I can't change my pom.xml in my CodeNameOne Project - firebase

AT the moment I'm trying to add the SDK Dependency from Firebase to my CodenameOne Project (pom.xml) but I cannot change that file because it is blocked. How can I add the Dependency to my Project?

We don't block adding dependencies but adding a Firebase dependency won't work since this isn't Android. Firebase is a native android dependency, it won't work on iOS etc.
You can add it in the native pom for Android and could probably use cocoapods for iOS support but this would require writing native code and probably not worth the hassle.


Firebase Crashlytics NDK unstripped files

I have an SDK that uses C++ code. The SDK exports 4 different modules in a maven repo that I publish on either a local maven repo or on GitHub packages.
The apps that consume the SDK should be able to use Firebase Crashlytics and get reports of crashes in the native code as well.
The first problem I have is that I need to provide to the Firebase plugin the folders unstrippedNativeLibsDir and strippedNativeLibsDir:
firebaseCrashlytics {
nativeSymbolUploadEnabled true
unstrippedNativeLibsDir "???"
strippedNativeLibsDir "???"
If I go to the project where I build the SDK I can see: build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/release and build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs.
Are these the unstripped and stripped folder respectively?
Is there any documentation about what exactly those folders are supposed to contain?
Anyway if I configure the app firebaseCrashlytics to point to these folders I still need to fix another issue.
I get:
Crashlytics could not find NDK build tasks on which to depend. You many need to manually enforce task dependencies
It looks like since I'm building the libs that use the NDK in another project, then the Firebase plugin does not work.
What am I supposed to do?
Is it possible to get the Crashlytics NDK working even if I build the libraries independently with a separate project?
The only way I made it work was to build the libraries along with the app. The libraries were in separate repos anyway but I included them as sub-repositories in the app.
In this way, you solve the issue of not finding NDK build tasks on which to depend.
I know this is not the answer though

Issues embedding Firebase inside other framework

We have our own swift framework REFFramework that is using carthage to import Firebase (analytics and firestore). This is the cartfile in REFFramework:
binary "https://dl.google.com/dl/firebase/ios/carthage/FirebaseAnalyticsBinary.json"
binary "https://dl.google.com/dl/firebase/ios/carthage/FirebaseFirestoreBinary.json"
The REFFramework is used in the app also using carthage to import it.
In addition the app itself also imports other modules from firebase (remote config).
This is the cartfile of the app:
git ".../REFFramework"
binary "https://dl.google.com/dl/firebase/ios/carthage/FirebaseAnalyticsBinary.json"
binary "https://dl.google.com/dl/firebase/ios/carthage/FirebaseFirestoreBinary.json"
binary "https://dl.google.com/dl/firebase/ios/carthage/FirebaseRemoteConfigBinary.json"
As far as I know carthage is designed to fully support this kind of structure. We use other frameworks also embedded in REFFramework like this such as Alamofire.
However we notice a crash in the app that does not happen when we remove the Firebase out of the REFFramework.
So it's clearly todo with the embedding of Firebase in an intermediate Framework.
The crash is happening in "0 __pthread_kill", here is a screenshot of the debugger in xCode 10.3:
I see a remark in the documentation:
Note that the Firebase frameworks in the distribution include static libraries. While it is fine to link these into apps, it will generally not work to depend on them from wrapper dynamic frameworks.
Not sure if this is releated to this issue?
Yep, the Firebase Carthage frameworks include static libraries and can only be linked to other static library frameworks.

How to integrate firebase in an Ionic project (android/iOS)?

