path,"/data/")
old_total_demand <- read.csv(paste0(swd_data, "boerne_total_demand.csv"))


loading a .csv file to R

I am learning R but I am stuck in loading my own dataset into R. So far, the code that I have is the following. The dataset (.csv) is located in my desktop.
Data500 <- read.csv("sp500.csv", header = TRUE)
I get this error message in the console.
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'sp500.csv': No such file or directory
This is because the file isn't located in your working directory, which is where R is searching.
use getwd() to see what working directory you are in currently (for this R session).
You can either
a) move your csv file to that working directory (if it happens to be a good place to keep it),
b) specify the full path (e.g., read.csv("C:/Users/DChavez/Documents/Project_Name/sp500.csv"))
c) you can change the working directory to be where your file is before running read.csv().
Two ways to do this:
Use setwd() at the top of your code to set the working directory. In Windows, it might look something like this: setwd("C:/Users/DChavez/Documents/Project_Name/")
IF you are using RStudio, you can navigate to the "Session" bar at the top, then "Set Working Directory" then "Choose Directory...", where you will navigate to the folder that houses your csv file.

Read() function in R is looking at wrong folder

When I'm calling any read.___() function in R it is looking at the wrong file path. I have tried changing the working directory multiple times and it keeps going to the same path. For example I'm trying the following:
I then get the following error:
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection In addition:
Warning message: In file(file, "rt") : cannot open file
'C:/OneDrive/Documents/Desktop/Data/file.csv': No such file
or directory
For some reason the read() function adds the documents folder in place of the specified working directory. I tried uninstalling and deleting all files related to R on my computer then reinstalling. I still get the same issue. I've seen others ask a similar question, but everyone keeps telling them to set the working directory to something different. It doesn't matter what I set the working directory to. R keeps adding the Documents folder into the path. How do I get it to stop adding the Documents folder?

Why is the working directory overwritten to the directory of the current Rmd file?

I have an R.proj file called Food_Choices.Rproj that is supposed to be setting my working directory to ~/Desktop/Food_Choices, a folder containing reproducibility files according to the TIER system like
But it's not setting the working directory properly, because when I knit my processing file with code like this
#imagine some processing code in between here
write.csv(food, file = "Analysis-Data/analysis_data.csv")
I get this error:
Error: 'Original_Data/food_coded.csv' does not exist in current working directory ('/Users/IdanCarre/Desktop/Food_Choices/Command_Files').
Which is not the project directory, it's the directory of the processing file!
I thought I set the working directory when I opened the files in the context of the R project, but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore (even though my files from a year ago with the same setup still work??)
NOTE: I don't want to use
opts_knit$set(root.dir = '/Users/IdanCarre/Desktop/Food_Choices')
Because then new users who want to reproduce the results have to go manually insert their own directory into each file they want to run. That's a lot of work they shouldn't have to do.
I used the here package, and that works satisfactorily for read.csv (it throws a data column de-duplication warning but I think it's probably okay for now), but when I write out the processed data file to the analysis data folder, I'm trying to use
write.csv(food, file = here("Analysis-Data", "analysis_data.csv"))
And the error I get is
Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : cannot open the connection
I get this same problem if I use
write.csv(food, file = "Analysis-Data/analysis_data.csv")

importing a CSV file

I just started learning R which is my first programming language. I tried importing a CSV file from my system which is on my downloads in my computer using:
statesInfo <- read.csv('stateData.csv')
But i keep getting the error message below.
Error in setwd("/downloads") : cannot change working directory
statesInfo <- read.csv('stateData.csv')
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'stateData.csv': No such file or directory.
Could I be getting it wrong.
R is unable to recognize the directory that you're referring to and that's why you get the first error.
The working directory remains unchanged and R can not find the file stateData.csv in the current working directory which results in the second error message.
For setting a working directory use the full path instead: setwd("C:/Users/yourname/Downloads/") - notice the forward slash instead of the back-slash.
However, If you're only importing files, you do not need to change your working directory every time. You can simply refer to files in other locations. If you're using windows - you will need to use ./ for sub-folders and ../ for folders that are one level up. For example. if your working directory is set to 'C:/Users/yourname/Desktop/R' and you want to read a file from the 'Downloads' folder, simply use the below code:
dat <- read.csv("../../Downloads/stateData.csv")
the first ../ takes you one level up to the 'Desktop' and the second ../ takes you to 'Users'. From there you are referring to 'Downloads' folder where the stateData.csv file is located.
The above works for Windows isntallations, for Mac/others you would have to use the tilda notation: e.g. ~/Desktop
So, it should be like this.
MyData <- read.csv(file="c:/mydir/TheDataIWantToReadIn.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

