Creating a new column when two columns satisfy certain conditions in R - r

My data is like this:
country supporter1 supporter2 supporter3 supporter4 supporter5
USA Albania Germany USA NA NA
France USA France NA NA NA
UK UK Chile Peru NA NA
Germany USA Iran Mexico India Pakistan
USA China Spain NA NA NA
Cuba Cuba UK Germany South Korea NA
China Russia NA NA NA NA
What I want to do is to create a new variable when the country column and one of the remaining supporter columns (supporter 1, supporter 2, supporter 3, supporter 4, and supporter 5) are the same (for instance country France and supporter2 France are the same). In this case, the new variable should take 1, 0 otherwise.
I expect to have this:
country supporter1 supporter2 supporter3 supporter4 supporter5 new variable
USA Albania Germany USA NA NA 1
France USA France NA NA NA 1
UK UK Chile Peru NA NA 1
Germany USA Iran Mexico India Pakistan 0
USA China Spain NA NA NA 0
Cuba Cuba UK Germany South Korea NA 1
China Russia NA NA NA NA 0

Update dplyr only solution Using if_any:
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(new_var = as.integer(as.logical(if_any(starts_with("supporter"), ~ . %in% country))))
country supporter1 supporter2 supporter3 supporter4 supporter5 new_var
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1 USA Albania Germany USA NA NA 1
2 France USA France NA NA NA 1
3 UK UK Chile Peru NA NA 1
4 Germany USA Iran Mexico India Pakistan 0
5 USA China Spain NA NA NA 0
6 Cuba Cuba UK Germany South Korea NA 1
7 China Russia NA NA NA NA 0
First answer: also correct:
Here is one possible solution:
calculate rowwise
check in cols supporter1 to supporter5 if country is included
unite all new columns to one and with an ifelse statement take 1 or 0
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(across(supporter1:supporter5, ~ifelse(. %in% country, 1,0), .names = "new_{col}")) %>%
unite(New_Col, starts_with('new'), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ' ') %>%
mutate(New_Col = ifelse(str_detect(New_Col, "1"), 1,0))
country supporter1 supporter2 supporter3 supporter4 supporter5 New_Col
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 USA Albania Germany USA NA NA 1
2 France USA France NA NA NA 1
3 UK UK Chile Peru NA NA 1
4 Germany USA Iran Mexico India Pakistan 0
5 USA China Spain NA NA NA 0
6 Cuba Cuba UK Germany South Korea NA 1
7 China Russia NA NA NA NA 0

Here is a base R solution.
First mapply checks for equality of suporter* and country. NA's are considered to return FALSE. Then as.integer/rowSums transforms rows with at least one TRUE into 1, otherwise 0.
eq <- mapply(\(x, y){x == y & !}, df1[-1], df1[1])
as.integer(rowSums(eq) != 0)
#[1] 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
df1$new_variable <- as.integer(rowSums(eq) != 0)
df1 <- read.table(text = "
country supporter1 supporter2 supporter3 supporter4 supporter5
USA Albania Germany USA NA NA
France USA France NA NA NA
UK UK Chile Peru NA NA
Germany USA Iran Mexico India Pakistan
USA China Spain NA NA NA
Cuba Cuba UK Germany 'South Korea' NA
China Russia NA NA NA NA
", header = TRUE)

Another solution is checking per row whether country is present in one of the columns:
df <- data.frame(country=c("USA","France","UK","Germany","USA","Cuba","China"),
supporter4=c("NA","NA","NA","India","NA","South Korea","NA"),
That would give:
df$new <- sapply(seq(1,nrow(df)), function(x) ifelse(df$country[x] %in% df[x,2:6],1,0))
> df$new
[1] 1 1 1 0 0 1 0


How to find rolling top 3 values in a column by group?

