Can i link a css to only one react component? - css

I want to apply one CSS file to only on Home.js component. I don't want this CSS to be applied to other components. For other components, I have a CSS file. But when I apply that CSS file to Home.js, it also applies to other components, and it mixes everything.

Once a css file is loaded it is accessible in all files. If you need to avoid the style being conflicted, it would be better to create a unique id/class name or use inline styling


CSS overlapping in reactJS

in my react project, in the SRC directory I have components directory, which contains components folders, every component folder has react component (JSX) and a CSS file, I found that the CSS styles in a component folder overlap with other components styles, although I'm only importing it in the JSX file that I want to use the styles for, why is that happening? like I want to have a CSS file for every component separately
Do you have experience in pure HTML, CSS, and JS before? CSS rules are global.
The closest to what you are looking for is CSS module, if you are using Create React App, it is supported out of the box.
At the end of the day all your styles are compiled into a global stylesheet, specifically in multiple style tags spread across the application which are scoped to the global app.
If you need to scope styles to components, you need to use something like styled components.
Take a look at this post that might help you understand it better.

The same class name in two different css files conflict in ReactJS

I have a component folder and two different components in it, every component has its own css file with the link in its jsx file.
when I use a the same class name in them it affects the other component too! While the other component has its own css file and link.
Why is that?
For example:
In both components I have a class named: "PlayerPhoto"
when I change its height and width, the photo in other components (with separate css file but the same class name) would change too!
It happens because your css is imported simply as normal css - without unique identificator. You need to specify classes with unique names or have a look at Css Modules which solve this problem and creating unique classes automatically
Or you can use libraries as EmotionJS or styled-components
Your app.js file may has the property for the className="PlayerPhoto", make sure that your app.css has not the same className if there were, then it overwrite your component base css.
You can also use inline css, to overcome this type of issues.

What is a difference between importing global styles in angular-cli.json and adding them separately to every css in every component?

I have in styles in angular-cli.json "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css". Why when I remove these lines and I add to every css in every component #import "{correct path to every directory/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css}"it doesn't work as before?
The styles from styles.scss or included in the angular-cli.json work globally on the page, whereas when imported - they work only for the specific component.
That being said, it's probably not working for you, because bootstrap adds some styles to i.e. <html> or <body> elements and your components cannot style these.
Most likely your AppComponent's locator (app-root or so) is placed inside <body>. It cannot style parents.
Bootstrap should be imported once in your global stylesheet, then bootstrap classes/components may be used in your entire application.
Styles imported in component decorators are encapsulated (by default) and should be used inside given component only. When you try to import Bootstrap to all your components, generated stylesheet is repeated many times.

Overriding css styles of a package in angular

Angular cli automatically loads css files those are in node_module directory. I am using #swimlane/ngx-dnd and it has css style. But I want to use bootstrap styles for my components. What's standard way for doing this ?
Appreciate any idea and helps.
In your app.component.ts, add:
styleUrls:[''], // Add your bootstrap css files
templateUrl: ....
If you want to override a package's styles, you can just provide overrides in your own stylesheet or component stylesheet with the same or more specific style definition. Your definition will need to match their style, but must be loaded after their style and/or be more specific so that your style applies correctly.
If you want to exclude their style sheets you will need to use some sort of plugin for webpack to Ignore the css files in the package directory.
I'd recommend the first approach.
If the package you are using creates dynamic markup along with the styling, you may need to change your component encapsulation so that the component you are using can successfully apply your styles to the generated dom elements.

Importing only one class of a css file

I have a web page, Page-A, that uses a primary css file. I have other pages, Page-B, that use another primary css file. I'd like to use two classes of the Page-B css file into Page-A, but I do not want to override other classes and functions of Page-A css with this Page-B css file.
Is it possible to import only two classes of a css file instead of all its classes. In other words, is it possible to constrain an #import or link to load only a few classes?
What you could do is mark the classes that will be overriding everything with the !important tag in CSS, which means that it will not be overridden.
I would just input the two classes you want into the Page-A css file, as there is unfortunately no way to just import certain classes.
I would suggest making one master CSS file and input into both pages, that way all of your changes are reflected on both pages.
No. It's not possible.
But: You can still prefix your CSS rules with a class or an ID. It can helps you work with specificity ( and with rule importance.
You can also prefix CSS rule which will be applied-only for some nodes like div html.two div so after load second CSS file will be still ignored.
No, it is not possible to import specific classes from a CSS file.
The correct way to do this would be to create a master CSS file, which all your webpages can share.
Delete the classes you need from PageBs css(OPTIONAL), add them to a new CSS file.
Link the new file to both the pages.
This way you will not override any classes and have a CSS file which has all the shared classes both pages need.
