PyQt5 - encapsulate / make a component reusable - example: QTimer/QLabel implementation outside of parent class - qt

I implement a label that displays the current time in several of my PyQt5 applications. Here is a MRE:
import sys
import logging
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
__log__ = logging.getLogger()
class App(QtWidgets.QApplication):
def __init__(self, sys_argv):
super(App, self).__init__(sys_argv)
self.main_view = MainView()
class MainView(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.resize(300, 100)
self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel()
def start_clocks(self):
timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
def show_time(self):
current_time = QtCore.QTime.currentTime()
clock_label_time = current_time.toString('hh:mm:ss')
def config_clock(label):
font = QtGui.QFont('Arial', 24, QtGui.QFont.Bold)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App(sys.argv)
except Exception as e:
__log__.error('%s', e)
As I implemented a similar clock in several of my PyQt apps, I thought it would be nice to implement it as a component / encapsulate it. First I thought of doing this by calling a config_clock function from any QWidget, and have that function do ~ALL of the work implementing the clock for the specified label. This would avoid having to repeat myself in multiple applications from writing/calling start_clocks and show_time instance methods of MainView. but as I started to code that ...
# from inside my QWidget:
# this function would live outisde the class, thus reusable by diff Qt apps:
def config_clock(label):
# start the clock
# set default font, etc for label
# instantiate QtCore.QTimer
# # but that's when I realized I've always passed self to QtCore.QTimer and that maybe encapsulating this isn't as trivial as I thought.
Should I create some kind of ClockLabel() object of my own that gets passed a QtWidget's label and can also be an instance attribute of each QtWidget that might need it? That smells kind of clunky to me. But surely there must be a way to make a 'reusable component' in PyQt, I just don't know how...
I also am not certain if the MainView(QtWidgets.QMainWindow) could rightly be referred to as the 'parent class' if I were to pass it as a parameter to a ClockLabel() class I write or a config_clock function whose signature could look like:
def config_clock(label, parent_qtwidget):
# also feels clunky and not sure if parent would be the right term

With QtWidgets it is normal to specialize widgets by inheritance. Here is an example of how you might rearrange your code to produce a reusable widget:
class ClockLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
font = QtGui.QFont('Arial', 24, QtGui.QFont.Bold)
self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
def start(self):
def stop(self):
def _show_time(self):
current_time = QtCore.QTime.currentTime()
clock_label_time = current_time.toString('hh:mm:ss')


PySide2 UI Maya Find object names that contain specific names

I want to include in the argument an object name that contains a specific name from the ui file.
I have created pickers in QtDesigner and have imported them for Maya 2022.
It assigned a command to each button. But I realized I needed a huge number of commands.
It's just this scene.
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2.QtUiTools import QUiLoader
from import MayaQWidgetBaseMixin
import shiboken2 as shiboken
UIFILEPATH = 'D:/MAYA/pyside_pick/ui/PicsTest5.ui'
class MainWindow(MayaQWidgetBaseMixin,QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
self.UI = QUiLoader().load(UIFILEPATH)
def PushedCmd(self):
bTEXT = str(self.UI.pushButton_sphere.text())'pSphere1')
def main():
window = MainWindow()
if __name__ == '__main__':
If it is given an object name like above, it certainly works.
But there are commands that need to be directed only to objects containing "pushButton_".
I tried like this
button1 = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, 'pushButton_*')
def testPrint(self):
I meant to define button1 as a QPushButton containing 'pushButton _' and print its name when clicked.
Unfortunately, I learned that asterisks can not be used as searches.
Then, I tried like this
button1 = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, 'pushButton_sphere')
def testPrint(self):
The result was written as (PySide2.QtWidgets.QPushButton)already deleted.
This is probably rudimentary, but being Jap I couldn't find a workable solution.
Tell me how to output the object name when I press the button, please.
Also tell me if the notation is wrong.

How to reimplement a QDialog's accept and reject slots?

