How to set up flat network in openstack? - openstack

I deployed openstack via openstack-ansible and I'm trying to set up an openstack network so that the instances are accessible from the physical network (
openstack network create --share --external \
--provider-physical-network flat \
--provider-network-type flat public
openstack subnet create --network public \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
--dns-nameserver --gateway \
--subnet-range public-subnet
but instances do not receive ip addresses and do not ping anything.
This is my ml2_conf.ini:
cat /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan,local
tenant_network_types = vxlan,flat,vlan
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge
extension_drivers = port_security
# ML2 flat networks
flat_networks = flat
# ML2 VLAN networks
network_vlan_ranges = vlan:101:200,vlan:301:400
# ML2 VXLAN networks
vxlan_group =
vni_ranges = 1:1000
vni_ranges =
max_header_size = 38
# Security groups
enable_security_group = True
enable_ipset = True
Have any ideas how to fix this?

1, check whether the network:dhcp port exist or not, it should exist and show that there is one or more ports which has the ip at the head of the range within start=,end= Like this:
# openstack port list --device-owner network:dhcp
| ID | Name | MAC Address | Fixed IP Addresses | Status |
| 08db769d-7500-41c0-bc3a-086fdb75c65d | | fa:16:3e:4f:76:75 | ip_address='', subnet_id='83e0dea2-cee3-437b-94c7-d5650d94d921' | ACTIVE |
2, check there is generate the bridge correctly (brqf775913d-8f consist with the head of the Network's ID, and there is some tapXXX for port which should attach to the instance), like this:
# openstack subnet list
| ID | Name | Network | Subnet |
| 83e0dea2-cee3-437b-94c7-d5650d94d921 | flat_snet | f775913d-8f9d-4f46-9fe7-2a1bce710ec6 | |
# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
brqf775913d-8f 8000.000ec6ade4f2 no enx000ec6ade4f2
docker0 8000.0242e6da798c no
3, check the instance has configured with the correct ip info (ip a and ip r s or others to check the network traffic like traceroute) by login the instance console.
4, in my situation, we should set the pvid's value as the only one flat network's vlanID in the switch ports which connect to the hypervisors, because we have other vlan networks which configured as vlan type in openstack cluster.


Connection string for MariaDB

I'm running CentOS v7.9 with MariaDB v5.5.68. I'm trying to access the MariaDB databases from a Win10 machine using Visual Studio Code with SQLTools & MySQL/MariaDB extensions.
I have configured MariaDB for remote access per this link: Configuring MariaDB for Remote Client Access
I created the users and added the privileges - tested by logging in locally with 'bob' and viewing permissions in mysql.user. (BTW, in case not readily apparent, the UID, host, and PWD aren't real.)
CREATE USER 'bob'#'1.2.3.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'myPWD';
However, when I try to log in remotely (from another Linux box) using mysql -u userID -h hostIP -p, I get the error:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)
When I try to make the database connection using VS Code, SQLTools tells me I've connected, but it won't show any tables, I'm not able to make any queries, and I get this error: Request connection/GetChildrenForTreeItemRequest failed with message: Handshake inactivity timeout.
I have reviewed this SO page and others, but still can't get the connection to work.
UPDATED for clarity - provides mysql.user and netstat info:
MariaDB [(none)]> select user, host from mysql.user;
| user | host |
| bob | | # Can't connect
| rob | | # Logs in locally via command line
| root | | # Logs in locally via command line
| bob | 192.168.0.% | # Can't connect
| root | 192.168.0.% | # Can't connect
| root | ::1 | # Logs in locally via command line
| rob | localhost | # Logs in locally via command line
| root | localhost | # Logs in locally via command line
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
$ > netstat -tulpen
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 27 33813 -
Any help is much appreciated as I've been working this problem for 2+ days and have not made any headway.

how to log in a global zone in solaris 10

I recently joined a company with little documentation, I'm having a hard time entering a global zone.
I have run the following comannds but no luck:
arp -a | grep SPLA
e1000g10 SPLA 00:23:8b:89:dd:6a
e1000g10 cmovel-pf01 SPLA 00:23:8b:89:dd:6a
e1000g10 SPLA 00:23:8b:89:dd:6a
and :
/usr/sbin/zoneadm list -vi
2 cmovel-pf01 running / native shared
zonecfg -z cmovel-pf01 info
zonecfg can only be run from the global zone.
How do I enter the global zone
You may want to try ~.(tilde and then dot).