A data frame has 3 columns
| Id | Country | Date |
The 3 columns record the travel history of the person.
3 more columns need to be created representing the rolling top 3 countries this person (ID) has travelled to the most often before the date on the row.
(If tie appears for 2 countries, the latest travelled country has the precedence.)
mydata <- data.frame(ID = c('A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2'),
Country = c('Japan', 'USA', 'USA', 'USA', 'Germany', 'Germany', 'Japan', 'France', 'UK', 'Spain', 'Spain', 'UK', 'UK', 'Brazil'),
Date = as.Date(c('2010/01/02', '2010/04/18', '2011/03/22', '2011/11/23', '2012/05/09', '2012/09/11', '2014/01/06', '2015/12/11', '2010/04/03', '2010/05/11', '2011/05/01', '2012/03/01', '2013/01/03', '2014/01/04')))
# final data should look like below
#ID Country Date Pref1 Pref2 Pref3
#A1B1 Japan 2010-01-02 NA NA NA
#A1B1 USA 2010-04-18 Japan NA NA
#A1B1 USA 2011-03-22 USA Japan NA
#A1B1 USA 2011-11-23 USA Japan NA
#A1B1 Germany 2012-05-09 USA Japan NA
#A1B1 Germany 2012-09-11 USA Germany Japan
#A1B1 Japan 2014-01-06 USA Germany Japan
#A1B1 France 2015-12-11 USA Japan Germany
#A2B2 UK 2010-04-03 NA NA NA
#A2B2 Spain 2010-05-11 UK NA NA
#A2B2 Spain 2011-05-01 Spain UK NA
#A2B2 UK 2012-03-01 Spain UK NA
#A2B2 UK 2013-01-03 UK Spain NA
#A2B2 Brazil 2014-01-04 UK Spain NA
Q. How to create the last 3 columns for rolling top 3 countries in counts by ID?
Here is a way taking last 3 unique countries at each row for each ID.
mydata %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(data = purrr::map(row_number(), ~{
un_country <- Country[seq_len(.x - 1)]
if(.x == 1) un_country <- NA
else un_country <- names(sort(table(un_country), decreasing = TRUE))[1:3]
})) %>%
# ID Country Date X1 X2 X3
# <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 A1B1 Japan 2010-01-02 NA NA NA
# 2 A1B1 USA 2010-04-18 Japan NA NA
# 3 A1B1 USA 2011-03-22 Japan USA NA
# 4 A1B1 USA 2011-11-23 USA Japan NA
# 5 A1B1 Germany 2011-05-09 USA Japan NA
# 6 A1B1 Germany 2012-09-11 USA Germany Japan
# 7 A1B1 Japan 2014-01-06 USA Germany Japan
# 8 A1B1 France 2015-12-11 USA Germany Japan
# 9 A2B2 UK 2010-04-03 NA NA NA
#10 A2B2 Spain 2010-05-11 UK NA NA
#11 A2B2 Spain 2011-05-01 Spain UK NA
#12 A2B2 UK 2012-03-01 Spain UK NA
#13 A2B2 UK 2013-01-03 Spain UK NA
#14 A2B2 Brazil 2014-01-04 UK Spain NA
I think this does it. I've included the mydata here as I think there was a typo in one of the dates.
mydata <- data.frame(ID = c('A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A1B1', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2', 'A2B2'),
Country = c('Japan', 'USA', 'USA', 'USA', 'Germany', 'Germany', 'Japan', 'France', 'UK', 'Spain', 'Spain', 'UK', 'UK', 'Brazil'),
Date = as.Date(c('2010/01/02', '2010/04/18', '2011/03/22', '2011/11/23', '2012/05/09', '2012/09/11', '2014/01/06', '2015/12/11', '2010/04/03', '2010/05/11', '2011/05/01', '2012/03/01', '2013/01/03', '2014/01/04')))
mydata[order(Date), `:=`(num_v = seq_len(.N), last_v = Date), .(ID, Country)]
x <- mydata[
mydata[, CJ(Country = unique(Country), Date = unique(Date)), ID],
on=c('ID', 'Country', 'Date'), roll=Inf]
x[, `:=`(num_v = shift(num_v), last_v = shift(last_v)), .(ID, Country)]
x[, Country := NA]
y <- x[,
.SD[order(-num_v, -last_v)][1:3, .(Pref = paste0('Pref',1:3), Country)],
.(ID, Date)]
dcast(y, ID+Date~Pref, value.var = 'Country')
#> ID Date Pref1 Pref2 Pref3
#> 1: A1B1 2010-01-02 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2: A1B1 2010-04-18 Japan <NA> <NA>
