Azure CosmosDb shows Cancelled actions in AppInsights - azure-cosmosdb

From time to time, I see this error in Application Insights in Failures => failed dependencies :
Been searching through the documentation, but cannot see this mentioned anywhere. Does this status mean that the operation was cancelled through the token, or is it similar to the cross-partition response that used to be an 400 error? (
Also, will this action be retried or is there loss of data for this?


GCP's PubSub yields "no available instance" error with scheduled tasks

I would like to setup a scheduled task to run every hour and say send emails. In a Firebase project, I've setup a function with .schedule('every 60 minutes') and can see it successfully in the GCP portal as well. Recently, this error started to show up in the logs: "The request was aborted because there was no available instance. Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at:" tied to this scheduled function.
There are plenty of conversations online that I saw tied to "no available instance" and mainly due to traffic spikes etc.. But for a scheduled task, what can I do to avoid this? My main goal is to not have to worry if I have 3 tasks to run the next hour or 300. I want to auto-scale and do the magic that it does. Am I missing something here?

Generic Error webhook for integromat scenario

So I know at each step of a scenario I can setup an error handler to call a webhook, but does anyone know if it's possible to just fire a webhook if the scenario fails anywhere?
Reason: I want to send failures to OpsGenie as the current email notification thing is daft and prone to getting missed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
List all scenarios
Filter active scenarios with "islinked" parameter
Get logs every 5 minutes for the last 5 minutes
Filter by status warning or error
Pull information to OpsGenie

Resource Error when connecting dremio to Alteryx

I've data that is on Dremio and I'm looking to connect it with Alteryx.
It was working fine until once I had cancelled the Alteryx workflow in the middle of the execution. After that that instance - it is always giving the below error which I'm not able to figure out why.
Error: Input Data (1): Error SQLExecute: [Dremio][Connector] (1040) Dremio failed to execute the query: SELECT * FROM "Platform_Reporting"."PlatformActivity" limit 1000
[30039]Query execution error. Details:[
RESOURCE ERROR: Query cancelled by Workload Manager. Query enqueued time of 300.00 seconds exceeded for 'High Cost User Queries' queue.
[Error Id: 3a1e1bb0-18b7-44c0-965a-6933a156ab70 ]
Any help is appreciated!
I got this response from the Alteryx Support team:
Based on the error message it seems the error sit within Dremio itself I would advice to consult the admin to check:
I would assume the cancellation of a previous pipeline was not send accordingly to the queue management and thus the error.

Debugging ingestion failure in Kusto

I see a bunch of 'permanent' failures when I fire the following command:-
.show ingestion failures | where FailureKind == "Permanent"
For all the entries that are returned the error code is UpdatePolicy_UnknownError.
The Details column for all the entries shows something like this:-
Failed to invoke update policy. Target Table = 'mytable', Query = '<some query here>': The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict.: : :
What does this error mean? How do I find out the root cause behind these failures? The information I find through this command is not sufficient. I also copied OperationId for a sample entry and looked it up against the operations info:-
.show operations | where OperationId == '<sample operation id>'
But all I found in the Status is the message Failed performing non-transactional update policy. I know it failed, but can we find out the underlying reason?
"(409) Conflict" error usually comes from writing to the Azure storage.
In general, this error should be treated as a transient one.
If it happens in the writing of the main part of the ingestion, it should be retried (****).
In your case, it happens in writing the data of the non-transactional update policy - this write is not retried - the data enters the main table, but not the dependent table.
In the case of a transactional update policy, the whole ingestion will be failed and then retried.
(****) There was a bug in treating such an error, it was treated as permanent for a short period for the main ingestion data. The bug should be fixed now.

EventSourceException in Application Insight

I'm getting this exception in Live Metrics Stream.
When I'm debugging locally I can't see any warning or error. Checking the Failure blad also leads to nowhere.
There is no track for this error in my logs.
AI (Internal): [Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-Data]
EventSourceException while processing event "Message":
System.Reflection.TargetException:Non-static method requires a target
This is a known bug in Application Insights. The errors can safely be ignored according to the product team. If you would like to track the status of this issue, you can do so on their Github repo:
