Coq: Associativity of relational composition - functional-programming

I am working on verifying a system based on relation algebra. I found D. Pous's relation algebra library popular among the Coq society.
On this page, binary relation hrel is defined together with its relational composition hrel_dot.
In this library, a binary relation is defined as
Universe U.
Definition hrel (n m: Type#{U}) := n -> m -> Prop.
And the relational composition of two binary relations is defined as
Definition hrel_dot n m p (x: hrel n m) (y: hrel m p): hrel n p :=
fun i j => exists2 k, x i k & y k j.
I believe that the relational composition is associative, i.e.
Lemma dot_assoc:
forall m n p q (x: hrel m n) (y: hrel n p) (z: hrel p q),
hrel_dot m p q (hrel_dot m n p x y) z = hrel_dot m n q x (hrel_dot n p q y z).
I got to the place where I think the LHS and RHS of the expressions are equivalent, but I have no clues about the next steps.
(exists2 k : p,
exists2 k0 : n, x x0 k0 & y k0 k & z k x1) =
(exists2 k : n,
x x0 k & exists2 k0 : p, y k k0 & z k0 x1)
I don't know how to reason about the nested exists2, although the results seem straightforward by exchanging the variables k and k0.
Thanks in advance!

As Ana pointed out, it is not possible to prove this equality without assuming extra axioms. One possibility is to use functional and propositional extensionality:
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Logic.PropExtensionality.
Universe U.
Definition hrel (n m: Type#{U}) := n -> m -> Prop.
Definition hrel_dot n m p (x: hrel n m) (y: hrel m p): hrel n p :=
fun i j => exists2 k, x i k & y k j.
Lemma dot_assoc:
forall m n p q (x: hrel m n) (y: hrel n p) (z: hrel p q),
hrel_dot m p q (hrel_dot m n p x y) z = hrel_dot m n q x (hrel_dot n p q y z).
intros m n p q x y z.
apply functional_extensionality. intros a.
apply functional_extensionality. intros b.
apply propositional_extensionality.
unfold hrel_dot; split.
- intros [c [d ? ?] ?]. eauto.
- intros [c ? [d ? ?]]. eauto.


How does one expand a `fix` function just one step?

I have defined a recursive function with fix, and now I want to prove a rewriting equation about it.
The function in question is a bit big, but here is another function that has the same problem.
(Here is an interactive collacoq with it:
Require Import Wf_nat PeanoNat.
Definition test (n: nat): nat.
refine (
let test :=
fix test n (H: Acc lt n) {struct H} :=
if Nat.eq_dec 0 n
then n
else n + test (n-1) _
test n (Wf_nat.lt_wf n)).
apply H; auto with arith.
(* a unit test to see it works as intended. *)
Check eq_refl (test 4 = 4 + test 3).
I want to prove the following goal
Goal forall n, test (S n) = S n + test n.
induction n.
unfold test.
but when I start working on it, I get a proof term with fix test
Now I just want to unfold this once, but cbv delta evaluates too much.
How can I reduce the fix function definition just once?
Here is the proof obligation
n: nat
IHn: test (S n) = test n + S n
(fix test (n0 : nat) (H : Acc lt n0) {struct H} : nat :=
match Nat.eq_dec 0 n0 with
| left _ => n0
| right H0 =>
n0 +
test (n0 - 1)
(match H with
| Acc_intro _ H1 => H1
end (n0 - 1)
(Nat.sub_lt n0 1
(Arith_prebase.gt_le_S_stt 0 n0
(Arith_prebase.neq_0_lt_stt n0 H0))
(le_n 1)))
end) (S (S n)) (lt_wf (S (S n))) =
(fix test (n0 : nat) (H : Acc lt n0) {struct H} : nat :=
match Nat.eq_dec 0 n0 with
| left _ => n0
| right H0 =>
n0 +
test (n0 - 1)
(match H with
| Acc_intro _ H1 => H1
end (n0 - 1)
(Nat.sub_lt n0 1
(Arith_prebase.gt_le_S_stt 0 n0
(Arith_prebase.neq_0_lt_stt n0 H0))
(le_n 1)))
end) (S n) (lt_wf (S n)) + S (S n)
Working with function defined by well-foundness is always tricky. One reason is that you are often drown under big terms.
The main problem of your proof is (because of your induction) you are creating (S (S n)) so your function reduces too much by simplification!
As a matter of fact you don't need to prove your lemma by induction.
Let us try to convey some intuition. Your definition looks like.
test n = f n (lt_wf n)
so your function is defined by accessibility with the proof (lt_wf n). What you actually need to prove is that f does not depend on the actual proof.
Lemma f_eq : forall n H1 H2, f n H1 = f n H2.
and you will be able to perform simplification.
Here is a proof of your Lemma
Goal forall n, test (S n) = S n + test n.
intros n.
apply f_equal2 with (f := Nat.add); [trivial |].
set (f := ((fix test (k : _) (H : Acc lt k) {struct H} : _ := _))).
set (H := (_ : Acc _ (S n - 1))).
assert (f_eq : forall n H1 H2, f n H1 = f n H2).
- intros n1.
induction n1.
+ intros H1 H2.
dependent inversion H1; dependent inversion H2; simpl; auto.
+ intros H1 H2.
dependent inversion H1; dependent inversion H2.
apply f_equal2 with (f := Nat.add).
* trivial.
* destruct n1; apply IHn1.
- destruct n; apply f_eq.

