Routine Presentation Template in Google Slides - google-slides

I make the same presentations with the same structure almost every day, week, month, quarter end.
I am having difficulty creating a template that I can just open up and fill out everyday.
What is the best way to approach this problem in terms of workflow?
How can I create my own "template?"

(1) Create the Template
(2) Click File > Make a Copy
(3) Name new copy
(4) Close Template


How to add a membership cards to my website that can member downloaded

I have a website with Wordpress and I want to add members cards that they can fill their information and can download it from the website, but not sure how to do it I look for a plugin but I did not find.
also, I have 2 data on my website 'Event and Users' could I add them in one excel sheet or no?
I tried to look for a plugin
you need to separate your questions and add more information about your problem.
I'll try to help you:
** members cards **
You can use a form plugin to let the user fill the data (for example: name, surname, birth date, ecc..) that you need to print in the card. I suggest you to use this:
the difficult way: you can intercept the form submission with formidable specific function "" and with the collected data you can create image in the fly with php and imagemagik (or GD or other) This part need that you have a little bit of experience in development. Check next point for a much simpler alternatives
the simple way: With formidable you can create a post (or better custom post) with the collected data without working on code: then you can redirect user to that page.
Invite the user to print that page and setup a specific css for print:

Attempting to design a flexible reporting system. Getting stuck

I’m having some trouble coming up with a future-proof-ish design for reports for a company. Essentially the requirements are:
Be able to pull whatever data from the database
Generate formatted report from that data by populating a template (HTML, docx)
Export to Word and/or PDF
So initially I made an API endpoint per report (this is a web app), and had PDFs generated and formatted correctly.
But now I need to get the data into .docx/Word format, and I’m trying to figure out how I can design something as D.R.Y. as possible so that I don’t have to put in a TON of work every time the company decides they need another report (they’ve done this two, three times which is how I became aware that I had coded myself into a corner).
Every report I’ve done thus far has been done via a “brute-force” method: code the queries needed for the report, format the data, and then render to PDF (using HTML to PDF via phantomjs).
The complexity occurred when the company came back and said “Hey, we need all of those reports in Word format, also we have 3 other new reports that we need and a report that is a slight variation on the old one but +/- 2 fields”.
I am just having trouble coming up with a solid design/abstraction here, one that doesn’t send me down a week long hacking spree every time a requirement changes.

How to export graphs from Spotfire to an existing Word file?

I use Spotfire and I would like to export all graphs I need in an existing Word file. Now I save all graph one by one in picture format, then I import in Word and I insert caption figure always one by one.
Is there a way to automate this procedure?
One way which isn't 100% automated but should lessen your work by quite a bit:
1) In Spotfire, under File\Export\, Export to Microsoft Powerpoint and select "All pages (new page for each visualization)" to get a single slide per visual.
2) Click the Office icon and go to Publish -> Create Handouts in Microsoft Word.
3) Choose "Notes below slides" as the page layout option and hit "OK". Since you have no notes, this will just have blank space.
You should now have a word document with snapshots of all your visuals 1 per page. Feel free to reposition, resize, etc.

Normalizing files' titles in a Plone instance does not update views

We have uploaded tons of files via FTP to a Plone intranet we're deploying. This step does not set the titles of the files; so searching for a file called: "invoice_policy.odt" it won't show up in a search by "invoice policy" (two words); cause the index for id's is a field index.
Moreover, the default plone lexicon does not split words by underscores, so setting the title to be just the id won't help either.
So, in order to improve our search recall, we have scripted (taken from several sources including some answers in StackOverflow) a quite simple normalization script:
However, after applying it to near 8000 files I see that the titles have changed, but the files still appear in the navigation with the id "invoice_policy.odt"; I have to edit the file and then save it in order for it to appear with its title in the navigation.
I have uploaded three images to flickr to show the process:
Image 1. The (last) file in its folder.
Image 2. When I click the file you may see it has a title (normalized with our script)
Image 3. I just clicked the title and the click the Save and went back to its containing folder. Now it's been shown properly.
Do I need to do (or undo) something in my script for it to work properly. Furthermore, although I (think I) enclosed each rename in its own transaction, I don't see any transaction in the Undo tab of the ZMI. I guess it's because it's not associate to a real request, is that so? Can I fix it?
Best regards,
You need to reindex the items, either one by one in your script, or in batch at the end. will probably help.

ASP.NET Consolidated Report

We have an ASP.NET 2 application and at the moment for the reporting, we are utilising DataSet/DataTable taking some storedprocedure/query and display on the screen (grids). For the graphics, we are using Dundas Chart component and again we are utilising DataSet/DataTable to display it. These thing has been running well ... no issue.
Now, we are having a challenge that every single report that we produce above (grid or graph), the user wants to consolidate into 1 single click solution which means if they click the "Consolidated Report" it will produce the page as well (grid/graph) into 1 page. But the issue is that the user wants use the display (grid/graph) and download into 1 file. It could Ms Words/Ms Excell.
How we are going to achieve this?
I am thinking to do as follow:
1. Convert everything to use the Reporting Services (client) .. or
2. Is it possible to do like convert the page/grapf into Word/Excel into a single page? Is there any other solution?
The issue is that the we have simple stored procedures to get the data source out and then we are using that data and do the massive data manipulation in DataSet/DataTable (loop through the records, create a new dataset and manipulate etc etc) and then to construct the final report and display on the screen.
I am appreciated your comment.
Thank you
In my opinion the best solution will be integrating the HTML into a PDF.
You can convert the HTML generated into PDF easily with ABCPdf from WebSuperGoo (I suspect that other solutions can work, but I have only used this product)
See this live demo, and select "Add URL" and point to your URL or check out this example
