Automate Machine Learning process with R on multiple datasets - r

I have multiple datasets with different lengths. I want to apply a correlation function to delete correlated variables with 98%. How can I use a loop to apply a correlation function on multiple datasets in the same time and store the variables selected in new dataframes?
How can I also use lasso regression on multiple datasets, also using loop functions? Thank you
# Corrélation
data.cor <- cor(subset(H, select = -c(X10)))
high.cor <- findCorrelation(data.cor, cutoff=0.98)
remove <- names(H[high.cor])
remove <- c(remove)
myvars <- names(H) %in% remove
var_selected <- H[!myvars]
new_data_H <- var_selected

Here's one way (of several) to do this:
# Corrélation
H <- data.frame(replicate(10,sample(0:20,10,rep=TRUE)))
C <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(0:100,10,rep=FALSE)))
R <- data.frame(replicate(7,sample(0:30,10,rep=TRUE)))
E <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(0:40,10,rep=FALSE)))
# Combine input datasets a list
inputs <- list(H, C, R, E)
# Empty list to hold results
outputs <- list()
# Loop over each dataset, one at a time
for(df in inputs){
data.cor <- cor(df)
high.cor <- findCorrelation(data.cor, cutoff=0.40)
# Subset the dataset based on `high.cor`
# Add the subsetted dataset to a output list of datasets
outputs <- append(outputs, list(df[,-high.cor]))
# This is the first dataset processed by the loop
# Second...
# Third...
edit: integrating your lasso routine
## Define data (indpendent variables)
H <- data.frame(replicate(10,sample(0:20,10,rep=TRUE)))
C <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(0:100,10,rep=FALSE)))
R <- data.frame(replicate(7,sample(0:30,10,rep=TRUE)))
E <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(0:40,10,rep=FALSE)))
inputs <- list(H, C, R, E)
## Define targets (dependent variables)
Y_H <- data.frame(label_1 = replicate(1,sample(20:35, 10, rep = TRUE)))
Y_C <- data.frame(label_2 = replicate(1,sample(15:65, 10, rep = TRUE)))
Y_R <- data.frame(label_3 = replicate(1,sample(25:45, 10, rep = TRUE)))
Y_E <- data.frame(label_4 = replicate(1,sample(21:80, 10, rep = TRUE)))
targets <- list(Y_H, Y_C, Y_R, Y_E)
## Remove coorelated independent variables
outputs <- list()
for(df in inputs){
data.cor <- cor(df)
high.cor <- findCorrelation(data.cor, cutoff=0.40)
outputs <- append(outputs, list(df[,-high.cor]))
## Do lasso regression
lasso_cv <- list()
lasso_model <- list()
for(i in 1:length(outputs)){
for(j in 1:length(targets)){
lasso_cv[[i]] <- cv.glmnet(
as.matrix(outputs[[i]]), as.matrix(targets[[j]]), standardize = TRUE, type.measure = "mse", alpha = 1, nfolds = 3)
lasso_model[[i]] <- glmnet(
as.matrix(outputs[[i]]), as.matrix(targets[[j]]), lambda = lasso_cv[[i]]$lambda_cv, standardize = TRUE, alpha = 1)

