Time series - Convert every column of dataframe to time series - r

I have a dataframe df in R:
month abc1 def2 xyz3
201201 1 2 4
201202 2 5 7
201203 4 11 4
201204 6 23 40
I would like to convert each of the columns (of which there are ~50, each with ~100 monthly observations) to a time series format in order to check for seasonality in the data, using the decompose function.
I assumed a for loop using the ts function would be the best way of doing this. I would like to use something along the lines of the loop below, although I realise using a function on the left side of the <- produces an error. Is there a way to dynamically name variables generated by a loop?
for(i in 2:ncol(df)) {
paste(names(df[, i]), "_ts") <- ts(df[ ,i], start = c(2012, 1), end = c(2021,11), frequency = 12)

You could try zoo:
test = data.frame(month=c("201201", "201202", "201203", "201204"), abc1=c(1,2,3,4), def2=c(4,6,7,10), xyz3=c(12,15,16,19))
ZOO =zoo(test[, c("abc1", "def2", "xyz3")], order.by=as.Date(paste0(test$month, "01"), format="%Y%m%d"))
ts(ZOO, frequency=12)
abc1 def2 xyz3
Jan 1 1 4 12
Feb 1 2 6 15
Mar 1 3 7 16
Apr 1 4 10 19
[1] 2012-01-01 2012-02-01 2012-03-01 2012-04-01
Now with correct frequency.


Create Time series observations,timestamps and filling up the values

I have a cross section data as following:
transaction_code <- c('A_111','A_222','A_333')
loan_start_date <- c('2016-01-03','2011-01-08','2013-02-13')
loan_maturity_date <- c('2017-01-03','2013-01-08','2015-02-13')
loan_data <- data.frame(cbind(transaction_code,loan_start_date,loan_maturity_date))
Now the dataframe looks like this
transaction_code loan_start_date loan_maturity_date
1 A_111 2016-01-03 2017-01-03
2 A_222 2011-01-08 2013-01-08
3 A_333 2013-02-13 2015-02-13
Now I want to create a monthly time series observing the time to maturity(in months) for each of the three loans for a period of 48 months. How can I achieve that? The final output should look like following:
>loan data
transaction_code loan_start_date loan_maturity_date feb13 march13 april13........
1 A_111 2016-01-03 2017-01-03 46 45 44
2 A_222 2011-01-08 2013-01-08 NA NA NA
3 A_333 2013-02-13 2015-02-13 23 22 21
Here new columns (for 48 months) represents the time to maturity for each loan from that respective months.
Would really appreciate your help. Thanks
Here's an approach using tidyverse packages.
# Define the months to use in the right-hand columns.
months <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2013-02-01"), by = "month", length.out = 48)
library(tidyverse); library(lubridate)
loan_data2 <- loan_data %>%
# Make a row for each combination of original data and the `months` list
crossing(months) %>%
# Format dates as MonYr and make into an ordered factor
mutate(month_name = format(months, "%b%y") %>% fct_reorder(months)) %>%
# Calculate months remaining -- this task is harder than it sounds! This
# approach isn't perfect, but it's hard to accomplish more simply, since
# months are different lengths.
mutate(months_remaining =
round(interval(months, loan_maturity_date) / ddays(1) / 30.5 - 1),
months_remaining = if_else(months_remaining < 0,
NA_real_, months_remaining)) %>%
# Drop the Date format of months now that calcs done
select(-months) %>%
# Spread into wide format
spread(month_name, months_remaining)
# transaction_code loan_start_date loan_maturity_date Feb13 Mar13 Apr13
# 1 A_111 2016-01-03 2017-01-03 46 45 44
# 2 A_222 2011-01-08 2013-01-08 NA NA NA
# 3 A_333 2013-02-13 2015-02-13 23 22 21