How to replace hypotheses `0 < d` with `S d'` in Coq?

How to replace hypotheses 0 < d with S d' in Coq?
In Coq, I've the annoying hypotheses that 0 < d, which I need to replace to apply euclid_div_succ_d_theorem to prove euclid_div_theorem as a corollary.
How can I somehow convert the assumptions into the proper form to apply the theorem?
Theorem euclid_div_theorem :
forall d : nat,
0 < d ->
forall n : nat,
exists q r : nat,
n = q * d + r /\ r < d.
Theorem euclid_div_succ_d_theorem :
forall d : nat,
forall n : nat,
exists q r : nat,
n = q * (S d) + r /\ r < (S d).
Using the standard lemmas from the Arith module you can change 0 < d into exists m, d = S m, which (after destruction) gives you the desired result.
Require Import Arith.
Theorem euclid_div_theorem : forall d : nat,
0 < d -> forall n : nat, exists q r : nat, n = q * d + r /\ r < d.
intros d H n.
apply Nat.lt_neq, Nat.neq_sym, Nat.neq_0_r in H.
destruct H; rewrite H.
apply euclid_div_succ_d_theorem.
Here is how I did it:
Search (exists _, _ = S _). gives us the last lemma (it's easier to go backwards from your goal here, imho):
Nat.neq_0_r: forall n : nat, n <> 0 <-> (exists m : nat, n = S m)
This means we need to infer d <> 0 from 0 < d, so again Search (_ < _ -> _ <> _). yields:
Nat.lt_neq: forall n m : nat, n < m -> n <> m
Now it's easy to see that we need to swap the lhs and rhs of the inequality, so I did Search (?x <> ?y -> ?y <> ?x).:
Nat.neq_sym: forall n m : nat, n <> m -> m <> n
I could've also used a more universal lemma:
not_eq_sym: forall (A : Type) (x y : A), x <> y -> y <> x
It'd give us the same result.
There is, however, a less tedious way of proving the lemma -- you can always use destruct d. and prove it by cases:
intros d H n.
destruct d.
- inversion H. (* H is a contradiction now: `0 < 0` *)
- apply euclid_div_succ_d_theorem.

