Python-Poetry Errors Publishing to Artifactory - artifactory

I'm having a dickens of a time publishing to our Artifactory instance using poetry (1.1.12). I've tried a couple different URL's to publish to, and I either get a 405 (Method not Allowed), or a 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
https://my.domain/artifactory/my-cool-reg/ --> 405 -> 415
Is there some magic that I'm missing to get publishing going? I have tried passing my credentials both with -u and -p on the CLI, as well as with the credential config for the repository via -r my_repo. Below is an example error message (from the pypi url test)
HTTP Error 415: Unsupported Media Type
at ~/.local/share/pypoetry/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/poetry/publishing/ in _upload
212│ self._register(session, url)
213│ except HTTPError as e:
214│ raise UploadError(e)
→ 216│ raise UploadError(e)
218│ def _do_upload(
219│ self, session, url, dry_run=False
220│ ): # type: (requests.Session, str, Optional[bool]) -> None

geudrik - For the PyPI deployment, local configuration (.pypirc) should be defined with the API endpoint as
/api/pypi is the required endpoint and the test-pypi-local I have mentioned in the URL here is the local repository. The reason for the HTTP 405 and HTTP 415 errors could be due to missing/incorrect API endpoint or the missing deployment repository.
I see that you are attempting to publish with the following URL ( Could you please remove "simple" from the URI and include your PyPI local repository's name & verify if that works?
[Additional note]
Artifactory also supports the deployment of artifacts through the virtual repository. In order to enable it, we need to define the local repositories to be aggregated by the virtual repository as a target for deployment. It can be achieved by setting the Default Deployment Repository under the Virutal repository settings.

By gum, I've figured it out
$ poetry config repositories.poetry-repo-name https://artifactory.domain.lan/artifactory/api/pypi/your-cool-repository


Error 400 Bad Request when deploying Api Platform on Heroku

I'm facing a 400 Error bad request when requesting the API after deploying it on Heroku. But I can't figure out why ?
What I did :
Added Procfile in root of /api
Added .htaccess in /api/public (via composer require symfony/apache-pack command)
Defined APP_ENV and DATABASE_URL on Heroku Dashboard app settings
Added the Postegresql addons on Heroku Dashboard
Inside /api folder : git init >> git add . >> git commit -m "..." >> heroku create >> git push heroku master
Sending a GET http request to the /greetings endpoint via postman (response with 400 code error)
This is a brand new api project, I did nothing except the step describe above.
(At first I followed the tutorial in the official api platform documentation using the app.json manifest but it was not taken into account, so I did the configuration in heroku dashboard directly)
On the Procfile, just remove the quotes ''
Before : 'web: heroku-php-apache2 public/'
After : web: heroku-php-apache2 public/
Maybe you should try :

SBT 1.1.1 not using credentials for Nexus proxy

We moved to a new authenticated Nexus to act as a proxy to get dependencies.
I've tried to to give SBT (1.1.1) the credentials it needs, in multiple ways, but I always endup getting :
[error] Unable to find credentials for [Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager #]
[debug] CLIENT ERROR: Unauthorized url=
It's repeated for a lot of dependencies.
I've created a .credentials file in my project as follow:
realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager
Here's what I've tried, based on inputs I got from other threads on the internet:
Adding the path to this credentials file in the command : -Dsbt.boot.credentials=.credentials
Adding the path to this credentials file to an environment variable : $SBT_CREDENTIALS = PATH
Adding the following line in the build.sbt : credentials += Credentials(new File(".credentials"))
Adding the following line in the build.sbt : credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", "xxxxx", "xxxxxx")
Checking what's going on with a proxy : my requests don't seem to have any authorization header and all come back as HTTP 401
And yet, when I access the URL mentioned from the same machine, with the credentials in the file, there is no issue at all.
I'm running out of ideas here :(
After more attempts, adding :
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", USER, PWD)
The SBT_CREDENTIALS variable mentioned above,
Seems to do the job.
I also updated the image we use for our pipelines, not sure if it helped.