Count the number of active episodes per month from data with start and end dates

I am trying to get a count of active clients per month, using data that has a start and end date to each client's episode. The code I am using I can't work out how to count per month, rather than per every n days.
Here is some sample data:
Start.Date <- as.Date(c("2014-01-01", "2014-01-02","2014-01-03","2014-01-03"))
End.Date<- as.Date(c("2014-01-04", "2014-01-03","2014-01-03","2014-01-04"))
Make sure the dates are dates:
Start.Date <- as.Date(Start.Date, "%d/%m/%Y")
End.Date <- as.Date(End.Date, "%d/%m/%Y")
Here is the code I am using, which current counts the number per day:
count(Reduce(c, Map(seq, start.month, end.month, by = 1)))
which returns:
x freq
1 2014-01-01 1
2 2014-01-02 2
3 2014-01-03 4
4 2014-01-04 2
The "by" argument can be changed to be however many days I want, but problems arise because months have different lengths.
Would anyone be able to suggest how I can count per month?
Thanks a lot.
note: I now realize that for my example data I have only used dates in the same month, but my real data has dates spanning 3 years.
Here's a solution that seems to work. First, I set the seed so that the example is reproducible.
# Set seed for reproducible example
Next, I create a dummy data frame.
# Test data
df <- data.frame(Start_date = as.Date(sample(seq(as.Date('2014/01/01'), as.Date('2015/01/01'), by="day"), 12))) %>%
mutate(End_date = as.Date(Start_date + sample(1:365, 12, replace = TRUE)))
which looks like,
# Start_date End_date
# 1 2014-11-13 2015-09-26
# 2 2014-05-09 2014-06-16
# 3 2014-07-11 2014-08-16
# 4 2014-01-25 2014-04-23
# 5 2014-05-16 2014-12-19
# 6 2014-11-29 2015-07-11
# 7 2014-09-21 2015-03-30
# 8 2014-09-15 2015-01-03
# 9 2014-09-17 2014-09-26
# 10 2014-12-03 2015-05-08
# 11 2014-08-03 2015-01-12
# 12 2014-01-16 2014-12-12
The function below takes a start date and end date and creates a sequence of months between these dates.
# Sequence of months
mon_seq <- function(start, end){
# Change each day to the first to aid month counting
day(start) <- 1
day(end) <- 1
# Create a sequence of months
seq(start, end, by = "month")
Right, this is the tricky bit. I apply my function mon_seq to all rows in the data frame using mapply. This gives the months between each start and end date. Then, I combine all these months together into a vector. I format this vector so that dates just contain months and years. Finally, I pipe (using dplyr's %>%) this into table which counts each occurrence of year-month and I cast as a data frame.
data.frame(format(do.call("c", mapply(mon_seq, df$Start_date, df$End_date)), "%Y-%m") %>% table)
This gives,
# . Freq
# 1 2014-01 2
# 2 2014-02 2
# 3 2014-03 2
# 4 2014-04 2
# 5 2014-05 3
# 6 2014-06 3
# 7 2014-07 3
# 8 2014-08 4
# 9 2014-09 6
# 10 2014-10 5
# 11 2014-11 7
# 12 2014-12 8
# 13 2015-01 6
# 14 2015-02 4
# 15 2015-03 4
# 16 2015-04 3
# 17 2015-05 3
# 18 2015-06 2
# 19 2015-07 2
# 20 2015-08 1
# 21 2015-09 1

