Running Jupyter notebook (and generating plots) from the command line - julia

I'm trying to use the terminal to run a jupyter notebook (kernel: Julia v1.6.2), which contains generated using Plots.jl, before uploading the notebook to github for viewing on
Following this question:
How to run an .ipynb Jupyter Notebook from terminal?
I have been using nbconvert as follows:
jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace
This runs the notebook (if you tweak the timeout limits), however, it does not display plots when using Plots.jl, even when I explicitly call display(plot()) at the end of a cell.
Does anyone have any idea how notebooks can be run remotely in such a manner that plots will be generated and displayed, particularly when using Julia?

I managed to generate Plots.jl plots by getting from IJulia the same configuration it uses to run notebooks (this is probably the most sure way when you have many Pyhtons etc.).
using Conda, IJulia
Conda.add("nbconvert") # I made sure nbconvert is installed
mycmd = IJulia.find_jupyter_subcommand("nbconvert")
append!(mycmd.exec, ["--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=600","--to", "notebook" ,"--execute", "note1.ipynb"])
Now mycmd has exactly the same environment as seen by IJulia so we can do run(mycmd):
julia> run(mycmd)
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook note1.ipynb to notebook
Starting kernel event loops.
[NbConvertApp] Writing 23722 bytes to note1.nbconvert.ipynb
The outcome got saved to note1.nbconvert.ipynb, I open it with nteract to show that graphs actually got generated:

Launch notebook with using IJulia and notebook() in the REPL


Sequentially running jupyter notebooks with different conda environments

I've got 10 jupyter notebooks, each with many unique package dependencies (that conflict), so I've created a different anaconda environment for each notebook. Each notebook relies on the output of the previous one, which I store and read from local csv files.
Right now I am running each jupyter notebook manually (with their own anaconda environment) to get the final result. Is there a way to run a single script that runs the code of all the jupyter notebooks sequentially (with the correct anaconda environment for each one)?
You could do it in python and use runipy. You just have to install it with:
pip install runipy
An example on how to use it from the docs:
from runipy.notebook_runner import NotebookRunner
from IPython.nbformat.current import read
notebook = read(open("MyNotebook.ipynb"), 'json')
r = NotebookRunner(notebook)
If you want to run each notebook in a different environment, you can activate each conda environmentfrom a python script. There are multiple ways to do so, one of them is this:'source activate environment-name && "enter command here" && source deactivate', shell=True)
Replace the "enter command here" with the command you want to run. You
don't need the "source deactivate" at the end of the command but it's
included just to be safe.
This will temporarily activate the Anaconda environment for the
duration of the subprocess call, after which the environment will
revert back to your original environment. This is useful for running
any commands you want in a temporary environment.

Linking VS Code interactive window to running Jupyter notebook

Let's say that you have two windows open in VS Code, one is a Jupyter notebook, and the other is the Python interactive window. Both are running the same kernel. Is there a way to link these two windows, so when cells are run in the notebook, the interactive window will know about the resulting variables?
I'm aware that VS Code has a Python code format that can be linked to the interactive window, and that Jupyter notebooks can be converted into this format. Is it possible to directly link a Jupyter notebook to the interactive window without first doing this conversion?
With JupyterLab the is accomplished with the New Console for Notebook command.

ggplot graphs not outputting Jupytr Notebook (R/tidyverse)

My jupytr notebook won't output any of my gig-lot objects no matter what I do. I've restarted the kernel, jupytr notebook, Anaconda Navigator, and my computer and nothing seems to help. I've tried opening new notebooks and reformatting but nothing is working.

Can I run a jupyter notebook with an R kernel from a jupyter notebook with a python kernel?

I have some R code to update a database stored in update_db.ipynb. When I try to %run update_db.ipynb from a jupyter notebook with a python kernel, I get an error
File "<ipython-input-8-815efb9473c5>", line 14
city_weather <- function(start,end,airports){
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Looks like it thinks that update_db.ipynb is written in python. Can I specify which kernel to use when I use %run?
Your error is not due to the kernel selected. Your command %runĀ is made to run python only, but it has to be a script, not a notebook. You can check in details the ipython magic commands
For your use case I would suggest to install both python and R kernel in jupyter. Then you can use the magic cell command %%R to select to run R kernel for a cell inside the python notebook. Source :this great article on jupyter - tip 19
Other solution is to put your R code in an R script, and then execute it from a jupyter notebook. For this you can run a bash command from a jupyter notebook that will execute the script
!R path/to/script.r

Can Jupyter run a separate R notebook from within a Python notebook?