I'm working on a GUI project where the user is faced with the following QDialog:
class StockSelectorDialog(QDialog, stockselector_ui):
def __init__(self, parent_, *args, **kwargs):
super(StockSelectorDialog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, on=True)
self.parent_ = parent_
self.symbolsbuffer = parent_.symbols.copy()
self.symbolmodel = SymbolListModel(self)
def onAddButtonClicked(self, s):
symbol = self.symbolEdit.text()
if symbol:
def onDeleteButtonClicked(self, s):
indexes = self.listView.selectedIndexes()
if indexes:
for i in indexes:
del self.symbolsbuffer[i.row()]
def accept(self):
self.parent_.symbols = self.symbolsbuffer
def reject(self):
The UI file is here:
Everything worked fine until I added the buffer sysytem, for which I had to reimplement the accept and the reject slots of the dialog (although I'm not very sure about the latter). Now the dialog opens when necessary and the ListView works fine with all the buttons and the LineEdit, but my dialogButtonBox is not responding.
Why is this happening? And what is a solution to the problem?
You should not call close() on a dialog for that, mostly because it causes itself a call to reject(); luckily Qt is smart enough to prevent recursion, but the point remains: both those methods are expected to set the dialog's result and use done(), of close(), so that their event loop correctly exits from its exec_().
If you need to override a class function to do something other than the default behavior, you should always remember to call the base implementation too in order to correctly achieve the expected result.
def accept(self):
self.parent_.symbols = self.symbolsbuffer
super(StockSelectorDialog, self).accept()
def reject(self):
super(StockSelectorDialog, self).reject()
Also, note that Qt Designer already connects the buttons of a QDialogButtonBox when it's created using the default dialog templates with buttons, so you should not connect them again, otherwise both accept and reject would be called twice.

