Unable to load workspace in basic R Gui - r

a complete newbie to R here. Learning through trial and error. Most bugging issue is saving and loading workspace in the basic R Gui, I haven't started working with R Studio yet. I'm learning as I go. When saving a workspace - which through research I'm told saves all the objects therein - when using the traditional way of File>Save workspace> directory.RData it saves all right to the computer file directory. I also use the command save.image('.RData') when it comes to saving the workspace. The issue is when it comes to loading a previous R session. When I use File>load workspace or even load('<directory.Rdata'>) all I get is a blank screen with this message:
[Previously saved workspace restored]
No data appears below the above message in R. I only manage to retrieve my work if I save it as a text file through Save to file>(directory).txt. Thereafter I open notepad and copy paste to R. This means all graphs drawn in tthe previous session get lost despite this being a tedious job all the time.
I would appreciate if someone advised me step by step on how to save and load work in R. I have tried all online suggestions including from this forum.
use of code to load not working despite multiple enter tries(>)
Ps: when closing basic R Gui, I always click yes to the prompt "Save workspace image" even after saving with the code save.image() or File>save workspace techniques. But still, I can't retrieve my workspace either way. Even when I click 'no' to the prompt, I'm still unable to load workspace in a future R session.


R Studio will not open .r files in source

I have used R for years and, until recently, have had few problems. However, since the last update, R keeps erasing scripts that I have saved in the Source window; then, when I go to retrieve them from recent files, it opens a script that has a title but zero code. I am able to open the files in notepad and copy/paste them back in, but I would like to know how to resolve this issue so that I could use R in the same expeditious manner as previous.
To reiterate with slightly different wording: R opens my saved scripts (.r files) as codeless source windows; there is simply a number 1 there and nothing else, though the title is displayed. I did save one as a text file and tried to open it that way but got the same results. Opening files in Notepad and copying/pasting them does work, but obviously R should be able to open R scripts and display R code.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
Thank you,
It's not sophisticated, but I would
uninstall R & RStudio
reset/remove the "internal state" stored by RStudio
reset/remove the "preferences" stored by RStudio
reinstall R & RStudio
Here's good documentation from RStudio for points 2 & 3, depending on your version and OS: https://support.posit.co/hc/en-us/articles/200534577-Resetting-RStudio-Desktop-s-State

How do I upload a local csv for use in Google Colab with an R kernel?

The only results for this question that I see is to use Python to either mount the drive or load through git/gist, etc.
This is how I'm currently loading the R kernel (How to use R with Google Colaboratory?): load the Demo.ipynb and it somehow retains the R kernel for me when I save a copy.
I'm dumb and figured out a workaround
In case anyone else has this problem:
Click on the arrow to expand the window, Files -> Upload
It should give you a warning that the files will get deleted after the runtime is refreshed.

RStudio error message - the device does not recognize the command

I am repeatedly getting the error message:
Error Save File: ' The device does not recognize the command' popping up over and over (every 15 seconds) - even when I don't click save or when I do click save.
I also can't load a R file that is in my folder - I have to open it up in notepad and copy it paste it to even see it.
Can someone let me know how to fix this? I have the latest version of Rstudio installed.
This happens when the drive memory runs out of space. As a quick fix measure, try copying all the code to an another R script file/ notepad and you might save it luckily. Long term solution would be to clear the cache and upgrade your hard drive..
This can also happen if you are reading from a file that is open in another program in some cases. Generally speaking R has no issues reading in files that are open / read only (i.e. import a CSV file) if that file is in use by another process. However, there are some cases where the read-only restriction from a locked file being imported causes the
Error Save File: ' The device does not recognize the command'
message to persist even if you are not trying to to read from or write to the locked file.
As a specific example, if you are using openxlsx to import an xlsx file that you are also viewing in excel, after reading the xlsx file in, you will get the error whenever you make changes to your R script and stop for more than a few seconds, or when you try to save the R script, even though it is not touching the xlsx file. However, if you close R Studio and re-open your script, you will notice that the issue will not appear until you try to read the xlsx file in again.
Met error "The device does not recognise the command" today. Not due to disc space but due to an r script that was somehow no good, even though file extension OK. After a very frustrating time when I couldn't copy to a fresh R script or shut down the project, saved content of troublesome r script to another older r script, deleted it and all OK - e.g. could now open up another new script that saved with no problems.