Finding the time interval in which a date occurs

I'm working on time-series analyses and I'm hoping to develop multiple datasets with different units of analysis. Namely: the units in data set 1 will be districts in country X for 2-week periods within a span of 4 years (districtYearPeriodCode), the units in data set 2 will be districts in country X for 4-week periods within a span of 4 years, and so forth.
I have created a number of data frames containing start and end dates for each interval, as well as an interval ID. The one below is for the 2-week intervals.
begin <- seq(ymd('2004-01-01'),ymd('2004-06-30'), by = as.difftime(weeks(2)))
end <- seq(ymd('2004-01-14'),ymd('2004-06-30'), by = as.difftime(weeks(2)))
interval <- seq(1,13,1)
df2 <- data.frame(begin, end, interval)
begin end interval
1 2004-01-01 2004-01-14 1
2 2004-01-15 2004-01-28 2
3 2004-01-29 2004-02-11 3
4 2004-02-12 2004-02-25 4
5 2004-02-26 2004-03-10 5
6 2004-03-11 2004-03-24 6
7 2004-03-25 2004-04-07 7
8 2004-04-08 2004-04-21 8
9 2004-04-22 2004-05-05 9
10 2004-05-06 2004-05-19 10
11 2004-05-20 2004-06-02 11
12 2004-06-03 2004-06-16 12
13 2004-06-17 2004-06-30 13
In addition to this I have a data frame that contains observations for events, dates included. It looks something like this:
new.df3 <- data.frame(dates5, districts5)
dates5 districts5
1 2004-01-01 d1
2 2004-01-02 d2
3 2004-01-03 d3
4 2004-01-04 d4
5 2004-01-05 d5
Is there a function I can write or a command I can use to end up with something like this?
dates5 districts5 interval5
1 2004-01-01 d1 1
2 2004-01-02 d2 1
3 2004-01-03 d3 1
4 2004-01-04 d4 1
5 2004-01-05 d5 1
I have been trying to find an answer in the lubridate package, or in other threads but all answers seem to be tailored at finding out whether a date falls within a specific time interval instead of identifying the interval a date falls into from a group of intervals.
Much appreiciated!
I used the purrr approached outlined by #alistair in here. I reproduce it below:
elements %>%
map(~intervals$phase[.x >= intervals$start & .x <= intervals$end]) %>%
# Clean up a bit. Shorter, but less readable: map_chr(~.x[1] %||% NA)
map_chr(~ifelse(length(.x) == 0, NA, .x))
## [1] "a" "a" "a" NA "b" "b" "c"

