The price $535.90 we see as $535number_format_decimal_point90 - google-translate

Please take a look attached screenshots. Only in english version price shows ok as number, but other language «dot» before decimal is translated, like attached files instead of $535.90 we see $535number_format_decimal_point90
enter image description here
enter image description here


Here Maps navigation sdk returns Arabic city/street names in english navigation directions

Here Maps navigation sdk returns Arabic city/street names in english navigation directions
Text returned by ManeuverNotificationDelegate
Voice message: Now keep right and then keep right towards القرهود.
This is set
visualNavigator.maneuverNotificationOptions.language = .enUs
Does anyone else also faced the same issue
There may be cases where no translation of a street name is available. By default, you hear the local street name if no translation is available.
Try to specify maneuverNotificationOptions.streetNameUsageOption. You can set it to LocalizedTextUsageOption.ifLanguageIsCompatible.
Then the street name is only included for the set language when a translation is available. Otherwise, the street name is left out from the TTS message.

when using backindicatorimage and backindicatortransitionmaskimage you must specify both a backindicatorimage and a backindicatortransitionmaskimage

enter image description here
can't find the issue regarding this error in the back button

qTranslate-X issue with WP post date month name in Ukrainian

I am using 3 languages: Ukrainian (default), English and Russian. The plug-in works perfectly, but the name of the month (in the date of comment or post) looks like �������. Everything else (including calendar in the widget) are translated correctly.
I have changed the text encoding in the browser to try to find out if it is the encoding issue and yes - the month's name is in KOI8-U - somehow.
Wordpress 4.9.4
I found the answer which works for me:
See DaniilKZ's answer here
Here is a quote:
Add the code to the function.php:

How to correctly set Zip Code Ranges with WooCommerce Shipping Zones?

I want to include all US locations except Alaska & Hawaii. It says that zip code ranges are supported by entering a ... between the zip codes.
However the zip code I am entering 90XXX-XXXX is not allowing free shipping.
WC 3.1.2
WP 4.8.1
The Zip Code that I was testing with had a dash in it, for example 90XXX-XXXX and it wasn't allowing free shipping. I found that you need to enter the Zip Code ranges with and without the dash in order for the coupon to be applied when a zip code is entered with or without a dash.
The following is now working when I enter zip code 90XXX or 90XXX-XXXX:
Use this example:
Ex 71331*...73491*

How to enter values to a text field using monkeyrunner

I am trying to enter some text to a text field in my android application using Monkeyrunner.
while running the first line,the text field is getting selected.But The string "user" is not typing there.But the same code i can run out of my application ,In the android native search field i can enter "user" string using this code. I tried the same with device.type('USER') command also.That is also not working
If i am using this code ('KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
It is taping one center button. (In my application page one button is there in the middle of the page.)
Try the following code. It's working in my case:
device.touch(x, y, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
In the command touch put the coordinates of your edittext instead of x and y
One of the challenges would be to find the coordinates to touch, mainly using different screen sizes and configurations.
AndroidViewClient can help in this respect and you can avoid having to provide the coordinates for the Views and you can simply do:
subject = vc.findViewByIdOrRaise('id/subject')
this lines were taken from one of the AVC examples:
Do you have space character as part of the text you're trying to enter? Try without space and see if that works. Then, you can figure out how to deal with space.