#> 3: A1B1 2011-03-22 USA Japan <NA>
#> 4: A1B1 2011-11-23 USA Japan <NA>
#> 5: A1B1 2012-05-09 USA Japan <NA>
#> 6: A1B1 2012-09-11 USA Germany Japan
#> 7: A1B1 2014-01-06 USA Germany Japan
#> 8: A1B1 2015-12-11 USA Japan Germany
#> 9: A2B2 2010-04-03 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 10: A2B2 2010-05-11 UK <NA> <NA>
#> 11: A2B2 2011-05-01 Spain UK <NA>
#> 12: A2B2 2012-03-01 Spain UK <NA>
#> 13: A2B2 2013-01-03 UK Spain <NA>
#> 14: A2B2 2014-01-04 UK Spain <NA>
You can join back on the Country from the original mydata if you need it.
This isn't a super clean answer. Hopefully it helps you gets you close.
df <- readr::read_table(
"ID Country Date
A1B1 Japan 2010-01-02
A1B1 USA 2010-04-18
A1B1 USA 2011-03-22
A1B1 USA 2011-11-23
A1B1 Germany 2012-05-09
A1B1 Germany 2012-09-11
A1B1 Japan 2014-01-06
A1B1 France 2015-12-11
A2B2 UK 2010-04-03
A2B2 Spain 2010-05-11
A2B2 Spain 2011-05-01
A2B2 UK 2012-03-01
A3B2 UK 2013-01-03
A3B2 Brazil 2014-01-04")
rankings <- df %>%
group_by(ID, Country) %>%
summarise(obs = n(),
last_dt = max(Date)) %>%
arrange(ID,-obs, desc(last_dt)) %>%
mutate(rank = 1:n()) %>% print() %>%
filter(rank <= 3) %>%
names_from = rank,
values_from = Country,
names_prefix = "rank_",
id_cols = ID
) %>% print()
#> `summarise()` regrouping output by 'ID' (override with `.groups` argument)
#> # A tibble: 8 x 5
#> # Groups: ID [3]
#> ID Country obs last_dt rank
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <date> <int>
#> 1 A1B1 USA 3 2011-11-23 1
#> 2 A1B1 Japan 2 2014-01-06 2
#> 3 A1B1 Germany 2 2012-09-11 3
#> 4 A1B1 France 1 2015-12-11 4
#> 5 A2B2 UK 2 2012-03-01 1
#> 6 A2B2 Spain 2 2011-05-01 2
#> 7 A3B2 Brazil 1 2014-01-04 1
#> 8 A3B2 UK 1 2013-01-03 2
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#> # Groups: ID [3]
#> ID rank_1 rank_2 rank_3
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 A1B1 USA Japan Germany
#> 2 A2B2 UK Spain <NA>
#> 3 A3B2 Brazil UK <NA>
df %>% left_join(rankings, by = "ID")
#> # A tibble: 14 x 6
#> ID Country Date rank_1 rank_2 rank_3
#> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 A1B1 Japan 2010-01-02 USA Japan Germany
#> 2 A1B1 USA 2010-04-18 USA Japan Germany
#> 3 A1B1 USA 2011-03-22 USA Japan Germany
#> 4 A1B1 USA 2011-11-23 USA Japan Germany
#> 5 A1B1 Germany 2012-05-09 USA Japan Germany
#> 6 A1B1 Germany 2012-09-11 USA Japan Germany
#> 7 A1B1 Japan 2014-01-06 USA Japan Germany
#> 8 A1B1 France 2015-12-11 USA Japan Germany
#> 9 A2B2 UK 2010-04-03 UK Spain <NA>
#> 10 A2B2 Spain 2010-05-11 UK Spain <NA>
#> 11 A2B2 Spain 2011-05-01 UK Spain <NA>
#> 12 A2B2 UK 2012-03-01 UK Spain <NA>
#> 13 A3B2 UK 2013-01-03 Brazil UK <NA>
#> 14 A3B2 Brazil 2014-01-04 Brazil UK <NA>
Created on 2020-08-29 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Here's a messy Base R solution:
rlln_rnk_df <-"rbind", lapply(split(mydata, mydata$ID), function(x){
y <-"rbind", lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i){
tmp <- x[x$Date <= x$Date[i],]
tmp1 <- cbind(head(tmp[order(tmp$Date, decreasing = TRUE),], 1),
rnk = t(names(sort(table(tmp$Country), decreasing = TRUE))))
tmp1 <- setNames(tmp1, c(names(tmp), paste0("rnk.", 1:(ncol(tmp1) - ncol(tmp)))))
tmp1[,setdiff(paste0("rnk.", 1:(length(unique(mydata$Country)))), names(tmp1))] <- NA_character_
z <- y[order(y$Date),]
cbind(ID = z$ID, Country = z$Country, Date = z$Date,
z[match(z$Date, z$Date[2:nrow(z)]), (grep("rnk", names(z), value = TRUE))])
df_clean <- data.frame(rlln_rnk_df[, colSums( < nrow(rlln_rnk_df)],
row.names = NULL)

