R: "internet routines cannot be loaded" when starting from RStudio - r

I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.5 with Linux kernel 4.18 and Gnome 3.32.2. In this system, I've got R 4.1.2 compiled with the tool asdf with shared libraries enabled. On top of that, I installed RStudio 2021.09.01-372 from an RPM from the official RStudio website.
When I start Rstudio, the first line of output after the usual R startup is an error:
Error in tools::startDynamicHelp() : internet routines cannot be loaded
I am unable to figure out what's causing this error, and with it I can't run things like refresh CRAN or update packages. But if I start a pure R session from the terminal (instead of Rstudio) this error does not occur.
Some things I tried:
Install the krb5 and libssh2 packages on my host system: Didn't help.
Starting a "pure" R session (both with and without the --vanilla argument) from the Terminal tab within Rstudio also gives this error. If I try to run update.packages() from this session, it pops up a window to select a CRAN mirror then fails with the following:
Warning: failed to download mirrors file (internet routines cannot be loaded); using local file '/home/[my username]/.asdf/installs/R/4.1.2/lib64/R/doc/CRAN_mirrors.csv'
Warning: unable to access index for repository https://cloud.r-project.org/src/contrib:
internet routines cannot be loaded
Warning message:
In download.file(url, destfile = f, quiet = TRUE) :
unable to load shared object '/home/penyuan/.asdf/installs/R/4.1.2/lib64/R/modules//internet.so':
/lib64/libssh.so.4: undefined symbol: EVP_KDF_ctrl, version OPENSSL_1_1_1b
But like I said, the strange thing is if I start an R session outside of Rstudio, these errors don't happen.
Within RStudio, the only workaround I can find is to run this command upon startup (suggested in this thread):
Once this is done, everything else seems to work, such as package updates.
However, I don't want to manually do this every time I start RStudio. So I tried to put it into ~/.Rprofile including a test print() as follows:
print("This is `~/.Rprofile`")
When I open RStudio, I can see the output from the print() call, but the options() command is not run because the original error shows up again. I still have to manually enter options(download.file.method="wget") every time.
I also tried to fold everything into a .First function in ~/.Rprofile as follows:
.First <- function() {
print("This is the `.First` function in `~/.Rprofile`")
Unfortunately, same result as before: print()'s output is seen, but options() is not run.
I also made sure that my ~/.Rprofile includes a trailing newline as discussed here. But this didn't help.
The above are the steps I've tried so far.
Why does this error only occur when running RStudio or a terminal within Rstudio? Why doesn't it happen if I start R from a terminal outside of Rstudio?
Is there a way to solve the problem so that the error doesn't happen in the first place? If it can't be solved, how do I set up my ~/.Rprofile so that options(download.file.method="wget") will be run?
Thank you.


R reticulate import pyarrow fails with ImportError unless calling in brand new session

The following frequently fails in Rstudio but I can't figure out exactly when/why...
pa<-reticulate::import("pyarrow") # this fails
pq<-reticulate::import("pyarrow.parquet") # this fails
pc<-reticulate::import("pyarrow.compute") # this fails
ds<-reticulate::import("pyarrow.dataset") # this fails
adlfs<-reticulate::import("adlfs")$AzureBlobFileSystem #this works
abfs<-adlfs(connection_string=Sys.getenv("Synblob")) #this works
The failure is Error in py_module_import(module, convert = convert) : ImportError: DLL load failed while importing lib: The specified procedure could not be found.
Clearing the environment and Restarting R is insufficient to make it work. I need to spawn new session to make it work. It always works in Rgui (as opposed to Rstudio).
I've unchecked Restore .RData into workspace at startup and changed Save workspace to .RData on exit to Never.
There seems to be something that is hanging around that breaks it but I can't figure out what.

anyone know why lintr is marking the first string of my jupyter r kernels in red?

i just set up R to work with Jupyter notebooks in vscode but it is marking the first string of my kernels in red.
The message I get is:
Failed to run diagnostics: ! error in callr subprocess
Caused by error:
! Full file exclusions must be character vectors of length 1. items: 1 are not! lintr
if i uninstall languageserver package then it disappears but vscode asks me to reinstall it and then it comes back
how do i get rid of this?
This is not an answer..
Just information about a similar problem
Could you try to run the R code below:
lintr::use_lintr(type = "tidyverse")
see https://github.com/r-lib/lintr/blob/main/README.md#lintr-file-example for reference.
I think it creates a .lintr file that defines a default behaviour for lintr within your project directory.So you might need to run the code above each time you have a new project

