Define a constant array of struct known at compilation-time - common-lisp

In my program I have constant strings, the values are known at compilation time. For each offset there are currently 2 associated strings. I first wrote the following code:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; BLOCK-1
(defstruct test-struct
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ;; BLOCK-2
(defparameter +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ nil) ;; ITEM-1
(let ((vector (make-array 10
:initial-element (make-test-struct)
:element-type 'test-struct)))
(setf (test-struct-str-1 (aref vector 0)) "test-0-1")
(setf (test-struct-str-2 (aref vector 0)) "test-0-2")
(setf +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ vector)))
(format t "[~A]~%" (test-struct-str-1 (elt +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ 0)))
(format t "[~A]~%" (test-struct-str-2 (elt +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ 0)))
This seems to work as it returns the following:
In BLOCK-1 the struct containing the data is defined, for compile-time, load-time and execute-time. In BLOCK-2, the code which create a vector and sets the values is executed, at compile-time.
But I have the following concerns:
This code seems unnecessary verbose
The strings are stored in a structure
I need to manually set the offset of each values ((aref vector 0), (aref vector 1), etc).
When I set ITEM-1 inside BLOCK-1 instead of BLOCK-2 I get an error in SBCL which I don't understand
What is the idiomatic way to define complex constants in Common Lisp?

It's not really clear what you want to do from your question.
First important note: your code is seriously broken. It's broken because you define +global-vector-constant+ only at compile time but refer to it later than that. If you compile this file and then load that compiled file into a cold image you will get errors.
It is absolutely critical when dealing with things like this to make sure that your code will compile in a cold Lisp. One of the classic problems with resident environments (which CL isn't really, compared to the way Interlisp-D was for instance) is to end up with systems which you can't cold build: I'm pretty sure I worked for several years with an Interlisp-D sysout that no-one knew how to cold build any more.
If what you want is an object (an array, for instance) whose initial value is computed at compile time and then treated as a literal, then the answer to that is, in general, a macro: macros are exactly functions which do their work at compile time, and so a macro can expand to a literal. In addition it must be the case that the object you want to be a literal is externalizable (which means 'can be dumped in compiled files') and anything involved in it is known about at compile time. Instances of some classes are externalizable by default, those of some other classes can be made externalizable by user code, and some are not externalizable at all (for instance functions).
In quite a lot of simple cases, like the one you gave, if I understand it, you don't really need a macro, and in fact you can almost always get away without one, although it may make your code easier to understand if you do use one.
Here is a simple case: many arrays are externalizable if their elements are
(defparameter *my-strings*
#(("0-l" . "0-r")
("1-l" . "1-r")))
This means that *my-strings* will be bound to a literal array of conses of strings.
A more interesting case is when the elements are, for instance structures. Well, structures are also externalizable, so we can do that. And in fact it's quite possible, still, to avoid a macro, although it now becomes a bit noisy.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defstruct foo
(defparameter *my-strings*
#(#s(foo :l "0-l" :r "0-r")
#s(foo :l "1-l" :r "1-r")))
Note that the following won't work:
(defstruct foo
(defparameter *my-strings*
#(#s(foo :l "0-l" :r "0-r")
#s(foo :l "1-l" :r "1-r")))
It won't work because, at compile time, you are trying to externalize instances of a structure which is not yet defined (but it probably will work if the Lisp is not cold, and you might even be able to reload the compiled file you made that way). Again, in this case you can avoid the eval-when in a larger system by ensuring that the file which defines the foo structure is compiled and loaded before the file with the defparameter is loaded.
And even in more complex cases you can escape using a macro. For instance for many sorts of objects which are normally not externalizable you can teach the system how to externalize them, and then splice the object in as a literal using #.:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
;; Again, this would be in its own file in a bigger system
(defclass string-table-wrapper ()
(nstrings :initform 0)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((w string-table-wrapper)
&key (strings '()))
(let ((l (length strings)))
(when l
(with-slots ((s strings) (n nstrings)) w
(setf s (make-array l :initial-contents strings)
n l)))))
(defmethod make-load-form ((w string-table-wrapper) &optional environment)
(make-load-form-saving-slots w :slot-names '(strings nstrings)
:environment environment))
) ;eval-when
(defgeneric get-string (from n)
(:method ((from string-table-wrapper) (n fixnum))
(with-slots (strings nstrings) from
(assert (< -1 n nstrings )
"bad index")
(aref strings n))))
(defparameter *my-strings*
#.(make-instance 'string-table-wrapper
:strings '("foo" "bar")))
Note that, of course, although the value of *my-strings* is a literal, code ran to reconstruct this object at load-time. But that is always the case: it's just that in this case you had to define what code needed to run. Instead of using make-load-form-saving-slots you could have done this yourself, for instance by something like this:
(defmethod make-load-form ((w string-table-wrapper) &optional environment)
(declare (ignore environment))
(if (slot-boundp w 'strings)
`(make-instance ',(class-of w))
`(setf (slot-value ,w 'strings)
',(slot-value w 'strings)
(slot-value ,w 'nstrings)
,(slot-value w 'nstrtrings)))
`(make-instance ',(class-of w))))
But make-load-form-saving-slots is much easier.
Here is an example where a macro does perhaps least make reading the code easier.
Let's assume you have a function which reads an array of strings from a file, for instance this:
(defun file-lines->svector (file)
;; Needs CL-PPCRE
(with-open-file (in file)
with ltw = (load-time-value
(create-scanner '(:alternation
(:greedy-repetition 1 nil
(:greedy-repetition 1 nil
for nlines upfrom 0
for line = (read-line in nil)
while line
collect (regex-replace-all ltw line "") into lines
finally (return (make-array nlines :initial-contents lines)))))
Then, if this function is available at macroexpansion time, you could write this macro:
(defmacro file-strings-literal (file)
(check-type file (or string pathname) "pathname designator")
(file-lines->svector file))
And now we can create a literal vector of strings:
(defparameter *fl* (file-strings-literal "/tmp/x"))
However you could perfectly well instead do this:
(defparameter *fl* #.(file-lines->svector "/tmp/x"))
Which will do the same thing, but slightly earlier (at read time, rather than at macroexpansion/compile time). So this is gaining nothing really.
But you could also do this:
(defmacro define-stringtable (name file &optional (doc nil docp))
`(defparameter ,name ,(file-lines->svector file)
,#(if docp (list doc) nil)))
And now your code reads like
(define-stringtable *st* "my-stringtable.dat")
And that actually is a significant improvement.
Finally note that in file-lines->svector that load-time-value is used to create the scanner exactly once, at load time, which is a related trick.