Finding duplicates by columns in r

I want to find duplicates horizontally and keeping the uniques. Please help me with this.
I am sharing a sample dataset. Hope this helps.
X <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
Y <- c("India","India","Philippines","Netherlands","France")
Z <- c("India","India","Netherlands","France","France")
S <- c("India","France","Netherlands","France","India")
TableTest <- data.frame(X,Y,Z,S)
Input dataset
1 1 India India India
2 2 India India France
3 3 Philippines Netherlands Netherlands
4 4 Netherlands France France
5 5 France France India
Expected Output
1 1 India NA NA
2 2 India France NA
3 3 Philippines Netherlands NA
4 4 Netherlands France NA
5 5 France India NA
Please help.
TableTest[,-1] <-[,-1], 1, function(a) { a <- replace(a, duplicated(a), NA_character_); a[ order( ]; })))
# X Y Z S
# 1 1 India <NA> <NA>
# 2 2 India France <NA>
# 3 3 Philippines Netherlands <NA>
# 4 4 Netherlands France <NA>
# 5 5 France India <NA>
Another base R option
TableTest[-1] <-,lapply(apply(TableTest[-1],1,unique),`length<-`,ncol(TableTest)-1))
or a simpler version (thanks for advice by #Onyambu in the comments)
TableTest[-1] <- t(apply(TableTest[-1], 1, function(x)`length<-`(unique(x),ncol(TableTest[-1]))))
which gives
> TableTest
1 1 India <NA> <NA>
2 2 India France <NA>
3 3 Philippines Netherlands <NA>
4 4 Netherlands France <NA>
5 5 France India <NA>
My solution:
TableTest[2:4] <-[2:4], 1, function(x) {
xo <- ifelse(!duplicated(x), x, NA_character_)
if (any( xo <- xo[!]
length(xo) <- ncol(TableTest) - 1
> TableTest
1 1 India <NA> <NA>
2 2 India France <NA>
3 3 Philippines Netherlands <NA>
4 4 Netherlands France <NA>
5 5 France India <NA>
I don't think you can do it by only using data.frames, because you're moving values across columns. But here's one way to do it using matrices:
X <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
Y <- c("India","India","Philippines","Netherlands","France")
Z <- c("India","India","Netherlands","France","France")
S <- c("India","France","Netherlands","France","India")
output <- apply(cbind(Y,Z,S), 1, function(row) {
rm_dup <- unique(row)
return(c(rm_dup, rep(NA_character_,
3 - length(rm_dup))))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "India" NA NA
[2,] "India" "France" NA
[3,] "Philippines" "Netherlands" NA
[4,] "Netherlands" "France" NA
[5,] "France" "India" NA

