ADX Data Pagination for use in client API - azure-data-explorer

I am exploring using ADX as a timeseries data store for sensor metrics. Our current solution is storing data in MSSQL and I'm testing ADX as an alternative. I was able to set up data ingestion and I can perform basic queries, and with the added aggregation functions, computing insights and statistics seems to be much faster.
As part of the solution, we have a API data access layer used by clients and our web portal to query data for display and analysis use. I am currently transforming the MSSQL queries to the KQL version and I'm hitting a stumble block on data pagination.
We have a function to query historical data using a combination of:
an start/end date,
a device identifier,
and some paging options
records per page,
current page,
column sorting / additional filtering
Currently this is handled in a SQL SP on the back-end, by getting the total number of records and pages (which is set as output on the API so that the front-end can use this data in the table view), then getting the records based on the input parameters and pagination details to return a record set - quite straight forward.
Any suggestions on how to achieve effective pagination using ADX/KQL?
I found a section in the docs on pagination on stored query results, but as the queries are dynamic based on user input, so this does not sound like a viable option.

When you paginate (for example viewing result 21-30) you need to consider if you are taking a snapshot of the result and paging through it or viewing live data. If you expect new rows coming in to not affect your pagination, than stored query results is that snapshot. Once you generate it you can select specific rows from it based on your page calculation.


Google analytics realtime data in BigQuery

We have enabled continuous export of Google Analytics data to BigQuery which means we get ga_realtime_sessions_YYYYMMDD tables with data dumps throughout the day.
These tables are – usually! – left in place, so we accumulate a stack of the realtime tables for the previous n dates (n does not seem to be configurable).
However, every once in a while, one of the tables disappears, so there will be gaps in the sequence of dates and we might not have a table for e.g. yesterday.
Is this behaviour documented somewhere?
It would be nice to know which guarantees we have, as we might rely on e.g. realtime data from yesterday while we wait for the “finished” ga_sessions_YYYYMMDD table to show up. The support document linked above does not mention this.
As stated in this help article, these internal ga_realtime_sessions_YYYYMMDD tables should not be used for queries and the ga_realtime_sessions_view_YYYYMMDD view should be used instead for your queries, in order to obtain the fresh data and to avoid unexpected results.
In the case you want to use data from some day ago while you wait for the internal ga_realtime_sessions_YYYYMMDD tables to be created for today, you can choose to copy the data obtained from querying the ga_realtime_sessions_view_YYYYMMDD view, into a separate table at the end of a day for this purpose.

Create a table from a query result with record fields in BiqQuery

We have a set of tables with the data about users interactions online and we want to create a table with the scheme similar to GA BigQuery Export Schema (this feature is not yet available in Russia).
I couldn't find the information on how to create a record field in BQ querying existing tables.
On the contrary, it is written that "This type is only available when using JSON source files."
Is there any workaround or this feature expected in a nearer future? Can I submit a feature request?
Currently the only way to get nested and repeated records into BigQuery is loading JSON files. Once a query is run, all structure is flattened.
Feature request noted, hopefully BigQuery will support emitting nested records results!

Can I use ZCatalogs Query Plan to Optimise Catalog Queries?

I'm wondering if I can make use of the information provided by the Query Report and Query Plan tabs on the portal catalog. Can I optimize ZCatalog queries based on the query report? How does ZCatalogs Query Plan differ from a query plan of an SQL database?
The query plan information is used to improve catalog performance, but you cannot optimize your own queries based on plan information.
The catalog only builds up that information as needed, based on your index sizes; unlike a SQL database the catalog does not plan each query based on such information but rather looks up pre-calculated plans from the structure reflected in the Query Plan tab.
The query report tab does give you information about what indexes are performing poorly for your code; you may want to rethink code that uses those combinations of indexes and/or look into why those indexes performed poorly; perhaps your query didn't limit the result quickly enough or the slow index is very large, indicating that perhaps your ZODB cache is too small to hold that large index or that other results keep pushing it out.
On the whole, for large applications it is a good idea to retain the query plan; in one project we dump cache information before stopping instances and reload that after starting again, and that includes the catalog query plan:
plan = site.portal_catalog.getCatalogPlan()
with open(PLAN_PATH, 'w') as out:
and on load:
if os.path.exists(PLAN_PATH):
from Products.ZCatalog.plan import PriorityMap
except Exception:

