converting to tail recursion - recursion

Consider a function g(x):
g(x) = x == 0 ? 0 : g(g(x - 1))
I don't think this is tail recursive, since the call to g(x) can be broken down into two parts:
let y = g(x - 1);
return g(y);
how to convert this to tail recursion?

continuation-passing style
You can convert from direct style to continuation-passing style -
g'(x,return) =
x == 0
? return(0)
: g'(x - 1, x' => # tail
g'(x', return)) # tail
Now write g to call g' with the default continuation -
g(x) = g'(x, x' => x')
Depending on the language you use, you may have to rename return to something else. k is a popular choice.
another example
We can see this technique applied to other problems like fib -
# direct style
fib(x) =
x < 2
? x
: fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2) # "+" has tail position; not fib
# continuation-passing style
fib'(x, return) =
x < 2
? return(x)
: fib'(x - 1, x' => # tail| first compute x - 1
fib(x - 2, x'' => # tail| then compute x - 2
return(x' + x''))) # tail| then return sum
fib(x) = fib'(x, z => z)
other uses
Continuation-passing style is useful in other ways too. For example, it can be used to provide branching or early-exit behavior in this search program -
search(t, index, match, ifFound, notFound) =
i >= length(t)
? notFound()
: t[index] == match
? ifFound(index)
: search(t, index + 1, match, ifFound, notFound)
We can call search with continuations for each possible outcome -
search(["bird", "cat", "dog"],
matchedIndex => print("found at: " + matchedIndex),
() => print("not found")
how to
A function written in continuation-passing style takes an extra argument: an explicit "continuation"; i.e., a function of one argument — wikipedia
(* direct style *)
add(a, b) = ...
(* continuation-passing style takes extra argument *)
add(a, b, k) = ...
When the CPS function has computed its result value, it "returns" it by calling the continuation function with this value as the argument.
(* direct style *)
add(a, b) =
a + b
(* continuation-passing style "returns" by calling continuation *)
add(a, b, k) =
k(a + b) (* call k with the return value *)
That means that when invoking a CPS function, the calling function is required to supply a procedure to be invoked with the subroutine's "return" value.
(* direct style *)
print(add(5, 3)) (* 8 *)
(* continuation-passing style *)
add(5, 3, print) (* 8 *)
Expressing code in this form makes a number of things explicit which are implicit in direct style. These include: procedure returns, which become apparent as calls to a continuation; intermediate values, which are all given names; order of argument evaluation, which is made explicit; and tail calls, which simply call a procedure with the same continuation, unmodified, that was passed to the caller.
you've probably used continuations before
If you've ever run into someone saying "callback", what they really mean is continuation.
"When the button is clicked, continue the program with event => ..." -
document.querySelector("#foo").addEventListener("click", event => {
console.log("this code runs inside a continuation!")
<button id="foo">click me</button>
"When the file contents are read, continue the program with (err, data) => ..." -
import { readFile } from 'fs';
readFile('/etc/passwd', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;


How does F# implement let rec?

I am wondering how F# implements let rec, and I couldn't find an answer. As a preface, I'll address how Scheme implements letrec:
In Scheme, let is just syntactics sugar for a definition of a lambda and applying it:
(let ((x 1)) (+ x 2))
is transformed to
((lambda (x) (+ x 2)) 1)
(in each case the expression is evaluated to 3).
letrec is also syntactic sugar, but #f is passed as initial argument to the lambda's parameters, and set! expressions are injected before the letrec body, like in this transformation:
(letrec ((x 1)) (+ x 2)) => ((lambda (x) (begin (set! x 1) (+ x 2))) #f).
Considering that F# doesn't have an equivalent operator to Scheme's set!, how does it implement let rec? Does it declare the function's parameters as mutable, and then mutate them in the function's body?
In F#, let rec allows a reference to the binding from within the function before it has been bound. let rec doesn't have an implementation per se, because it is merely a compiler hint.
In this contrived example,
let rec even =
function 0 -> true | 1 -> false | x -> odd (x - 1)
and odd =
function 0 -> false | 1 -> true | x -> even (x - 1)
the compiled IL very unglamorously translates to:
public static bool even(int _arg1)
switch (_arg1)
case 0:
return true;
case 1:
return false;
return odd(_arg1 - 1);
public static bool odd(int _arg2)
switch (_arg2)
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return true;
return even(_arg2 - 1);
All function definitions are statically compiled to IL.
F# ultimately is a language which runs on the CLR.
There is no meta-programming.