Create target variables for each dataframe
Combhine all dataframes in list
Combine all targets in list
Note: every target variable correspond to a dataframe
Correlation: delete correlated variables
Performing lasso regression for all lists
Create dataframes
H <- data.frame(replicate(10,sample(0:20,10,rep=TRUE)))
C <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(0:100,10,rep=FALSE)))
R <- data.frame(replicate(7,sample(0:30,10,rep=TRUE)))
E <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(0:40,10,rep=FALSE)))
Y_H <- data.frame(replicate(1,sample(20:35, 10, rep = TRUE)))
names(Y_H)names(Y_H)=="replicate.1..sample.20.35..10..rep...TRUE.."] <-"label_1"
Y_C <- data.frame(replicate(1,sample(15:65, 10, rep = TRUE)))
names(Y_C) <-
names(Y_C)[names(Y_C)=="replicate.1..sample.15.65..10..rep...TRUE.."] <-"label_2"
Y_R <- data.frame(replicate(1,sample(25:45, 10, rep = TRUE)))
names(Y_R) <-names(Y_R)[names(Y_R) == "replicate.1..sample.25.45..10..rep...TRUE.."] <- "label_3"
Y_E <- data.frame(replicate(1,sample(21:80, 10, rep = TRUE)))
names(Y_E) <-names(Y_E)[names(Y_E) == "replicate.1..sample.15.65..10..rep...TRUE.."] <- "label_4"
inputs <- list(H, C, R, E)
targets <- list(Y_H, Y_C, Y_R, Y_E)
outputs <- list()
for(df in inputs){
data.cor <- cor(df)
high.cor <- findCorrelation(data.cor, cutoff=0.40)
outputs <- append(outputs, list(df[,-high.cor]))
lasso_cv <- list()
lasso_model <- list()
for(i in outputs){
for(j in targets){
lasso_cv[i] <- cv.glmnet(as.matrix(outputs[[i]]), as.matrix(targets[[j]]),
standardize = TRUE, type.measure="mse", alpha = 1,nfolds = 3)
lasso_model[i] <- glmnet(as.matrix(outputs[[i]]), as.matrix(targets[[j]]),lambda = lasso_cv[i]$lambda_cv, alpha = 1, standardize = TRUE)


How to Loop Through Specific Column Names in R

How can you iterate in a for loop with specific column names in R? This is the dataset I am using and below are the names of the columns I want to iterate. Also are the column number.
When I try to iterate, it does not compile. I need this to create a multiple cluster data visualization.
if (!require('Stat2Data')) install.packages('Stat2Data')
for (i in 10:13(Hawks)){
for (i in Hawks(c("Wing","Weight","Culmen","Hallux"))){
After what Martin told me, this error occurs:
Error in [.data.frame`(Hawks, , i) : undefined columns selected
This is the code I have:
if(!require('DescTools')) {
Hawks$Wing[$Wing)] <- mean(Hawks$Wing, na.rm = TRUE)
Hawks$Weight[$Weight)] <- mean(Hawks$Weight, na.rm = TRUE)
Hawks$Culmen[$Culmen)] <- mean(Hawks$Culmen, na.rm = TRUE)
Hawks$Hallux[$Hallux)] <- mean(Hawks$Hallux, na.rm = TRUE)
# Parámetro Wing
n <- nrow(Hawks) # Number of rows
for (col_names in 10:13){
x <- matrix(Hawks[, i],0.95*n)
#x <- rbind(x1,x2)
plot (x)
fit2 <- kmeans(x, 2)
y_cluster2 <- fit2$cluster
fit3 <- kmeans(x, 3)
y_cluster3 <- fit3$cluster
fit4 <- kmeans(x, 4)
y_cluster4 <- fit4$cluster

Forecasting More than One Column

How do I run this for each of the 50 columns I have instead of one at a time?
#Chosen vector creation
IMBFM <- as.numeric(data$IMBFM)
#Hidden layers creation
alpha <- 1.5^(-10)
hn <- length(IMBFM)/(alpha*(length(IMBFM)+30))
#Fitting nnetar
lambda <- BoxCox.lambda(IMBFM)
dnn_pred <- nnetar(IMBFM, size= hn, lambda = lambda)
#Fitting nnetar
dnn_forecast <- forecast(dnn_pred, h= 30, PI = TRUE)
Create a function that takes your column, and returns a list of the forecast and the plot
f <- function(x) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
alpha <- 1.5^(-10)
hn <- length(x)/(alpha*(length(x)+30))
lambda <- BoxCox.lambda(x)
dnn_pred <- nnetar(x, size= hn, lambda = lambda)
dnn_forecast <- forecast(dnn_pred, h= 30, PI = TRUE)
list("forecast" = dnn_forecast, "plot" = plot(dnn_forecast))
Create a vector of your columns of interest / many ways to do this; this is the manual way, but your might be able to use a regex on colnames(data) to select the ones of interest, depending on the names
mycols = c("IBMF", "col2", "col3", ... "col50")
Use lapply to apply the function to each element of mycols
result = lapply(mycols, function(col) data[[col]])

Accessing a variable in a data frame by columns number in R?