Best approach to show / hide dialogs

I have encountered a theoretical question. I'm using pyqt5, but this is probably are very generalistic and framework independent question.
I have a QMainwindow sitting around waiting for the user to do stuff. The user can show / hide dialogues (subclasses of QDockwidgets) as he chooses using the QMenu and the associated shortcuts (it's a checkable QAction for each individual dialogue).
I have been struggling with showing / hiding the dialogues efficiently. Currently, I'm just initiating them all at start up, hiding those that I don't want to show up in the beginning. This makes triggering the dialogues easy, since I can just /dialogue.hide() depending on the dialogues current visibility.
But I cannot believe that this is best practice and very efficient.
I have tried (I currently do not have my pyqt environment set up on this computer, so I had to strip down my actual code without being able to test if this runs):
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
class InfoPanel(QDockWidget):
def __init__(self, title='Tool Box'):
QDockWidget.__init__(self, title)
self.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetClosable)
self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea)
frame = QFrame()
layout = QGridLayout()
self.canvas = QGraphicsView()
self.canvas.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(40, 40, 40)))
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.showpanelAct = QAction("&Show Panel", self, enabled=True,checkable=True, shortcut="F10")
self.showpanelAct.triggered.connect(lambda: self.showPanel(0))
self.viewMenu = QMenu("&View", self)
def showPanel(self,i:int = 0): # this is not so smart - should construct and deconstuct to save memory!?
if i == 0: #infopanel
dialogueExists = True
try: self.infoPanel
#except NameError: #does not catch the error
dialogueExists = False
if dialogueExists:
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MainWindow()
Which works the first time, but after that, it only seems to trigger the destruction of the dialogue (which, surprisingly, does not crash anything it just keeps on going).
Why is that and is there a standard way to approach the showing hiding of dialogues?
I took the exposed MCVE of OP and tried to make it running in my cygwin64 on Windows 10.
At first I had to apply little fixes. (OP stated that he was not able to test it at the time of publishing.)
First, I inserted a “hut” at first line for convenient start in bash:
Second, the self.viewMenu didn't appear. Hence, I inserted a line after
self.viewMenu = QMenu("&View", self)
to add the viewMenu to main menu bar:
which fixed it.
Third, when clicking the menu item I got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 27, in <lambda>
self.showpanelAct.triggered.connect(lambda: self.showPanel(0))
File "./", line 45, in showPanel
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init
File "./", line 17, in __init__
self.canvas.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(40, 40, 40)))
NameError: name 'QtGui' is not defined
Aborted (core dumped)
I must admit that my Python knowledge is very limited. (I'm the guy who writes the Python bindings in C++ for the colleagues. So, my colleagues are the actual experts. At most, I play a little bit in Python when I test whether new implemented bindings do what's expected.) However, I modified
self.canvas.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(40, 40, 40)))
self.canvas.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(QColor(40, 40, 40)))
which fixed this issue.
After this, I got the behavior described by OP and did a closer look where I (and OP) suspected the error:
def showPanel(self,i:int = 0): # this is not so smart - should construct and deconstuct to save memory!?
if i == 0: #infopanel
dialogueExists = True
try: self.infoPanel
#except NameError: #does not catch the error
dialogueExists = False
if dialogueExists:
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init
I strongly believe that try: self.infoPanel doesn't do what OP thinks it would.
It tries to access self.infoPanel which isn't existing until the first call of this method. (Please, be aware, the member variable self.infoPanel isn't existing.) So, the except: branch is executed and sets dialogueExists = False which a few lines later causes self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init. Now, the member variable self.infoPanel is existing, and the try: self.infoPanel will never fail again until destruction of this MainWindow.
Out of curiosity, I had a look at QWidget.destroy() (to be sure not to tell something wrong):
QWidget.destroy (self, bool destroyWindow = True, bool destroySubWindows = True)
Frees up window system resources. Destroys the widget window if destroyWindow is true.
destroy() calls itself recursively for all the child widgets, passing destroySubWindows for the destroyWindow parameter. To have more control over destruction of subwidgets, destroy subwidgets selectively first.
This function is usually called from the QWidget destructor.
It definitely doesn't destroy the member variable self.infoPanel.
After having understood this, a fix was easy and obvious:
def showPanel(self,i:int = 0): # this is not so smart - should construct and deconstuct to save memory!?
if i == 0: #infopanel
try: self.infoPanel
#except NameError: #does not catch the error
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init
if self.infoPanel.isVisible():
Btw. I replaced destroy() by hide() which makes a re-creation of the InfoPanel() obsolete.
I tested this by toggling the menu item multiple times – it works as expected now (at least, it looks like).
The complete sample finally:
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
class InfoPanel(QDockWidget):
def __init__(self, title='Tool Box'):
QDockWidget.__init__(self, title)
self.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetClosable)
self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea)
frame = QFrame()
layout = QGridLayout()
self.canvas = QGraphicsView()
# self.canvas.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(40, 40, 40)))
self.canvas.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(QColor(40, 40, 40)))
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.showpanelAct = QAction("&Show Panel", self, enabled=True,checkable=True, shortcut="F10")
self.showpanelAct.triggered.connect(lambda: self.showPanel(0))
self.viewMenu = QMenu("&View", self)
def showPanel(self,i:int = 0): # this is not so smart - should construct and deconstuct to save memory!?
if i == 0: #infopanel
try: self.infoPanel
#except NameError: #does not catch the error
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init
if self.infoPanel.isVisible():
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MainWindow()
After taking a break from coding the solution to my problem was very obvious. Going back to my original code (which did not produce the expected output of creating / destroying the dialogue self.infoPanel on demand):
dialogueExists = True
try: self.infoPanel
#except NameError: #does not catch the error
dialogueExists = False
if dialogueExists:
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel() #init
My main problem was that I confused two separate things. Qt destroyed the widget contained in the object self.infoPanel when I called self.infoPanel.destroy(). But that doesn't mean the object self.infoPanel does not exist (that's exactly what I use try: ... for, to see if the object exists). The simple and obvious way to create and destroy dialogues on demand obviously involves deleting the object from the environment (del self.infoPanel).
The working code is:
dialogueExists = True
self.infoPanel.destroy() #not sure this is needed, but I guess it doesn't hurt
del self.infoPanel #this is the deletion of the actual object
dialogueExists = False
if not dialogueExists :
self.infoPanel = InfoPanel()
Cheers and many thanks for the helpful advice on deciding whether to show / hide dialogues or to create / destroy them!

Is there a way to make an IPython Notebook output interactivly create an input and execute it?

I was wondering if I can make an output interactively run a piece of code. So if for example I had a class (parts in pseudo-code):
import numpy as np
class test(object):
def __init__():
self.a = np.random.randn(10)
print ## Interactive Output: Click me to view data array##
def show():
print a
So when I create a class instance it should output some interactive link (maybe in html) or something like that and when I click it, the show() method should be called. However, I have no idea how to achieve that.
You could use the widgets shipped with the notebook (for jupyter they are an independent package).
Something like this could do what you want (Python 3):
from IPython.html import widgets
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
class Test(object):
def __init__(self, arraylen):
self.a = np.random.randn(arraylen)
self.button = widgets.Button(description = 'Show')
def show(self, ev = None):
self.button.disabled = True
test = Test(10)
You create a button widget when you initialise the class widgets.Button(description = 'Show')
Attach an event to it button.on_click(
And display the button display(self.button)
In the show method I included a way to disable the button functionality once the array is showed self.button.disabled = True. You can comment this line if you want to show more times the array.