Plotting the frequency of string matches over time in R

I've compiled a corpus of tweets sent over the past few months or so, which looks something like this (the actual corpus has a lot more columns and obviously a lot more rows, but you get the idea)
id when time day month year handle what
UK1.1 Sat Feb 20 2016 12:34:02 20 2 2016 dave Great goal by #lfc
UK1.2 Sat Feb 20 2016 15:12:42 20 2 2016 john Can't wait for the weekend
UK1.3 Sat Mar 01 2016 12:09:21 1 3 2016 smith Generic boring tweet
Now what I'd like to do in R is, using grep for string matching, plot the frequency of certain words/hashtags over time, ideally normalised by the number of tweets from that month/day/hour/whatever. But I have no idea how to do this.
I know how to use grep to create subsets of this dataframe, e.g. for all tweets including the #lfc hashtag, but I don't really know where to go from there.
The other issue is that whatever time scale is on my x-axis (hour/day/month etc.) needs to be numerical, and the 'when' column isn't. I've tried concatenating the 'day' and 'month' columns into something like '2.13' for February 13th, but this leads to the issue of R treating 2.13 as being 'earlier', so to speak, than 2.7 (February 7th) on mathematical grounds.
So basically, I'd like to make plots like these, where frequency of string x is plotted against time
Here's one way to count up tweets by day. I've illustrated with a simplified fake data set:
# Fake data
dat = data.frame(time = seq(as.POSIXct("2016-01-01"),as.POSIXct("2016-12-31"), length.out=10000),
what = sample(LETTERS, 10000, replace=TRUE))
tweet.summary = dat %>% group_by(day = date(time)) %>% # To summarise by month: group_by(month = month(time, label=TRUE))
summarise(total.tweets = n(),
A.tweets = sum(grepl("A", what)),
pct.A = A.tweets/total.tweets,
B.tweets = sum(grepl("B", what)),
pct.B = B.tweets/total.tweets)
day total.tweets A.tweets pct.A B.tweets pct.B
1 2016-01-01 28 3 0.10714286 0 0.00000000
2 2016-01-02 27 0 0.00000000 1 0.03703704
3 2016-01-03 28 4 0.14285714 1 0.03571429
4 2016-01-04 27 2 0.07407407 2 0.07407407
Here's a way to plot the data using ggplot2. I've also summarized the data frame on the fly within ggplot, using the dplyr and reshape2 packages:
ggplot(dat %>% group_by(Month = month(time, label=TRUE)) %>%
summarise(A = sum(grepl("A", what))/n(),
B = sum(grepl("B", what))/n()) %>%
aes(Month, value, colour=variable, group=variable)) +
geom_line() +
theme_bw() +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,0.06), labels=percent_format()) +
labs(colour="", y="")
Regarding your date formatting issue, here's how to get numeric dates: You can turn the day month and year columns into a date using as.Date and/or turn the day, month, year, and time columns into a date-time column using as.POSIXct. Both will have underlying numeric values with a date class attached, so that R treats them as dates in plotting functions and other functions. Once you've done this conversion, you can run the code above to count up tweets by day, month, etc.
# Fake time data
dat2 = data.frame(day=sample(1:28, 10), month=sample(1:12,10), year=2016,
time = paste0(sample(c(paste0(0,0:9),10:12),10),":",sample(10:50,10)))
# Create date-time format column from existing day/month/year/time columns
dat2$posix.date = with(dat2, as.POSIXct(paste0(year,"-",
sprintf("%02d", day)," ",
# Create date format column
dat2$date = with(dat2, as.Date(paste0(year,"-",
sprintf("%02d", day))))
day month year time posix.date date
1 28 10 2016 01:44 2016-10-28 01:44:00 2016-10-28
2 22 6 2016 12:28 2016-06-22 12:28:00 2016-06-22
3 3 4 2016 11:46 2016-04-03 11:46:00 2016-04-03
4 15 8 2016 10:13 2016-08-15 10:13:00 2016-08-15
5 6 2 2016 06:32 2016-02-06 06:32:00 2016-02-06
6 2 12 2016 02:38 2016-12-02 02:38:00 2016-12-02
7 4 11 2016 00:27 2016-11-04 00:27:00 2016-11-04
8 12 3 2016 07:20 2016-03-12 07:20:00 2016-03-12
9 24 5 2016 08:47 2016-05-24 08:47:00 2016-05-24
10 27 1 2016 04:22 2016-01-27 04:22:00 2016-01-27
You can see that the underlying values of a POSIXct date are numeric (number of seconds elapsed since midnight on Jan 1, 1970), by doing as.numeric(dat2$posix.date). Likewise for a Date object (number of days elapsed since Jan 1, 1970): as.numeric(dat2$date).

R programming - Split up a group of time series indexed by ID with irregular observation periods into regular monthly observations

