Proper way to mutate array in vue 3 composition api - vuejs3

I have a component that receives data from an emit function and I wish to push object's onto an array. The trouble is when I push object onto array the object is empty?? Here is the code :
<script setup>
let formDataHistory = ref([]);
// Method to be called when there is an emiterUIUpdate event emiited
// from form-modal.vue #param(data) is the form data sent from the
// form submission via the event bus. We will then send this data back
// down to child display-scrap component via a prop.
const updateUI = (data) => {
And a snapshot in devtools after pushing item onto array:
formdataHistory's first element is an empty object after the push action. Any help on proper way to mutate an array is most welcome.

Two suggestions:
Always use const on reactive variables: const formDataHistory = ref([]);. The reference itself should never change, only the value.
Try formDataHistory.value = [...formDataHistory.value, data];. It might be that refs only update if the content is replaced instead of mutated.


SvelteKit load function error: must return a plain object at the top level

I cannot get SvelteKit load function works when using it with Firebase, I always get this error message:
a load function related to route '/' returned a function, but must return a plain object at the top level (i.e. return {...})
I'm using onSnapshot here with Firestone to get the updated data whenever it changed on the database.
export function load() {
const queryParams = [orderBy('date')];
const q = query(collection(db, 'daily_status'), ...queryParams);
messagesUnsubscribeCallback = onSnapshot(
querySnapshot => {
let data = doc => (
return { daily_status: data }
return messagesUnsubscribeCallback;
It looks like your issue is the fact that you are returning the function onSnapshot() inside the load function. The only thing you can return inside a load method is a plain object as the error states. What you might want to do is to run the snapshot code inside an onMount.
Another solution would be creating a svelte store and pass the onSnapshot into the store. An example can be seen in this tutorial:
Your load() function needs to run asynchronous code, so it can't return back the data directly. Instead, you need to change it to return a promise that resolves to the loaded data. For an example using fetch(), see:
In your case, you need to create your own promise.
Further more, the purpose of the load() function is to load the initial data the page needs to be able to render. As suggested by another, to subscribe to updates in the future, do that in the page component in onMount(), so you only subscribe to future updates when the component is rendered in the web browser.

using watch function w/prop in Vue3 composition api

I have a component that renders a table of Inventoried computer equipment. Here is the relevant code for initial render:
let oEquiptByType = reactive({
Laptop: [],
iPad: [],
"Document Camera": [],
"Overhead Projector": [],
Chromebook: [],
Desktop: [],
MacBook: [],
Scanner: [],
// ======== Props =========== //
const props = defineProps({
propFormData: {},
// Now let's use Stein to retrieve the SS data
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const fetchSheetsData = function () {
const store = new SteinStore(
.read("HS - Classrooms")
.then((data) => {
scrapDataHSClassrooms.value = data;
emptyRowsRemoved.value.forEach((item) => {
// Let's construct an object that separates equipment by type
// Check if property exists on oEquiptByType object
const exists =
// If item(row) is good lets push the row onto the corresponding Object Array
// in oEquiptByType. This will construct an object where each object property corresponds
// to an equipment category. And each oEquiptByType entry is an array where each array
// element is a row from the SS. e.g., oEquiptByType["Laptop"][3] is a row from
// SS and is a laptop.
if (exists) {
.catch((e) => {
failure.value = true;
// =============== Called on component mount =============================== //
The initial render is fine. Now I have a watcher on the prop so when someone submits a new item for the inventory I push that data onto the corresponding object array (ie, a laptop would be pushed onto the oEquiptByType[props.propFormData.Equipment] via oEquiptByType[props.propFormData.Equipment].push(props.propFormData);
// ================================================================ //
// ======================= Watch effects ========================== //
// ================================================================ //
watch(props.propFormData, () => {
// Push the submitted form item onto the reactive
// oEquiptByType object array. This update of Vue state
// will then be injected into DOM and automagically update browser display.
This works fine for the first item I add to backend as you can see here with original and then adding first item :
and after first item added (a laptop)
Notice the oEquiptByType[props.propFormData.Equipment] has the new item added. Great.
But now when I add a second item (a MacBook) is added this is resulting state:
Notice the Macbook array has been updated but also the Laptop array's last item has been overwritten with the Mac book entry??? And this behavior continues for any additional items added from a user. I have read docs over and do not see anything that would explain this behavior. I'm hoping maybe someone with more than my limited experience with Vue can help me out. Any additional info needed please let me know. Thanks...
Put a JSON.Stringify in watch function
Update two:
here is lineage of prop.FormData-
we start in form-modal and emit the form data like:
emit("emiterUIUpdate", formAsPlainObject);
then catch the data in the parent App.vue:
<DisplayScrap :propFormData="formData" />
const formData = reactive({});
// Method to be called when there is an emiterUIUpdate event emiited
// from form-modal.vue #param(data) is the form data sent from the
// form submission via the event bus. We will then send this data back
// down to child display-scrap component via a prop.
const updateUI = (data) => {
Object.assign(formData, data);
and then as posted previous in display-scrap.vue the prop propFormData is defined and watched for in the watch function. hope that helps..
It seems like the watch is getting triggered more often than you expect.
Might be that changes to props.propFormData are atomic and every incremental change triggers changes to the props, which in turn triggers the watch.
Try console logging the value of props.propFormData with JSON.stringify to see what changes are triggering it.
What happens here:
Your form modal emits the emiterUIUpdate event on Ok or Save (button)
Parent takes the object emitted and use Object.assing to copy all properties of emitted object to a formData reactive object. Instead of creating completely new object, you are just replacing the values of all properties of that object all and over again
The formData object is passed by a prop to child component and whenever it changes, it is pushed to target array
As a result, you have a multiple references to same object (formData hold by a parent component) and all those references are to same object in memory. Every Object.assign will overwrite properties of this object and all references will reflect those changes (because all references are pointing to the same object in memory)
Note that this has nothing to do with Vue reactivity - this is simple JavaScript - value vs reference
There is no clear answer to what to do. There are multiple options:
Simplest (and not clearest)
just do not use Object.assign - create new object every time "Save" is clicked
change formData to a ref - const formData = ref({})
replace the value of that ref on emiterUIUpdate event - formData.value = { }
your watch handler in the child will stop working because you are watching props in a wrong way - instead of watch(props.propFormData, () => { use watch(() => props.propFormData, () => {
Better solution
the data should be owned by parent component
when modal emits new data (Save), Parent will just add the newly generated object into a list
share the data with DisplayScraps component using a prop (this can be a simple list or a computed creating object similar to oEquiptByType)

