why my openstack page is view as text && and it is not secure can any one help me - openstack

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Scale up a fabric 2.2 network with many clients and servers

I am using a Fabric 2.2 network with two organizations, one endorsing peer per organization and one ordering service.
I want to scale up my network with many clients and servers in order to test the performance of the system (latency and throughput), similarly to what it is done in this paper ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/69/4358933/08246573.pdf in section 6.1.2
I confuse maybe the terms. I am really new to Fabric.
What is the meaning of "clients" and "servers" in the paper? Are they ca-servers and ca-clients? In this case, how to configure a network with an increasing number of Fabric clients and servers?

Analysis Services access configuration challenge

Looking for access related solution that involves:
a) Azure Analysis Services
b) Reports in Power BI Services
c) and restricting connection access to Azure Analysis Services from Excel, Power BI Desktop, other tools
The picture below illustrates the problem what I'm trying to solve (marked red).
So we want that certain Azure AD Group(s) (e.g. Salespersons) have access to Azure Analysis Services only through published Power BI Reports. So they use reports but can’t connect to Azure Analysis model with Excel, Power BI Desktop and other tools.
And at the same time other Azure AD Group(s) (e.g. Controllers) can use Excel and other tools to explore whole Azure Analysis Services model. They also can use reports.
I see that current Azure Analysis Services Firewall setup operates with IP Addresses.
So looks it can't be used in my case as I can identify users by AD Group(s) not IP(s).
Does anybody know is it somehow possible to solve this.
Might be in combination with some other Azure services
[link to picture]
you can create an Azure VM, provide the user group access(allowed to use AAS from excel) on that VM and whitelist the IP of that VM in firewall of AAS server.
So anyone accessing the AAS needs to access it via the Azure VM only and not via any local IP.
As to others users, even if they have read access on AAS cube, they wont be able to access due to firewall restrictions.
Note : All the above is assuming that the POwerBi reports are in connectlive mode and not import mode.
In case if the reports are in import mode, the users need not have read access in the AAS cube but just have access on the reports

Performance impact for attaching Security Group with more number of rules

I have an OpenStack Environment with 5000+ VMs running currently. I want to apply some common Security Group to all my running VMs.
Common Security Group (SEC_GRP_COMMON) has around 700 rules.
This Security Group (SEC_GRP_COMMON) has been shared to all the OpenStack Projects using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
Wanted to apply this Security Group (SEC_GRP_COMMON) to all the running VMs in the Cloud
Question 1: With the above scenario, what will happen if I attach this Security Group(with 700+ rules) to all the 5000+ VMs? Will there be any performance issue/impact for the same (CPU utilization, Memory etc. in the Compute Server or Performance issues in application running in the VMs)
Question 2: Is there any recommendations or benchmark data for maximum number of rules in the Security Group in OpenStack cloud?

Number of connections per client on MongoDB Realm

According to this comment, there's a minimum of 4 connections per "running application process" on MongoDB Realm, three of these four are constant (monitoring connections) and the rest depends on the number of queries/writes. As I understand, each Realm synchronized is another connection.
A complex app can have multiple Realms synchronized, meaning it wouldn't be hard to have 10 open connections. Does this mean that even paying for the highest cluster tier (M700, $33.26/hr) the app couldn't have more than 12800 (128000 connections / 10 open connections per client) active users?

Maria DB storage capacity under Swisscom cloud

According to this page https://developer.swisscom.com/pricing it is possible to define instances count for every plan. Does it mean that if I would need additional GBs for the system I would just need to add more instances and that's it? Nothing to change in code and I could use same connection parameters?
To add to Fyodor Glebov's answer:
There is an easy way towards one-click upgrades: Push2Cloud.
Using custom workflows you can automate every interaction with CloudFoundry. We provide two workflows/Docker Images that migrate Redis and MongoDB instances:
The same approach would also work for Maria DB. If you are interested in implementing the workflow, open an issue on the main Push2Cloud repo.
In this graph you see Apps (not services for persistent data). With apps you can add instances and memory very dynamically. Apps are stateless.
Please read twelve-factor app for more info about howto develop apps for CF.
In the modern era, software is commonly delivered as a service: called
web apps, or software-as-a-service. The twelve-factor app is a
methodology for building software-as-a-service apps.
For services (with persistent data) you have to choose a plan. For example if you use small and you need more connections/storage (for example large), you can't upgrade with one command.
$ cf m -s mariadb
Getting service plan information for service mariadb as admin...
service plan description free or paid
small Maximum 10 concurrent connections, 1GB storage paid
medium Maximum 15 concurrent connections, 8GB storage paid
large Maximum 100 concurrent connections, 16GB storage paid
You need to
dump the database (use service connector plugin and mysqldump on local device)
create a new service (cf cs mariadb large ...)
restore data to new service (service connector and mysql client)
delete old service (cf ds -f...)
There is no "one-click" upgrade at the moment.
Here's a step by step guide for MongoDB:
Stop apps connected to old DB (to ensure data consistency)
Create service key for old mongodb (cf create-service-key <mongodb-name> migration)
Retrieve service key: cf service-key <mongodb-name> migration
cf ssh into any app in the same space as DB: cf ssh <app-name> -L 13000:<mongodb-host>:<mongodb-port> (host and port from service key)
The credentials for the following command can all be found in the service key you retrieved in step 3. Open up a new terminal window and run mongodump --host --authenticationDatabase <mongodb-database> --username <mongodb-username> --password <mongodb-password> --db <mongodb-database> --out=dbbackup/dump
Create new database with cf create-service (list available plans with cf m -s mongodb)
Create service key for new db and retrieve it
Close tunnel from above and create a new one with host and port from the new db
Run mongorestore --host --authenticationDatabase <new-mongodb-database> --username <new-mongodb-username> --password <new-mongodb-password> --db <new-mongodb-database> <path-to-dump-file>