First of all, your let code can be simplified to
(defparameter +global-vector-constant+
(let ((vector ...))
Second, you can also do
(defparameter +global-vector-constant+
(make-array 10 :element-type 'test-struct :initial-content
(cons (make-test-struct :str-1 "test-0-1" :str-2 "test-0-2")
(loop :repeat 9 :collect (make-test-struct)))))
Note that the benefit of :element-type 'test-struct is generally limited to code self-documentation (see upgraded-array-element-type)


define setup for (not yet loaded) packages in the config file

Is there any standard way in Common Lisp (+common libraries today) how to put default settings for not-yet-loaded libraries/systems (that are from public sources and cannot be reasonably modified) in the config file such as .sbclrc?
For example, I want to have set
(setf quickproject:*template-directory* "~/projects/template/"
quickproject:*author* "my name <etcetc>")
when Quickproject is loaded. (Obviously, there is an additional complication with the relevant package not being defined at that point of time, but this I can handle.)
Something along the lines of emacs's (with)-eval-after-load.
I am interested primarily in sbcl and quicklisp/asdf libraries, but implementation independent solution is preferred.
I tried to find in existing libraries and out of the box functionalities of SBCL require and of asdf, without success.
I considered and rejected abusing sbcl's extensions on trace.
The best I was able to do so far is define method for asdf:operate, something like (for illustration, not really used)
(defvar *after-system-hooks* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defmethod asdf:operate :after ((op asdf:load-op) (component asdf:system) &key)
(let* ((name (asdf:component-name component)))
(dolist (hook (gethash name *after-system-hooks*))
(funcall hook))
(setf (gethash name *after-system-hooks*) nil)))
(defun intern-uninterned (code package)
(typecase code
(cons (cons (intern-uninterned (car code) package)
(intern-uninterned (cdr code) package)))
(symbol (if (symbol-package code) code (intern (symbol-name code) package)))
(t code)))
(defmacro with-eval-after-load ((name package) &body body)
`(let ((fn (lambda () (eval (intern-uninterned '(progn ,#body) ',package)))))
(if (member ,name (asdf:already-loaded-systems) :test 'equal)
(funcall fn)
(push fn (gethash ,name *after-system-hooks*)))))
and then write something like
(with-eval-after-load ("quickproject" :quickproject)
#:*template-directory* "~/projects/template/"
#:*author* "My Name <etcetc>"))
However, this is overwriting method on standard component dispatched on standard classes, so it does not seem safe and future-proof. And I do not see how to define new classes to specialize in such a way that it would work with existing systems and tooling.
(And it has eval, but it does not bother me much here)
You are on the right track with asdf:operate. But instead of specializing on asdf:system in general, use EQL Specializer:
(defmethod asdf:operate :after ((op asdf:load-op) (component (eql (asdf:find-system "quickproject"))) &key)
... )
This method only gets called after loading Quickproject.
I would also get rid of extra abstractions and just do want I want to do in the method itself. There is uiop:symbol-call to call a function which isn't loaded yet. But I wouldn't mind using eval with a fixed string.
To use this method (and similar custom forms) from multiple implementations, just put this in a shared-init.lisp file and then load this file in each implementation's init file.
As for common libraries for settings and configs for your own code, I have used before, which worked without any issues.

