I'm looking to update R on our ubuntu 18.04 server to 3.5 or higher but I'm experiencing some difficulties.
Installing it via install r-base results in version 3.4.x, we need 3.5 or higher to run some specific scripts. I've also consulted this website: https://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/, and attempted add the repository listed (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:c2d4u.team/c2d4u4.0+) but this results in the following errors:
Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~c2d4u.team/ubuntu/c2d4u4.0+'.
ERROR: '~c2d4u.team' user or team does not exist.
At this point, I'm at a loss. I'm wondering if it's potentially a firewall issue? or is there a setting I need to change.
What about downloading .deb(s) from https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/bionic-cran40/ and installing them with dpkg / apt?
I am trying to install Openstack using DevStack. After correctly creating the user stack and running ./stack.sh, the script starts to install the required dependencies until it hits Obtaining file:///opt/stack/cinder. Then I obtain the following errors:
ContextualVersionConflict: (grpcio 1.21.1 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('grpcio<1.16.0,>=1.0.0'), set(['tooz']))
I understand that there is a conflict in grpcio, but I don't know how to solve it. I already unsuccessfully tried to install a specific version between 1.0.0 and 1.16.0.
The Devstack version I am using is the latest from the git master.
I think I solved the problem myself.
I had the tooz package installed with version 1.62 which was causing the issue.
After removing that package the installation completed.
I am seeing the below error when deploying devstack (openstack) on ubuntu:
E: Unable to locate package libvirt-clients
E: Unable to locate package libvirt-daemon-system
Any clues pls ?
I have this problem too and i use ubuntu trusty
according to this commit:
they changed the repo packages 5 days ago and just for ubuntu xenial its the same as before : "install_package libvirt-bin libvirt-dev"
but other distros: "install_package libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-dev"
I think we could better edit the file manually until better changes take place.
You're probably trying to install Devstack it on an unsupported version of Linux. Try Ubuntu 16.0.4 (worked for my today without a single problem) or the one that the installation guide says is supported.
Try sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm virt-manager for more information check this out on github.
I have CentOS 7 (3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64) and I seem not be able to install R and then get Rstudio server working.
This is what I did:
rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
yum install R
Then I got this error:
Transaction check error:
file /usr/lib/systemd/system/blk-availability.service from install of device-mapper-7:1.02.107-5.el7_2.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package lvm2-7:2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64
file /usr/sbin/blkdeactivate from install of device-mapper-7:1.02.107-5.el7_2.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package lvm2-7:2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64
file /usr/share/man/man8/blkdeactivate.8.gz from install of device-mapper-7:1.02.107-5.el7_2.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package lvm2-7:2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64
I am not sure what it is. There is nothing from whereis R because it didn't install.
If I install Rstudio Server, it would fail to start the service and said ERROR unable to find installation of R in the system
Can someone tell me how to install R properly on Centos 7?
That is not related to R. Your log shows a conflict between "device-mapper" and "lvm2", and these packages are used to operate with devices such as hard disks and partitions (before someone downvotes me, YES this is a crude simplification).
You should try to update your system with yum before installing R.
I resolved this problem by updating lvm2 firstly, then install R.
This idea was from: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1294128
I'm trying to install the BayesVarSel package on a ubuntu 12 box on AWS EC2. It works fine on my windows 7 machine (R 2.15.1).
I've attached a screenshot of the error message. It appears to be an issue with the GNU GSL library. I couldn't find a quick way to install GSL (ie sudo apt-get GSL, etc.) so I wanted to see if others have had a similar issue. I'm open to other packages with similar functionality.
A couple other things I've tried without luck :
I was able to recreate the error with Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (desktop) running in VirtualBox.
As #Dirk Eddelbuettel suggested, sudo apt-cache search libgsl produced a useful list of packages. It's not clear why that didn't work on your machine.
I installed libgsl with:
sudo apt-get install libgsl0ldbl
sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev
Now BayesVarSel compiles and loads without error.
apt-cache search libgsl
and everything should be a little clearer. Those packages have existed longer than either Ubuntu or Amazon EC2 so it really should not take superhuman effort to find them.
And if apt-cache search libgsl is too difficult, try packages.ubuntu.com
where you can search for the package containing the file in your error message (eg /usr/include/gsl/gsl_vector.h) and "Yes, Veronica" you can search for substrings too.
On Fedora the required package can be installed with dnf install gsl-devel.
My R version is 2.7.1 (on Debian) and some packages are asking for > 2.10. I cannot find updating instructions and I don't want to remove and reinstall as I have other things depending on R and I don't want to mess up. Is there an update procedure?
Closest thing to my problem is on this thread.
check out the instructions for installing from source. Its easy on a Linux box, and you can do the install in any directory you like, you dont even need superuser permissions. Once compiled you can even run R from that directory without messing up any system-installed R. As long as you give the full path to R's binary, or put the path to it in your PATH environment variable, when starting it it will work fine.
It seems that R on Debian with versions previous to 2.7.1 cannot be updated.
The current core runs from 2.7.1 up. The only way to do it is to remove the existing version.
As this was not straight forward I post it here. If you have Rapache or other things connecting to R disable them with dismode or related.
apt-get purge r-base r-base-dev
I had to do this as well
dpkg -P r-base-core
until this shows no more installed R packages
dpkg -l r-*
Then follow the instruction from http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/, with the amendment that you should use deb instead of deb-src in /etc/apt/sources.list.
deb http://<favorite-cran-mirror>/bin/linux/debian lenny-cran/
Before installing run this and it should not say 2.7.1.
apt-cache policy r-base-dev