Meteor Blaze Data Context becomes undefined

I have a blaze template like this:
{{>jobsheetsTable companyId=companyId}}
In the JS for the template I have the onCreated function like this ...
const instance = this;
instance.companyId = new ReactiveVar();
The issue is that in the console.log statement I notice something odd ...
instance is correctly outputting the instance with the data object and a companyId however returns {companyId: undefined}.
I am not changing anywhere and the function being passed into this template does not change the companyId.
Update: Using meteor 1.6.1.
The onCreated callback is only run once per template creation, so the data you get is the one that is provided to the initial creation (likely with you attribute set to undefined).
It is likely that the data context is changed after the initial rendering, and this does not trigger the function. as the template is not re-created.
If you are certain that you want to track the data context in the onCreated callback, you need to set a reactive dependency on it, using the Template.currentData() reactive data source. Since it needs to be inside a reactive context in order to be re-run when the data changes, you will need to create one, and a convenient method of doing so is via this.autorun(), which stops the computation for you when the template is destroyed.
this.companyId = new ReactiveVar();
this.autorun(() => { // creates a reactive computation
const data = Template.currentData(); // creates a reactive dependency
console.log('data context', data);
The code above contains an autorun block that will re-run whenever the data context changes.

Any example using firebase-document

I need to fetch data from a Firebase using firebase-document. I need to further process the data after I receive the response payload. How do I do this?
I read the documentation here, but there are no examples. I see there is a property called transactionsComplete but, again, no examples. Since it's a promise, I am uncertain how to implement it.
Can someone please provide a working code example of how to use the properties or methods of firebase-document to process the data returned by the request and after the transaction is complete?
_userChanged: function(u) {
if(u) {
var doc = this.$.doc;
var path = [ 'users' , u.uid ].join('/');
doc.path = path; // this should send a request for data
// but how do I ensure to process what is returned
// after and only after it comes back?
Binding the an object to the property data="{{object}}" then you can add an observer or computed property that will return the final value
Using firebase-focument method getStoredValue(path); (ES6 Style)
.then((response) => {
<!-- setup firebase-document (node) -->
label="Dummy Text"
or you could use this.dummy inside a javascript function to access the variable.
Since it is using the data-binding of Polymer, value will be then updated to firebase.

Not able to do a console.log in .then() after adding an object into firebase array

I'm binding my firebase array to data variable and I'm adding an object into this array using $add but I'm unable to get an output from .then()
$scope.dbref =firebase.database().ref().child("Employee");
$ = $firebaseArray( $scope.dbref);
var obj = {};$scope.username;
I'm sorry it was just that angular fire uses 3.6.6 and i was using 3.7.1