I have a data frame as "df" and 41 variables var1 to var41. If I write this command
pcdtest(plm(var1~ 1 , data = df, model = "pooling"))[[1]]
I can see the test value. But I need to apply this test 41 times. I want to access variable by column number which is "df[1]" for "var1" and "df[41]" for "var41"
pcdtest(plm(df[1]~ 1 , data = dfp, model = "pooling"))[[1]]
But it fails. Could you please help me to do this? I will have result in for loop. And I will calculate the descriptive statistics for all the results. But it is very difficult to do test for each variable.
I think you can easily adapt the following code to your data. Since you didn't provide any of your data, I used data that comes with the plm package.
library(plm) # for pcdtest
# example data from plm package
data("Cigar" , package = "plm")
Cigar[ , "fact1"] <- c(0,1)
Cigar[ , "fact2"] <- c(1,0)
Cigar.p <- pdata.frame(Cigar)
# example for one column
p_model <- plm(formula = pop~1, data = Cigar.p, model = "pooling")
# run through multiple models
l_plm_models <- list() # store plm models in this list
l_tests <- list() # store testresults in this list
for(i in 3:ncol(Cigar.p)){ # start in the third column, since the first two are state and year
fmla <- as.formula(paste(names(Cigar.p)[i], '~ 1', sep = ""))
l_plm_models[[i]] <- plm(formula = as.formula(paste0(colnames(Cigar.p)[i], "~ 1", sep = "")),
data = Cigar.p,
model = "pooling")
l_tests[[i]] <- pcdtest(l_plm_models[[i]])[[1]]
testresult <- data.frame("z" = unlist(l_tests), row.names = (colnames(Cigar.p[3:11])))
> testresult
price 175.36476
pop 130.45774
pop16 155.29092
cpi 176.21010
ndi 175.51938
sales 99.02973
pimin 175.74600
fact1 176.21010
fact2 176.21010
# example for cipstest
matrix_results <- matrix(NA, nrow = 11, ncol = 2) # use 41 here for your df
l_ctest <- list()
for(i in 3:ncol(Cigar.p)){
l_ctest[[i]] <- cipstest(Cigar.p[, i], lags = 4, type = 'none', model = 'cmg', truncated = F)
matrix_results[i, 1] <- as.numeric(l_ctest[[i]][1])
matrix_results[i, 2] <- as.numeric(l_ctest[[i]][7])
res <- data.frame(matrix_results)
names(res) <- c('cips-statistic', 'p-value')
Try using as.formula(), for example:
results <- list()
for (i in 1:41){
varName <- paste0('var',i)
frml <- paste0(varName, ' ~ 1')
results[[i]] <-
pcdtest(plm(as.formula(frml) , data = dfp, model = "pooling"))[[1]]
You can use reformulate to create the formula and apply the code for 41 times using lapply :
var <- paste0('var', 1:41)
result <- lapply(var, function(x) pcdtest(plm(reformulate('1', x),
data = df, model = "pooling"))[[1]])

How to store values from loop to a dataframe in R?

