I try to fetch data from firbase but I get this error.The method '[]' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null' - firebase

QuestionModel getQuestionModelFromDatasnapshot(
DocumentSnapshot questionSnapshot) {
QuestionModel questionModel = new QuestionModel();
questionModel.question = questionSnapshot.data()'question'];
List<String> options = [
questionModel.option1 = options[0];
questionModel.option2 = options[1];
questionModel.option3 = options[2];
questionModel.option4 = options[3];
questionModel.correctOption = questionSnapshot.data()["option1"];
questionModel.answered = false;
return questionModel;

It looks like you're using dart with null safety on and you are accessing a list or map that might be null. It's hard to tell from your code, but I'm guessing the offending line is
questionModel.correctOption = questionSnapshot.data()["option1"];
It might be one of the other [] calls earlier in your code (such as
questionSnapshot.data()["option1"]), but the solution is the same.
The problem is that questionSnapshot.data() might return null, and the compiler is flagging it.
If you are sure the data is not null, you can use the ! operator, like this:
questionModel.correctOption = questionSnapshot.data()!["option1"];
Another solution is a conditional null-safe operator ?, with a default value. In this case, the code would look like this:
questionModel.correctOption = questionSnapshot.data()?["option1"]??"DefaultValue;
But I would recommend checking if the returned data is null. It's easier for others to read and can be logged more easily:
var data = questionSnapshot.data();
if (data != null) {
questionModel.correctOption = data["option1"];
else {
//do something in that case


LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method call within it

I completely understand that this is because LINQ query requires the whole expression to be translated to a server , and therefore I cant call an outside method in it. but as I have looked at other answers there is not relative solution to this. the only approach that I thought about is to loop through all the items in the model and than passing them to the query one by one but even though this approach would not help so I am seeking help in here for anyone to help me to figure out how to call a method or a way of calling a method appendstr that initializes a.PostedDate before checking its actual equivalent value in the giving LINQ Query.
public ActionResult SearchResult(int? page, string searchTitle = null, string searchLocation = null, string last24 = "")
ViewBag.searchTitle = searchTitle;
ViewBag.searchLocation = searchLocation;
ViewBag.page = page;
ViewBag.last24 = last24;
setUpApi(searchTitle, searchLocation);
var result = new List<AllJobModel>().AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.searchTitle) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.searchTitle) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.last24))
setUpApi(searchTitle, searchLocation);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
result = db.AllJobModel.Where(a => a.JobTitle.Contains(searchTitle) && a.locationName.Contains(searchLocation) &&
result = from app in db.AllJobModel select app;
return View(result.ToList().ToPagedList(page ?? 1, 5));
The second method that gets called in the LINQ Query
public string appendstr(string str)
var x = str.Split(' ');
return 01 + "-" + x[1] + "-" + x[2];
I think you already understand that the .NET code you write in the Where clause is actually an expression that is parsed and converted to SQL. So if you have a funky string manipulation method, you can't use it directly.
The brute force option, as you seem to already understand, it to materialize the query first and then run the C# code over the results. You can do this with ToList() or AsEnumerable().
result = db.AllJobModel
a => a.JobTitle.Contains(searchTitle)
&& a.LocationName.Contains(searchLocation)
a => appendstr(a.PostedDate).Equals(now.AddHours(-24).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")))
However in your specific case you can try a trick. You are attempting a date comparison, which SQL is perfectly capable of doing... you just need to convert that funky PostedDate to a SQL DateTime so that you can compare it directly. The gimmick for that is to use SqlFunctions.DateAdd to add null interval (e.g. 0 days). This implicitly converts the string to DateTime, where you can now query on the SQL side:
var targetDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24);
result = db.AllJobModel
a => a.JobTitle.Contains(searchTitle)
&& a.LocationName.Contains(searchLocation)
&& SqlFunctions.DateAdd("DAY", 0, a.PostedDate) == targetDate
Credit goes to this post for the workaround.