How to define globally a user input as variable

Is there a way, in common lisp, to receive a user input, say "foo", and defvar a global variable *foo*?
For example (which does NOT work):
(defun global-name (s)
"Takes s and changes it to *s*"
(concatenate 'string "*" s "*"))
(defun add-global-var (var)
"defvars a global variable and adds it to *global-list*"
(let ((var-name (global-name var)))
(defvar var-name var)
(push var-name *global-list*)))
; Used like this:
(add-global-var "myvar")
In this case, the var-name is a string, and will not work with defvar.
Déjà vu... I asked these kinds of questions 20+ years ago ;-)
Your question
Yes, you can do that (but no, you do not want to!)
(defun add-global-var (var-name &optional (package *package*))
(let ((var (intern var-name package)))
(proclaim `(special ,var))
(push var *global-list*)))
Please see
Alternatively, you can use a macro as the other answer suggests - in
fact, symbol creation at macroexpansion time (which is part of
compilation) is a very common thing,
cf. gensym.
Your problem
There is little reason to do this though.
Global variables created at run time were not available at compile time
and are, therefore, pretty useless.
Why do you want to do this?
If you want to map strings to values, you are much better off using an
equal hash table.
If you want to integrate with read,
you should call it while binding
to your internal temp package and then use
to store and retrieve values.
You will use intern to
map "variable names" to the symbols.
This is most likely a XY problem since it's very unusual to need to make a variable with a name made up in runtime. It's very common in compile time, but not runtime. #coredump has already covered compile time macros if that is what you are after.
Here is how you do it though:
(defun add-global-var (var)
"defvars a global variable and adds it to *global-list*"
(let ((var-name (intern (string-upcase (global-name var)))))
(set var-name var)
(push var-name *global-list*)))
set is deprecated, but I doubt it will ever be removed. Implementations might not be able to run as fast though since this is like messing with internals.
Since the names are not from source you you have no good use for the bidnings. because of this I would rather use a hash:
(defvar *bindings* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(defun add-binding (var)
(let ((var-name (intern (string-upcase (global-name var)))))
(setf (gethash var-name *bindings*) var)
A reason to do this is as a part of your own little interpreter symbol table or something. You don't need a list of them since you can get all the keys from the hash as well as get the bound values.
Yes, with a macro:
(defvar *global-list* nil)
I changed global-name so that it also accepts symbols, to avoid thinking about whether the string should be upcased or not. With a symbol, the case is given by readtable-case (you can use uninterned symbols if you want to avoid polluting packages).
(defun global-name (name)
(check-type name (or string symbol))
(concatenate 'string "*" (string name) "*")))
I named the macro defvar*:
(defmacro defvar* (name)
(defvar ,(global-name name) ',name)
CL-USER> (defvar* #:foo)
CL-USER> (defvar* #:bar)
(*BAR* *FOO*)
You can also add an optional package argument like in #sds's answer, that's better.

In Common Lisp, how to test if variable is special?

