I have a table (named, patrons) that contains a column (named, json_patron_varfields) of JSON data--an array of objects that looks something like this:
"display_order": 1,
"field_content": "example 1",
"name": "Note",
"occ_num": 0,
"varfield_type_code": "x"
"display_order": 2,
"field_content": "example 2",
"name": "Note",
"occ_num": 1,
"varfield_type_code": "x"
"display_order": 3,
"field_content": "some field we do not want",
"occ_num": 0,
"varfield_type_code": "z"
What I'm trying to do is to target the objects that contain the key named varfield_type_code and the value of x which I've been able to do with the following query:
json_extract(patrons.json_patron_varfields, json_tree.path)
json_tree.key = 'varfield_type_code'
AND json_tree.value = 'x'
My Question is... how do I extract (or even possibly filter on) the values of the field_content keys from the objects I'm extracting?
I'm struggling with the syntax of how to do that... I was thinking it could be as simple as using json_extract(patrons.json_patron_varfields, json_tree.path."field_content") but that doesn't appear to be correct..
You can concat to build the string
json_tree.path || '.field_content'
With the structure you've given - you can also use json_each() instead of json_tree() which may simplify things.
json_extract(value, '$.field_content')
WHERE json_extract(value, '$.varfield_type_code') = 'x'
WHERE json_extract(value, '$.varfield_type_code') = 'x'
AND json_extract(value, '$.field_content') = 'example 2'
I have a large json which is actually a concatenated array of objects from several configuration files. I would like to use them to bring up a menue in a bash script. To make the menue easier to read, the json array contains special objects that would trigger a line break. In the end, the user picks the index of the array.
A simplified json looks like this:
"index" : 0,
"value" : "one a"
"index" : 3,
"value" : "two a"
"value" : ""
"index" : 2,
"value" : "three a"
"value" : ""
"index" : 1,
"value" : "one b"
"index" : 3,
"value" : "two b"
"index" : 2,
"value" : "three b"
All values with a come from the first file, all bs from the second file. The entries with an empty value are line breaks.
What I got so far, after hours of researching, is this:
jq --raw-output 'to_entries[] | "\(.key + 1). \(.value.value) (\(.value.index))"' test.json
Which produces this out of the above data:
1. one a (0)
2. two a (3)
3. (null)
4. three a (2)
5. (null)
6. one b (1)
7. two b (3)
8. three b (2)
Now the user would type 8 to work with the three b.
What I need, however, is this:
1. one a (0)
2. two a (3)
3. three a (2)
4. one b (1)
5. two b (3)
6. three b (2)
So the user would need to type 6 to do the same.
Any idea welcome!
Using foreach to count would be one way:
foreach .[] as {$index, $value} (0;
if $value != "" then . + 1 else . end;
if $value != "" then "\(.). \($value) (\($index))" else "" end
1. one a (0)
2. two a (3)
3. three a (2)
4. one b (1)
5. two b (3)
6. three b (2)
I have a dictionairy as follows:
"age": "76",
"Bank": "98310",
"Stage": "final",
"idnr": "4578",
"last number + Value": "[345:K]"}
I am trying to adjust the dictionary by splitting the last key-value pair creating a new key('total data'), it should look like this:
"Total data":ยจ[
"last number": "345"
"Value": "K"
Does anyone know if there is a split function based on ':' and '+' or a for loop to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
One option to accomplish that could be getting the last key from the dict and using split on + for the key and : for the value removing the outer square brackets assuming the format of the data is always the same.
If you want Total data to contain a list, you can wrap the resulting dict in []
from pprint import pprint
d = {
"age": "76",
"Bank": "98310",
"Stage": "final",
"idnr": "4578",
"last number + Value": "[345:K]"
last = list(d.keys())[-1]
d["Total data"] = dict(
Output (tested with Python 3.9.4)
{'Bank': '98310',
'Stage': 'final',
'Total data': {' Value': 'K', 'last number ': '345'},
'age': '76',
'idnr': '4578',
'last number + Value': '[345:K]'}
Python demo
I have a list of state names:
stateNames = ['Alabama', 'Georgia', 'Florida']
And I have a dictionary that has a list of codes for each state name. *Not all states have codes. And I don't need the codes for all states, just the ones from the list:
masterdict = {'Alaska': [1,2,3], 'Alabama': [4, 5, 6], 'Arkansas': [7,8,9], 'Arizona': [], 'California': [], 'Colorado': [], 'Connecticut': [], 'DistrictOfColumbia': [], 'Delaware': [], 'Florida': [21, 48], 'Georgia': ['1,3,2,4,5'], 'Wyoming': []}
I want to look through my list and get the codes individually for each state in that list. I'm still a little off on the logic. One is a list(item in list) and one is a dictionary with keys ('state name') and values (list of codes). What am I doing incorrectly here:
for item in stateNames:
for k in masterdict.item():
if item == masterdict[k]:
In your first loop, you are getting all of the keys. So you don't need to do another loop. Just grab the value by the key.
for item in stateNames:
I'm using js tool to parse some JSONs/strings. My minimal example is the following command:
echo '"foo foo"' | jq 'match("(foo)"; "g")'
Which results in the following output:
"offset": 0,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"captures": [
"offset": 0,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"name": null
"offset": 4,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"captures": [
"offset": 4,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"name": null
I want my final output for this example to be:
But in this case I get two separate objects instead of an array or similar that I could call implode on. I guess either the API isn't made for my UC or my understanding of it is very wrong. Please, advise.
The following script takes the string value from each of the separate objects with .string, wraps them in an array [...] and then joins the members of the array with commas using join.
I modified the regex because you didn't actually need a capture group for the given use case, but if you wanted to access the capture groups you could do .captures[].string instead of .string.
echo '"foo foo"' | jq '[match("foo"; "g").string] | join(",")'
I want to create a function that can take a dictionary of dictionaries such as the following
information = {
"sample information": {
"ID": 169888,
"name": "ttH",
"number of events": 124883,
"cross section": 0.055519,
"k factor": 1.0201,
"generator": "pythia8",
"variables": {
"trk_n": 147,
"zappo_n": 9001
and then print it in a neat way such as the following, with alignment of keys and values using whitespace:
sample information:
ID: 169888
name: ttH
number of events: 124883
cross section: 0.055519
k factor: 1.0201
generator: pythia8
trk_n: 147
zappo_n: 9001
My attempt at the function is the following:
def printDictionary(
dictionary = None,
indentation = ''
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, dict):
indentation = indentation,
key = key
dictionary = value,
indentation = indentation + ' '
print(indentation + "{key}: {value}".format(
key = key,
value = value
It produces the output like the following:
sample information:
name: ttH
generator: pythia8
cross section: 0.055519
zappo_n: 9001
trk_n: 147
number of events: 124883
k factor: 1.0201
ID: 169888
As is shown, it successfully prints the dictionary of dictionaries recursively, however is does not align the values into a neat column. What would be some reasonable way of doing this for dictionaries of arbitrary depth?
Try using the pprint module. Instead of writing your own function, you can do this:
import pprint
Be aware that this will print characters such as { and } around your dictionary and [] around your lists, but if you can ignore them, pprint() will take care of all the nesting and indentation for you.