Timephased view of Remaining work in MS Project - ms-project

How to get a time-phased task-wise view of 'remaining work' in MS Project?
Have tried the task usage option but the timephased view seems to be available only for the total work, and not the remaining work.

There is no way to show time-phased remaining work in the task usage view of Microsoft Project, unfortunately.
If you are savvy vba, you can write a macro that can get time-phased remaining work by taking the time-phased total work and subtracting the time-phased actual work. I've written some sample code to do this for a similar question.
If you aren't savvy with vba, I know of at least one third party add-in to MS Project that can give you the capability to do this (and other features). It isn't free though.


Trying to find a good way to convert HTML to PDF

how are you. For a while I've been working for a Gynecologist building her a data base. For the project I am using Firebase and JavaScript. The database is for her to keep track of their patients and she keeps reports on each one of them. I am almost done with the job, the UI is almost finished, the core functionalities of the database (save data, delete, retreive, and update) are up and running but I am stuck in one little thing. She asked me for a way to turn those reports she keeps in the database into a format like PDF so she can print them and give them in case needed to her patients. The thing is that Ive tried with html2pdf, a git repository that works kind of clunky, and tried looking for others but I still cant find one that works correctly. So I wanted to ask you guys if you know of some alternatives. I started thinking about using EXCEl or Word document. But either way it seems quite complicated. Thank you for your time.
Best to all.

Performance of large collection in Meteor 1.0.X

There has been a LOT of development in the Meteor world, and as such it's getting hard to find answers that work for current versions due to the plethora of answers you find for old, out-dated versions.
I have an app that has a LOT of data in a particular collection. By lots I mean somewhere between 10k-100k, and very potentially a lot more. Essentially it's log data, and I need to display the results in a table with no pagination (like a tail). In researching ways to optimize large collections I keep running into things like this that seem to be for older versions of Meteor.
So, as I see it my options are:
Use fast-render plugin to display the page prior to the subscription (at least this is my understand on how it works).
Use some sort of progressive publish function, where it loads limited more relevant bits of data first, then progressively loads the remaining data by expanding the window/limit (not sure if this would cause heavier load on the server, though). There seems to have been a "progressive publish" plugin, but it doesn't seem to be under active development any longer.
Optimize the lookups via indexing (How do you specify that when creating the collection???)
Profiling and optimizing the template further (not sure how).
Some other method I haven't thought of yet...
Some combination of all-the-above.
What is the proper approach by which to publish and render lots of data in this way?
I'm going to assume that "optimize" means reduced query time.
Always start with the biggest bang for your buck.
Unless you're publishing the entire collection, or query on the _id, then you want to create an index using _ensureIndex. Get more info on this on the mongodb website or by searching other questions. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.ensureIndex/
Second, limit the fields to just the info you need. eg {fields: {a:1, b:1}}. http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/fieldspecifiers
Third, don't sort.
If this still isn't good enough, make another question with schema & query details & the desired UI so we can better understand the reactivity and why you can't use some form of pagination.

Directshow advice for range of functionality or is there a better alternative (.NET)?

I've been doing some work in VB.Net with Directshow over the past 3-4 weeks. I'm creating an application to keep tags on a video and eventually want to be able to extract the tagged parts of the video to a new file. In a video that is 2 hours long I might want to extract say 50 10-15 second "clips" up to 15 times (event tagging). This will be for a free application.
I've found it brilliant (and easy) to render / seek / play clips, etc on XP-Win7 with no issues. I've "discovered" the joys of GraphEdit, creating graphs, the issues with COM in VB.NET, GMFBridge, ....etc.
Now I need some advice. Am I using the right technology. Directshow seems to be very resistant to the idea of "open video", "seek to clip", "write clip to file", .....repeat for all clips, close file. I can sort of do this already if I visibly render the video but would need to do it as a background task faster than realtime render speed.
Things that seem to be missing are:
- an example of anyone doing anything similar (export multiple clips to a single file)
- no easily available 64bit compressors (lots of 32bit stuff around)
- all the references and examples I do find are VERY old
- VB.NET is not the first "port of call" for DirectShow developers
So, the question is, should I be using something else?
If not, has anyone done anything similar before. I'm not looking for their code, I just want some guidelines as it takes ages to figure things out in DirectShow and VB.Net just using trial & error (and Google).
I've looked at AFORGE (no sound), FFMPEG (command line toolset), Media Foundation (reluctant to throw away XP) and a variety of commercial helper libraries but not really getting any further.
Apologies for the length but I wanted readers to understand the background.
All help appreciated.
To output clips to a single file Microsoft had created the "DirectShow Editing Services". Sometimes it works, sometimes not. We use it in our software to create videos from clips like you. With a little bit work you can also include effects to the video.
It is also possible to use AviSynth. It's a scripting system and frameserver for DirectShow.
As I know, with MediaFoundation you can also create a video from multiple clips, but I never tried this.

ASP.net out of memory help

My first question here :)
I have a report generating website. When the user clicks a button the report is generated in a different sub as a html-file and is written to a txt-file. The html-file is later converted to a PDF in a different sub.
When the report is long (200 pages), I get out of memory exception when the PDF is generated. Memory seams to be allocated by the html generation, since when I convert the html to PDF in a different webform it works perfect.
I have tried to use analysis program like ANTS, but I dont have the knowledge to sort it out.
How can I release the html generation from memory?
Your memory from a good component should hopefully get cleared out - however in this case since its a fairly large document it may by OK design but max the memory out. You can
1. Try to increase the memory in IIS available to your worker process
2. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/911716
3. (you didnt specify server version so this is dependent on that) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/820108
With ANTS - there are tutorials on RedGates site discussing its usage. If its a third party component there may not be much you can do except increase the available memory or contact the vendor.

HTML Reporting Solution

What good components and packages are available for generating HTML reports based on report definitions? I have a truly horrific project where each report is a dedicated aspx page that builds one fantastically big HTML string, which it then assigns to a 'reportBody' Label control.
Standard grids are not a good solution as they provide no grouping capability, but I'm open to buying a grid that is friendly for grouping, printing, and exporting. FYI is one reporting engine option I'll be looking at. What else is there? SSRS may not be an option, as MSSQL may not even be an option.
BTW, this is an ASP.NET web site.
You can try ActiveReports.net
You can use i-net Clear Reports (used to be i-net Crystal-Clear). It has many different output formats like HTML, PDF, Postscript, etc. It can print and of course it supports grouping. It is platform-independent. You can it also use together with your ASP.NET. It support many different database like MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc. But also other data sources are possible. The free and fully functional report designer is very easy to use.
Also, the pricing is far below other reporting tools such as Crystal Reports.
you can still use RDLC reports, and just build them in local mode (no SQL SERVER required). I routinely feed my RDLC reports data from the results of function calls rather than have them intimately tied to the database.
The DevExpress ASPxGridView has proven to be an excellent tool for this job.
Standard grids are not a good solution
as they provide no grouping capability
If you want to create your own, I can give you some advice. First, you could probably create the groups with ROLLUP or COMPUTE statements or similar in your SQL and use a grid.
I went the following route: reports are data-driven, so that I know which columns can be grouped and which ones need totals computed. I use a standard DataGrid, and in the ItemDataBound event, I keep a running total for any columns that require it, and then detect changes in the group column. When detected, I insert a group total, reset the running totals and insert out a new group header.
I did a quick prototype of this in a day. But by the time you work out all the little details to give the reports all the features they need, and make them look just right, you'll spend quite a bit of time and end up with a small mountain of code.