I thought I would be able to find this through Google, SO, or the books I'm reading, but it is proving elusive.
In the implementation I'm learning with, I can do the following at the top-level:
(defvar *foo* 4)
(set 'bar 3)
If I then call (describe '*foo*) and (describe 'bar), I get a description saying that *foo* is special and bar is non-special (among other details).
Is there a function that takes a symbol variable as an argument and returns true or false if it is special? If so, is describe probably implemented in part by calling it?
Context: I'm learning Common Lisp, but at work I have a system with a dialect of Lisp similar to Common Lisp, but the describe function is unimplemented. There's sort of an XY thing going on here, but I'm also trying to grok Lisp and CL.
Many Common Lisp implementations provide the function variable-information in some system dependent package.
Here in SBCL:
* (require :sb-cltl2)
* (sb-cltl2:variable-information '*standard-output*)
This function was proposed as part of some other functionality to be included into ANSI CL, but didn't make it into the standard. Still many implementations have it. For documentation see:
A non-special variable's environment will be captured when you create a closure over it:
(let ((x 1))
(let ((f (lambda () x)))
(let ((x 2))
(eql 2 (funcall f)))))
;;=> NIL
A special variable's lexical environment will not:
(defvar *x*) ; *x* is special
(let ((*x* 1))
(let ((f (lambda () *x*)))
(let ((*x* 2))
(eql 2 (funcall f)))))
;;=> T
Using this approach, you could easily define a macro that will expand to code like the previous that will let you determine whether a symbol is globally proclaimed special:
(defmacro specialp (symbol)
(let ((f (gensym "FUNC-")))
`(let ((,symbol 1))
(let ((,f (lambda () ,symbol)))
(let ((,symbol 2))
(eql 2 (funcall ,f)))))))
(specialp x) ;=> NIL
(specialp *x*) ;=> T
Note that this isn't a function, it's a macro. That means that the macro function for specialp is getting called with the symbols X and *X*. This is important, because we have to construct code that uses these symbols. You can't do this with a function, because there'd be no (portable) way to take a symbol and create a lexical environment that has a lexical variable with that name and a lambda function that refers to it.
This also has some risks if you try to use it with certain symbols. For instance, in SBCL, if you try to bind, e.g., *standard-output* to something that isn't a stream or a stream designator, you'll get an error:
CL-USER> (specialp *standard-output*)
; (EQL 2 (FUNCALL #:FUNC-1038)))))
; caught WARNING:
; Constant 1 conflicts with its asserted type STREAM.
; See also:
; The SBCL Manual, Node "Handling of Types"
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 WARNING condition
Defining globals with set or setq is not supported. There are 2 common ways to define globals:
(defparameter *par* 20) ; notice the earmuffs in the name!
(defvar *var* 30) ; notice the earmuffs in the name!
All global variables are special. Lexically scoped variables (not special) are not possible to get described. E.g.
(let ((x 10))
(describe 'x)) ; ==> X is the symbol X
It describes not the lexical variable but the symbol representation. It really doesn't matter since you probably never need to know in run time since you know this when you're writing if it's a bound lexical variable or global special by conforming to the earmuffs naming convention for global variables.
I believe the only way to get this information at run time* is by either using an extension to CL, as Rainer noted, or to use eval.
(defun specialp (x)
(or (boundp x)
(eval `(let (,x)
(declare (ignorable ,x))
(boundp ',x)))))
(Defect warning: If the variable is unbound but declared to be a type incompatible with nil, this could raise an error. Thanks Joshua for pointing it out in his answer.)
* The macro approach determines which symbol it is checking at macro expansion time, and whether that symbol is lexical or special at compile time. That's fine for checking the status of a variable at the repl. If you wanted to e.g. print all of the special variables exported by a package, though, you would find that to use the macro version you would end up having to use eval at the call site:
(loop for s being the external-symbols of :cl-ppcre
when (eval `(specialp-macro ,s)) do (print s))

Understanding data mode in Lisp, why are these expressions not the same?

