Error while running prngd: Failed to execl - sshd
In my linux embedded device, I run prngd in the following way:
prngd /var/run/egd-pool
In the system log I am getting the followiong errors:<29>Jan 1 00:04:49 prngd[132]: prngd 0.9.29 (12 Jul 2004) started up for user root<29>Jan 1 00:04:49 prngd[132]: have 7 out of 1024 filedescriptors open<25>Jan 1 00:04:50 prngd[147]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/w, w, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:50 prngd[149]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/last, last, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:50 prngd[150]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/lastlog, lastlog, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:50 prngd[153]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/vmstat, vmstat, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:50 prngd[155]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/ipcs, ipcs, -a, , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:51 prngd[173]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/w, w, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:51 prngd[175]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/last, last, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:51 prngd[176]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/lastlog, lastlog, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:51 prngd[179]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/vmstat, vmstat, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:04:51 prngd[181]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/ipcs, ipcs, -a, , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:19:42 prngd[220]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/w, w, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:21:25 prngd[222]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/last, last, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:22:16 prngd[224]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/lastlog, lastlog, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:24:49 prngd[227]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/vmstat, vmstat, , , , ): No such file or directory<25>Jan 1 00:26:31 prngd[229]: Failed to execl(/usr/bin/ipcs, ipcs, -a, , , ): No such file or directory
Is there a way to understand why prngd gives me such errors?
After investigating, those errors are generated because in the prngd configuration file (/etc/prngd.conf) those file are used to generate entropy. It is clearthat if those files are not present on the device, prngd generate an issue.
To solve this, is sufficient to comment the lines related to the missing files.
filterAndTrim : Error in add(bin) : record does not start with '#'
I'm using dada 2 version ‘1.22.0’ on windows 10, i have list of compressed (.gz ) fastq files, when i use the function filterAndTrim i get this error message : Error in add(bin) : record does not start with '#' But when i want to see if i can read th .gz file with library(ShortRead) : library(ShortRead) fn <- "path/to/example.fastq.gz" reads <- readFastq(fn) it doesn't give any error message message I don't understand why the function filterAndTrim give the error message Error in add(bin) : record does not start with '#' Do you have any solution?
get executing program directory
to get executing program directory > pt=funr::get_script_path() > pt NULL > source("yourfile.R", chdir = T) this code is not giving executing directory. it gives only > source("yourfile.R", chdir = T) How to get directory name?
UNIX Why does this command not exit my program?
I am trying to get this program to exit if it cannot find the file that has to be deleted. Or if it won't delete for any reason. When I use this it runs my program it gives me an error "cannot find file" and completes my program successfully. del `unixpath2win filename` rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then echo_c $1 "error with deletion of filename" $rc exit 1 fi
Symfony2 :500 Internal error on assetic generated file in dev mode
I use assetic on my Symfony2 project and when i put my project on a new server environement i have the following 500 internal Server Error on the top of the CSS and JS generated files on dev environement. It seems that assetic can't access to the temp directory to generate the file. [exception] 500 | Internal Server Error | ErrorException [message] Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in /Users/jo/Developpement/coV2/Symfony/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/Yui/BaseCompressorFilter.php line 92 [1] ErrorException: Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in /Users/jo/Developpement/coV2/Symfony/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/Yui/BaseCompressorFilter.php line 92 at n/a in /Users/jo/Developpement/coV2/Symfony/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/Yui/BaseCompressorFilter.php line 92 at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\ErrorHandler->handle('2', 'file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty', '/Users/jo/Developpement/coV2/Symfony/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/Yui/BaseCompressorFilter.php', '92', array('content' => '/*! The line 92 of the BaseCompressorFilter class is the last line of this code : $tempDir = realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()); $input = tempnam($tempDir, 'YUI-IN-'); $output = tempnam($tempDir, 'YUI-OUT-'); file_put_contents($input, $content); $tempDir is ok, but $input is empty. Any idea ?
Tryning to use Rsync to backup directory on Encrypted DMG on an USB external HD : hdutils attach failed
I am trying to do this : When " BCKUNIVERSITA " partition on external USB HD mounts , LAUNCHD launches " " Through an encrypted DMG ( " riassunti.sparsebundle " ) inside " BCKUNIVERSITA " is mounted . Then with rsync files inside the directory " /DATI/UNIVERSITA " are copied inside mounted dmg " riassunti.sparsebundle " . here is the code about LaunchD plist : `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.rsync.backup</string> <key>LowPriorityIO</key> <true/> <key>Program</key> <string>/Users/ikar0/Library/Scripts/</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string></string> </array> <key>WatchPaths</key> <array> <string>/Volumes</string> </array> </dict> </plist>` Here is the code inside " " : #!/bin/bash folderToBackup="/Volumes/DATI/UNIVERSITA" backupVolume="/Volumes/BCKUNIVERSITA" backupTo="/Volumes/RIASSUNTI/" # mounts encrypted image echo -n 465tyu567 | hdiutil attach -stdinpass /Volumes/BCKUNIVERSITA/riassunti.sparsebundle sleep 10 if [ ! -e ${backupVolume} ] then echo -n "[*]-- BackupVolume NOT connected - Exiting" | logger exit 0 else echo -n "[*]-- BackupVolume Connected - Continuing" | logger fi # Copy the files over. Here we are using rsync. for i in ${folderToBackup} do echo -n "[*]-- Starting Rsync of ${i} to ${backupTo}" | logger rsync -aq $folderToBackup $backupTo echo -n "[*]-- rsync of ${i} to ${backupTo} complete..."| logger done # once the rsync is done, unmount the drive. hdiutil detach $backupTo exit 0 Here are the errors from console : 16/06/12 01.13.51 com.rsync.backup[14139] rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/RIASSUNTI/UNIVERSITA" failed: Permission denied (13) 16/06/12 01.13.51 com.rsync.backup[14139] *** Skipping everything below this failed directory *** 16/06/12 01.13.51 com.rsync.backup[14139] rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-40/rsync/main.c(992) [sender=2.6.9] 16/06/12 01.13.51 com.rsync.backup[14139] hdiutil: detach failed - Nessun documento o directory esistente 16/06/12 01.13.56 com.rsync.backup[14271] /dev/disk3 GUID_partition_scheme 16/06/12 01.13.56 com.rsync.backup[14271] /dev/disk3s1 EFI 16/06/12 01.13.56 com.rsync.backup[14271] /dev/disk3s2 Apple_HFS /Volumes/RIASSUNTI 1 16/06/12 01.14.06 com.rsync.backup[14271] rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/Volumes/RIASSUNTI/UNIVERSITA" failed: Permission denied (13) 16/06/12 01.14.06 com.rsync.backup[14271] *** Skipping everything below this failed directory *** 16/06/12 01.14.06 com.rsync.backup[14271] rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-40/rsync/main.c(992) [sender=2.6.9] 16/06/12 01.14.06 com.rsync.backup[14271] hdiutil: detach failed - Nessun documento o directory esistente
The error message is saying that the user running rsync does not have permission to do mkdir "/Volumes/RIASSUNTI/UNIVERSITA" You may want to set up your sudoers file so that you can change: rsync -aq $folderToBackup $backupTo to sudo rsync -aq $folderToBackup $backupTo