Installing packages from binary in R 3.4.0

I recently updated R to the latest release: 3.4.0. R is installed on a network location H:/. Now something weird is happening when I try to install a local binary package:
filename <- paste0("R:/path/independeR_", versions, ".zip")
repos = NULL, type = "source",
lib = gsub("\\\\\\\\networkpath/home/[[:alpha:]]*/",
"H:/", .libPaths()[1]))
Both H:/ and R:/ are network locations. In .libPaths() the default location is in the H:/ location, but it shows with the entire network adress. In the call to install.packages I substituted this.
The code above fails, with the following output:
'\\networkpath\home\JDUB~PN6\DOCU~UZL\R\R-34~TN4.0' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning in install.packages :
running command '"//networkpath/home/JDUB~PN6/DOCU~UZL/R/R-34~TN4.0/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "H:\Documents\R\R-3.4.0\library" "R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip"' had status 1
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip’ had non-zero exit status
There is two things that surprise me here. The directorynames are all jumbled up (DOCU~UZL instead of Documents etc), but for some reason Command promt seems fine with that. The more interesting thing is the following:
When I try to put the command "//networkpath/home/JDUB~PN6/DOCU~UZL/R/R-34~TN4.0/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "H:\Documents\R\R-3.4.0\library" "R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip" directly into Command Prompt, the output is very similar:
in/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "H:\Documents\R\R-3.4.0\library" "R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip"
'\\networkpath\home\JDUB~PN6\DOCU~UZL\R\R-34~TN4.0' is not recognized as
an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
For some reason CMD seems to cut off the path to the command halfway through. I guess that this is because the command is too long. When I try the same command, but with H:/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/bin/x64/R, the installation goes just fine.
I would like to be able to automatically install this package from a script, so I would like a solution to this problem from within R. Is there a way to get R to use the shorter H:/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/bin/x64/R?
I was having problems with updating packages, while searching I found that there is a reported bug affecting getting the timestamps from files in Windows 10:
Starting in R 3.4.0, file.info sometimes returns for mtime,
atime and ctime for directories. It seems to have something to do
with sharing. This affects functions that use file.mtime like
Try file.info() with a random directory. If it returns a legitimate
file time, open a windows explorer window and navigate to the
directory, then run the call again and it will return s.
In some cases it returns s even if the directory is not open (or
in the path of an open explorer window), but this is not consistent.
With a comment of Tomas Kalibera:
Thank you for the report, this is a known bug that has been fixed
recently in R-devel
I found that when I closed the file explorer windows the timestamps worked correctly and didn't show up as NA's.
This may be a lead for why your code isn't working.
I managed to make the following work. However, I think it is extremely ugly, and would still like to see if it is possible to do it someway else.
filename <- paste0("R:/path/independeR_", versions, ".zip")
cmd <- file.path(gsub("//networkpath/home/[[:alnum:]]*/", "H:/",
"H:/", R.home())), "bin/x64/R")
libname <- gsub("\\\\\\\\networkpath/home/[[:alpha:]]*/",
"H:/", .libPaths()[1])
call <- paste(paste0('"', cmd, '"'),
paste0('"', libname, '"'),
paste0('"', filename, '"'),
sep = " ")

knitr execution halted because of http_proxy?

I had to mess around with my R version to be able to get my secure gateway to connect to R mirrors. I did this by adding http_proxy=http://servername to both the properties tab in the R icon, and also by doing:
in Rstudio. Could get this to work in R, but not Rstudio. anyway no problem - I can install packages from within R, point RStudio at R and load the package. good.
So I try to create a (default) .Rmd file in Rstudio - when I run knitr, I get the following:
Error: 24:17: unexpected '/'
24: http_proxy=http:/
Execution halted
I can only imagine I am getting this because I messed around setting up the proxy. Would this make sense?
How do I clear/unset any proxy server in Rstudio?
Quote the string:
Sys.setenv(http_proxy = "http://servername")
If your on Windows, configure your proxy in IExplorer and use setInternet2(TRUE) function in your script to use IExplorer's proxy settings.

RStudio cannot find any package after laptop restart

My R script worked fine in RStudio (Version 0.98.1091) on Windows 7. Then I restarted my laptop, entered again in RStudio and now it provides the following error messages each time I want to execute my code:
cl <- makeCluster(mc); # build the cluster
Error: could not find function "makeCluster"
> registerDoParallel(cl)
Error: could not find function "registerDoParallel"
> fileIdndexes <- gsub("\\.[^.]*","",basename(SF))
Error in basename(SF) : object 'SF' not found
These error messages are slightly different each time I run the code. It seems that RStudio cannot find any function that is used in the code.
I restarted R Session, cleaned Workspace, restarted RStudio. Nothing helps.
It must be noticed that after many attempts to execute the code, it finally was initialized. However, after 100 iterations, it crashed with the message related to unavailability of localhost.
Add library(*the package needed/where the function is*) for each of the packages you're using.
