Vue using a method in a v-for statement - v-for

Can I use a method in a v-for statement. For Example
<li v-for="attach in item.attachments.split(' ')" :key="attach">
Or do I need to split the item.attachments and set it as a different property that is a list

I can do exactly what I asked. My issue was the field needed to by split by new line feed and not a space.


How to Fix 'Each child should have a unique key prop?

Hi everyone I would like to display for each element all of its sub-documents.
<div><ul>{><li key={designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve}>{designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve}</li>) }</ul></div>
I wanted the sub documents to be displayed` in a map
but i had: Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
Assuming this is JavaScript, the cause of the issue is that there are duplicate key values. You can use the index of each map entry to create a new key
<div><ul>{, index)=><li key={designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve + index}>{designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve}</li>) }</ul></div>
You may want to look at the following to see what your choices are (there are other resources as well):
the problem of the key is resolved, but nothing is displayed in the tag
hello everyone here is the solution:
<ul><li>{,index)=>(<div key={index}>{, i)=>(<div key={i}>
<h3>{c.code_epreuve}</h3><Button>Insérer notes</Button><Button>Supprimer</Button> </div>) )}</div>))}</li></ul>
thank you

Adding fields dynamically to Share form

I want to add a text field for each file that is added to the attached package items in alfresco to write notes regarding each file, is it possible to do?
I have implemented something that could be reused for your use case.
You can define a property with multiple values that will contain the list of notes associated with each attachment.
There is a simple trick to post a property with multiple values: add "[]" to the name of the property. For example:
<input id="template_x002e_edit-metadata_x002e_edit-metadata_x0023_default_prop_someco_notes_0"
value="Meeting minutes"
<input id="template_x002e_edit-metadata_x002e_edit-metadata_x0023_default_prop_someco_notes_1"
value="Meeting minutes"
As you can see, the name of the input ends with []. Both input textfields have the same name.
The Alfresco Form Engine will consider these two inputs as the value for the property with multiple values: "someco:notes".
The bigger problem is that you need to generate this html with some smart javascript and free marker template.
You can write a custom free marker template to render the initial html: if a user opens a task on which documents have been already attached, you will need to generate the list of inputs using a custom control (you can of course start from textfield.ftl).
It won't be easy to generate the initial list because unfortunately Alfresco returns the list of values as a single comma separated value.
You can customise the webscript that injects the model in the free marker template "org.alfresco.web.scripts.forms.FormUIGet" to pass an array instead of a csv.
A quicker and dirtier solution is to split the csv value. In share-config-custom.xml, you can specify what textfield.ftl show use as a separator instead of the comma.
When a user adds/remove elements from the package, you can intercept the update and add/remove the correspondent note. Notice that I have added the filed "noderef" to each input so it is possible to know the relation between the notes and the nodes in the package.
For the associations (used for example to define the package in a workflow task), Share uses a javascript library called "object finder" (or "object picker"). This library fires an event called "formValueChanged" that you can intercept:"formValueChanged",
eventGroup: this,
addedItems: addedItems,
removedItems: removedItems,
selectedItems: selectedItems,
selectedItemsMetaData: Alfresco.util.deepCopy(this.selectedItems)

How can I scrape the string from this tag in ruby

I'm currently trying to do my first proper project outside of Codecademy/Baserails and could use some pointers. I'm using a scraper as part of one of the Baserails projects as a base to work from. My aim is to get the string "Palms Trax" and store it in array called DJ. I also wish to get the string "Solid Steel Radio Show" and store it in an array called source. My plan was to extract all the lines from the details section into a subarray and to then filter it into the DJ and Source arrays but if there is a better way of doing it please tell me. I've been trying various different combinations such as '.details', 'ul details' etc but can't seem to stumble on the right one. Also could someone please explain to me why the code
page.css('ol').each do |line|
subarray = line.text.strip.split(" - ")
only works if I declare the subarray earlier outside of the loop as in the Baserails project I am working from this did not seem to be the case.
Here is the relevant html:
<!-- Infos -->
<ul class="details none">
<li><span>Source</span><div> Solid Steel Radio Show</div></li>
<li><span>Artist</span><div>Palms Trax</div></li>
<li><span>Genres</span><div>Deep HouseExperimentalHouseMinimalTechno</div></li>
<li><span>Categories</span><div>Radio ShowsSolid Steel Radio Show</div></li>
<li><span>File Size</span><div> 135 MB</div></li>
<li><span>File Format</span><div> MP3 Stereo 44kHz 320Kbps</div></li>
and my code so far:
require "open-uri"
require "nokogiri"
require "csv"
#store url to be scraped
url = ""
#parse the page
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
#initalize empty arrays
details = []
dj = []
source = []
artist = []
track = []
subarray =[]
#store data in arrays
page.css('ul details').each do |line|
details = line.text.strip
puts details
page.css('ol').each do |line|
subarray = line.text.strip.split(" - ")
I'm Alex, one of the co-founders of BaseRails. Glad you're now starting to work on your own projects - that's the best way to start applying what you've learned. I thought I'd chip in and see if I can help out.
I'd try this:
page.css(ul.details.none li div a)
This will grab each of the <a> tags, and you'll be able to use .text to extract the text of the link (e.g. Solid Steel Radio Show, Palms Trax, etc). To understand the code above, remember that the . means "with a class called..." and a space means "that has the following nested inside".
So in English, "ul.details.none li div a" is translated to become "a <ul> tag with a class called "details" and another class called "none" that has an <li> tag nested inside, with a <div> tag nested inside that, with an <a> tag inside that. Try that out and see if you can then figure out how to filter the results into DJ, Source, etc.
Finally, I'm not sure why your subarray needs to be declared. It shouldn't need to be declared if that's the only context in which you're using it. FYI the reason why we don't need to declare it in the BaseRails course is because the .split function returns an array by default. It's unlike our name, price, and details arrays where we're using a different function (<<). The << function can be used in multiple contexts, so it's important that we make clear that we're using it to add elements to an array.
Hope that helps!

