I am trying to calculate a ratio using this formula: log2(_5p/3p).
I have a dataframe in R and the entries have the same name except their last part that will be either _3p or _5p. I want to do this operation log2(_5p/_3p) for each specific name.
For instance for the first two rows the result will be like this:
LQNS02277998.1_30988 log2(40/148)= -1.887525
Ideally I want to create a new data frame with the results where only the common part of the name is kept.
LQNS02277998.1_30988 -1.887525
How can I do this in R?
> head(dup_res_LC1_b_2)
# A tibble: 6 x 2
microRNAs n
<chr> <int>
1 LQNS02277998.1_30988_3p 148
2 LQNS02277998.1_30988_5p 40
3 Dpu-Mir-279-o6_LQNS02278070.1_31942_3p 4
4 Dpu-Mir-279-o6_LQNS02278070.1_31942_5p 4
5 LQNS02000138.1_777_3p 73
6 LQNS02000138.1_777_5p 12
structure(list(microRNAs = c("LQNS02277998.1_30988_3p",
"LQNS02277998.1_30988_5p", "Dpu-Mir-279-o6_LQNS02278070.1_31942_3p",
"Dpu-Mir-279-o6_LQNS02278070.1_31942_5p", "LQNS02000138.1_777_3p",
"LQNS02000138.1_777_5p"), n = c(148L, 40L, 4L, 4L, 73L, 12L)), row.names = c(NA,
-6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
We can use a group by operation by removing the substring at the end i.e. _3p or _5p with str_remove, then use the log division of the pair of 'n'
df1 %>%
group_by(grp = str_remove(microRNAs, "_[^_]+$")) %>%
mutate(new = log2(last(n)/first(n)))
I have a dataset with two columns containing the following: an indicator number and a hashcode
The only problem is that the columns have the same name, but the value can switch columns.
Now I want to merge the columns and keep the number (I don't care about the hashcode)
I saw this question: Merge two columns into one in r
and I tried the coalesce() function, but that is only for having NA values. Which I don't have. I looked at the unite function, but according to the cheat sheet documentation documentation here that doesn't what I'm looking for
My next try was the filter_at and other filter functions from the dplyr package Documentation here
But that only leaves 150 data points while at the start I have 61k data points.
Code of filter_at I tried:
data <- filter_at(data,vars("hk","hk_1"),all_vars(.>0))
I assumed that a #-string shall not be greater than 0, which seems to be true, but it removes more than intented.
I would like to keep hk or hk_1 value which is a number. The other one (the hash) can be removed. Then I want a new column which only contains those numbers.
Sample data
My data looks like this:
What I would like to see:
I hope this provides an insight into the data. There are more columns like description, etc which makes that 190 at the start are not doubles.
We can replace all the values that start with "#" to NA and then use coalesce to select non-NA value between HK and HK1.
df %>%
mutate_all(~as.character(replace(., grepl("^#", .), NA))) %>%
mutate(HK = coalesce(HK, HK1)) %>%
# HK
#1 190
#2 190
#3 178
#4 177
#5 212
df <- structure(list(HK = structure(c(4L, 4L, 3L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("#SP2240",
"#SP8390", "178", "190"), class = "factor"), HK1 = structure(c(2L,
1L, 3L, 4L, 5L), .Label = c("#SP0340", "#SP0839", "#SP2949",
"177", "212"), class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))
I have a data like this
df <-structure(list(label = structure(c(5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 3L, 1L, 2L,
9L, 10L, 4L), .Label = c(" holand", " holandindia", " Holandnorway",
" USAargentinabrazil", "Afghanestan ", "Afghanestankabol", "Afghanestankabolindia",
"indiaAfghanestan ", "USA", "USAargentina "), class = "factor"),
value = structure(c(5L, 4L, 1L, 9L, 7L, 10L, 6L, 3L, 2L,
8L), .Label = c("1941029507", "2367321518", "2849255881",
"2913128511", "2927576083", "4550996370", "457707181.9",
"637943892.6", "796495286.2", "89291651.19"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("label",
"value"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L))
I want to get the largest name (in letter) and then see how many smaller and similar names are and assign them to a group
then go for another next large name and assign them to another group
until no group left
at first I calculate the length of each so I will have the length of them
dft <- data.frame(names=df$label,chr=apply(df,2,nchar)[,1])
colnames(dft)[1] <- "label"
df2 <- inner_join(df, dft)
Now I can simply find which string is the longest
Now I should see which other strings have the letters similar to this long string . we have these possibilities