Issue declaring the Nexus3 repositories as remote repositories in Artifactory

I am setting up Nexus3 repository as a remote repository in Artifactory.
But when I update the Nexus3 repo URL(https://domainname/repository/reponame/) & necessary credentials for authentication in the admin section, during testing i am getting,
Connection failed: Error 404.
I have tried providing the rest URL(http://domainname/service/rest/repository/browse/reponame).
In this case, connection to the nexus server establishes successfully & able to see the directory structure for the remote repo in the Artifacts section , but could not find the artifacts inside & seeing below output/error,
{ "errors" : [ {
"status" : 404,
"message" : "Couldn't find item: XXXX:XXXXXXX" } ]
You have to ignore the error while saving. This is because of a header mismatch.
Repo path should be like:
Once you save the repository and try to download, it will work.
The test is failing when creating an Artifactory remote repository which point to a hosted Nexus repository, since Artifactory is using a HEAD request for checking the remote repository and for some reason Nexus will return a 404 (while returning a 200 when the same request is sent using the GET method). This behavior does not happen with Nexus group repositories.

SBT Basic Auth Problems

I'm setting up SBT on our buildserver (bamboo) for multiple buildagents. For this I created for each agent a separate directory which contains the agent specific config and the .ivy home to make sure agent isolation is fullfilled.
The build itself is call like this:
/sbt-launcher-packaging-0.13.13/bin/sbt -java-home /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79 -Dsbt.repository.config=/data/bamboo/localbuildagents/${bamboo.agentId}/sbt/sbt.conf -Dsbt.ivy.home=/data/bamboo/localbuildagents/${bamboo.agentId}/.ivy2 clean compile dist
The credentials (basic realm) are store under the user home which is starting the bamboo server (~/.sbt/.credentials and ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/credentials.sbt)
Each sbt.conf contains the agent-specific repos e.g the agent specific local maven repo and urls for the remote artifactory.
local-buildagent-mvn: file:///data/bamboo/home/.m2/AGENT-xxxxxxxx/repository/
ivy-release: http://xxx/artifactory/ivy-release/, [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
mvn-release: http://xxx/artifactory/libs-release/
mvn-snapshot: http://xxx/artifactory/libs-snapshot/
ivy-home: file:///data/bamboo/localbuildagents/xxxxxxxx/.ivy2/
I'm encountering login problems while sbt is checking the remote artifactory repos (first http error 401 and then surprisingly 403). A curl with the same credentials and repo url is working as expected (first 401 and then 200).
I guess, that if -D switches are used for sbt startup, the credentials are not considered. I'm really stuck any advise warmly welcome...
From your question I don't see if you specified where your credentials are defined. In case you didn't do it, you must add something like this to your build definition (documentation):
// inline
credentials += Credentials("Some Nexus Repository Manager", "", "admin", "admin123")
// file
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")

Artifactory returns HTTP 302 when accessing virtual repository URL

I am facing a problem with Artifactory v3.9.5 resolving artifacts. I have the following setup:
local repository called "gradle-snaphot" allowed for snapshots
virtual repository called "repos" that includes "gradle-snapshot"
an artifact X uploaded to "gradle-snapshot"
Now, when I try to get the artifact directly, it works fine (credantials passed but omitted here):
wget http://myrepo/artifactory/gradle-snapshot/x/SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml?trace
But when I try to get the artifact via the virtual repository, then it doesn't work:
wget http://myrepo/artifactory/repos/x/SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml?trace
wget output is:
Resolving myrepo...
Connecting to myrepo||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: http://myrepo/artifactory/repos/x/SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml/ [following]
--2015-12-11 11:17:18-- http://myrepo/artifactory/repos/x/SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml/
Reusing existing connection to myrepo:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2015-12-11 11:17:18 ERROR 404: Not Found.
Artifactory is just returning 302 moved temporarily to the same URL with a slash added like a directory notation. Any idea why accessing virtual repository is not possible this way? In consequence, my Gradle build cannot resolve this dependency.
The root cause of this issue is the remote repository pointing at
All requests to this repository will be redirected to no matter which path you are using and more important whether the requested resource exists.
The result is that when requesting an artifact from the virtual repository, at a certain point Artifactory will try to fetch the artifact from this remote repository and will get a 302 answer which redirects to the root of the repository. Artifactory assumes it got the resource it was looking for (got a 200 response code), however the returned resource is a folder and hence the additional / at the end of the URL.
The best solution would be just removing this remote repository and relying on JCenter.
If you do need it, use the URL which will save the redirects.