Unique array of random numbers using functional programming

I'm trying to write some code in a functional paradigm for practice. There is one case I'm having some problems wrapping my head around. I am trying to create an array of 5 unique integers from 1, 100. I have been able to solve this without using functional programming:
let uniqueArray = [];
while (uniqueArray.length< 5) {
const newNumber = getRandom1to100();
if (uniqueArray.indexOf(newNumber) < 0) {
I have access to lodash so I can use that. I was thinking along the lines of:
const uniqueArray = [
].map((currentVal, index, array) => {
return array.indexOf(currentVal) > -1 ? getRandom1to100 : currentVal;
But this obviously wouldn't work because it will always return true because the index is going to be in the array (with more work I could remove that defect) but more importantly it doesn't check for a second time that all values are unique. However, I'm not quite sure how to functionaly mimic a while loop.
Here's an example in OCaml, the key point is that you use accumulators and recursion.
let make () =
Random.self_init ();
let rec make_list prev current max accum =
let number = 100 in
if current = max then accum
else begin
if number <> prev
then (number + prev) :: make_list number (current + 1) max accum
else accum
make_list 0 0 5 [] |> Array.of_list
This won't guarantee that the array will be unique, since its only checking by the previous. You could fix that by hiding a hashtable in the closure between make and make_list and doing a constant time lookup.
Here is a stream-based Python approach.
Python's version of a lazy stream is a generator. They can be produced in various ways, including by something which looks like a function definition but uses the key word yield rather than return. For example:
import random
def randNums(a,b):
while True:
yield random.randint(a,b)
Normally generators are used in for-loops but this last generator has an infinite loop hence would hang if you try to iterate over it. Instead, you can use the built-in function next() to get the next item in the string. It is convenient to write a function which works something like Haskell's take:
def take(n,stream):
items = []
for i in range(n):
except StopIteration:
return items
return items
In Python StopIteration is raised when a generator is exhausted. If this happens before n items, this code just returns however much has been generated, so perhaps I should call it takeAtMost. If you ditch the error-handling then it will crash if there are not enough items -- which maybe you want. In any event, this is used like:
>>> s = randNums(1,10)
>>> take(5,s)
[6, 6, 8, 7, 2]
of course, this allows for repeats.
To make things unique (and to do so in a functional way) we can write a function which takes a stream as input and returns a stream consisting of unique items as output:
def unique(stream):
def f(s):
items = set()
while True:
x = next(s)
if not x in items:
yield x
except StopIteration:
raise StopIteration
return f(stream)
this creates an stream in a closure that contains a set which can keep track of items that have been seen, only yielding items which are unique. Here I am passing on any StopIteration exception. If the underlying generator has no more elements then there are no more unique elements. I am not 100% sure if I need to explicitly pass on the exception -- (it might happen automatically) but it seems clean to do so.
Used like this:
>>> take(5,unique(randNums(1,10)))
[7, 2, 5, 1, 6]
take(10,unique(randNums(1,10))) will yield a random permutation of 1-10. take(11,unique(randNums(1,10))) will never terminate.
This is a very good question. It's actually quite common. It's even sometimes asked as an interview question.
Here's my solution to generating 5 integers from 0 to 100.
let rec take lst n =
if n = 0 then []
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> x :: take xs (n-1)
let shuffle d =
let nd = (fun c -> (Random.bits (), c)) d in
let sond = List.sort compare nd in snd sond
let rec range a b =
if a >= b then []
else a :: range (a+1) b;;
let _ =
(String.concat "\t" ("5 random integers:" :: string_of_int (take (shuffle (range 0 101)) 5)))
How's this:
const addUnique = (ar) => {
const el = getRandom1to100();
return ar.includes(el) ? ar : ar.concat([el])
const uniqueArray = (numberOfElements, baseArray) => {
if (numberOfElements < baseArray.length) throw 'invalid input'
return baseArray.length === numberOfElements ? baseArray : uniqueArray(numberOfElements, addUnique(baseArray))
const myArray = uniqueArray(5, [])

SML syntactical restrictions within recursive bindings?