I am reading articles and testing ways to implement analytics and push notifications in my Ionic app using firebase.
My ionic app targets both android and ios platforms, so where do I place the google-services.json firebase file? Do I have to create an 2 apps within firebase if I need to use firebase for android and iOS?
I am reading many articles some of which say root folder, whereas some mention to put it in the apps folder. Some say we have to then update the config.xml to include the foll:
<resource-file src="google-services.json" target="app\google-services.json" />
I have also read that we need to update the gradle file with application and project level dependencies.
I have put the file in platform/android/app folder and things are working correctly now.
I just want to know what is the best practice when using Ionic and Firebase, where do I place the file and what config changes do I have to make?:
For an Ionic android app
For Ionic iOS app
For Ionic app for both android and iOS platforms
Have a look at the documentation of the firebase plugin :
For Android, you have the google-services.json file, and for iOS you have the GoogleService-Info.plist file. These files are required by firebase to work on both iOS and Android. You have to place theses files at the same level as config.xml.
This plugin uses a hook (after prepare) that copies the configuration
files to the right place, namely platforms/ios/\/Resources for ios and platforms/android for android.
So you don't need the resource-file directive in your config.xml, since it is copied automatically.
You don't need to edit the build.gradle file, but If you have other google play plugins installed (like maps or admob), the compilation may not work.
Your build may fail if you are installing multiple plugins that use
Google Play Services. This is caused by the plugins installing
different versions of the Google Play Services library. This can be
resolved by installing cordova-android-play-services-gradle-release.
If your build is still failing, you can try installing
cordova-android-firebase-gradle-release. For more info, read the
following comment about locking down the specific versions for play
services and firebase. It is suggested to use + instead of 15.+ to
ensure the correct versions are used.
EDIT : Since you're using cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics and not cordova-plugin-firebase, it seems that they didn't implement any hook to copy the files. You'll have to place these directives in your config.xml :
<platform name="android">
<resource-file src="google-services.json" target="app\google-services.json" />
<platform name="ios">
<resource-file src="GoogleService-Info.plist" />
Be sure to install cordova-support-google-services

Cannot find com.google.android.gms.common.internal.safeparcel.AbstractSafeParcelable class

My build.gradle is:
// for facebook account kit
compile 'com.facebook.android:account-kit-sdk:4.+'
// for google firebase database
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-database:9.6.0'
// for google firebase cloud messaging
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.6.0'
After rebuild project,a error happens.
Error:(74, 27) error: Cannot access AbstractSafeParcelable
Cannot find
com.google.android.gms.common.internal.safeparcel.AbstractSafeParcelable class
The reason is that after rebuilding the project, gradle download the latest version of "account-kit-sdk" to 4.25.0, the new version changes some about gms, so make some conflicts with firebase messaging,
So I downgrade the account-kit-sdk version, change import version from "account-kit-sdk:4.+" to "account-kit-sdk:4.24.0"
Then the issue has been resolved.
But I think it is not the best resolution about this problem.
Welcome friends add some new ways to resolve this issue.
Version 4.25.0 of com.facebook.android:account-kit-sdk has a dependency on com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth-api-phone:11.0.1 that is not present in version 4.24.0. com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth-api-phone adds many transitive dependencies on other com.google.android.gms modules, including base, basement, tasks, auth, and auth-base.
The Firebase libraries also have transitive dependencies on numerous com.google.android.gms modules. If the version numbers of all of the Firebase and Play Services modules in a build are not the same, problems such as this one occur.
A simple solution is to use version 11.0.1 of all Firebase and Play Services libraries you list in your gradle dependencies:
// for google firebase database
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-database:11.0.1'
// for google firebase cloud messaging
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:11.0.1'
You should also specify a fixed version number for the Facebook library to make your build predictable and repeatable:
compile 'com.facebook.android:account-kit-sdk:4.25.0'
The risk of specifying the version as "4.+" is that when a new version is released that has transitive dependencies on a new version of the Play Services libraries, the new Facebook lib version will be automatically used and your build will break again.
To debug problems like this one, you can open the Gradle window in Android Studio and double-click on :app -> Tasks -> android -> androidDependencies to generate a dependency tree. The tree can then be examined to find version mismatches.

Issue integrating analytics plugin in Mobile First Application project

I have a problem...
I'm try to add this plugin: https://github.com/danwilson/google-analytics-plugin.
I'm develop an application with: AngularJS, Ionic and Mobile First Platform 7.1(MFP), in this version of MFP I must add the plugin manually.
iOS works fine.
My problem is Android:
Error: "The import com.google.android cannot be resolved".
I download Google Play Services with SDK but the problem continues...
Any idea to solve this problem?
This other plugin https://github.com/appfeel/analytics-google uses gradle dependencies which should solve this problem.
Other option could be to remove google play dependency from the plugin you mentioned and manually modify gradle (actually I don't recommend this option as gradle gets generated automatically each time you remove/add the platform).
Other option is to modify the plugin itself (maybe a github fork). Here you can see what should it be modified: https://github.com/appfeel/analytics-google/pull/11/files
