i want to know how we can use Redux Connect and Customized HOC in same export.
for example we have component "TestComponent" and HOC "WithSampleHOC" and "Connect".
export default .....?
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(WithSampleHOC(Component));
Hey would like to know the reason :)
Why import the useStore function instead of importing directly the /store/index.js file
Seems like it does the same
useStore uses inject (provide/inject api) to access the store. This means that passing the store from another file/dependency is not needed. It is preferred only because it is consistent thematically with the composition API (hooks).
I'm using TypeScript to define the data models for my documents in Firebase. When the document is being created the createdOn field will be the server timestamp sentinal, but otherwise it is a date. For example...
export interface Post<MODE extends 'create' | 'read'> {
comment: string;
createdOn: MODE extends 'create' ? FieldValue : Date;
I don't know how to properly define and assign to the createdOn property. First, I'm not really sure which firebase module to load the FieldValue type from. The best I could do was this and this seems a bit hokey...
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
type FieldValue = firebase.default.firestore.FieldValue;
export const SERVER_TIMESTAMP = firebase.default.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
And then when I use it, this is what happens...
// Fails when used within cloud function
// Detected an object of type "FieldValue" that doesn't match the
// expected instance (found in field "createdOn"). Please ensure
/// that the Firestore types you are using are from the same NPM package.
post.createdOn = SERVER_TIMESTAMP;
// But this works within cloud function
post.createdOn = admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
Are the types of FieldValue different when called from within a cloud function and on the client? Can I simply import this type from some module that works from both cloud functions and client?
I think this is a known limitation confusing issue with the javascript SDKs.
If you are creating an item in Firestore from an admin app you need to use a different "serverTimestamp" object than when creating one from a client app.
Firebase has quite a few products in their lineup so it's not too intuitive and this can cause confusion. Here you can view all of the products and you can view how to properly implement each library.
In your case it seems you're missing firestore which you can import using:
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
Then you are able to use the Field value like so:
const timestamp = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
Here is more information on Field values.
I am new at using cloud firestore and Vue.
I am trying to use custom key, instead of it's generated Id.
I tried using set()
But, received error:
set() is not a function
Can someone help out, how to use it in Vue?
Thank you in advance
Assuming you have a ready project and imported the JS SDK and the firestore package:
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
First, declare a reference to a collection
const ref = firebase.firestore().collection('cars')
Then, you can set a new document passing an object to the set() function
ref.doc('my_custom_key').set({color: 'red'})
How can I use "rc-time-picker 3.4.0" within the "react-redux" store to store its state? Can anyone give me the list of examples for using RC-time-picker in "react-redux" application?
Is it possible to export and import Flow type definitions in CommonJS world similarly to ES6 like type imports/exports?
There is no CommonJS-style require for Flow, but Flow's import type/export type syntax can be used alongside CommonJS require calls.
Though the syntax looks similar, import type and export type are not actual JavaScript import/export statements. They must be stripped from your code before your code can be run in current browsers. If you use Babel to compile your code, for example, you use the transform-flow-strip-types plugin to strip Flow types and type imports/exports.