How to recover RStudio session after crash?

I would like to know how to restore my previous RStudio session after RStudio and the R session crashed.
I find that my R session crashes very often, at random times for random reasons. I am fine with that I guess.
Most of the time RStudio restarts the R session and I can continue.
But sometimes it just freezes at which time I noticed power cycling the entire machine allows RStudio to recover and even reload my old session.
Stupid me, I don't think power cycling is a good idea so I manually killed the R session, but then RStudio responded but was not really working so I restarted it and it came back with an empty work-space.
I have been backing up with Session->Save Workspace As, but it seems to do nothing as recovering leaves me with the blank empty environment.
I am looking to restore the RStudio display, including the command history , which for a novice like me is precious, and my list of open scripts, some of which were unsaved at the time of the crash.
I am assuming since RStudio can recover itself, there is a file somewhere I can use to recover it.
And if there is no way to recover, how can I completely save my workspace so this cannot happen again?
Also, is there a proper way to recover from an RStudio freeze without a hard reset?
It has been a while since I asked this question. I was never able to fully recover, but I switched to Rprojects which is the recommended way to use Rstudio.
Rprojects are stored in a folder and they remember all files and data from that project in that folder.
This did not help me with my initial problem, but projects prevent it from happening again. The hard part is moving a work-space to a project if it was not in a project to start.
Hi the first step of this article helped me entirely.
Basically, if on windows, go to C:\Users\xx\AppData\Local\RStudio\sources\s-xx and find a file with "-contents" at the end. This is your unsaved file.

RStudio freezes on "saving workspace image," previously saved .RData file disappears

First, I've also posted this question on the RStudio Support page. If I get a response there, I will post it here for all to see (and vice versa).
I'm enjoying RStudio but am having trouble using Rprojects to save model outputs. I'm running sets of models that take ~1 day to run, so this is really setting me back. This is on an iMac running 10.9.5 (Mavericks).
Here's what happens:
I close the project and allow the "saving workspace image" to go through. (This is taking ~15 min, and the Rdata files are 6GB - this seems surprisingly large to me).
Often there is no problem upon reopening, the Rdata files are restored, and I see the objects I've created in the Global Environment pane. I run another model (or set of them), and close the project again. RStudio now gets hung up on "saving workspace image." Eventually, the wheel showing that this is active stops turning. Sometimes the mouse disappears from the screen and the entire computer freezes.
I either force RStudio to close, or force the computer to shutdown. When I restart and open RStudio, then load the Rproject, the Global Environment is empty. In the Files pane, there are no .RData files shown.
When I check the Rproject directory in Finder, there are multiple .RDataTmp (hidden) files. I'm not clear whether I can use any of them to recover my data, or how to attempt to load them in RStudio.
Solutions I've tried so far:
Updating everything, including R, RStudio, and Safari, per another post on RStudio Support.
Disabling my syncing program (SugarSync) from updating .Rproj.user file, also after reading a post there.
Enabling access for RStudio in the Privacy/Security settings.
I haven't been able to find any other possible solutions, and I am growing frustrated with testing this out, as it seems to happen only intermittently and (sigh) after the problem seems revolved, such that I've run a whole bunch of models and have a good deal of data to lose! This makes me wonder whether (a) the universe is simply cruel, or (b) it's the large file size that is causing the problem. The other option is (c) both.
I read elsewhere on RStudio Support that file compression can be enabled, but that this will slow the process of saving. Since it's already taking quite a long time to save upon closing the project and I'm not clear on why it might help, I'm hesitant to enable file compression until I know more.
Thanks for your help,