Currently I am reading "Land of Lisp". In one of the recent code samples the author gave:
> (eq 'fooo 'FoOo)
to prove that the symbols are case-insensitive. A few pages later data mode is formally introduced.
However I fail to really understand the following. eq is a function, so its name is case-insensitive as well. Therefore I should be able to do this:
> (eq 'Eq 'EQ)
Great. That worked as expected. But what if I put this into a list in data mode? Keep in mind, I am just experimenting with something that's new for me.
> (eq '(Eq) '(EQ))
> (eq '('Eq) '('EQ))
Uhm. Okay? Why is that? I would have expected that if I put the same symbol into two lists, that the lists would be considered equal.
Now the question: does that mean that not the contents of the lists are compared, but the list "objects" themselves? What am I missing?
Symbols are Case-Sensitive
> (eq (print (intern "foo")) (print (intern "FOO")))
|foo| ; printed
FOO ; printed
==> NIL ; returned
The default reader is Case-Converting
(eq (read-from-string "foo") (read-from-string "FOO"))
==> T
However, you can make the reader case-preserving:
(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
(setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
(eq (read-from-string "foo") (read-from-string "FOO")))
==> NIL
Please take a look at
Reader Algorithm
Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Reader
EQ compares for pointer identity
Common Lisp provides 4 equality predicates, you should use the right one for your needs:
(equal '(Eq) '(EQ))
==> T
(equal '('Eq) '('EQ))
==> T
eq compares for things to be exactly the same, think pointer equality. This is like == in Java, even logically equivalent data will be falsy.
The solution here is to use equal which just does the "intelligent" thing and compares the lists' elements
> (equal '(A) '(a))
Additionally symbols are case sensitive. But by default the reader (the thing that turns code into an AST) defaults to being case insensitive. You can notice this distinction with a function like intern.
Lisp symbols are case sensitive. And even the lisp reader is case sensitive. The only point is that when the reader reads a symbol it usually make it in uppercase. The easiest way to tell the reader that the case in important is to put it between the vertical lines.
> '|asd|def|ghj|
> '|asd|
> '|ASD|
> 'ASD
> (eq 'asd '|ASD|)
> (eq 'asd '|aSd|)
The eq predicate check that the arguments are the same objects (similar to compare the pointers to variables in C)
> (defparameter *x* 1)
> (defparameter *y* 1)
> (eq *x* *y*)
So when you write '(asd) in REPL the list with one element is created. And when you write it the second time another list is created and these lists are actually different objects.
> (defparameter *list1* '('qwe))
> (defparameter *list2* '('qwe))
> (eq *list1* list2*) ;this are 2 different objects
> (setf (first *list1* 'def))
> *list1* ;this list has changed
> *list2* ;and this did not
> (setf *list1* *list2*) ;now they are just different names for one object
> *list1*
> (eq *list1* *list2*)
There are another ways how to compare objects (eq eql equal equalp =). It's better to read documentation and play with REPL to see the difference.
To complicate things a bit.
Let's say we have the following in a file. Then we compile and load that file.
(defparameter *a* '(1))
(defparameter *b* '(1))
Now we calculate:
(eq *a* *b*)
It is undefined if this is NIL or T. The Common Lisp compiler may detect that the lists are equal and set both variables to the same list - that is EQ then also would be true. Actually there are Common Lisp compilers which are doing this. Executing the two DEFPARAMETER forms in a *REPLone would usually expect that the Lisp system does not detect that and that(eq a *b*)isNIL`.
EQUAL compares structure and (eq *a* *b*) for our example is always T.

Modifying a list passed as a parameter gives different results in SBCL and CLISP

Can someone explain why I get different results for the following simple program with sbcl and clisp? Is what I am doing undefined by the language, or is one of the two lisp interpreters wrong?
; Modify the car of the passed-in list
(defun modify (a) (setf (car a) 123))
; Create a list and print car before and after calling modify
(defun testit () (let ((a '(0)))
(print (car a))
(modify a)
(print (car a))))
SBCL (version 1.0.51) produces:
CLISP (version 2.49) produces (what I would expect):
I agree with Seth's and Vsevolod's comments in that this behavior is due to your modification of literal data. Try using (list 0) instead of '(0). Questions relating to this come up relatively frequently, so I'll quote the HyperSpec here.
3.7.1 Modification of Literal Objects:
The consequences are undefined if literal objects are destructively
The definition of "literal":
literal adj. (of an object) referenced directly in a program rather
than being computed by the program; that is, appearing as data in a
quote form, or, if the object is a self-evaluating object, appearing
as unquoted data. ``In the form (cons "one" '("two")), the expressions
"one", ("two"), and "two" are literal objects.''
Note that often (in many implementations), if you modify literal values, you'll really modify them in the code itself – writing self modifying code. Your example code will not work as you expect.
Your example code in CCL:
CL-USER> (defun modify (a) (setf (car a) 123))
CL-USER> (defun testit ()
(let ((a '(0)))
(print (car a))
(modify a)
(print (car a))))
CL-USER> (testit)
CL-USER> (testit)
Take a look at the second evaluation of testit, where the let itself really already contains the modified value, thus the first print also yields 123.
Also see: Lisp, cons and (number . number) difference, where I explained this in more detail, or the question linked in Vsevolod's comment above.
