Quasar programatically closes popup dialog after all processing completes - asynchronous

I have a q-dialog component that has 2 buttons - CANCEL and OK. Cancel button uses v-close-popup but OK can't use that as it is doing some async data fetching, fill some UI element on the dialog and do some processing before it closes automatically. I tried to use v-close-popup and it results in undefined UI element when document.getElementById is called on the existing UI element because the dialog has closed before the processing completes. I need the UI element in the processing part because I use easyqrcodejs which needs a UI element to generate QR code. Any idea and insight is appreciated. Thanks.

Without your code is difficult to know exactly what you need.
<q-dialog v-model="isDialogOpen" />
setup() {
async function fetchData() {
// do some await things here
// done with await update v-model (if using Composition API)
isDialogOpen.value = false;
// ...
return { isDialogOpen }
If you update your question with some code, I will update mine. 😁


How to close multiple dialog box using Angular

I have a running Angular 9 application and I have created custom dialog box. I have also used ComponentFactoryResolver to dynamically load the component.
My custom dialog box looks like:
So, when I click on close button, the dialog box closes.
As per the current implementation, if I open multiple dialog box on the screen, then I am able to close only last opened dialog box by clicking on close button.
My expected behavior is to close all the dialog box. Please help me on this
Stackblitz demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/dialog-box-overlay
Note: In this stackblitz demo, one modal opens on the top of another modal as I have not modified the css. So, please focus on Modal name to get to know which modal is opened
Instead of assigning the created modal component to the services dcRef property you need to manage all of your modal components, i.e. in a list. Your service's open() method
open(component: Type<any>, modalName: string) {
const factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(DialogComponent);
this.dcRef = factory.create(this.injector);
return this.dcRef;
returns the component reference. You could manage this reference from the caller and pass it as an argument to your close() method. When all of the component refs are managed by the service you can also "batch close" all modals (see closeAll()):
export class DialogService {
refs: ComponentRef<DialogComponent>[] = [];
constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private applicationRef: ApplicationRef,
private injector: Injector
) { }
open(component: Type<any>, modalName: string) {
const factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(DialogComponent);
var ref = factory.create(this.injector);
const domElement = (ref.hostView as EmbeddedViewRef<any>).rootNodes[0] as HTMLElement;
ref.instance.open(component, modalName);
return ref;
close(ref) {
// Remove ref from a list managed by the service
var i = this.refs.indexOf(ref);
this.refs.splice(i, 1);
this.refs.forEach(r => this.close(r));
This is not tested and might need to be tuned, but you should get the idea. Instead of using the ComponentRef as a handle you can also create some custom object to prevent the caller of the modal to interact with the component directly.

jQuery UI dialog - check if exists by instance method

I'd like to use instance method for testing if jQuery UI Dialog widget has been initialized or not. Regarding to API, this is possible, but it doesn't work for me:
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'instance'
demo: http://jsfiddle.net/mDbV7/
This was a mistake in the documentation, instance method will be available from version 1.11.0, see this issue.
The latest version of jQuery UI no longer allows you to call UI methods on items that are not initialized yet. I've just been wrapping them in an if statement, like:
if ($("#divToBeDialoged").hasClass('ui-dialog-content')) {
// do whatever
} else {
// it is not initialized yet
Edit: changed class name, thanks #dmnc
It is also a good habit to empty and destroy dialogs once you're done using them.
I usually use this code in the close event of each dialog
// other options
close: function(event, ui) {
That'd be my advice, rather than asking every time if a dialog exists in an instance make sure that each dialog cleans up after itself.
You can use:
if($('#id').is(':ui-dialog')) {
var obj = $('<div>test</div>').dialog();
if (obj.is(':ui-dialog')) {
alert('I\'m a dialog')
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
If you are making that dialog from an existing id in your html code, like this example:
Notice that dialog() adds the class ui-dialog in a <div> parent element generated for it to work. At the #main element, the classes added by dialog() are: ui-dialog-content and ui-widget-content (in jquery-ui-1.9.2). So, in this case, following the example from #jbabey, you can check the existing dialog doing:
if ($('#main').hasClass('ui-dialog-content')) {
// do whatever
if ($('#update').is(':data(dialog)'))
//#update has dialog
//#update does't have dialog
For jQuery UI - v1.10.3
if($( "#myDialog" ).is(':data(uiDialog)')){//is(':data(dialog)') does not work
//Dialog exist
another way is
$("[aria-describedby="IDNAME"]").remove(); - if you want to remove same dialog, which makes as html code DATA
$("[aria-describedby="IDNAME"]") - element of Dialog with additional ID NAME. You can detect data by
($("[aria-describedby="IDNAME"]").lenght > 0)
or remove all dialog with this ID for prevent duplicate window.

