Access monolog configuration values - symfony

I need to get the list of available channels from monolog configuration file , whene i try to inject these parameters into my custom service like this
class: App\Services\Logger
$channels: '%monolog.channels%'
i got
You have requested a non-existent parameter "monolog.channels".
is odd that symfony don't provide a simple way to access all configurations (even for other bundles like monolog )
is their a way to do this or am i missing something ?


Elasticsearch serivce not found

I'm trying to integrate elasticsearch into my symfony application. But I couldn't find any appropriate example on the internet. Now I'm getting this service not found error:
Service "fos_elastica.finder.inscriptions.inscription" not found: even though it exists in the app's container, the container inside "App\Controller\SearchController" is a smaller service locator that only knows about the "doctrine", "form.factory", "http_kernel", "request_stack", "router", "security.authorization_checker", "security.csrf.token_manager", "security.token_storage", "serializer", "session", "templating" and "twig" services. Unless you need extra laziness, try using dependency injection instead. Otherwise, you need to declare it using "SearchController::getSubscribedServices()".
$finder = $this->container->get('fos_elastica.finder.inscriptions.inscription');
I don't know how to solve this problem because of insufficient experience with Symfony. Does anyone know how to solve this or any Elasticsearch example with Symfony on the internet?
In your config/services.yaml file you have to bind this service as argument for your controller like that:
$finder: '#fos_elastica.finder.inscriptions.inscription'
Then you can use it in your controller by injecting it through autowiring:
public function index($finder) {
// your code here
For more information refer to the documentation.

Using Symfony expression in 3rd party bundle configuration

I am trying to configure HWIOAuth bundle to use dynamic client id. I have a service that can figure out what variable value to use depending on some request conditions.
Here's an expression in my HWI configuration, but can't seem to get it work:
- main
client_id: "#=service('host.configmgr').GetClientIdParameter()"
client_secret: '%client_secret%'
The issue us with #=service('host.configmgr').GetClientIdParameter(). Can that even execute evaluate? The service is properly executes an used by another class somewhere else with success.
The %client_secret% parameter replacement works fine.
For more context, this part of the configuration lives in a dedicated file that is included in config.yml via { resource: hwiconfig.yml }
After some research looks like expressions are only supported for service definitions. This functionality is not supported for configurations outside services like the HWI bundle config.

LogicException: Missing default data in Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\DataCollector\MessageDataCollector

Getting this exception in Symfony 2.5.5 with Swiftmailer 5.3.0. I'm following the cookbook example exactly. The error is thrown when calling MessageDataCollector#getMessages():
// Check that an e-mail was sent
$this->assertEquals(1, $mailCollector->getMessageCount());
$collectedMessages = $mailCollector->getMessages();
$message = $collectedMessages[0];
The message count assertion is also failing with a value of zero.
As far as I can tell the collector is failing to do any actual collecting in the action. Any ideas?
I encountered the same problem after I applied kriswallsmith's test optimization trick. I could see the result of the mail sending in the web profiler when running the development version, but couldn't get the data in the testing environment.
After applying Kris' trick I noticed that the swiftmailer.mailer.default.plugin.messagelogger service was not registered with the container during the test, so the collect() method of the MessageDataCollector class did not log the data for the mail sending. This is why it wasn't possible to retrieve information from the swiftmailer collector.
The solution is either not to overrride the initializeContainer() method in AppKernel.php or to override it, but making sure messagelogger service is available for test cases that send mails.
#codeBetyar is right - problem occurs when swiftmailer.mailer.default.plugin.messagelogger is not registered in container.
But instead of getting rid of the optimization trick - you just need to update swiftmailer configuration for test environment
logging: true
The thing is logging config value by default equals to kernel.debug ( which (thanks to the trick) is true for the first test request, and false - for all following requests.
Above config forces logger being registered.
In my case I had multiple mailers in the config.yml file and the same problem was due to a missing parameter in the getMessages() call.
My config.yml file:
default_mailer: default_mailer
# some configuration
# some configuration
The correct call was:
$mailCollector = $this->client->getProfile()->getCollector('swiftmailer');
$collectedMessages = $mailCollector->getMessages('default_mailer'); // please note the 'default_mailer' argument
$messagesCount = $mailCollector->getMessageCount('default_mailer')
My problem was that apparently if there are no messages to retrieve (or perhaps no swiftmailer instantiation in the code being tested?), the call to getMessages() returns this obtuse error. So I bypassed the problem by testing for getMessageCount() first.

No Scopes Specified - Google_Auth_Exception

I am applying this tutorial into symfony 2.4, I've finished the setup in the config.yml and everything, I managed to visit the admin/google/analytics page, but the problem is when I tried to authenticate with the parameters I've created in the config.yml file, it is searching for the scope, here is the parameters.
profile_id: MyProfileId
tracker_id: UA-TRACKER-ID
token_file_path: %kernel.root_dir%/var/storage
application_name: Project Default Service Account
oauth2_client_id: OAuthClientID
oauth2_client_secret: OAuthClientSecret
developer_key: DevelopperKey
I think there's no problem here, I've got no idea where I can set the scope so the google Api client can set it to
You need to define a scope. If you use Google Auth, check Authorization scopes for it.
You must do something like:
$googleClient = new \Google_Client();

Get config data in Symfony2

I am aware that this:
...will get the parameter name from the main config file in /app/config/.
But how do I get config data from the config file in the bundle's config file and in a method inside an event listener class. The code runs on every request (the config file is in the bundle which holds the event listener class).
I am writing a bundle which based on the user agent gives permissions to different devices. So I will detect the device into a group, e.g. "IPHONE", "IPAD", "ANDROID_4+", "ANDROID_<4" etc. and then my config file would look something like this:
allow_feature_1: IPHONE, IPAD, ANDROID_4+
allow_feature_2: IPHONE, IPAD, ANDROID_<4, ANDROID_4+
I just need to get those config values into my class.
I have all the event listener code done.
Firstly you should store your parameters in separate file parameters.yml and import this file in config.yml. For getting access for parameters from parameters.yml in an event listener you should inject this parameters (for sf2.1).