Interpolating missing data in a dataframe with R

I have a dataframe which is similar to the one below:
Country Ccode Year Happiness Power
1 France FR 2000 1000 1000
2 France FR 2001 NA NA
3 France FR 2002 NA NA
4 France FR 2003 1600 2200
5 France FR 2004 NA NA
6 UK UK 2000 1000 1000
7 UK UK 2001 NA NA
8 UK UK 2002 1000 1000
9 UK UK 2003 1000 1000
10 UK UK 2004 1000 1000
I have previously used the following code to get the differences:
df <- df %>%
arrange(country, year) %>% #sort data
group_by(country) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(d = . - lag(.)))
I would like expand on this code by calculating the difference between the data points of Happiness and Power, divide it by the difference in years between the data points and calculate the values to replace the NA's with, resulting in the following output.
Country Ccode Year Happiness Power
1 France FR 2000 1000 1000
2 France FR 2001 1200 1400
3 France FR 2002 1400 1800
4 France FR 2003 1600 2200
5 France FR 2004 NA NA
6 UK UK 2000 1000 1000
7 UK UK 2001 0 0
8 UK UK 2002 1000 1000
9 UK UK 2003 1000 1000
10 UK UK 2004 1000 1000
What would be an efficient way of carrying out this task?
EDIT: Please note that also France 2004 is NA. The extend function does seem to properly deal with such a situation.
EDIT 2: Adding the group_by(country) seems to mess things up for unknown reasons:It seems that the code is trying to convert a character to a numeric, although I do not really understand why. When I convert the column to character, the error becomes an evaluation error. Any suggestions?
> TRcomplete<-TRcomplete%>%
+ group_by(country) %>%
+ mutate_at(70:73,~na.fill(.x,"extend"))
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Column `F116.s` can't be converted from character to numeric
> TRcomplete$F116.s <- as.numeric(TRcomplete$F116.s)
> TRcomplete<-TRcomplete%>%
+ group_by(country) %>%
+ mutate_at(70:73,~na.fill(.x,"extend"))
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Column `F116.s` can't be converted from character to numeric
> TRcomplete$F116.s <- as.numeric(as.character(TRcomplete$F116.s))
> TRcomplete<-TRcomplete%>%
+ group_by(country) %>%
+ mutate_at(70:73,~na.fill(.x,"extend"))
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Column `F116.s` can't be converted from character to numeric
> TRcomplete$F116.s <- as.character(TRcomplete$F116.s))
Error: unexpected ')' in "TRcomplete$F116.s <- as.character(TRcomplete$F116.s))"
> TRcomplete$F116.s <- as.character(TRcomplete$F116.s)
> str(TRcomplete$F116.s)
> TRcomplete<-TRcomplete%>%
+ group_by(country) %>%
+ mutate_at(70:73,~na.fill(.x,"extend"))
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Evaluation error: need at least two non-NA values to interpolate.
You can use na.fill with fill="extend" from the zoo library
rapply(df, zoo::na.fill,"integer",fill="extend",how="replace")
Country Ccode Year Happiness Power
1 France FR 2000 1000 1000
2 France FR 2001 1200 1400
3 France FR 2003 1400 1800
4 France FR 2004 1600 2200
5 UK UK 2000 1000 1000
6 UK UK 2001 1000 1000
7 UK UK 2003 1000 1000
8 UK UK 2004 1000 1000
Country Ccode Year Happiness Power
1 France FR 2000 1000 1000
2 France FR 2001 1200 1400
3 France FR 2003 1400 1800
4 France FR 2004 1600 2200
5 UK UK 2000 1000 1000
6 UK UK 2001 1000 1000
7 UK UK 2003 1000 1000
8 UK UK 2004 1000 1000
If all the elements in the group are NA then:
mutate_if(is.numeric,~if(all( NA else na.fill(.x,"extend"))