There seems to be syntactical restrictions within SML's recursive bindings, which I'm unable to understand. What are these restrictions I'm not encountering in the second case (see source below) and I'm encountering when using a custom operator in the first case?
Below is the case with which I encountered the issue. It fails when I want to use a custom operator, as explained in comments. Of the major SML implementations I'm testing SML sources with, only Poly/ML accepts it as valid, and all of MLton, ML Kit and HaMLet rejects it.
Error messages are rather confusing to me. The clearest one to my eyes, is the one from HaMLet, which complains about “illegal expression within recursive value binding”.
(* A datatype to pass recursion as result and to arguments. *)
datatype 'a process = Chain of ('a -> 'a process)
(* A controlling iterator, where the item handler is
* of type `'a -> 'a process`, so that while handling an item,
* it's also able to return the next handler to be used, making
* the handler less passive. *)
val rec iter =
fn process: int -> int process =>
fn first: int =>
fn last: int =>
val rec step =
fn (i: int, Chain process) (* -> unit *) =>
if i < first then ()
else if i = last then (process i; ())
else if i > last then ()
let val Chain process = process i
in step (i + 1, Chain process)
in step (first, Chain process)
(* An attempt to set‑up a syntax to make use of the `Chain` constructor,
* a bit more convenient and readable. *)
val chain: unit * ('a -> 'a process) -> 'a process =
fn (a, b) => (a; Chain b)
infixr 0 THEN
val op THEN = chain
(* A test of this syntax:
* - OK with Poly/ML, which displays “0-2|4-6|8-10|12-14|16-18|20”.
* - fails with MLton, which complains about a syntax error on line #44.
* - fails with ML Kit, which complains about a syntax error on line #51.
* - fails with HaMLet, which complains about a syntax error on line #45.
* The clearest (while not helpful to me) message comes from HaMLet, which
* says “illegal expression within recursive value binding”. *)
val rec process: int -> int process =
(fn x => print (Int.toString x) THEN
(fn x => print "-" THEN
(fn x => print (Int.toString x) THEN
(fn x => print "|" THEN
val () = iter process 0 20
val () = print "\n"
(* Here is the same without the `THEN` operator. This one works with
* all of Poly/ML, MLton, ML Kit and HaMLet. *)
val rec process =
fn x =>
(print (Int.toString x);
Chain (fn x => (print "-";
Chain (fn x => (print (Int.toString x);
Chain (fn x => (print "|";
Chain process)))))))
val () = iter process 0 20
val () = print "\n"
(* SML implementations version notes:
* - MLton, is the last version, built just yesterday
* - Poly/ML is Poly/ML 5.5.2
* - ML Kit is MLKit 4.3.7
* - HaMLet is HaMLet 2.0.0 *)
I could work around the issue, but still don't understand it. If I remove the outermost parentheses, then it validates:
val rec process: int -> int process =
fn x => print (Int.toString x) THEN
(fn x => print "-" THEN
(fn x => print (Int.toString x) THEN
(fn x => print "|" THEN
Instead of:
val rec process: int -> int process =
(fn x => print (Int.toString x) THEN
(fn x => print "-" THEN
(fn x => print (Int.toString x) THEN
(fn x => print "|" THEN
But why is this so? An SML syntax subtlety? What's its rational?
It's just an over-restrictive sentence in the language definition, which says:
For each value binding "pat = exp" within rec, exp must be of the form "fn match".
Strictly speaking, that doesn't allow any parentheses. In practice, that's rarely a problem, because you almost always use the fun declaration syntax anyway.