Keypress events stopped working outside of "input" elements in Meteor after update to 0.5.2

I just found out that after upgrading to Meteor 0.5.2 (from 0.5) event handling for key events ('keypress', 'keydown', keyup') stopped working for me. Other events like ('click' & 'blur') work just fine.
Even in sample apps the code like this doesn't do anything:
Template.someTemplate.events = {
'keydown' : function(e) {
The interesting thing is that this code does work (function fires) for keypresses in I'm typing inside an input type="text" or a textarea.
But elsewhere - nothing happens.
I'm testing on the latest Crome in Ubuntu 12.10.
Has anybody else experienced the issue?
The keydown event works for me for html that is editable. Input fields or contenteditable tags fire the keydown event.
But if you're asking how to handle keydown events on the body, this thread might help:
You can take a look at this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/meteor-talk/uHy--xIGH8o.
Basically, for now, you can attach an event handler to the body element directly. In the example in the above link, he waits until the template is rendered, and then used jQuery to attach the handler:
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function() {
// Assuming you're using jQuery
$('body').on('keydown',function() {
console.log('key pressed');
The Meteor team is apparently going to include better support for attaching body level events soon.
You could have simply enclosed
$('body').on('keydown',function() {
console.log('key pressed');
in meteor.startup function

How do I clear MVC client side validation errors when a cancel button is clicked when a user has invalidated a form?

I have a partial view that is rendered within a main view. The partial view takes advantage of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations and Html.EnableClientValidation().
A link is clicked, and div containing the partial view is displayed within a JQuery.Dialog().
I then click the save button without entering any text in my validated input field. This causes the client side validation to fire as expected, and display the '*required' message beside the invalid field.
When the cancel button is clicked, I want to reset the client side MVC validation back to it's default state and remove any messages, ready for when the user opens the dialog again. Is there a recommended way of doing this?
This answer is for MVC3. See comments below for help updating it to MVC 4 and 5
If you just want to clear the validation-messages so that they are not shown to the user you can do it with javascript like so:
function resetValidation() {
//Removes validation from input-fields
//Removes validation message after input-fields
//Removes validation summary
If you need the reset to only work in your popup you can do it like this:
function resetValidation() {
//Removes validation from input-fields
$('#POPUPID .input-validation-error').addClass('input-validation-valid');
$('#POPUPID .input-validation-error').removeClass('input-validation-error');
//Removes validation message after input-fields
$('#POPUPID .field-validation-error').addClass('field-validation-valid');
$('#POPUPID .field-validation-error').removeClass('field-validation-error');
//Removes validation summary
$('#POPUPID .validation-summary-errors').addClass('validation-summary-valid');
$('#POPUPID .validation-summary-errors').removeClass('validation-summary-errors');
I hope this is the effect you seek.
If you are using unobtrusive validation that comes with MVC you can simply do:
$.fn.clearErrors = function () {
$(this).each(function() {
Third Party Edit:
This mostly worked in my case, but I had to remove the $(this).find(".field-validation-error").empty(); line. This appeared to affect the re-showing of the validation messages when resubmitting.
I used the following:
$.fn.clearErrors = function () {
$(this).each(function() {
and then called it like this:
$('#MyFormId input').clearErrors();
function resetValidation() {
You can simply define a new function in jQuery:
$.fn.resetValidation = function () {
$(this).each(function (i, e) {
if ($(e).next().is('span')) {
and then use it for your input fields:
$('#formId input').resetValidation();
Thank you. I had a similar question for a slightly different scenario. I have a screen where when you click one of the submit buttons it downloads a file. In MVC when you return a file for download, it doesn't switch screens, so any error messages which were already there in the validation summary remain there forever. I certainly don't want the error messages to stay there after the form has been submitted again. But I also don't want to clear the field-level validations which are caught on the client-side when the submit button is clicked. Also, some of my views have more than one form on them.
I added the following code (thanks to you) at the bottom of the Site.Master page so it applies to all of my views.
<!-- This script removes just the summary errors when a submit button is pressed
for any form whose id begins with 'form' -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$('[id^=form]').submit(function resetValidation() {
//Removes validation summary
Thanks again.
You can tap into the validation library methods to do this.
There are two objects of interest: FormContext and FieldContext. You can access the FormContext via the form's __MVC_FormValidation property, and one FieldContext per validated property via the FormContext's fields property.
So, to clear the validation errors, you can do something like this to a form:
var fieldContexts = form.__MVC_FormValidation.fields;
for(i = 0; i < fieldContexts.length; i++) {
var fieldContext = fieldContexts[i];
// Clears validation message
// Clears validation summary
Then, you can hook that piece of code to whichever event you need.
Sources for this (quite undocumented) insight:
http://bradwilson.typepad.com/presentations/advanced-asp-net-mvc-2.pdf (Mentions FieldContext)
https://stackoverflow.com/a/3868490/525499 (For pointing out this link, which metions how to trigger client-side validation via javascript)
In order to complete clear the validation artifacts including the message, the coloured background of the input field, and the coloured outline around the input field, I needed to use the following code, where this was (in my case) a Bootstrap modal dialog containing an imbedded form.
$(this).each(function () {
Here you can use simply remove error message
$('.field-validation-valid span').html('')
$('.field-validation-valid span').text('')
I've this issue for "Validation summery" after form ajax submit and done it like this:
$form.find('.validation-summary-errors ul').html('');
and complete code is:
$("#SubmitAjax").on('click', function (evt) {
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
if ($form.valid()) {
//Do ajax call . . .
//Clear validation summery
$form.find('.validation-summary-errors ul').html('');