I have a Jupyter notebook (python3) which is a batch job -- it runs three separate python3 notebooks using %run. I want to invoke a fourth Jupyter R-kernel notebook from my batch.
Is there a way to execute an external R notebook from a Python notebook in Jupyter / iPython?
Current setup:
run_all.ipynb: (python3 kernel)
%run '1_py3.ipynb'
%run '2_py3.ipynb'
%run '3_py3.ipynb'
%run '4_R.ipynb'
The three python3 notebooks run correctly. The R notebook runs correctly when opened separately in Jupyter -- however it fails when called using %run from run_all.ipynb. It is interpreted as python, and the cell gives a python error on the first line:
cacheDir <- "caches"
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'str'
I am interested in any solution for running a separate R notebook from a python notebook -- Jupyter magic, shell, python library, et cetera. I would also be interested in a workaround -- e.g. a method (like a shell script) that would run all four notebooks (both python3 and R) even if this can't be done from inside a python3 notebook.
(NOTE: I already understand how to embed %%R in a cell. This is not what I am trying to do. I want to call a complete separate R notebook.)
I don't think you can use the %run magic command that way as it executes the file in the current kernel.
Nbconvert has an execution API that allows you to execute notebooks. So you could create a shell script that executes all your notebooks like so:
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute 1_py3.ipynb
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute 2_py3.ipynb
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute 3_py3.ipynb
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute 4_R.ipynb
Since your notebooks require no shared state this should be fine. Alternatively, if you really wanna do it in a notebook, you use the execute Python API to call nbconvert from your notebook.
import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
with open("1_py3.ipynb") as f1, open("2_py3.ipynb") as f2, open("3_py3.ipynb") as f3, open("4_R.ipynb") as f4:
nb1 =, as_version=4)
nb2 =, as_version=4)
nb3 =, as_version=4)
nb4 =, as_version=4)
ep_python = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
#Use jupyter kernelspec list to find out what the kernel is called on your system
ep_R = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='ir')
# path specifies which folder to execute the notebooks in, so set it to the one that you need so your file path references are correct
ep_python.preprocess(nb1, {'metadata': {'path': 'notebooks/'}})
ep_python.preprocess(nb2, {'metadata': {'path': 'notebooks/'}})
ep_python.preprocess(nb3, {'metadata': {'path': 'notebooks/'}})
ep_R.preprocess(nb4, {'metadata': {'path': 'notebooks/'}})
with open("1_py3.ipynb", "wt") as f1, open("2_py3.ipynb", "wt") as f2, open("3_py3.ipynb", "wt") as f3, open("4_R.ipynb", "wt") as f4:
nbformat.write(nb1, f1)
nbformat.write(nb2, f2)
nbformat.write(nb3, f3)
nbformat.write(nb4, f4)
Note that this is pretty much just the example copied from the nbconvert execute API docs: link
I was able to use the answer to implement two solutions to running an R notebook from a python3 notebook.
1. call nbconvert from ! shell command
Adding a simple ! shell command to the python3 notebook:
!jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute r.ipynb
So the notebook looks like this:
%run '1_py3.ipynb'
%run '2_py3.ipynb'
%run '3_py3.ipynb'
!jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute 4_R.ipynb
This seems simple and easy to use.
2. invoke nbformat in a cell
Add this to a cell in the batch notebook:
import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
rnotebook = "r.ipynb"
rnotebook_out = "r_out.ipynb"
rnotebook_path = '/home/jovyan/work/'
with open(rnotebook) as f1:
nb1 =, as_version=4)
ep_R = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='ir')
ep_R.preprocess(nb1, {'metadata': {'path': rnotebook_path}})
with open(rnotebook_out, "wt") as f1:
nbformat.write(nb1, f1)
This is based on the answer from Louise Davies (which is based on the nbcovert docs example), but it only processes one file -- the non-R files can be processed in separate cells with %run.
If the batch notebook is in the same folder as the notebook it is executing then the path variable can be set with the %pwd shell magic, which returns the path of the batch notebook.
When we use nbformat.write we choose between replacing the original notebook (which is convenient and intuitive, but could corrupt or destroy the file) and creating a new file for output. A third option if the cell output isn't needed (e.g. in a workflow that manipulates files and writes logs) is to just ignore writing the cell output entirely.
One drawback to both methods is that they do not pipe cell results back into the master notebook display -- as opposed to the way that %run displays the output of a notebook in its result cell. The !jupyter nbconvert method appears to show stdout from nbconvert, while the import nbconvert method showed me nothing.