Alternatives of Datatable

In my web application, I have a dynamic query that returns huge data to datatable, and this query is often recalled with different parameters. So database is exhausted.
I want to get all record with no parameters to an object, and perform queries (may be with linq) on this object. So database will not be exthausted.
Which objects can be used instead of datatable?
This is one of my pet peeves - people who return all the data from the database.
There is absolutely no need for this unless you are doing reporting.
If you are doing reporting, then you need to increase your hardware capability so that the database can cope. This may also include tuning your database, rearranging tables, reindexing, regular rebuilding of indexes, updating statistics, archiving out old data, etc.
If you are NOT doing reporting, then start limiting how much data can be queried at any one time. Users DO NOT need to see massive quantities of data all at once. They need to see discrete amounts of data presented in a manageable and coherent way.
Another rule of thumb i like to observe is: let your database server do the work, it is made to manipulate lots of data, it is what it is good at, and it should have the power to do it. Pulling back loads of data to the client, and then trying to manipulate that data on the client is a foolish thing to do. If your client machines are more powerful than the database server then you have issues.
Never ever perform this(except cache)!!!
You are trying to implement DB mechanisms, like
persistent storage
index search and query strategy
and so on
Spend your time on db optimization(optimal scheme, indexes, query, partitioning).

How to handle large amounts of data for a web statistics module

I'm developing a statistics module for my website that will help me measure conversion rates, and other interesting data.
The mechanism I use is - to store a database entry in a statistics table - each time a user enters a specific zone in my DB (I avoid duplicate records with the help of cookies).
For example, I have the following zones:
Website - a general zone used to count unique users as I stopped trusting Google Analytics lately.
Category - self descriptive.
Minisite - self descriptive.
Product Image - whenever user sees a product and the lead submission form.
Problem is after a month, my statistics table is packed with a lot of rows, and the ASP.NET pages I wrote to parse the data load really slow.
I thought maybe writing a service that will somehow parse the data, but I can't see any way to do that without losing flexibility.
My questions:
How large scale data parsing applications - like Google Analytics load the data so fast?
What is the best way for me to do it?
Maybe my DB design is wrong and I should store the data in only one table?
Thanks for anyone that helps,
The basic approach you're looking for is called aggregation.
You are interested in certain function calculated over your data and instead of calculating the data "online" when starting up the displaying website, you calculate them offline, either via a batch process in the night or incrementally when the log record is written.
A simple enhancement would be to store counts per user/session, instead of storing every hit and counting them. That would reduce your analytic processing requirements by a factor in the order of the hits per session. Of course it would increase processing costs when inserting log entries.
Another kind of aggregation is called online analytical processing, which only aggregates along some dimensions of your data and lets users aggregate the other dimensions in a browsing mode. This trades off performance, storage and flexibility.
It seems like you could do well by using two databases. One is for transactional data and it handles all of the INSERT statements. The other is for reporting and handles all of your query requests.
You can index the snot out of the reporting database, and/or denormalize the data so fewer joins are used in the queries. Periodically export data from the transaction database to the reporting database. This act will improve the reporting response time along with the aggregation ideas mentioned earlier.
Another trick to know is partitioning. Look up how that's done in the database of your choice - but basically the idea is that you tell your database to keep a table partitioned into several subtables, each with an identical definition, based on some value.
In your case, what is very useful is "range partitioning" -- choosing the partition based on a range into which a value falls into. If you partition by date range, you can create separate sub-tables for each week (or each day, or each month -- depends on how you use your data and how much of it there is).
This means that if you specify a date range when you issue a query, the data that is outside that range will not even be considered; that can lead to very significant time savings, even better than an index (an index has to consider every row, so it will grow with your data; a partition is one per day).
This makes both online queries (ones issued when you hit your ASP page), and the aggregation queries you use to pre-calculate necessary statistics, much faster.