it can be
all possible combinations but the order of letter should be the same (from left to right) for example it should be Afghand cannot be fAhg
so we have only two other strings that are similar to this one
it is because they should be exactly similar and not even a letter different (more than the largest string) to be assigned to the same group
The desire output for this is as follows:
label value group
Afghanestan 2927576083 1
Afghanestankabol 2913128511 1
Afghanestankabolindia 1941029507 1
indiaAfghanestan 796495286.2 2
Holandnorway 457707181.9 3
holand 89291651.19 3
holandindia 4550996370 3
USA 2849255881 4
USAargentina 2367321518 4
USAargentinabrazil 637943892.6 4
why indiaAfghanestan is a seperate group? because it does not completely belong to another name (it has partially name from one or another). it should be part of a bigger name
I tried to use this one Find similar strings and reconcile them within one dataframe which did not help me at all
I found something else which maybe helps
pairwiseAlignment(df2$label[3], df2$label[1], gapOpening=0, gapExtension=4,type="overlap")
but still I don't know how to assign them into one group
You could try
df$label %>%
tolower %>%
trimws %>%
stringdist::stringdistmatrix(method = "jw", p = 0.1) %>%
as.dist %>%
`attr<-`("Labels", df$label) %>%
hclust %T>%
plot %T>%
rect.hclust(h = 0.3) %>%
cutree(h = 0.3) %>%
print -> df$group
# label value group
# 1 Afghanestan 2927576083 1
# 2 Afghanestankabol 2913128511 1
# 3 Afghanestankabolindia 1941029507 1
# 4 indiaAfghanestan 796495286.2 2
# 5 Holandnorway 457707181.9 3
# 6 holand 89291651.19 3
# 7 holandindia 4550996370 3
# 8 USA 2849255881 4
# 9 USAargentina 2367321518 4
# 10 USAargentinabrazil 637943892.6 4
See ?stringdist::'stringdist-metrics' for an overview of the string dissimilarity measures offered by stringdist.
I have a .csv file with gene names such as "AT1G45150". However, some entries have two gene names connected by an underscore, so they look like this "AT3G01311_ATCG00940" as seen in line 135. Is there a simple command, perhaps with something like gsub that not only finds and eliminates everything in the cell from the underscore on, but also sticks the second gene name in a cell immediately below the one it was found in, in the same column but the next row down? Also want to keep everything that was already in that column, just extend column length to add new members.
so that it becomes
Thanks for your help!
edit: trying to provide a reproducible example, hope this is helpful:
> dput(droplevels(genes[133:138,]))
structure(list(g99 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT1G45150", "AT1G47280",
"AT1G47317", "AT1G47420", "AT1G47500", "AT1G47570"), class = "factor"),
g95 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT1G12200", "AT1G12410",
"AT1G12530", "AT1G12550", "AT1G12740", "AT1G12750"), class = "factor"),
y99 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT2G25370", "AT2G26920",
"AT2G27270", "AT2G28590", "AT2G28970", "AT2G29740"), class = "factor"),
y95 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT1G19715", "AT1G19750",
"AT1G20540", "AT1G20570", "AT1G20580", "AT1G20610"), class = "factor"),
a99 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT2G46830", "AT2G46850",
"AT3G01311_ATCG00940", "AT3G03470", "AT3G03980", "AT3G05040"
), class = "factor"), a95 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT1G20870",
"AT1G21400", "AT1G21450", "AT1G21730", "AT1G21760", "AT1G22000"
), class = "factor"), e99 = structure(c(3L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 2L,
3L), .Label = c("AT1G20800", "AT3G54740", "AT4G12400", "AT4G15430",
"AT5G01970"), class = "factor"), e95 = structure(1:6, .Label = c("AT1G19660",
"AT1G19690", "AT1G19750", "AT1G19780", "AT1G19790", "AT1G19970"
), class = "factor")), .Names = c("g99", "g95", "y99", "y95",
"a99", "a95", "e99", "e95"), row.names = 133:138, class = "data.frame")
I'm assuming that these genes are part of a bigger data frame with more information about each gene. I'd use tidyr and dplyr. Something like this should work:
df <-
df %>%
separate(gene, c('first', 'second'), '_') %>% # Make two columns
gather(position, gene, first, second) %>%
I used separate to split the column into two, with the first column containing the first gene and the second column with the second (if it exists). Then I used gather to stack all the genes on top of each other and filter to remove rows from the missing second gene.
