How do I import a file into r with extension .DUSMCPUB? - r

I’m trying to import the Mortality Multiple Cause Files from the National Center for Health Statistics, located at this link:
link to image of where to find file on NCHS website
The files have an extension .DUSMCPUB (e.g., the file for 2020 is called "VS20MORT.DUSMCPUB_r20220105”). How do I import such a file? I’m not familiar with the extension.
I have tried to import with the following code, but it causes my R program to terminate. Can you please provide me with a suggestion on how to import these types of files?
VS20MORT <- read_delim("VS20MORT.DUSMCPUB_r20220105")

Thanks #Mel G for sharing this approach. When I tried to run it, I realized that the mortality file includes a few new variables as of 2020 (namely decedent’s occupation and industry). Here’s a slight variation that includes the new variables.
# Install and load necessary packages
# install.packages("sqldf") # Used to read in DUSMCPUB file
# install.packages("dplyr") # Used for tidy data management
#Increase memory limit to make space for large file
# memory.limit()
# Create dataframe containing variables for column width, name, and end position
columns <- data.frame(widths=c(19,1,40,2,1,1,2,2,1,4,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,16,4,1,1,1,
columns$names <- c("blank1", # tape locations 1-19
"Resident_Status_US", # tape location 20
"Condition_1EA", "Condition_2EA", "Condition_3EA", "Condition_4EA", "Condition_5EA",
"Condition_6EA", "Condition_7EA", "Condition_8EA", "Condition_9EA", "Condition_10EA",
"Condition_11EA", "Condition_12EA", "Condition_13EA", "Condition_14EA", "Condition_15EA",
"Condition_16EA", "Condition_17EA", "Condition_18EA", "Condition_19EA", "Condition_20EA",
"Condition_1RA", "Condition_2RA", "Condition_3RA", "Condition_4RA", "Condition_5RA",
"Condition_6RA", "Condition_7RA", "Condition_8RA", "Condition_9RA", "Condition_10RA",
"Condition_11RA", "Condition_12RA", "Condition_13RA", "Condition_14RA", "Condition_15RA",
"Condition_16RA", "Condition_17RA", "Condition_18RA", "Condition_19RA", "Condition_20RA",
# Read in file using parameters from 'columns' dataframe
mort2020<- read.fwf("VS20MORT.DUSMCPUB_r20220105", widths=columns$widths, stringsAsFactors=F)
# Attach column names to variables
colnames(mort2020) <- columns$names
# Remove blank variables
mort2020x <- mort2020 %>% dplyr::select(-starts_with("blank"))
Alternatively, it looks like the files are published for most years in a CSV format here: 2020 isn’t up yet, but for other years, it can be much faster to read a CSV into R than to use read.fwf.

The data is in the form of a fixed-width file. The user's guide to the data from the National Center for Health Statistics contains the appropriate widths. The answer I present is a modified answer from another forum, posted by #Hack-R.
map <- data.frame(widths=c(19, 1,40,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,16,4,1,1,1,1,34,1,1,4,
#Set column names
map$cn <- c("blank", # cols 1-19
"res_status", #20
"blank2", # 21-60
"ed_flag", #64
"death_month", #65-66
"acond1", "acond2", "acond3", "acond4", "acond5", "acond6", "acond7",
"acond8", "acond9", "acond10", "acond11", "acond12", "acond13", "acond14",
"acond15", "acond16", "acond17", "acond18", "acond19", "acond20",
#Import the file
mort2020 <- read_fwf("./data/original/VS20MORT.DUSMCPUB_r20220105", fwf_widths(map$widths, map$cn))


R studio write to CSV without number-column

i wand import my data to CSV but without number Column or with numeric it
. My code Very sorry for my bad english:
X<-split(dane.m, dane.m$produkt)
dane <- X$cebula[,-4]
write.csv(dane, "dane-ceny.csv")
and i get:

Extract attributes in XML using R

Trying to extract two attributes from the XML file extract (from a large XML file) namely 'nmRegime' and 'CalendarSystemT' (this is the date). Once extract those two records need to be saved as two columns in a data frame in R along with the filename.
There are several 'event' nodes within one given XML file and there are nearly 100 individual XML files.
<Event tEV="FirA" clearEV="false" onEV="true" dateOriginEV="Calendar" nYrsFromStEV="" nDaysFromStEV="" tFaqEV="Blank" tAaqEV="Blank" aqStYrEV="0" aqEnYrEV="0" nmEV="Fire_Cool" categoryEV="CatUndef" tEvent="Doc" idSP="105" nmRegime="Wheat, Tilled, stubble cool burn" regimeInstance="1">
<dateEV CalendarSystemT="FixedLength">19710331</dateEV>
<FirA fracAfctFirA="0.6" fracGbfrToAtmsFirA="0.98" fracStlkToAtmsFirA="0.98" fracLeafToAtmsFirA="0.98" fracGbfrToGlitFirA="0.02" fracStlkToSlitFirA="0.02" fracLeafToLlitFirA="0.02" fracCortToCodrFirA="1.0" fracFirtToFidrFirA="1.0" fracDGlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracRGlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracDSlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracRSlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracDLlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracRLlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracDCodrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracRCodrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracDFidrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracRFidrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracDGlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracRGlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracDSlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracRSlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracDLlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracRLlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracDCodrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracRCodrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracDFidrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracRFidrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracSopmToAtmsFirA="" fracLrpmToAtmsFirA="" fracMrpmToAtmsFirA="" fracSommToAtmsFirA="" fracLrmmToAtmsFirA="" fracMrmmToAtmsFirA="" fracMicrToAtmsFirA="" fracSopmToInrtFirA="" fracLrpmToInrtFirA="" fracMrpmToInrtFirA="" fracSommToInrtFirA="" fracLrmmToInrtFirA="" fracMrmmToInrtFirA="" fracMicrToInrtFirA="" fracMnamNToAtmsFirA="" fracSAmmNToAtmsFirA="" fracSNtrNToAtmsFirA="" fracDAmmNToAtmsFirA="" fracDNtrNToAtmsFirA="" fixFirA="" phaFirA="" />
Had some success in extracting 'nmRegime' but no success with 'CalendarSystemT'. Used below code for data extraction.
The second question, is there a way to loop the list of XML files and do this operation?
# get records
recs <- xml_find_all(xml, "//Event")
#extract the names
labs <- trimws(xml_attr(recs, "nmRegime"))
names <- labs[!]
# Extract the date
recs_t <- xml_find_all(xml, "//Event/dateEV")
time <- trimws(xml_attr(recs_t, "CalendarSystemT"))
The calendar time value is not an attribute but is stored as the node's element and is accessed directly.
Also note that if an Event Node is missing a "dateEV" then there will be problems aligning the "labs" with the "time". It is better to extract the time value from each parent node instead of the entire document.
xml<- read_xml('<Event tEV="FirA" clearEV="false" onEV="true" dateOriginEV="Calendar" nYrsFromStEV="" nDaysFromStEV="" tFaqEV="Blank" tAaqEV="Blank" aqStYrEV="0" aqEnYrEV="0" nmEV="Fire_Cool" categoryEV="CatUndef" tEvent="Doc" idSP="105" nmRegime="Wheat, Tilled, stubble cool burn" regimeInstance="1">
<dateEV CalendarSystemT="FixedLength">19710331</dateEV>
<FirA fracAfctFirA="0.6" fracGbfrToAtmsFirA="0.98" fracStlkToAtmsFirA="0.98" fracLeafToAtmsFirA="0.98" fracGbfrToGlitFirA="0.02" fracStlkToSlitFirA="0.02" fracLeafToLlitFirA="0.02" fracCortToCodrFirA="1.0" fracFirtToFidrFirA="1.0" fracDGlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracRGlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracDSlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracRSlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracDLlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracRLlitToAtmsFirA="0.931" fracDCodrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracRCodrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracDFidrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracRFidrToAtmsFirA="0.0" fracDGlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracRGlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracDSlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracRSlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracDLlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracRLlitToInrtFirA="0.019" fracDCodrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracRCodrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracDFidrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracRFidrToInrtFirA="0.0" fracSopmToAtmsFirA="" fracLrpmToAtmsFirA="" fracMrpmToAtmsFirA="" fracSommToAtmsFirA="" fracLrmmToAtmsFirA="" fracMrmmToAtmsFirA="" fracMicrToAtmsFirA="" fracSopmToInrtFirA="" fracLrpmToInrtFirA="" fracMrpmToInrtFirA="" fracSommToInrtFirA="" fracLrmmToInrtFirA="" fracMrmmToInrtFirA="" fracMicrToInrtFirA="" fracMnamNToAtmsFirA="" fracSAmmNToAtmsFirA="" fracSNtrNToAtmsFirA="" fracDAmmNToAtmsFirA="" fracDNtrNToAtmsFirA="" fixFirA="" phaFirA="" />
recs <- xml_find_all(xml, "//Event")
#extract the names
labs <- trimws(xml_attr(recs, "nmRegime")) names <- labs[!]
# Extract the date
time <- xml_find_first(recs, ".//dateEV") %>% xml_text() %>% trimws()
To answer your second question, yes you could can wrap the above script into a function and then use lapply to loop through your entire list of files.
See this question and answer for details: R XML - combining parent and child nodes(w same name) into data frame