Error in gzfile(file, "wb"): cannot open the connection or compressed file

I'm trying to run two things: first, I'm creating a PDF with 4x5, ending with, and then trying to create a new graph. However, after starting the second plot, I get:
Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, "wb") :
cannot open compressed file '/var/folders/n9/pw_dz8d13j3gb2xgqb6rfnz00000gn/T/RtmpTfm1Ur/rs-graphics-822a1c83-b3fd-46c3-8028-4e0778f91d0c/4db4b438-ac35-403b-b791-e781baba152c.snapshot', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Graphics error: Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection
What is this error? The working directory is one I have read/write access to, and my hard drive isn't full.
Also, I'm using RStudio.
This is a bit late but for anyone coming here for help, I got this error when I was trying to write a file from RStudio and my destination file path was very long. I realized this could be a problem because when I wrote the file to another location with a shorter name and tried to copy it into my original destination, Windows gave me an error saying "File path too long". You might need to save the original file into another location with a shorter absolute path.
Maybe you should look here. At the end it says
The most common reason for failure is lack of write permission in the current directory. For save.image and for saving at the end of a session this will shown by messages like
Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, "wb") :
cannot open compressed file '.RDataTmp',
probable reason 'Permission denied'
So rapidly, if you try getwd(), look at where is your working directory set. If you're trying to save your document in a place where it's not in your current working directory, it will throw you this error.
At the end of your error message, it says probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Graphics error: Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection
My diagnosis would be simply that it's trying to save your item in the wrong place and RStudio is not able to find the right place.
This burned me so hopefully saves someone else some toil. The issue was that the classifiers loaded just fine on OS X but on the Linux deployment system they would fail with the error listed in the question. The issue was the the files on the disk had extension abc.RData but the code modelAbc <- readRDS(file="abc.Rdata"). The difference in the upper and lowercase D in the .RData vs .Rdata extension would fail on Linux. It was not very noticeable but check your extensions for case.
You may have no permission to save file in the directory.
On RStudio, get your working directory by getwd().
Then, go to the directory in linux and observe its owner by ls -l.
Now you can change the owner of the directory by chown -R username directoryname.
But you must be root.
Problem resolved by specifying full file path:
I faced this issue lately. Try turning off your anti-virus and build the package, it might help. It worked for me. Usually anti-virus blocks the permissions and you could avoid it by disabling for sometime just before building a package.
I was trying to save an RDS file to my local Dropbox folder so it syncs with my Dropbox.
I figured out I got the same error because I was trying to create a new folder and looks like saveRDS cannot create a new folder, but it can add files to existing folders. So I changed the path to add the file into an existing folder and it worked!
In my case it was Windows Defender which was preventing Rstudio to write any file on hard drive. Either you need to turn Controlled Folder Access off or add Rstudio in the exclusion list.
I also had this problem when working with RStudio and R Markdown. I was getting this error message and had an annoying number of fatal errors which closed RStudio. My issue was that I was working off a network drive and either the name was too long, as in #AHedge above or my network firewalls were giving me trouble. For the moment, I have moved my working files to my desktop and things seem to be working fine. Not sure what this means for my file management over time.
Just want to add more clarity(scenarios in my experience) to what M Beausoleil mentioned.
When you are using a shared-working-directory and trying to rewrite the RDS files which are already existing in a working-directory written by some other user, you get this error.
As some people have already quoted that deleting the existing RDS files or changing the working directory works. It's not a magic. It just works because you are writing a new RDS file and not trying to re-write the old ones.
I came into the same problem after I re-install a new version of RStudio.
The Rmarkdown file I created using old version of RStudio shows the same problem.
