How To Open Live Server In Atom? - atom-editor

I switched my text editor from vs-code to atom and I'm not sure how to open Live Server.

you can install live server from Atom Packages (install Packages on welcome page). There are several live server packages option available.
Once installed, each package provided its own documentation and features. Best way is then checking your live server settings in package panel.
Hope it helps, good luck with your journey on Atom


Installing atom packages with dependencies whilst offline

I've just joined a new office and their security is very tight. Essentially, we cannot go online without connecting to another machine. This means any applications that attempt to connect online won't connect to anything.
I'm trying to set up atom for python development (I've not used atom before and it's all that available to me!) - but the lack of internet is causing an issue.
I understand that to install a package, I can download it from github, and extract it to ~/.atom/packages - and this works! But what do I do with packages with dependencies that haven't been downloaded? Is there a simple way to get the package and the dependency whilst being offline?
I've also noticed that although my office has atom installed there's no 'apm' or 'npm' commands in the this common?

Nuclide + Atom failed to find symbol with ctags

So I've installed Facebook's Nuclide on top of my Atom editor.
Seems it provides many features.
My problem is that when I setup a remote project folder, I cannot get find symbol functioning any more.
The alt+cmd+g will through errors instead of generating ctags file in the project folder.
I ssh to the server and manually ctags -R . in the folder.
However, inside Atom/Nuclide, cmd+shift+r complains no tags file...
Please help. Any clues welcome.
This functionality is provided by the symbols-view package, which ships as part of Atom. Unfortunately it reads from the filesystem directly, so it is not compatible with Nuclide's remote connection. There has been some talk of refactoring it to use Atom's service-hub (which is how Atom packages are supposed to talk to each-other).
If that happens, Nuclide could provide it with the information from outline view and it would be able to work remotely. The functionality would not be exactly the same but for most purposes it would be fine.
However, nobody has yet put in the resources to drive the refactoring home. Here is a recent effort; I hope it is completed.

Can the export files option be limited in Rstudio client (open source edition)

I want to disable the export options in Rstudio open source edition server.
I read in that this option is available in the pro version,
...but I could not find documentation related with this topic for the open source edition.
Any help?
Finally, and after asking for help to the people at Rstudio, I get the answer to this and is that the export option could not be limited in the open source edition of Rstudio server. This option works only with the pro version.
You can check this in
I will try to limit at the S.O. level. I will post any workaround if I succeed.

some issue with using atom sync-settings tool

With the risk of me misunderstanding something, I can't get my packages to sync. I went through the following scenario:
I install new packages on Machine 1 and upload the settings through the "Sync Backup" command in atom. I can see that the new packages are listed in the packages.json file in the gist.
On Machine
I restore the settings and can indeed see settings being restored, like keymaps. However I don't get my new packages. I have restarted and reloaded Atom without luck.
Are there any extra steps I need to take to get the new packages on Machine 2?
You can try atom-package-sync. It is a package that I created a couple weeks ago. It works a little bit like the synchronization of Google Chrome, you just login and it syncs your packages and settings automatically across all your Atom instances. It is based on package-sync but I find it easier to use.

Is There A Way To Install Unstable Version of Plugin via Built-in Plugin Installer

I'm wondering if there is a way to install an unstable version of a published plugin.
Let's say I updated my plugin version 1.0 to 1.1.
Then I put Stable tag: 1.0 in the readme.txt file so that everyone downloads the stable version v1.0.
Now my question is that if I want to test the unstable version on one of the remote servers, isn't it possible to install v1.1 with the built-in plugin installer?
I'm currently doing this way:
deactivate the old version
delete the plugin
upload the unstable version
activate it.
If the updating process could be shorten this way, it would really save my time.
search and find the plugin name to install in the Add New page.
click on the unstable version link.
Thanks for your information.
I'm not sure that this is the answer you are looking for but...
I was running into the same issue and instead what I have chosen to do is actually edit my plug-in on a "test-bed" site. I have a site that I test all of my modifications on before publishing and I access the files directly via FileZilla FTP Client.
This allows me to take the most up to date file from the server, edit it on my machine (using Notepad++) and upload the change to the server for testing. If it breaks the site in some way I can always re-upload the original via FTP and everything is back online.
Hope this helps!