Multiple provider network management on different neutron nodes

I want to install neutron server on different Nodes. In my environment there will be 3 provider networks name provider1, provider2 and provider3 with respectively. All of them will be flat network. In my system, I want each neutron server manages different provider networks (neutron1 only controls provider1, neutron2 controls provider2 and neutron3 controls provider3). VMs will have internal networks (overlay network) and use Virtual Routers to access provider networks. The interface mapping on neutron servers are as given below:
Neutron 1
Bond 0 : Management + overlay
Bond 1 : use for provider1
Neutron 2
Bond 0 : Management + overlay
Bond 1 : use for provider2
Neutron 3
Bond 0 : Management + overlay
Bond 1 : use for provider3
Virtual router(VR) is randomly scheduled across multiple OpenStack Networking nodes. My question is how I can deploy VR on specific neutron node (like VR which has GW address from provider1 will deploy on neutron1) ? or I will create high available VR, in this case VR will deploy all neutron servers. How can I select the active virtual router in this case?
I thought the DVR(Distributed Virtual Router) is helpful for your case.
I describe some differences between DVR and non-DVR based on VM access routes.
The DVR is generated Virtual Router at each compute node that has VMs to decrease overloads of Network node and SPOF.
Differences based on how to route.
VMs running node | subnet | using router at DVR | non-DVR
all on the same node | different | Routing from each VM running compute node | Specified Network node (running L3agent node)
all across multiple nodes | different | Routing from each VM running compute node | Specified Network node (running L3agent node)
Difference when using Floating IPs. (but accessing from external to internal (SNAT) is not HA, just one node can routing it as of Ocata.)
DVR | non-DVR
each DVR has each Floating IP | Just Network node only
As following configuration steps were based just a simple pattern, you need to refer the official tutorials for adopting your system.
Prerequisite: all compute nodes have installed l3, dhcp, metadata, openvswitch agents.
Enable the DVR at all compute nodes.
# vim /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
router_distributed = True
Adding the l2population driver at controller node.
# /vim/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population
Configure the SNAT router on the specified compute node.
# vim /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
agent_mode = dvr_snat
Configure the agent mode to DVR on the remaining compute nodes.
# vim /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
agent_mode = dvr
Edit openvswitch config on all compute nodes.
# vim /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini
l2_population = True
enable_distributed_routing = True
Restart for chages to take effect.
On controller node.
# systemctl restart neutron-server
On all compute nodes.
# systemctl restart neutron-l3-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent
I hope this will help you.

Maxscale is writing on slave with router_options=master (slave/master replication) and listeners stopped

I've configured on 2 servers(srv50/51),
one of them is Master and the second one is slave,
Here the configuration of my configuration file /etc/maxscale.cnf :
[Read-Only Service]
servers=server50, server51
[Write-Only Service]
servers=server50, server51
[Read-Only Listener]
service=Read-Only Service
[Write-Only Listener]
service=Write-Only Service
As i understool the router_options look who is the master and send the writing query to the master
Maxscale (via maxadmin) seems to discover the 2 serveur and understand witch one is the Master :
MaxScale> list servers
Server | Address | Port | Connections | Status
server51 | | 3306 | 0 | Slave, Running
server50 | | 3306 | 0 | Master, Running
But even if I connect in Mysql in local on my Maxscale Write-Only Listener port (4009), Listener are in Stopped mode, is it normal ?
MaxScale> list listeners
Service Name | Protocol Module | Address | Port | State
Read-Only Service | MySQLClient | * | 4008 | Stopped
Write-Only Service | MySQLClient | * | 4009 | Stopped
MaxAdmin Service | maxscaled | * | 6603 | Running
I've try to create a database in srv51 (slave), and it was created only on srv51, not in srv50.
Is something wrong in my configuration ? It's strange because it's not my first cluster, and on other cluster all write go to the master (but listeners are Running). Do i don't understand well the meaning of "router_options=master" ? How to start listeners ? I prefere to keep the 51 in Write list to detect topology change
===== UPDATE =====
After watching Log file /var/log/maxscale/maxscale1.log
I found that my monitor user didn't have the correct password :
[MySQL Monitor]
servers=server50, server51
I corrected password for user and restarted maxscale, Now everything is running :
MaxScale> list listeners
Service Name | Protocol Module | Address | Port | State
Read-Only Service | MySQLClient | * | 4008 | Running
Write-Only Service | MySQLClient | * | 4009 | Running
MaxAdmin Service | maxscaled | * | 6603 | Running
But write query are still done on Slave and not on Master
Thanks to MariaDb support, I was trying to connect like this :
mysql -h localhost --port=4009 -u USER -p
But Maxscale & Mysql were installed in the same server, even if Mysql bind port 3306, when you specify 'localhost', the connection is done on Mysql port 3306 and not in Maxscale port 4009, the port is ignore !!
The solution is to connect like this :
mysql -h --port=4009 -u USER -p
or like this :
mysql -h localhost --protocol=tcp --port=4009 -u USER -p
I've try both solution and they works.
The solution about the listener not Running is on update of the question.
If writes are done on the slaves, the simplest explanation would be that you're executing writes on the wrong port or your configuration is wrong. To diagnose these problems, enable the info log level by adding log_info=true under the [maxscale] section.
If enabling the info log and inspecting the log files does not provide any clues, I'd suggest opening a bug report on the Maxscale Jira.

bdf based pci-passthrough (non SRIOV) using OpenStack Liberty

I am trying to get non SRIOV pci-passthrough using OpenStack Liberty, but not successful.
These are the steps followed
create pci_passthrough_whitelist in nova.conf of the compute node as pci_passthrough_whitelist = {"address": "0000:89:00.0", "physical_network": "test_phy_nw"}
As sriov is not used, do not add sriovnicswitch as mechanism driver
in ml2. and do not do any ml2 sriov configurations. do not configure pci_passthrough_alias as alias does not support BDF (address)
create a neutron net - neutron net-create --name test_os_nw
--provider:physical_network test_phy_nw --provider:physical_network_type flat. (is Flat ok ? or should i use vlan or vxlan type networks ?)
create port with direct vnic_type - neutron port-create
--name pci.port --binding:vnic_type direct
boot an instance with this port nova boot --flavor m1.small --image
ubuntu --nic port-id=$(neutron port-show pci.port -F id -f value)
Two questions in this regard
Are the steps mentioned above correct & am i missing anything in the
above steps ?
Is the process to achieve pci-passthrough (non SRIOV) different from
SRIOV pci-passthrough ? If it is different, can you please share a
link to it (or better can u give a quick summary of the process).
After some more experimenting and reading, figured out BDF based pass through is supported only for SRIOV (as of Liberty).