Give a character string to define a file dependency in drake

I am learning drake to define my analysis workflow but I have trouble getting data files as dependencies.
I use the function file_in() inside drake_plan() but it only works if I give the path to the file directly. If I give it with the file.path() function or with a variable storing that file path, it doesn't work.
# preparation
library(drake) <- "data"
write.csv(iris, file.path(, "iris.csv"))
 Working plan:
# working plan
working_plan <-
drake_plan(iris_data = read.csv(file_in("data/iris.csv")),
strings_in_dots = "literals")
working_config <- make(working_plan)
This plan works fine, and the file data/iris.csv is considered as a dependency
Working plan
 Not working plan:
# not working
notworking_plan <-
drake_plan(iris_data = read.csv(file_in(file.path(, "iris.csv"))),
strings_in_dots = "literals")
notworking_config <- make(notworking_plan)
Here it is trying to read the file iris.csv instead of data/iris.csv.
Working but problem with dependency:
# working but "data/iris.csv" is not considered as a dependency <- file.path(, "iris.csv")
notworking_plan <-
drake_plan(iris_data = read.csv(file_in(,
strings_in_dots = "literals")
notworking_config <- make(notworking_plan)
This last one works fine but the file is not considered a dependency, so drake doesn't re-run the plan if this file is changed.
Not working drake plan
So, is there a way to tell drake file dependencies from variables?
Per tidyeval, if you add !! in front of the file.path(), it will be evaluated and not quoted.
Also, in the new version of drake, the strings_in_dots = "literals" argument is deprecated.
library(drake) <- "data"
write.csv(iris, file.path(, "iris.csv"))
# now working
notworking_plan <-
drake_plan(iris_data = read.csv(file_in(!!file.path(, "iris.csv"))))
#> # A tibble: 1 x 2
#> target command
#> <chr> <expr>
#> 1 iris_data read.csv(file_in("data/iris.csv"))
Created on 2019-05-08 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
After a answer from the developpers on Github, the code in file_in() is not evaluated so that's why it is not possible to use file.path in it.

Convert R JSON Twitter data to list

When using SearchTwitter, I converted to dataframe and then exported to JSON. However, all the text is in one line, etc (sample below). I need to separate so that each tweet is its own.
phish <- searchTwitteR('phish', n = 5, lang = 'en')
phishdf <-"rbind", lapply(phish,
exportJson <-toJSON(phishdf)
write(exportJson, file = "phishdf.json")
json_phishdf <- fromJSON(file="phishdf.json")
I tried converting to a list and am wondering if maybe converting to a data frame is a mistake.
However, for a list, I tried:
But this will just give me the text for the first tweet. Is there a way to iterate over the entire data set, maybe in a for loop?
{"text":["#ilazer #abbijacobson I do feel compelled to say that I phind phish awphul... sorry, Abbi!","#phish This on-sale was an embarrassment. Something needs to change.","FS: Have 2 Tix To Phish In Chula Vista #Phish #facevaluetickets #phish #facevalue GO:","RT #WKUPhiDelt: Come unwind from a busy week of class and kick off the weekend with a Phish Fry! 4:30-7:30 at the Phi Delt house. Cost is $\u2026","RT #phish: Tickets for Phish's July 15 & 16 shows at The Gorge go on sale in fifteen minutes at 1PM ET: https://t.c\u2026"],
"replyToUID":["26152867","14503997","NA","NA","NA"],"statusSource":["Mobile Web (M5)","Twitter for iPhone","CashorTrade - Face Value Tickets","Twitter for iPhone","Twitter for Android"],
I followed your code and don't have the issue you're describing. Are you using library(twitteR) and library(jsonlite)?
Here is the code, and a screenshot of it working
phish <- searchTwitteR('phish', n = 5, lang = 'en')
phishdf <-"rbind", lapply(phish,
exportJson <-toJSON(phishdf)
write(exportJson, file = "./../phishdf.json")
## note the `txt` argument, as opposed to `file` used in the question
json_phishdf <- fromJSON(txt="./../phishdf.json")

incomplete list of csv file imported in R

I need to import a list of 36 csv files, but after running the code I get only 26 of them. Probably, 10 files have format problems. Is there a way in R to detect the 10 files that cannot be imported?
If you the file names in a list, you can use the following code:
all <- c("16048.txt", "16062.txt", "16066.txt", "16093.txt", "16095.txt", "16122.txt", "16241.txt", "16360.txt", "16380.txt", "16389.txt", "16510.txt", "16511.txt", "16701.txt", "16729.txt", "16735.txt", "16737.txt", "16761.txt", "16816.txt", "16867.txt", "16876.txt", "16880.txt", "16883.txt", "16884.txt", "16885.txt", "16893.txt", "16904.txt", "16906.txt", "16908.txt", "16929.txt", "16931.txt", "16938.txt", "16943.txt", "16959.txt", "16967.txt", "16968.txt", "16969.txt")
imp <- c("16761.txt", "16959.txt", "16884.txt", "16093.txt", "16883.txt", "16122.txt", "16906.txt", "16737.txt", "16968.txt", "16095.txt", "16062.txt", "16816.txt", "16360.txt", "16893.txt", "16885.txt", "16938.txt", "16048.txt", "16931.txt", "16876.txt", "16511.txt", "16969.txt", "16241.txt", "16967.txt", "16701.txt", "16380.txt", "16510.txt")
Where all is the list of filenames you need and imp is the imperfect result you got. You can get a list of the missing files with:
missing <- all[!all %in% imp]
