Azure Service Bus interoperability between Apache Camel based producer and .NET consumer - .net-core

we're trying to build an event-based integration between an Apache Camel based system with produces messages in an Azure Service Bus topic and an .NET based consumer of these messages.
The producer used the AMQP interface of the Service Bus, while the .NET based consumer uses the current API from Microsoft in namespace Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.
When we try to access the body in a received message as follows:
private async Task ProcessMessagesAsync(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
try {
message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(args.Message.Body);
catch( Exception e)
_logger.LogError(e, "Body not decoded: Message: {#message}", e.Message);
_logger.LogInformation("Body Type: {#bodytype}, Content-Type: {#contenttype}, Message: {#message}, Properties: {#properties}", raw.Body.BodyType, args.Message.ContentType, message, args.Message.ApplicationProperties);
await args.CompleteMessageAsync(args.Message);
the following exception is raised:
Value cannot be retrieved using the Body property.Use GetRawAmqpMessage to access the underlying Amqp Message object.
System.NotSupportedException: Value cannot be retrieved using the Body property.Use GetRawAmqpMessage to access the underlying Amqp Message object.
at Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.Amqp.AmqpMessageExtensions.GetBody(AmqpAnnotatedMessage message)
at Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.ServiceBusReceivedMessage.get_Body()
When peeking the topic with service bus explorer the message looks strange:
When messages are sent to another topic with a .NET producer there's a plaintext JSON body in the topic, as expected.
Did anybody successfully build a solution with Azure Service Bus with components based on the two mentioned frameworks, and what did the trick so that interoperability did work? Who can a Camel AMQP producer create messages with a BodyType of Data so that the body can be decoded by the .NET Service Bus client libraries without need to use GetRawAmqpMessage?

I can't speak to what format Camel is using, but that error message indicates that the Body that you're trying to decode is not an AMQP data body, which is what the Service Bus client library uses and expects.
In order to read a body that is encoded as an AMQP value or sequence, you'll need to work with the data in AMQP format rather than by using the ServiceBusReceivedMessage convenience layer. To do so, you'll want to call GetRawAmqpMessage on the ServiceBusReceivedMessage, which will give you back an AmqpAnnotatedMessage.
The annotated message Body property will return an AmqpMessageBody instance which will allow you to query the BodyType and retrieve the data in its native format using one of the TryGetmethods on the AmqpMessageBody.

On our procuder side a SAP Cloud Integration is used, when the Message Type parapeter of the AMQP Adapter is set to Binary, according to:
This seem to correspond to Apache Camel jmsMessageType set to Bytes,
see for details.
The decoding of the body in the ServiceBusReceivedMessage works as expected and the BodyType is set to Data. If using Text on the producer side, the BodyType will be set to Value as described which led to the problems with the decoding of the body.


Used Wshttpsbinding of WCF-custom Adapter in the send ports.Getting Multiple headers with name 'NotUnderstood'

Below are the configuration details:
Error Details:
A message sent to adapter "WCF-Custom" on send port "SendSIMONMessage" with URI "" is suspended.
Error details: System.ServiceModel.MessageHeaderException: Multiple headers with name 'NotUnderstood' and namespace '' found.
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageHeaders.FindNonAddressingHeader(String name, String ns, String[] actors)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Runtime.WcfMarshaller.CopyHeadersToContext(Message wcfMessage, IBaseMessageContext btsMessageContext)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Runtime.WcfMarshaller.CreateBizTalkMessage(IBaseMessageFactory messageFactory, IAdapterConfigInboundMessageMarshalling marshallingConfig, Message wcfMessage, TLConfig tlConfig, RLConfig rlConfig)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Runtime.WcfClient`2.RequestCallback(IAsyncResult result)
MessageId: {53B82908-5706-4132-8FE6-0A2EC68D80DC}
InstanceID: {A2072008-0388-4B4C-B25E-A8D73274EBE3}
Can some one please help?
You should use customBinding on WCF-Custom send port for Soap12. Within customBinding, Change following property textMessageEncoding->messageVersion to Soap12. You should also generate binding file using service wsdl by using Consume WCF Service wizard. it should generate appropriate binding to use. You don't have to use generated orchestration depending on your design

Using topic with request/response in masstransit

I'm using Masstransit dotnet core v6.3.1 with RabbitMQ v3. My case is sending request from api gateway to other services. Services consume by topics and Gateway using different topics per request. I'm trying to use request/response with masstransit. But requestClient declared exhange type to fanout. And I cant change the type. I want to use different routingKey per request with request/response. How can I do this?
I have used in gateway:
(Custom Controller)
await client.GetResponse<ISimpleResponse>(new { Data="test request"});
I have used in other services(startup):
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("TestGateway", ep =>
ep.Consumer(() => new SimpleConsumer(context));
(Custom Consumer)
await client.RespondAsync<ISimpleResponse>(new { Data="test response"});
Also I tried to declare exchange in rabbitmq first. After I created request from clientFactory with exchange Uri. But I had an error like " ...received 'fanout' but current is 'topic'."
There is a sample on using a direct exchange, topic exchanges are similar but support wildcard semantics. I'd suggest reviewing it to get more details on how to configure topology with RabbitMQ using MassTransit.
There is also documentation on how to setup routing keys with exchange types.