How do I output a comma separated field as separate items efficiently?

I have a field in a mongodb collection with comma separated values such as...
{tags: 'Family friendly, Clean & tidy, Close to town centre, Good location, Friendly staff, Good breakfast, Book my next stay'}
In my template files I would normally call something like {{tags}}, or if I had an array might be able to use {{#each tags}} etc...
What I want to do though is wrap each item in additional HTML such as a span.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: Here's my helper function so far, it creates an array but I don't know the best way to use this in my HTML page so I can wrap spans around each item.
getTags: function(input) {
var tagArray = [];
tagArray = input.split(',');
return tagArray;
You can use tags.split( ", " ), but storing the tags in an array is more flexible and makes more sense.
Using my helper getTags I could iterate over the array it returned with the following code:
{{#each getTags reviewTags}}
The this keyword can be used to output each item.
I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way, but it keeps the HTML where I want it.

Alternative of contains in cssSelector ? Selenium WebDriver

I am using selenium 2 (WebDriver).
I am locating a button and clicking by the script:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button:contains('Run Query')"));
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("css=.gwt-Button:contains('Run Query')"))
whose html is like :
<button type="button" class="gwt-Button" id="ext-gen362">Run Query</
As the id is dynamically generated, I can't make use of the ID.
Is there any way to use cssSelector with something like contains ? Is this possible?
You can't do this with CSS selectors, because there is no such thing as :contains() in CSS. It was a proposal that was abandoned years ago.
If you want to select by the element text, you'll have use an XPath selector. Something like
driver.findelement(By.xpath("//button[contains(., 'Run Query']"))
driver.findelement(By.xpath("//[contains(concat(' ', #class, ' '), ' .gwt-Button ') and contains(., 'Run Query']"))
Another option is using jQuery, if it's present on the page, something like:
var webElement = ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("return jQuery('button:contains(Run Query)')");
CSS alone will not get you what you need; you cannot filter by the text. You could either use js to get the id of the element, or loop through all the buttons in your code until you find the one with the right text. If this were in python:
[btn for btn in browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('button')
if 'Run Query' in btn.text]
You could easily generalize this and make a helper function, too.
I'm in the same boat, currently using XPath selectors with "contains" to find elements with specific text content. Some are <td> and some are <td><a> deep within large tables (specific columns, but row unknown in advance). It's very slow (4 to 5 seconds just to find such a table entry with Firefox 20), so I was hoping to use CSS to be faster. Often the text will be by itself (complete) and other times it will be a filename at the end of a path I'd like to ignore. Does anyone have suggestions for the fastest XPath search pattern, given that it's a known column but unknown row, and may be a <td> or <td><a> (sometimes in the same table). Would an equality comparison be much faster than contains(), for the majority of cases where the text I'm looking for is complete (not at the end of other text)? I think there's a "starts with" lookup, but is there an "ends with" lookup? I know that using an "id" would be even faster, but unfortunately this HTML doesn't have any IDs here, and they can't be added. I'm looking to find the <tr> containing this text so I can locate another element in the same row and get its text or click on a link. It doesn't hurt to locate a small subset of the rows and check their text, but I'd like to avoid doing separate searches for <td> and <td><a> if that's possible.
You cannot use contains but use a wild card instead.
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button:(*'Run Query'*)"));
driver.findElement("#ext-gen362").Where(webElement => webElement.Text.Contains("Run Query"))
