Can't download file inside nupckg - jfrog-cli

I have a nuspec file inside a nuget package stored in artifactory.
In Artifact Repository Browser I'm able to view and download this nuspec file.
However I can't download it from jfrog.exe.
I've tried
jfrog.exe rt dl foldername/packagename.nupkg!/filename.nuspec
and I get nothing.
So far my only solution is to download the entire package
jfrog.exe rt dl foldername/packagename.nupkg
and then unzip it to extract filename.nuspec
Do you have a better suggestion ?

Your observation is correct. CLI is not yet supported to download the files under a wrapped file like ZIP/nupkg files.
Alternativly, you can use REST API
curl -uadmin:password -O "http://localhostL8082/artifactory/nuget-local/entityframework.6.2.0.nupkg\!/EntityFramework.nuspec"
Also, make sure to add a backward slash (\) before the special character (!) as an escape.
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Where to find the server data files for maps in Linux

As the title saying, I couldn't find the server data files.
I want to switch my server from win10 to Linux.
I did the compile step by step follow the AC WIKI.
When doing the "Extractors", I can not find these files which necessary.
In last sthe core installation , this is the command I use:
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/root/azeroth-server/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DWITH_WARNINGS=1 -DTOOLS=0 -DSCRIPTS=static
-DTOOLS=0 means it will NOT compile the extractors. You can either:
A) use -DTOOLS=1 to compile and generate the extractors and then extract the data files yourself
B) (easier) just download them
Check this page for more details:

Artifactory cli - download existing files

I'm using a JFROG cli to download content from an Artifactory. It seems that even though a destination contains same files, cli is trying to download it. If I re-run the command without cleaning the destination folder, I takes the same time.
Is there any option to speedup the process? If destination folder has the same SHA1 file, skip?
Our command (download all folders a* in the repo):
jfrog rt dl --threads=`nproc` repo_name/a*/ $TMP_FOLDER/
JFrog CLI is already skipping download in case of a file existence which is validated using a checksum.
You can see this by setting the environment variable "JFROG_CLI_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG" and then running same download command again. In the debug log you will see on some files the following line: "File already exists locally" - this means the download was skipped due to a file existence.
The relevant code can be found in GitHub - see the method "downloadFileIfNeeded".
Keep in mind that the CLI still has to get the file info from Artifactory and calculate the local file checksum, so in case of a lot of small files, this won't have a strong effect as on big files download.

How to make a groovy script which uploads a file to JFrog's artifactory

I'm trying to write a simple Groovy script which deploys a text file into my artifactory. I read the REST API in order to understand how to write the script but I've seen so many vastly different versions online I'm confused.
I want it to be a simple groovy script using the REST API and curl.
This is what JFrog are suggesting in their website:
curl -u myUser:myP455w0rd! -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/my-repository/my/new/artifact/directory/file.txt" -T Desktop/myNewFile.txt
And it might work perfectly but I don't understand each part here, and I don't know if I can simply integrate this into a groovy script as is or some adjustments are needed.
I'm a beginner in this field and I would love any help!
Thanks in advance
As you are using the '-T' flag it is not required also to use the '-X PUT'.
Also, the use of '-T' allows you to not specify the file name on the destination so for example, your path will be "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/my-repository/my/new/artifact/directory/' and the file name will be the same as it is on the origin.
The full command will look like that:
curl -u user:password -T Desktop/myNewFile.txt "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/my-repository/my/new/artifact/directory/"
Now just to be on the safe side, you are going to have the file name and path to file on the destination as variables right?
The -T flag should only be used for uploading files so don't take it as obvious that you can replace all '-X PUT' with '-T' but for this specific case of uploading a file, it is possible.

How to add files in the RPM package of an Sailfish OS project?