Consumer Error Handling in Symfony Messenger / RabbitMQ

I'm using the new Symfony Messenger Component 4.1 and RabbitMQ 3.6.10-1 to queue and asynchronously send email and SMS notifications from my Symfony 4.1 web application. My Messenger configuration (messenger.yaml) looks like this:
'App\NotificationBundle\Entity\NotificationQueueEntry': amqp
When a new notification is to be sent, I queue it like this:
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
// ...
$notificationQueueEntry = new NotificationQueueEntry();
// [Set notification details such as recipients, subject, and message]
Then I start the consumer like this on the command line:
$ bin/console messenger:consume-messages
I have implemented a SendNotificationHandler service where the actual delivery happens. The service configuration:
- '#App\NotificationBundle\Service\NotificationQueueService'
tags: [ messenger.message_handler ]
And the class:
class SendNotificationHandler
public function __invoke(NotificationQueueEntry $entry): void
Until this point, everything works smoothly and the notifications get delivered.
Now my question: It may happen that an email or SMS cannot be delivered due to a (temporary) network failure. In such a case, I would like my system to retry the delivery after a specified amount of time, up to a specified maximum number of retries. What is the way to go to achieve this?
I have read about Dead Letter Exchanges, however, I could not find any documentation or example on how to integrate this with the Symfony Messenger Component.
What you need to do is tell RabbitMQ, that the message is rejected instead of acknowledged. By default the messenger will take care of this inside the AmqpReceiver. As you can see there, if you throw an exception that implements the RejectMessageExceptionInterface inside your handler, the message will automatically be rejected for you.
You could also "simulate" this behaviour with custom middleware. I created something like it, in a small demo application. The mechanism consists of a middleware that wraps the (serialized) original message inside a new RetryMessage and sends it via a custom message bus to a different queue, used as a dead letter exchange. The handler for that message will then unpack the RetryMessage (getting the original message and deserializing it) and transmit it over the default bus:
This is a basic setup which rejects the message and allows you to consume it again instantly(!). You probably want to add additional information such as headers for timestamps when delaying the consumption to improve on this. For this you should look at writing your own receiver, middleware and/or handler.

Why can't I defer sending a message for a one-way client

What is the rationale behind the following exception when trying to Defer the sending of a message on a one-way client:
System.InvalidOperationException "Cannot use ourselves as timeout manager because we're a one-way client"
A one-way client is a Rebus client that is not capable of receiving messages, so it has no input queue.
The way await bus.Defer(...) works, is by sending a message with some special headers to a "timeout manager", which by default is the endpoint that defers the message.
But since a one-way client has no input queue, it has no place to send the deferred message to.
You can make a one-way client defer messages by configuring an external timeout manager like this:
.Options(o => o.UseExternalTimeoutManager(anotherQueue))
which will then cause the client to send the deferred message to that queue.
Moreover, you would have to manually set the rbs2-defer-recipient header to some other input queue, so that the timeout manager knows where to send the message when it is time to be consumed(*).
I hope that explains it :) please let me know if it is not clear.
*) This is actually not the case with Rebus 4, because bus.Defer uses the normal endpoint mappings to route messages.
If Rebus.AzureServiceBus is used there is more simple (or hacky) way to send delayed messages.
You have to specify 2 headers: rbs2-deferred-until and rbs2-defer-recipient and call Publish method like in the example.
var deferredUntil = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1);
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
headers.Add(Headers.DeferredUntil, deferredUntil.ToString("O", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
headers.Add(Headers.DeferredRecipient, #"Rebus requires this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯");
await bus.Publish(new SomeMessage(), headers);
Note: rbs2-defer-recipient is required by Rebus so any dummy values are okay.
Be careful, it looks like a workaround so it may not work after Rebus.AzureServiceBus update. It works for me in 5.0.1.

Invalid tag for push notifications in Windows Azure

I am building a Windows Phone 8.1 application and want to add push notifications from Windows Azure. I am creating the channel by using CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync, after which I take the resulting URI and store it in the Azure database. When trying to send a push notification by using push.wns.sendToastText01, I get the following error in the Azure logs:
Error in script '/table/Message.insert.js'. Error: 400 - An invalid tag '' was supplied. Valid tag characters are alphanumeric, _, #, -, ., : and #.
I noticed that the channel URI contains the '%' which does not appear among the valid characters, yet that is the URI that gets generated in the client application. Am I using a wrong method for sending push notifications or is there something else I am missing?
Edit: I am using Node.js for backend in Azure.
success: function() {
push.wns.sendToastText01(channelUri, {
text1: "Google Plus Friend Tracker",
text2: item.content,
param: '/ChatPage.xaml?friendGoogleId=' + item.author_id
Looking at the wns object documentation, the first parameter would be the tags that you are sending to. Since you're providing a channel in the code above, you are getting the error specified.
The backend does not need to provide the channel URI, as this was associated with the Notification Hub via the client-side registration action. If you are broadcasting the message, you would just provide null as the tag value. Otherwise, you can use the tags that were specified when you registered the channel URI.
For more about the process, see the "Get started with push" tutorial. There is also an example of using a tag (user ID) in the "Send push notifications to authenticated users" tutorial. For more on tags in general, the Notification Hubs breaking news tutorial is also good.
