SSR not working after upgrade from spartacus 3.4 to 4.2 - server-side-rendering

When upgrading from spartacus 3.4 to 4.2, SSR stopped working. The app always switches back to CSR after the timeout exceeds (no matter how much I increase this timeout value in server.ts).
The app builds sucessfully and there are no errors while loading the app. Also the main.js file in the dist/server dir gets generated correctly and contains the app's content.
Server.ts, app.server.module.ts and ts.configserver.json files are more or less the same than in OOTB spartacus 4.x (and they work fine with spartacus 3.4).
While loading the app, the "app-root" tag stays empty (until CSR starts) and also the transfer state script at the bottom is missing. Does anyone have an idea?


Xamarin forms: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage, but no webview in my project

Yesterday I have pushed a new app to AppStore, but it gets rejected with the following error.
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. Learn more (
In my knowledge, this issue usually occurs due to the use of Webview. I have one Webview in my project, so I decided to remove it (Since that part is currently not using in the project). I have pushed the app again to AppStore after removing the Webview, but again my app gets rejected with the same error. After that I do a clean, rebuild, and deleted the bin, obj folders. 2 times my app gets rejected from Appstore after removing Webview.
See the below screenshot: No Webviews are available for the entire solution.
Are there any other reasons for this error?
This seems an existing issue of Xamarin.forms on iOS .
Make sure that the version Xamarin.Forms is 4.6 or higher and Xamarin.iOS is or higher.
Change the Linker Behavior to SDK Only or Link All and then add the
additional arguments: --optimize=experimental-xforms-product-type
Please check all of these have been set under the release
configuration and iPhone platform.
For more details you could refer

Webpack - web app needs a reload on releases

I work with webpack to generate my react client web application. I'm doing it all: extract vendors, uglify, minify ....
Every time I release a new version of the application, the browser fails to load it. It can be an error loading a file or other reasons but it happens after a rebuild for sure.
Any ideas how this can be investigated?

Spring boot hot deployment for templates and resources under IntelliJ

Is anyone aware of a mechanism to get hot deployment for resources and template working under IntelliJ 14.0.2 for a Spring Boot application.
I know that full Spring Boot support is scheduled for 14.1 but I have a project that I converted over from a standard WAR project to a Spring Boot project and I really miss the hot deployment.
At the moment I have to manually build the project that the resources are in to get hot deployment and even then it is a bit flaky sometimes. I would prefer to just save a template or a javascript/css file and get it picked up as I did when I was running my app using a local tomcat server via IntelliJ.
I could switch back to Eclipse to get this working, but my project is Scala based and IntelliJ Scala support is far superior.
So after some testing I came to few conclusions I think someone arriving here may find useful:
If you are running embedded spring boot application from IntelliJ IDEA (myself on 14 at the moment) in debug mode and you want to hot re-deploy resources you can do that via: Run -> Reload changed classes. Setting a keyboard shortcut much recommended.
Don't get fooled by Loaded classes are up to date. Nothing to reload. message. Your static resources have been updated (tested on .js files and Thymeleaf templates).
As pointed out in comments for thymeleaf templates hot-redeploy you would need:
If you are running in external container IntelliJ provides extra features like action on Frame deactivation which is extremely handy for web development. This works fine as well just beware that external Jetty container on 9.2.7 will cause troubles, i.e. unload the resources on Update resources action breaking your webapp. The only fix was app restart for me. Works nicely in Tomcat 8 though.
As instructed here adding spring-boot-devtools dependency will enable static resources reloading (templates and css).
Beware that you need to select Build -> Compile for this to work.
Install jetbrains-ide-support
Start your Spring Boot app
Go in browser and open your_project_page(http://localhost:8080/)
right mouse click(on your page) -> choose "Inspect in IDEA"

Flash Builder / AIR: Can't export release build for AIR 2.0

I have an ActionScript only Flash Builder 4 project of which i know that it was successfully exported for AIR 2.0
If I set the the Flex SDK to 'Hero' and the required AIR version to 2.6 in the app-descriptor like here, then the export works fine:
However - if I change the Flex SDK to 4.0 (overlayed with the AIR 2.0.2 SDK) and change the version in the app-descriptor.xml to 2.0 like here:
then it will compile just fine and run in ADL, but it won't export. If i click the "Finish" button, the window only flashes for a moment but nothing happens. i can repeatedly click on finish, just a short flash, no error message, no exported air file.
If I leave the Flex SDK on 'Hero' and the only thing I do is to change 2.6 in the app-descriptor.xml to 2.0, then the same problem occurs!
I tried this with Flash Builder 4 as well as Flash Builder Burrito - in both cases the same problem.
Anyone an idea what goes wrong?
The app descriptor file is very different between 2.0 and 2.5 and above. I'm surprised you're not seeing an error because I did (maybe try doing a clean?). For instance, 2.5 supports profiles, instead of the <version> tag, it uses <versionNumber> and it also supports metadata for android/playbook OS'.
Try deleting the application manifest XML for your air app and allowing flex builder to re-generate it. Sometimes these kinds of glitches happen because of errors with the application manifest.

Flex project migration to 3.4 SDK

I migrate from 3.0 to 3.4 SDK and see the following bug in my flex project
VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of FlexModuleFactory in mx.core.FlexModuleFactory.
How can I fix it
One of two things you are either trying to load a SWF that isn't a module as a module or you are loading a Module compiled with a different version of the SDK from the SWF doing the loading.
Make sure that the Module you are loading is also compiled with Flex 3.4. Cross SDK version support is not available in Module loading. If you need that functionality get all the loaded SWFs ( sub-applications ) up to Flex 3.3, then you can change the SDK version of the loading application ( parent application ) to whatever flex version you want. Read up on the Marhshall Plan for more information about sub-application loading.
I'm getting the same error on a project. I suspect is has to do with a swc being compiled with an older version of Flex (say 3.2). I've seen similar issues discussed online with PaperVision. Unfortunately our project hasn't moved to 3.4 completely yet so I've not had time to recompile our various swc's to see if that fixes the the issue.