How to pre-select an option in a dropdown knockout js

I've looked at this other question, but can't get my select box to work correctly:
Binding initial/default value of dropdown (select) list
I've got the following Game object:
function Game(visitingTeamDetails, homeTeamDetails, game) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.VisitingTeamDetails = visitingTeamDetails;
this.HomeTeamDetails = homeTeamDetails;
this.GameId = ko.observable(game.GameId);
this.HomeTeamName = ko.observable(game.HomeTeamName);
this.VisitingTeamName = ko.observable(game.VisitingTeamName);
this.SportTypeName = ko.observable(game.SportTypeName);
this.HomeAccountName = ko.observable(game.HomeAccountName);
this.VisitingAccountName = ko.observable(game.VisitingAccountName);
this.GameDateString = ko.observable(game.GameDateString);
this.GameTimeString = ko.observable(game.GameTimeString);
this.AvailableSportTypes = ko.observableArray(game.Sports);
this.sportTypeFunction = function () {
for (sportType in this.AvailableSportTypes()) {
if (this.AvailableSportTypes()[sportType].Name == this.SportTypeName()) {
return this.AvailableSportTypes()[sportType];
return null;
this.SportType = ko.observable(game.SportType);
SportType is an object with Name and SportTypeId.
I have the following template:
<td rowspan="3"><select data-bind="options: AvailableSportTypes, value: SportType, optionsText:'Name', optionsCaption: 'Choose...'" class="sportType"></select></td>
AvailableSportTypes is a list of SportType.
The list is coming in with the names of the SportTypes in the drop down list, but I can't make the initial selection be SportType. I wrote sportTypeFunction to show myself that the data was coming in correctly, and it would select the correct value, but changing my selection in the drop down would not update SportType.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Anyone see it?
When game.SportType gets passed in, it needs to be a reference to the an item in the game.AvailableSportTypes and not just an object that looks the same.
Basically two objects are not equal unless they are actually a reference to the same object.
var a = { name: "test" },
b = { name: "test" };
alert(a === b); //false
So, you would need to call your function to locate the correct object in the array and set it as the value of your observable.
Not that it is way better, but in KO 1.3 you can extend .fn of observables, observableArrays, and dependentObservables to add additional functionality.
Here is a sample: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/ZP79w

Linq To Sql Get data into Label

I have a label to show BookName. I get it from table which name tblBooks. I don't know how to show Book Name into the label.
var query = from b in dc.tblBooks.Where(b=>b.BookID == 'B01') select b;
Can you help me know.
Your query as written will return a collection of books—IQueryable<Book>. If you're sure there will only be one result in this query, you can call SingleOrDefault, which will execute the query immediately and give you the actual book.
var Book = dc.tblBooks.Where(b => b.BookID == 'B01').SingleOrDefault();
if (Book != null)
myLabel.Text = Book.BookName;
Or you can simply say:
var Book = dc.tblBooks.SingleOrDefault(b => b.BookID == 'B01');
Which does the same thing.
If you're 110% sure there will always be a result, and you don't want to check for null, then you can use Single, which will do the same thing, except throw an exception if no results are found, where SingleOrDefault simple returns null.
var Book = dc.tblBooks.Single(b=>b.BookID == 'B01');
myLabel.Text = Book.BookName;
label.Text = query.FirstOrDefault().BookName;


function _ahah_example_get_first_dropdown_options() {
$stid = oci_parse($conn, "SELECt code,descr1 FROM dbtest.regions");
$region= array();
while (($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC))) {
$region[$row['CODE']]= $row['DESCR1'];
return drupal_map_assoc($region);
but it returns the key and the value equal I need the original key to be returne cause im using it's value in a javascript function?anyone would know how to return the original Key?
From your code, you should be able to skip drupal_map_assoc and just return $region. Give that a try and see if you like the results.
Reference http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes--common.inc/function/drupal_map_assoc/6

Linq2XML missing element

How do I modify the query below to properly handle the case where the "Summary" element is missing from one of the articles? Now when that happens I get an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
var articles = from article in xmlDoc.Descendants("Article")
select new {
articleId = article.Attribute("ID").Value,
heading = article.Element("Heading").Value,
summary = article.Element("Summary").Value,
contents = article.Element("Contents").Value,
cats = from cat in article.Elements("Categories")
select new {
category = cat.Element("Category").Value
The problem is that article.Element("Summary") returns null if the element is not found, so you get a NullReferenceException when you try to get the Value property.
To solve this, note that XElement also has an explicit conversion to string. This won't throw if the XElement is null - you will just get a null string reference.
So to solve your problem you can change this:
summary = article.Element("Summary").Value,
to this:
summary = (string)article.Element("Summary")