I have a set of data regarding amounts of something users with unique IDs used between in a data.frame in r.
ID start date end date amount
1 1-15-2012 2-15-2012 6000
1 2-15-2012 3-25-2012 4000
1 3-25-2012 5-26-2012 3000
1 5-26-2012 6-13-2012 1000
2 1-16-2012 2-27-2012 7000
2 2-27-2012 3-18-2012 2000
2 3-18-2012 5-23-2012 3000
10000 1-12-2012 2-24-2012 12000
10000 2-24-2012 3-11-2012 22000
10000 3-11-2012 5-27-2012 33000
10000 5-27-2012 6-10-2012 5000
The time series for each ID starts and ends at inconsistent times, and contain an inconsistent number of observations. However, they are all formatted in the above manner; the start and end dates are Date objects.
I would like to standardize the breakdowns for each ID to a monthly time series, with data points at the start of each month, weighing the observed amount numbers which happen to straddle two or more months accordingly.
In other words, I would like to turn this series into something like
ID start date end date amount
1 1-1-2012 2-1-2012 3096 = 6000 * 16/31
1 2-1-2012 3-1-2012 4339 = 6000*15/31+4000*14/39
1 3-1-2012 4-1-2012 etc
1 6-1-2012 7-1-2012 etc
2 1-1-2012 2-1-2012 etc
2 2-1-2012 3-1-2012 etc
2 3-1-2012 4-1-2012 etc
2 4-1-2012 5-1-2012 etc
2 5-1-2012 6-1-2012 etc
10000 1-1-2012 2-1-2012 etc
10000 6-1-2012 7-1-2012 etc
Where the value for ID 1 between 2/1/12 and 3/1/12 is calculated by weighing the number of days in the 1-15-2012 to 2-15-2012 observation that land in February (15 days / 31 days) with the amount in that observation span (6000) with the number of days in the 2-15 to 3-25 observation span that fall in February (14 days/ 39 days, as 2012 was a leap year) times the amount in that observation span (4000), yielding 6000*15/31+4000*14/39 = 4339. This should be done for each ID time series. We do not consider the case where the observation periods all fit into one month; but if they are spread out over more than two months they should be split up over that number of months with the appropriate weighings.
I'm rather new to r and could certainly use some help on this!
Here is using native R:
#The data
df=read.table(text='ID start_date end_date amount
1 1-15-2012 2-15-2012 6000
1 2-15-2012 3-25-2012 4000
1 3-25-2012 5-26-2012 3000
1 5-26-2012 6-13-2012 1000
2 1-16-2012 2-27-2012 7000
2 2-27-2012 3-18-2012 2000
2 3-18-2012 5-23-2012 3000
10000 1-12-2012 2-24-2012 12000
10000 2-24-2012 3-11-2012 22000
10000 3-11-2012 5-27-2012 33000
10000 5-27-2012 6-10-2012 5000',
header=T,row.names = NULL,stringsAsFactors =FALSE)
#compute days in month and total days
#separate amount this month and next month
#using by compute new amount
> df1
ID startm endm amount
1 1 2012-01-01 2012-02-01 3096.774
2 1 2012-02-01 2012-03-01 4339.123
3 1 2012-03-01 2012-05-01 4306.038
4 1 2012-05-01 2012-06-01 1535.842
5 2 2012-01-01 2012-02-01 2500.000
6 2 2012-02-01 2012-03-01 4700.000
7 2 2012-03-01 2012-05-01 3754.545
8 10000 2012-01-01 2012-02-01 5302.326
9 10000 2012-02-01 2012-03-01 13572.674
10 10000 2012-03-01 2012-05-01 36553.571
11 10000 2012-05-01 2012-06-01 13000.000
To solve this I think the easiest way is to break it down into two problems.
How can I get a daily breakdown of the figures I'm interested in? This is my assumption based on the information you provided above.
How do I group by a date range and summarise to what I'm interested in?
For the following example, I will use the data set which I created using the code below:
df <- data.frame(
"3-18-2012"), "%m-%d-%Y"),
"5-23-2012"), "%m-%d-%Y"),
1. Provide daily figures
To provide the daily figures, firstly we get the daily contribution:
df$daily_contribution = df$amount/as.numeric(df$end_date - df$start_date)
Then, we will expand the date range using the start and end dates. There are a couple ways which you can do it, but seeing that you apply the dplyr tag, using the dplyr way we have:
df <- df %>%
rowwise() %>%