Synchronous dialogs in Flex?

How can I open a synchronous dialog in Flex? I need to call a function from an External Interface (JavaScript) that will open a simple dialog in the Flex application and returns an value according to the button the user has clicked (OK/Cancel).
So it should by a synchronous call to a dialog, i.e. the call waits until the user has closed the dialog like this.
//This function is called by JavaScript
function onApplicationUnload():Boolean
var result:Boolean;
result = showDialogAndWaitForResult();
return result
Does anybody know how I can do this? I could write a loop that waits until the dialog has set a flag and then reads the result to return it, but there must be something that is way more elegant and reusable for waiting of the completion of other asynchronous calls.
Unfortunately a callback does not work as the JavaScript function that calls onApplicationUnload() itself has to return a value (similar to the onApplicationUnload() function in Flex). This JavaScript function has a fixed signature as it is called by a framework and I cannot change it. Or in other words: The call from JavaScript to Flex must also be synchronous.
Flex doesn't work in a synchronous fashion, as it is a single thread application and so needs your code to hand execution back to the "core" in order to handle user input etc.
The way to do it is to make your dialogue's behaviour asynchronous:
function onApplicationUnload():void
function resultMethod(result:Boolean):void
ExternalInterface.call("javaScriptCallback", [result]);
You can't do that in Flex. As David mentioned, Flex is single-threaded, so you can't have your function block while the dialog is being processed.
Your best bet might be to use a Javascript popup. You'll have a lot less control over the window, but it should behave the way you want (blocking the function until it's been closed).
Have your Flex code use an event to wait for the dialog. In the main thread, register an event handler that waits for the dialog to close. On OK in the dialog, dispatch the dialog complete event.
With Cairngorm, this is something like:
In the main thread:
CairngormEventDispatcher.getInstance().addEventListener(ClosingDialogCompleteEvent.DIALOG_COMPLETE, onClosingDialogComplete);
(if you want to avoid returning until complete, loop on a timer and global variable.)
In the dialog closing handler:
CairngormEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new ClosingDialogCompleteEvent(<parameters>));
The event handler:
public function onClosingDialogComplete (e: ClosingDialogCompleteEvent):void
param1 = e.param1;
param2 = e.param2;
// etc.
// Continue processing or set the global variable that signals the main thread to continue.
For this to work, the class ClosingDialogCompleteEvent has to be defined. Partial code for the class is:
package com. ... .event // You define where the event lives.
import com.adobe.cairngorm.control.CairngormEvent;
public class ClosingDialogCompleteEvent extends CairngormEvent
// Event type.
public static const DIALOG_COMPLETE:String = "dialogComplete";
public var param1:String;
public var param2:String;
public function ClosingDialogCompleteEvent(param1:String, param2:String)
this.param1 = param1;
this.param2 = param2;
Waiting on an event is the best way to synchronize in Flex. It works well for startup dialogs too. In a flex-only application it works especially well.
I have explained a workaround to create synchronous alert in flex
OK... after all I found a possible solution. But I guess hardly everybody is going to do that seriously :-(
The solution focuses around using a while loop to check for a result and then return the function that is being called by JavaScript. However we need a way to sleep in the while loop, while we are waiting for the result. However calls to JavaScript are synchronous. Now the trick is to make a sleep in JavaScript, which is also not directly available here, but can be done using a synchronous XML Http Request like described on this blog.
As I said - I won't recommend this only as last resort. For my problem I have resorted to ugly JavaScript popups.
Have your dialog call another function in flex to process the result of the user selection:
private function deleteFileCheck():void
Alert.show("Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
"Confirm Delete",
Alert.YES| Alert.NO,
this, deleteFileHandler, null, Alert.NO);
private function deleteFileHandler(event:CloseEvent):void
if (event.detail == Alert.YES)
...do your processing here
You can fake a synchronous dialog in flex by popping up a dialog then disabling everything in the background. You can see this in action if you do Alert.show("Hello World"); in an application. The background will grey out and the user won't be able to click on any UI in the background. The app will "wait" until the user clicks the OK button.