Hope this helps!
Now that I've seen your data I've got a new answer. I'm a little confused about what exactly you want in the dataframe, but here's how to do it for a single vector.
> df$a99
[1] "AT2G46830" "AT2G46850" "AT3G01311_ATCG00940"
[4] "AT3G03470" "AT3G03980" "AT3G05040"
> unlist(str_split(df$a99, '_'))
[1] "AT2G46830" "AT2G46850" "AT3G01311" "ATCG00940" "AT3G03470" "AT3G03980"
[7] "AT3G05040"
This answer assumes you maybe want to keep the data frame structure.
First load the following three packages:
library(stringr); library(purrr); library(dplyr)
Then your data frame looks like:
> genes
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
1 133 AT1G45150 AT1G12200 AT2G25370 AT1G19715 AT2G46830 AT1G20870 AT4G12400 AT1G19660
2 134 AT1G47280 AT1G12410 AT2G26920 AT1G19750 AT2G46850 AT1G21400 AT4G15430 AT1G19690
3 135 AT1G47317 AT1G12530 AT2G27270 AT1G20540 AT3G01311_ATCG00940 AT1G21450 AT5G01970 AT1G19750
4 136 AT1G47420 AT1G12550 AT2G28590 AT1G20570 AT3G03470 AT1G21730 AT1G20800 AT1G19780
5 137 AT1G47500 AT1G12740 AT2G28970 AT1G20580 AT3G03980 AT1G21760 AT3G54740 AT1G19790
6 138 AT1G47570 AT1G12750 AT2G29740 AT1G20610 AT3G05040 AT1G22000 AT4G12400 AT1G19970
If I was just to attack the V6 variable, I would use the following commands from stringr:
> str_sub(genes$V6, start = 1L,
end = ifelse(is.na(str_locate(genes$V6, '_')[,1]), -1,
str_locate(genes$V6, '_')[, 1] - 1))
[1] "AT2G46830" "AT2G46850" "AT3G01311" "AT3G03470" "AT3G03980" "AT3G05040"
But we want to generalize this to all the variables, in case you want to keep your data frame structure. So use the map function from purrr to go through all the columns in the data frame (you also might be able use lapply in a similar manner, but sometimes it's hard to coerce to a dataframe).
> genes2 <- map(genes, function(x) { str_sub(x, start = 1L,
end = ifelse(is.na(str_locate(x, '_'))[,1], -1,
str_locate(x, '_')[,1] - 1)) })
%>% as_data_frame()
And your data frame then looks like this:
> genes2
Source: local data frame [6 x 9]
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
(chr) (chr) (chr) (chr) (chr) (chr) (chr) (chr) (chr)
1 133 AT1G45150 AT1G12200 AT2G25370 AT1G19715 AT2G46830 AT1G20870 AT4G12400 AT1G19660
2 134 AT1G47280 AT1G12410 AT2G26920 AT1G19750 AT2G46850 AT1G21400 AT4G15430 AT1G19690
3 135 AT1G47317 AT1G12530 AT2G27270 AT1G20540 AT3G01311 AT1G21450 AT5G01970 AT1G19750
4 136 AT1G47420 AT1G12550 AT2G28590 AT1G20570 AT3G03470 AT1G21730 AT1G20800 AT1G19780
5 137 AT1G47500 AT1G12740 AT2G28970 AT1G20580 AT3G03980 AT1G21760 AT3G54740 AT1G19790
6 138 AT1G47570 AT1G12750 AT2G29740 AT1G20610 AT3G05040 AT1G22000 AT4G12400 AT1G19970
I have been searching for this for a while, but haven't been able to find a clear answer so far. Probably have been looking for the wrong terms, but maybe somebody here can quickly help me. The question is kind of basic.