I am trying to build a Sailfish OS app, and I need to use *.wav files, which are to be distributed through the *.rpm package. In my case, these files are to be put in /usr/share/[application_name]/sounds/*. How do I set up the *.pro and *.yamp files accordingly?
This isn't a RPM question per se: you seem to be asking how to configure
your application through *.pro and *.yamp if you deliver content in
*.rpm packages.
The packaging answer is: Patch the configuration files exactly the same
as if you were installing the *.wav files manually (i.e. not through *.rpm).
You will need to copy the *.wav content into the %buildroot tree that
is used to stage the files to be included in the package, as well as the
modified *.pro and *.yamp content. All the files to be included in the
*.rpm package will need to be mentioned in the %files manifest exactly
as they are to be installed (i.e. w/o the %buildroot prefix used for
staging files while building).
I finally found an answer!
I want to thank to the owner of that project:
From the .pro and the .yaml files of this project i found out how to deploy the files. First, we declare that constant:DEPLOYMENT_PATH = /usr/share/$${TARGET} which seems to hold the path to /usr/share/[appname]. Next, we define some kind of a variable (TODO: find a more detailed explanation of that). The definition of that first sets the path to the files, for example, data.files = data (the second data is the folder). Next, we set data.path to $${DEPLOYMENT_PATH}. We list all the files in OTHER_FILES and add the setting, in our case, data, to INSTALLS. Now, that we are finished with the .pro file, we move to the .yaml file for the .rpm and we add to the necessary line to the Files: section, in our case, - '%{_datadir}/%{name}/data', the last being the folder we need to add. TODO: to whoever is more experienced, please provide a more detailed answer.
Did you check carefully? May helps.

How do I find the packages defined in a jar?

I have a bunch of JAR files (from a maven2 project) and maven reports some package could not be found (org.openanzo.client.jena to be exact). I want to dig into the JAR files downloaded as the result of maven dependency resolution and find what packages are thus available from these JAR files. Insights?
UPDATE: Apparently, the only good solution to inspect insides of a jar file is the "jar" utility or one can use the facilities of their IDE to do so.
jar tvf filename.jar will show you the contents of a jar file without requiring you to extract it.
But I think that maybe what you are really trying to do is find the right coordinates for the dependency that you are missing, since obviously none of the ones you have right now are supplying the package you are looking for (in other words, checking their contents is not likely to help you).
I confess that the first place I would suggest to check is Sonatype's public Nexus instance. A search for your example turns up nothing, though. Usually that means the project is not trying to get their stuff into Maven Central or other major repositories (which is okay), so you have to resort to a web search. Usually the first two sections of the package tell you where to look ( in your case).
If you are on Linux or a Mac, you could go to the terminal at the root of the folder containing your JARs and type:
# grep -ri "org.openanzo.client.jena" *
It will return a recursive list of all JAR files that contain that package name. If it returns 0 results, then none of those JARS contain that package.
If you wanted to do a more exhaustive search, you could unJAR the JAR files. The directory structure and .class files will be organized by packages in folders.
# jar xvf filename.jar
If you are on Windows, you can unJAR a JAR file using a tool such as 7Zip.
you do not have to rename a .jar file to .zip. You can directly open the jar file in winzip/or other zip utility (assuming windows OS)
try using "jar class finder" eclipse plugin from IBM. Simple plugin for finding classes (if you know the class name)
as carsten suggested... set the jar files as lib files and manually look it up
create a batch file called a.bat (where you have all your jar files directly under a single folder) and paste the following 4 lines
dir /b *.jar > allJarFilesList.txt
FOR /F %%A IN (allJarFilesList.txt) DO jar -tf %%A > list_of_packages.txt
FOR %%B IN (list_of_packages.txt) DO FIND /I "com/sun" %%B
NOTE the "com/sun" in the last line.. it is hard coded, you can pass as argument as well...
I know this is very basic form and can be improved "a lot" like looking up in various sub directories.
hope this helps :-)
.jar files are just ZIP compressed archives, rename it to zip, open it with your favourite unzip programm, and traverse through the directory.
If you add the jar file to a eclipse project, you can traverse through the lib in th project explorer.
Assuming maven downloaded the jar files,the files will be loaded in to a local repository.
You could use maven browser that comes packaged with Eclipse to browse and search for artifacts in your repository.(usually in userdir/.m2/repository)
Note:You can explore your repository directly if you want. You will understand the packages that were downloaded. But I suggest using the plugin.
If you are using Intellij IDEA, each project contains a tree called External Library that allows you to search and explore your libraries.