I am new to R and programming, I want to store values from loop to a data frame in R. I want ker, cValues, accuracyValues values to be stored a data frame from bellow code. I am not able to achieve this, Data Frame is only saving last value not all the values.
Can you please help me with this please.
# Define a vector which has different kernel methods
kerna <- c("rbfdot","polydot","vanilladot","tanhdot","laplacedot",
# Define a for loop to calculate accuracy for different values of C and kernel
for (ker in kerna){
cValues <- c()
accuracyValues <- c()
for (c in 1:100) {
model <- ksvm(V11~V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+V6+V7+V8+V9+V10,
data = credit_card_data,
type ="C-svc",
kernel = ker,
scaled =TRUE)
pred <- predict(model,credit_card_data[,1:10])
accuracy <- sum(pred== credit_card_data$V11)/nrow(credit_card_data)
cValues[c] <- c;
accuracyValues[c] <- accuracy;
for(i in 1:100) {
print(paste("kernal:",ker, "c=",cValues[i],"accuracy=",accuracyValues[i]))
Starting from your base code, set up the structure of the output data frame. Then, loop through and fill in the accuracy values on each iteration. This method also "flattens" the nested loop and gets rid of your c variable which conflicts with the built-in c() function.
kerna <- c("rbfdot","polydot","vanilladot","tanhdot","laplacedot",
# Create dataframe to store output data
df <- data.frame(kerna = rep(kerna, each = 100),
cValues = rep(1:100, times = length(kerna)),
accuracyValues = NA,
stringsAsFactors = F)
# Define a for loop to calculate accuracy for different values of C and kernel
for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
ker <- df$kerna[i]
j <- df$cValues[i]
model <- ksvm(V11~V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+V6+V7+V8+V9+V10,
data = credit_card_data,
type ="C-svc",
kernel = ker,
scaled =TRUE)
pred <- predict(model,credit_card_data[,1:10])
accuracy <- sum(pred== credit_card_data$V11)/nrow(credit_card_data)
# Insert accuracy into df$accuracyValues
df$accuracyValues[i] <- accuracy;
Consider Map to build a list of data frames from each pairing of ker and cValues (1:100) generated from expand.grid and row bind all elements together.
k_c_pairs_df <- expand.grid(kerna=kerna, c_value=1:100, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
model_fct <- function(ker, c) {
model <- ksvm(V11~V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+V6+V7+V8+V9+V10,
data = credit_card_data,
type ="C-svc",
kernel = ker,
scaled =TRUE)
pred <- predict(model,credit_card_data[,1:10])
accuracy <- sum(pred== credit_card_data$V11)/nrow(credit_card_data)
print(paste("kernal:",ker, "c=",cValues[i],"accuracy=",accuracyValues[i]))
return(data.frame(kernel = ker, cValues = c, accuracyValues = accuracy))
df_list <- Map(model_fct, k_c_pairs_df$ker, k_c_pairs_df$c_value)
final_df <-, df_list)

How to extract the p.value and estimate from cor.test() in a data.frame?

In this example, I have temperatures values from 50 different sites, and I would like to correlate the Site1 with all the 50 sites. But I want to extract only the components "p.value" and "estimate" generated with the function cor.test() in a data.frame into two different columns.
I have done my attempt and it works, but I don't know how!
For that reason I would like to know how can I simplify my code, because the problem is that I have to run two times a Loop "for" to get my results.
Here is my example:
# Temperature data
data <- matrix(rnorm(500, 10:30, sd=5), nrow = 100, ncol = 50, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Year", 1:100)),
c(paste("Site", 1:50))) )
# Empty data.frame
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="")
# Extraction
for (i in 1:50) {
df1 <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i] )
df[,2:3] <- df1[c("estimate", "p.value")]
for (i in 1:50) {
df1 <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i] )
df[i,2:3] <- df1[c("estimate", "p.value")]
I will appreciate very much your help :)
I might offer up the following as well (masking the loops):
result <-,lapply(2:50, function(x) {
pvalue <- cor.result$p.value
estimate <- cor.result$estimate
return(data.frame(pvalue = pvalue, estimate = estimate))
First of all, I'm guessing you had a typo in your code (you should have rnorm(5000 if you want unique values. Otherwise you're going to cycle through those 500 numbers 10 times.
Anyway, a simple way of doing this would be:
data <- matrix(rnorm(5000, 10:30, sd=5), nrow = 100, ncol = 50, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Year", 1:100)),
c(paste("Site", 1:50))) )
# Empty data.frame
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="")
estimates = numeric(50)
pvalues = numeric(50)
for (i in 1:50){
test <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i])
estimates[i] = test$estimate
pvalues[i] = test$p.value
df$Estimate <- estimates
df$P.value <- pvalues
Edit: I believe your issue was is that in the line df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="") if you do typeof(df$Estimate), you see it's expecting an integer, and typeof(test$estimate) shows it spits out a double, so R doesn't know what you're trying to do with those two values. you can redo your code like thus:
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate=numeric(50), P.value=numeric(50))
for (i in 1:50){
test <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i])
df$Estimate[i] = test$estimate
df$P.value[i] = test$p.value
to make it a little more concise.
similar to the answer of colemand77:
create a cor function:
cor_fun <- function(x, y, method){
tmp <- cor.test(x, y, method= method)
cbind(r=tmp$estimate, p=tmp$p.value) }
apply through the data.frame. You can transpose the result to get p and r by row:
t(apply(data, 2, cor_fun, data[, 1], "spearman"))