Sample data set:
set <- structure(list(VarName = structure(c(1L, 5L, 4L, 2L, 3L),
.Label = c("Apple/Blue/Nice",
"Apple/Blue/Ugly", "Apple/Pink/Ugly", "Kiwi/Blue/Ugly", "Pear/Blue/Ugly"
), class = "factor"), Color = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("Blue",
"Pink"), class = "factor"), Qty = c(45L, 34L, 46L, 21L, 38L)), .Names = c("VarName",
"Color", "Qty"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))
This gives a data set like:
VarName Color Qty
1 Apple/Blue/Nice Blue 45
2 Pear/Blue/Ugly Blue 34
3 Kiwi/Blue/Ugly Blue 46
4 Apple/Blue/Ugly Blue 21
5 Apple/Pink/Ugly Pink 38
What I would like to do is fairly straight forward. I would like to sum (or averages or stdev) the Qty column. But, also I would like to do the same operation under the following conditions:
VarName includes "Apple"
VarName includes "Ugly"
Color equals "Blue"
Anybody that can give me a quick introduction on how to perform this kind of calculations?
I am aware that some of it can be done by the aggregate() function, e.g.:
aggregate(set[3], FUN=sum, by=set[2])[1,2]
However, I believe that there is a more straight forward way of doing this then this. Are there some filters that can be added to functions like sum()?
The easiest way to to split up your VarName column, then subsetting becomes very easy. So, lets create an object were varName has been separated:
##There must(?) be a better way than this. Anyone?
new_set = t(as.data.frame(sapply(as.character(set$VarName), strsplit, "/")))
Brief explanation:
We use as.character because set$VarName is a factor
sapply takes each value in turn and applies strplit
The strsplit function splits up the elements
We convert to a data frame
Transpose to get the correct rotation
##Convert to a data frame
new_set = as.data.frame(new_set)
##Make nice rownames - not actually needed
rownames(new_set) = 1:nrow(new_set)
##Add in the Qty column
new_set$Qty = set$Qty
This gives
R> new_set
V1 V2 V3 Qty
1 Apple Blue Nice 45
2 Pear Blue Ugly 34
3 Kiwi Blue Ugly 46
4 Apple Blue Ugly 21
5 Apple Pink Ugly 38
Now all the operations are as standard. For example,
##Add up all blue Qtys
sum(new_set[new_set$V2 == "Blue",]$Qty)
[1] 146
##Average of Blue and Ugly Qtys
mean(new_set[new_set$V2 == "Blue" & new_set$V3 == "Ugly",]$Qty)
[1] 33.67
Once it's in the correct form, you can use ddply which does every you want (and more)
##Split the data frame up by V1 and take the mean of Qty
ddply(new_set, .(V1), summarise, m = mean(Qty))
##Split the data frame up by V1 & V2 and take the mean of Qty
ddply(new_set, .(V1, V2), summarise, m = mean(Qty))
Is this what you're looking for?
# sum for those including 'Apple'
apple <- set[grep('Apple', set[, 'VarName']), ]
aggregate(apple[3], FUN=sum, by=apple[2])
Color Qty
1 Blue 66
2 Pink 38
# sum for those including 'Ugly'
ugly <- set[grep('Ugly', set[, 'VarName']), ]
aggregate(ugly[3], FUN=sum, by=ugly[2])
Color Qty
1 Blue 101
2 Pink 38
# sum for Color==Blue
sum(set[set[, 'Color']=='Blue', 3])
[1] 146
The last sum could be done by using subset
sum(subset(set, Color=='Blue')[,3])