How do I respond to an internal drag-and-drop operation using a QListWidget?

I've got a Qt4 application (using the PyQt bindings) which contains a QListWidget, initialized like so:
class MyList(QtGui.QListWidget):
def __init__(self):
I can add items, and this allows me to drag and drop to reorder the list. But how do I get notification when the list gets reordered by the user? I tried adding a dropMimeData(self, index, data, action) method to the class, but it never gets called.
I have an easier way. :)
You can actually access the listwidget's internal model with myList->model() - and from there there are lots of signals available.
If you only care about drag&drop, connect to layoutChanged.
If you have move buttons (which usually are implemented with remove+add) connect to rowsInserted too.
If you want to know what moved, rowsMoved might be better than layoutChanged.
I just had to deal with this and it's a pain in the ass but here's what to do:
You have to install an eventFilter on your ListWidget subclass and then watch for the ChildRemoved event. This event covers moves as well as removal, so it should work for re-arranging items with drag and drop inside a list.
I write my Qt in C++, but here's a pythonification version:
class MyList(QtGui.QListWidget):
def __init__(self):
def eventFilter(self, sender, event):
if (event.type() == QEvent.ChildRemoved):
return False # don't actually interrupt anything
def on_order_changed(self):
# do magic things with our new-found knowledge
If you have some other class that contains this list, you may want to move the event filter method there. Hope this helps, I know I had to fight with this for a day before figuring this out.
I found Trey Stout's answer did work however I was obviously getting events when the list order had not actually changed. I turned to Chani's answer which does work as required but with no code it took me a little work to implement in python.
I thought I would share the code snippet to help out future visitors:
class MyList(QListWidget):
def __init__(self):
list_model = self.model()
def on_layout_changed(self):
print "Layout Changed"
This is tested in PySide but see no reason it wouldn't work in PyQt.
I know this is old, but I was able to get my code to work using Trey's answer and wanted to share my python solution. This is for a QListWidget inside a QDialog, not one that is sub-classed.
class NotesDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__(self, notes_list, notes_dir):
# the notesList QListWidget is created here (from Qt Designer)
# install an event filter to catch internal QListWidget drop events
def eventFilter(self, sender, event):
# this is the function that processes internal drop in notesList
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.ChildRemoved:
self.update_views() # do something
return False # don't actually interrupt anything
Not a solution, but some ideas:
You should probably check what is returned by supportedDropActions method. It might be that you need to overwrite that method, to include Qt::MoveAction or Qt::CopyAction.
You have QListView::indexesMoved signal, but I am not sure whether it will be emitted if you're using QListWidget. It worths checking.
The QListWidget.model() approach seemed the most elegant of the proposed solutions but did not work for me in PyQt5. I don't know why, but perhaps something changed in the move to Qt5. The eventFilter approach did work, but there is another alternative that is worth considering: over-riding the QDropEvent and checking if event.source is self. See the code below which is an MVCE with all of the proposed solutions coded in for checking in PyQt5:
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore
class MyList(QtWidgets.QListWidget):
itemMoved = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self):
super(MyList, self).__init__()
list_model = self.model()
# list_model.layoutChanged.connect(self.onLayoutChanged) # doesn't work
# self.installEventFilter(self) # works
self.itemMoved.connect(self.onLayoutChanged) # works
def onLayoutChanged(self):
print("Layout Changed")
def eventFilter(self, sender, event):
sender : object
event : QtCore.QEvent
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.ChildRemoved:
return False
def dropEvent(self, QDropEvent):
QDropEvent : QtGui.QDropEvent
mime = QDropEvent.mimeData() # type: QtCore.QMimeData
source = QDropEvent.source()
if source is self:
super(MyList, self).dropEvent(QDropEvent)
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
form = MyList()
for text in ("one", "two", "three"):
item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(text)
item.setFlags(item.flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)
item.setFlags(item.flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable)