When I use ggplot() to draw a picture the error code are as follow:
Warning in gzfile(file, "wb") :
cannot open compressed file 'I:/Rlearning/.Rproj.user/shared/notebooks/58A1385C-PCA作图/1/2C15461A183AC56C/cco192gb0pow1_t\_rs_rdf_32004888ecb.rdf', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection
Create a new Rmarkdown file
Delete all codes
Copy your old Rmarkdown code into it.
I had the same problem.For me, it was caused due to not having enough disk space on the drive where R studio was installed.Freeing up space works.
The reason for the error is that your username is Chinese.Please create new user folder with English in the user directory.For example, you could name the folder for "DavidSmith".Then, you need create three folders("AppData","Local","Temp").File directory C:\Users\DavidSmith\AppData\Local\Temp.
In the Advanced system settings which will modify the environment variables TMP and TEMP C:\Users\DavidSmith\AppData\Local\Temp.Save them.
After modification, open RStudio and try again.
Notice:TMP and TEMP are modified in the USER VARIABLE.
I just ran into this problem after changing my system locale.
Check your locale using Sys.getlocale().
Change it to appropriate one using Sys.setLocale("LC_ALL","ENG") (replace "ENG" with appropriate one)
I can't say with certainty which locale would be appropriate, but it seems to be coherent with default OS one.
Hope this helps!
I had this error because of an invalid character in the filename to be used to save the file, in my case "/" (there are many such characters that cannot be used in a filename). I removed the character and it was solved.
In my case, I received the error "Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : cannot open the connection" when trying to exit R in the Anaconda Prompt and saving workspace image. I am using Windows 10 and R-3.5.2. To fix it, I had to go to the Program Files folder, right click and the R folder, then selected Properties. Selected the Security tab, then, in the Group or user names box, selected Users, then clicked Edit. In the Permissions for Users, I checked Full control and Modify and saved the changes. Then I was able to save the workspace image.
I have another instance of this error which seems to be new (or at least not listed here or here: apparently it's not OK to save a file with the name aux.RData. I guess it's a reserved filename.
x <- rnorm(9000)
save(x, file = "aux.RData")
Error in gzfile(file, "wb") : no se puede abrir la conexión
Also: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, "wb") :
cannot open compressed file 'aux.RData', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
But when I change the filename saves with no problem:
save(x, file = "aux_file.RData")
Haven't seen this case in the other answers:
if this seems to happen all the time, and to be very persistent when it does happen, check the default directory in your file handling software connection.
In my case FileZilla was logging on to my DigitalOcean droplet as "root" and whenever I used FileZilla to create a directory it was setting write permissions to "root", whereas my RStudio on the same droplet read/wrote as "My_Name". Anytime I set something up in FZ (e.g. large imported files, renamed or copied) the permissions would switch and I'd get this error.
If this is what is causing frequent error messages it can be solved instantly with chown -R My_Name directoryname but in the longer run, if you are going to be using your file handler to define and create a lot of directories, it will pay to create a connection whose default name is the same name you use for RStudio.
In my case, when it happened first, months ago, the solution here worked.
But recently, it came back, constantly... What solved this time was to change the anti-virus. I have not just the Windows defender, but also a 2nd anti-virus, the same in both times. I ended up deinstalling it and installing another antivirus... After this, the problem did not happen again...
After several days trying to solve this same ERROR or problem in my case (Windows 10 and R), I tried to save my file(file.RData) in D disk instead of C disk (where I always was working and I have installed R) and it was fine, without problems,my file was saved in D:/Users.When I tried many times to save it in C disk, always gave me Permission denied.
save(Myfile, file="D:/Users/Myfile.RData")
I encountered this same issue when trying to save an Rds file from an Markdown file. Changing my relative file path to an absolute file path worked for me.
In my case, this error was because the file that I wanted to re-write, was read-only (for whatever reason, I didn't do it myself). I just right-click on the file's name in the folder and unchecked the read-only property. After that it worked.