date=as.Date(seq(from=.$start_date, to=(.$end_date), by="day")),
which has some output which looks like this:
Source: local data frame [285 x 3]
Groups: <by row>
id date daily_contribution
1 1 2012-01-15 193.5484
2 1 2012-01-16 193.5484
3 1 2012-01-17 193.5484
4 1 2012-01-18 193.5484
5 1 2012-01-19 193.5484
6 1 2012-01-20 193.5484
7 1 2012-01-21 193.5484
8 1 2012-01-22 193.5484
9 1 2012-01-23 193.5484
10 1 2012-01-24 193.5484
.. .. ... ...
2. Create a grouping variable
Next we create some kind of grouping variable that we're interested in. I've used lubridate for ease to get the month and year of the dates:
Now with all of this we can easily use dplyr to summarise our information by the dates as required.
df %>%
group_by(id, mnth, yr) %>%
with output:
Source: local data frame [11 x 4]
Groups: id, mnth
id mnth yr amount
1 1 1 2012 3290.3226
2 1 2 2012 4441.6873
3 1 3 2012 2902.8122
4 1 4 2012 1451.6129
5 1 5 2012 1591.3978
6 1 6 2012 722.2222
7 2 1 2012 2666.6667
8 2 2 2012 4800.0000
9 2 3 2012 2436.3636
10 2 4 2012 1363.6364
11 2 5 2012 1045.4545
To get it precisely in the format you specified:
df %>% rowwise() %>%
mutate(start_date=as.Date(ISOdate(yr, mnth, 1)),
end_date=as.Date(ISOdate(yr, mnth+1, 1))) %>%
select(id, start_date, end_date, amount)
with output:
Source: local data frame [11 x 4]
Groups: <by row>
id start_date end_date amount
1 1 2012-01-01 2012-02-01 3290.3226
2 1 2012-02-01 2012-03-01 4441.6873
3 1 2012-03-01 2012-04-01 2902.8122
4 1 2012-04-01 2012-05-01 1451.6129
5 1 2012-05-01 2012-06-01 1591.3978
6 1 2012-06-01 2012-07-01 722.2222
7 2 2012-01-01 2012-02-01 2666.6667
8 2 2012-02-01 2012-03-01 4800.0000
9 2 2012-03-01 2012-04-01 2436.3636
10 2 2012-04-01 2012-05-01 1363.6364
11 2 2012-05-01 2012-06-01 1045.4545
as needed.
note: I can see from your example, that you have, 3096 = 6000 * 16/31 and 4339 = 6000*15/31+4000*14/39, but for the first one, as an example, you have 15 of Jan to 31 of Jan which is 17 days if the date range is inclusive. You can trivially alter this information if required.
Here's a solution using plyr and reshape. The numbers aren't the same as what you provided, so I may have misunderstood your intent though this seems to meet your stated goal (weighted average of amount by month).
df$index <- 1:nrow(df) #Create a unique index number
#Format the dates from factors to dates
df$start.date <- as.Date(df$start.date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
df$end.date <- as.Date(df$end.date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
library(plyr); library(reshape) #Load the libraries
#dlaply = (d)ataframe to (l)ist using (ply)r
#Subset on dataframe by "index" and perform a function on each subset called "X"
#Create a list containing:
# ID, each day from start to end date, amount recorded over that day
df2 <- dlply(df, .(index), function(X) {
ID <- X$ID #Keep the ID value
n.days <- as.numeric(difftime( X$end.date, X$start.date )) #Calculate time difference in days, report the result as a number
day <- seq(X$start.date, X$end.date, by="days") #Sequence of days
amount.per.day <- X$amount/n.days #Amount for that day
data.frame(ID, day, amount.per.day) #Last line is the output
#Change list back into data.frame
df3 <- ldply(df2, data.frame) #ldply = (l)ist to (d)ataframe using (ply)r
df3$mon <- as.numeric(format(df3$day, "%m")) #Assign a month to all dates
#Summarize by each ID and month: add up the daily amounts
ddply(df3, .(ID, mon), summarise, amount = sum(amount.per.day))
# ID mon amount
# 1 1 1 3290.3226
# 2 1 2 4441.6873
# 3 1 3 2902.8122
# 4 1 4 1451.6129
# 5 1 5 1591.3978
# 6 1 6 722.2222
# 7 2 1 2666.6667
# 8 2 2 4800.0000
# 9 2 3 2436.3636
# 10 2 4 1363.6364
# 11 2 5 1045.4545
Incidentally, for future posts, you can get faster answers if you provide the code to replicate your data. If your code is somewhat complicated, you can use dput(yourdata).