Add lines with NA values

I have a data frame like this:
indx country year death value
1 1 Italy 2000 hiv 1
2 1 Italy 2001 hiv 2
3 1 Italy 2005 hiv 3
4 1 Italy 2000 cancer 4
5 1 Italy 2001 cancer 5
6 1 Italy 2002 cancer 6
7 1 Italy 2003 cancer 7
8 1 Italy 2004 cancer 8
9 1 Italy 2005 cancer 9
10 4 France 2000 hiv 10
11 4 France 2004 hiv 11
12 4 France 2005 hiv 12
13 4 France 2001 cancer 13
14 4 France 2002 cancer 14
15 4 France 2003 cancer 15
16 4 France 2004 cancer 16
17 2 Spain 2000 hiv 17
18 2 Spain 2001 hiv 18
19 2 Spain 2002 hiv 19
20 2 Spain 2003 hiv 20
21 2 Spain 2004 hiv 21
22 2 Spain 2005 hiv 22
23 2 Spain ... ... ...
indx is a value linked to the country (same country = same indx).
In this example I used only 3 countries (country) and 2 disease (death), in the original data frame are many more.
I would like to have one row for each country for each disease from 2000 to 2005.
What I would like to get is:
indx country year death value
1 1 Italy 2000 hiv 1
2 1 Italy 2001 hiv 2
3 1 Italy 2002 hiv NA
4 1 Italy 2003 hiv NA
5 1 Italy 2004 hiv NA
6 1 Italy 2005 hiv 3
7 1 Italy 2000 cancer 4
8 1 Italy 2001 cancer 5
9 1 Italy 2002 cancer 6
10 1 Italy 2003 cancer 7
11 1 Italy 2004 cancer 8
12 1 Italy 2005 cancer 9
13 4 France 2000 hiv 10
14 4 France 2001 hiv NA
15 4 France 2002 hiv NA
16 4 France 2003 hiv NA
17 4 France 2004 hiv 11
18 4 France 2005 hiv 12
19 4 France 2000 cancer NA
20 4 France 2001 cancer 13
21 4 France 2002 cancer 14
22 4 France 2003 cancer 15
23 4 France 2004 cancer 16
24 4 France 2005 cancer NA
25 2 Spain 2000 hiv 17
26 2 Spain 2001 hiv 18
27 2 Spain 2002 hiv 19
28 2 Spain 2003 hiv 20
29 2 Spain 2004 hiv 21
30 2 Spain 2005 hiv 22
31 2 Spain ... ... ...
I.e. I would like to add lines with value = NA at the missing years for each country for each disease.
For example, it lacks data of HIV in Italy between 2002 and 2004 and then I add this lines with value = NA.
How can I do that?
For a reproducible example:
indx <- c(rep(1, times=9), rep(4, times=7), rep(2, times=6))
country <- c(rep("Italy", times=9), rep("France", times=7), rep("Spain", times=6))
year <- c(2000, 2001, 2005, 2000:2005, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2001:2004, 2000:2005)
death <- c(rep("hiv", times=3), rep("cancer", times=6), rep("hiv", times=3), rep("cancer", times=4), rep("hiv", times=6))
value <- c(1:22)
dfl <- data.frame(indx, country, year, death, value)
Using base R, you could do:
# setDF(dfl) # run this first if you have a data.table
merge(expand.grid(lapply(dfl[c("country", "death", "year")], unique)), dfl, all.x = TRUE)
This first creates all combinations of the unique values in country, death, and year and then merges it to the original data, to add the values and where combinations were not in the original data, it adds NAs.
In the package tidyr, there's a special function that does this for you with a a single command:
complete(dfl, country, year, death)
Here is a longer base R method. You create two new data.frames, one that contains all combinations of the country, year, and death, and a second that contains an index key.
# get data.frame with every combination of country, year, and death
dfNew <- with(df, expand.grid("country"=unique(country), "year"=unique(year),
# get index key
indexKey <- unique(df[, c("indx", "country")])
# merge these together
dfNew <- merge(indexKey, dfNew, by="country")
# merge onto original data set
dfNew <- merge(df, dfNew, by=c("indx", "country", "year", "death"), all=TRUE)
This returns
indx country year death value
1 1 Italy 2000 cancer 4
2 1 Italy 2000 hiv 1
3 1 Italy 2001 cancer 5
4 1 Italy 2001 hiv 2
5 1 Italy 2002 cancer 6
6 1 Italy 2002 hiv NA
7 1 Italy 2003 cancer 7
8 1 Italy 2003 hiv NA
9 1 Italy 2004 cancer 8
10 1 Italy 2004 hiv NA
11 1 Italy 2005 cancer 9
12 1 Italy 2005 hiv 3
13 2 Spain 2000 cancer NA
14 2 Spain 2000 hiv 17
15 2 Spain 2001 cancer NA
If df is a data.table, here are the corresponding lines of code:
# CJ is a cross-join
setkey(df, country, year, death)
dfNew <- df[CJ(country, year, death, unique=TRUE),
.(country, year, death, value)]
indexKey <- unique(df[, .(indx, country)])
dfNew <- merge(indexKey, dfNew, by="country")
dfNew <- merge(df, dfNew, by=c("indx", "country", "year", "death"), all=TRUE)
Note that it rather than using CJ, it is also possible to use expand.grid as in the data.frame version:
dfNew <- df[, expand.grid("country"=unique(country), "year"=unique(year),
tidyr::complete helps create all combinations of the variables you pass it, but if you have two columns that are identical, it will over-expand or leave NAs where you don't want. As a workaround you can use dplyr grouping (df %>% group_by(indx, country) %>% complete(death, year)) or just merge the two columns into one temporarily:
# merge indx and country into a single column so they won't over-expand
df %>% unite(indx_country, indx, country) %>%
# fill in missing combinations of new column, death, and year
complete(indx_country, death, year) %>%
# separate indx and country back to how they were
separate(indx_country, c('indx', 'country'))
# Source: local data frame [36 x 5]
# indx country death year value
# (chr) (chr) (fctr) (int) (int)
# 1 1 Italy cancer 2000 4
# 2 1 Italy cancer 2001 5
# 3 1 Italy cancer 2002 6
# 4 1 Italy cancer 2003 7
# 5 1 Italy cancer 2004 8
# 6 1 Italy cancer 2005 9
# 7 1 Italy hiv 2000 1
# 8 1 Italy hiv 2001 2
# 9 1 Italy hiv 2002 NA
# 10 1 Italy hiv 2003 NA
# .. ... ... ... ... ...