A "reduce" function in Vim script

Vim script has a few very basic functional programming facilities.
It has map() and filter(), but as far as I know it lacks a reduce() function. "Reduce" reduces a collection of values to a single value.
Is there a way to create reduce() or emulate it somehow in Vim script? Is it possible to reduce a list of values, without writing an explicit loop, in a Vim script expression? As an example, is there a way to reduce the first five positive integers over the addition operation, as is par for the course in functional languages?
In JavaScript:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y; });
In Clojure:
(reduce + (range 1 (inc 5)))
In Haskell:
foldl (+) 0 [1..5]
In J:
In Vim script: ...?
For future reference, here are my variations on the theme, inspired by the answers that #MatthewStrawbridge linked.
The expression for the original example problem:
eval(join(range(1, 5), '+'))
A more general solution in the same vein, using Add(), where a is range(1, 5):
This constructs the string "Add(Add(Add(Add(1,2),3),4),5)", and then evals it. Fun!
Finally, Reduce(), which takes a Funcref and a list, and then reduces it in a loop using Vim's list "destructuring" syntax [x, y; z]. See :h :let-unpack.
function! Reduce(f, list)
let [acc; tail] = a:list
while !empty(tail)
let [head; tail] = tail
let acc = a:f(acc, head)
return acc
And this is how it's used:
:echo Reduce(function('Add'), range(1, 5))
I think you're expected to construct a string and then execute it (which I admit feels a bit clunky). The help (:h E714) gives this example:
:exe 'let sum = ' . join(nrlist, '+')
So in your case, where nrlist is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], it would construct the string let sum = 1+2+3+4+5 and then execute it.
Alternatively, you can probably code up your own reduce function as there isn't one built in.
I found a discussion on the vim_use Google Group (How powerful is language build in vim compare with the language build in emacs?, 25th Jan 2010) about functional programming in Vim, which included a couple of implementations of just such a reduce function.
The first, by Tom Link, is as follows:
function! Reduce(ffn, list) "{{{3
if empty(a:list)
return ''
let list = copy(a:list)
let s:acc = remove(list, 0)
let ffn = substitute(a:ffn, '\<v:acc\>', "s:acc", 'g')
for val in list
let s:acc = eval(substitute(ffn, '\<v:val\>', val, 'g'))
return s:acc
echom Reduce("v:val + v:acc", [1, 2, 3, 4])
echom Reduce("v:val > v:acc ? v:val : v:acc", [1, 2, 3, 4])
echom Reduce("'v:val' < v:acc ? 'v:val' : v:acc", split("characters",
The second, by Antony Scriven, is as follows:
fun Reduce(funcname, list)
let F = function(a:funcname)
let acc = a:list[0]
for value in a:list[1:]
let acc = F(acc, value)
return acc
fun Add(a,b)
return a:a + a:b
fun Max(a,b)
return a:a > a:b ? a:a : a:b
fun Min(a,b)
return a:a < a:b ? a:a : a:b
let list = [1,2,3,4,5]
echo Reduce('Add', list)
echo Reduce('Max', list)
echo Reduce('Min', list)
It's sad that it doesn't have a reduce function, here is mine
function s:reduce(acc, fn, args) abort
let acc = a:acc
for item in a:args
let acc = a:fn(a:acc, item)
return acc
Here is a sum function defined on terms of reduce
let Sum = {... -> s:reduce(0, {acc, arg -> acc + arg}, a:000)}

Ocaml continuation passing style

I'm new to ocaml and tryin to write a continuation passing style function but quite confused what value i need to pass into additional argument on k
for example, I can write a recursive function that returns true if all elements of the list is even, otherwise false.
so its like
let rec even list = ....
on CPS, i know i need to add one argument to pass function
so like
let rec evenk list k = ....
but I have no clue how to deal with this k and how does this exactly work
for example for this even function, environment looks like
val evenk : int list -> (bool -> ’a) -> ’a = <fun>
evenk [4; 2; 12; 5; 6] (fun x -> x) (* output should give false *)
The continuation k is a function that takes the result from evenk and performs "the rest of the computation" and produces the "answer". What type the answer has and what you mean by "the rest of the computation" depends on what you are using CPS for. CPS is generally not an end in itself but is done with some purpose in mind. For example, in CPS form it is very easy to implement control operators or to optimize tail calls. Without knowing what you are trying to accomplish, it's hard to answer your question.
For what it is worth, if you are simply trying to convert from direct style to continuation-passing style, and all you care about is the value of the answer, passing the identity function as the continuation is about right.
A good next step would be to implement evenk using CPS. I'll do a simpler example.
If I have the direct-style function
let muladd x i n = x + i * n
and if I assume CPS primitives mulk and addk, I can write
let muladdk x i n k =
let k' product = addk x product k in
mulk i n k'
And you'll see that the mulptiplication is done first, then it "continues" with k', which does the add, and finally that continues with k, which returns to the caller. The key idea is that within the body of muladdk I allocated a fresh continuation k' which stands for an intermediate point in the multiply-add function. To make your evenk work you will have to allocate at least one such continuation.
I hope this helps.
Whenever I've played with CPS, the thing passed to the continuation is just the thing you would normally return to the caller. In this simple case, a nice "intuition lubricant" is to name the continuation "return".
let rec even list return =
if List.length list = 0
then return true
else if List.hd list mod 2 = 1
then return false
else even ( list) return;;
let id = fun x -> x;;
Example usage: "even [2; 4; 6; 8] id;;".
Since you have the invocation of evenk correct (with the identity function - effectively converting the continuation-passing-style back to normal style), I assume that the difficulty is in defining evenk.
k is the continuation function representing the rest of the computation and producing a final value, as Norman said. So, what you need to do is compute the result of v of even and pass that result to k, returning k v rather than just v.
You want to give as input the result of your function as if it were not written with continuation passing style.
Here is your function which tests whether a list has only even integers:
(* val even_list : int list -> bool *)
let even_list input = List.for_all (fun x -> x mod 2=0) input
Now let's write it with a continuation cont:
(* val evenk : int list -> (bool -> 'a) -> 'a *)
let evenk input cont =
let result = even_list input in
(cont result)
You compute the result your function, and pass resultto the continuation ...
