Only one request will be sent. Is there any solution
I'm sending a GET request with firefox. Only headers (no cookies within) and query parameters is sent. The website answers with 200.
When I'm trying to replay the request with python.
Even though I'm setting the exact same headers, I'm getting a 403.
So my question is, in the HTTP protocol, if I send a GET request to a domain with the same headers and cookies than another one, what else can make difference between these 2 requests ?
Put aside request body which is not applicable here. I'm also using the same IP.
Does every HTTP request need to be paired with a response? When you do some POST or DELETE actions, my understanding is that sometimes you don't need to send back data. I've always been told to send back an empty object, but is that necessary? Also, is sending a status code considered a response?
Q1: Does every HTTP request need to be paired with a response?
Yes, unless client cancel the request. Actually, one HTTP request needs to be paired with one or more HTTP responses. According to RFC7231:
A server listens on a connection for a request, parses each message received, interprets the message semantics in relation to the identified request target, and responds to that request with one or more response messages.
Q2: When you do some POST or DELETE actions, my understanding is that sometimes you don't need to send back data. I've always been told to send back an empty object, but is that necessary?
It's NOT necessary to send back an empty object (payload). According to RFC7230, the response payload is not required:
A server responds to a client's request by sending one or more HTTP response messages, each beginning with... and finally a message body containing the payload body (if any).
However, although you don't have to "send back data", you still need to send back message, such as HTTP response statuc code and some necessary response headers.
Q3: is sending a status code considered a response?
Yes. Theoretically, a minimal HTTP response can only include HTTP protocol version, status code and status code textual phrase.
I'm playing a bit with HTTP requests with fiddler.
Basically the site is my router interface which asks for a password.
The password is then encrypted (with a function i have, branded MD5 of some kind) and passed to the server in the body of the POST request.
Here what i've done:
With fiddler i sniffed the browser GET request (got a redirection 302)
With fiddler i sniffed the server response
With fiddler i sniffed the browser POST request (after typing the password)
Browser successfully logged in.
With fiddler composer i performed a GET request equal to the one sniffed. (got a redirection 302)
With fiddler i sniffed the server response (each time the site provides to the client a different Set-Cookie value which is used in the brand MD5 function for antiXRSF attacks).
With fiddler composer i reproduced the sniffed POST request with a different body content due to the new Set-Cookie value.
The body of the post request is indeed correct because it is calculated by the very same function used by the browser.
What came to my mind now:
I'm using the wrong Set-Cookie value --> not possible since if i try to guess the body content of a browser request with the available parameters, the guess turns out to be correct.
The redirection performed by fiddler is done without the Set-Cookie or with a different one --> i saw i can decide not to follow a redirect, is there a way to decide what to pass in the header during a redirection? I'll test more directly on the redirected url.
The redirection performed by fiddler is done without the Set-Cookie
Correct. Fiddler's Composer does not have a cookie jar. If a call returns a cookie via Set-Cookie on a redirect, that cookie is not added to a Cookie header when the redirected request is sent.
I am trying to create an HTTP parser, and I am interested to know how can I retrieve the URL from HTTP response message text. Does every response contain the URL of the page? Do I need to look at some fields in the header for that or just look at the packet's body? Do I need to save information from previous packets (such as location message)?
Requests have URLs, responses are data packets sent back to the client. But if you make an HTTP request, the immediate response will come from the same URL.
So, I want to use node.js and http request pipelining, but I want to use HTTP only as a transport, nothing else. I am interested in exploiting the request pipelining feature. However, one problem that I am running into is that till a send a response to a previous request, the next requests's callback isn't fired by node. I want a way to be able to do this. I shall be handling the ordering of results in the application. Is there a way to do this?
The HTTP RFC mentions that the responses should be in order, but I don't see any reason for node.js to not call the next callback till the 1st one is responded to. The application can in theory send the response to the 2nd query as a response to the 1st one (as long as there is some way for the recipient to know that it is a response to the 2nd one).
The HTTP client in NodeJS does not support pipelining. (Slightly old post from Ryan, but I'm fairly sure it still holds.)