How to remove rows in data frame after frequency tables in R

I have 3 data frames from which I have to find the continent with less than 2 countries and remove those countries(rows). The data frames are structured in a manner similar a data frame called x below:
row Country Continent Ranking
1 Kenya Africa 17
2 Gabon Africa 23
3 Spain Europe 04
4 Belgium Europe 03
5 China Asia 10
6 Nigeria Africa 14
7 Holland Europe 01
8 Italy Europe 05
9 Japan Asia 06
First I wanted to know the frequency of each country per continent, so I did
Africa Europe Asia
3 4 2
Then I wanted to identify the continents with less than 2 countries
x3 <- x2[x2 < 10]
My problem now is how to remove these countries. For the example above it will be the 2 countries in Asia and I want my final data set to look like presented below:
row Country Continent Ranking
1 Kenya Africa 17
2 Gabon Africa 23
3 Spain Europe 04
4 Belgium Europe 03
5 Nigeria Africa 14
6 Holland Europe 01
7 Italy Europe 05
The number of continents with less than 2 countries will vary among the different data frames so I need one universal method that I can apply to all.
x %>%
group_by(Continent) %>%
# row Country Continent Ranking
#1 1 Kenya Africa 17
#2 2 Gabon Africa 23
#3 3 Spain Europe 04
#4 4 Belgium Europe 03
#5 6 Nigeria Africa 14
#6 7 Holland Europe 01
#7 8 Italy Europe 05
Or using the x2
subset(x, Continent %in% names(x2)[x2>2])
# row Country Continent Ranking
#1 1 Kenya Africa 17
#2 2 Gabon Africa 23
#3 3 Spain Europe 04
#4 4 Belgium Europe 03
#6 6 Nigeria Africa 14
#7 7 Holland Europe 01
#8 8 Italy Europe 05
A very easy way with "data.table" would be:
library(data.table)[, N := .N, by = Continent][N > 2]
# row Country Continent Ranking N
# 1: 1 Kenya Africa 17 3
# 2: 2 Gabon Africa 23 3
# 3: 3 Spain Europe 4 4
# 4: 4 Belgium Europe 3 4
# 5: 6 Nigeria Africa 14 3
# 6: 7 Holland Europe 1 4
# 7: 8 Italy Europe 5 4
In base R you can try:
x[with(x, ave(rep(TRUE, nrow(x)), Continent, FUN = function(y) length(y) > 2)), ]
# row Country Continent Ranking
# 1 1 Kenya Africa 17
# 2 2 Gabon Africa 23
# 3 3 Spain Europe 4
# 4 4 Belgium Europe 3
# 6 6 Nigeria Africa 14
# 7 7 Holland Europe 1
# 8 8 Italy Europe 5