Well-founded recursion by repeated division

Suppose I have some natural numbers d ≥ 2 and n > 0; in this case, I can split off the d's from n and get n = m * dk, where m is not divisible by d.
I'd like to use this repeated removal of the d-divisible parts as a recursion scheme; so I thought I'd make a datatype for the Steps leading to m:
import Data.Nat.DivMod
data Steps: (d : Nat) -> {auto dValid: d `GTE` 2} -> (n : Nat) -> Type where
Base: (rem: Nat) -> (rem `GT` 0) -> (rem `LT` d) -> (quot : Nat) -> Steps d {dValid} (rem + quot * d)
Step: Steps d {dValid} n -> Steps d {dValid} (n * d)
and write a recursive function that computes the Steps for a given pair of d and n:
total lemma: x * y `GT` 0 -> x `GT` 0
lemma {x = Z} LTEZero impossible
lemma {x = Z} (LTESucc _) impossible
lemma {x = (S k)} prf = LTESucc LTEZero
steps : (d : Nat) -> {auto dValid: d `GTE` 2} -> (n : Nat) -> {auto nValid: n `GT` 0} -> Steps d {dValid} n
steps Z {dValid = LTEZero} _ impossible
steps Z {dValid = (LTESucc _)} _ impossible
steps (S d) {dValid} n {nValid} with (divMod n d)
steps (S d) (q * S d) {nValid} | MkDivMod q Z _ = Step (steps (S d) {dValid} q {nValid = lemma nValid})
steps (S d) (S rem + q * S d) | MkDivMod q (S rem) remSmall = Base (S rem) (LTESucc LTEZero) remSmall q
However, steps is not accepted as total since there's no apparent reason why the recursive call is well-founded (there's no structural relationship between q and n).
But I also have a function
total wf : (S x) `LT` (S x) * S (S y)
with a boring proof.
Can I use wf in the definition of steps to explain to Idris that steps is total?
Here is one way of using well-founded recursion to do what you're asking. I'm sure though, that there is a better way. In what follows I'm going to use the standard LT function, which allows us to achieve our goal, but there some obstacles we will need to work around.
Unfortunately, LT is a function, not a type constructor or a data constructor, which means we cannot define an implementation of the
typeclass for LT. The following code is a workaround for this situation:
accIndLt : {P : Nat -> Type} ->
(step : (x : Nat) -> ((y : Nat) -> LT y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
(z : Nat) -> Accessible LT z -> P z
accIndLt {P} step z (Access f) =
step z $ \y, lt => accIndLt {P} step y (f y lt)
wfIndLt : {P : Nat -> Type} ->
(step : (x : Nat) -> ((y : Nat) -> LT y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
(x : Nat) -> P x
wfIndLt step x = accIndLt step x (ltAccessible x)
We are going to need some helper lemmas dealing with the less than relation, the lemmas can be found in this gist (Order module). It's a subset of my personal library which I recently started. I'm sure the proofs of the helper lemmas can be minimized, but it wasn't my goal here.
After importing the Order module, we can solve the problem (I slightly modified the original code, it's not difficult to change it or write a wrapper to have the original type):
steps : (n : Nat) -> {auto nValid : 0 `LT` n} -> (d : Nat) -> Steps (S (S d)) n
steps n {nValid} d = wfIndLt {P = P} step n d nValid
P : (n : Nat) -> Type
P n = (d : Nat) -> (nV : 0 `LT` n) -> Steps (S (S d)) n
step : (n : Nat) -> (rec : (q : Nat) -> q `LT` n -> P q) -> P n
step n rec d nV with (divMod n (S d))
step (S r + q * S (S d)) rec d nV | (MkDivMod q (S r) prf) =
Base (S r) (LTESucc LTEZero) prf q
step (Z + q * S (S d)) rec d nV | (MkDivMod q Z _) =
let qGt0 = multLtNonZeroArgumentsLeft nV in
let lt = multLtSelfRight (S (S d)) qGt0 (LTESucc (LTESucc LTEZero)) in
Step (rec q lt d qGt0)
I modeled steps after the divMod function from the contrib/Data/Nat/DivMod/IteratedSubtraction.idr module.
Full code is available here.
Warning: the totality checker (as of Idris 0.99, release version) does not accept steps as total. It has been recently fixed and works for our problem (I tested it with Idris 0.99-git:17f0899c).

How do I prove that two Fibonacci implementations are equal in Coq?

I've two Fibonacci implementations, seen below, that I want to prove are functionally equivalent.
I've already proved properties about natural numbers, but this exercise requires another approach that I cannot figure out.
The textbook I'm using have introduced the following syntax of Coq, so it should be possible to prove equality using this notation:
<definition> ::= <keyword> <identifier> : <statement> <proof>
<keyword> ::= Proposition | Lemma | Theorem | Corollary
<statement> ::= {<quantifier>,}* <expression>
<quantifier> ::= forall {<identifier>}+ : <type>
| forall {({<identifier>}+ : <type>)}+
<proof> ::= Proof. {<tactic>.}* <end-of-proof>
<end-of-proof> ::= Qed. | Admitted. | Abort.
Here are the two implementations:
Fixpoint fib_v1 (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => O
| S n' => match n' with
| O => 1
| S n'' => (fib_v1 n') + (fib_v1 n'')
Fixpoint visit_fib_v2 (n a1 a2 : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => a1
| S n' => visit_fib_v2 n' a2 (a1 + a2)
It is pretty obvious that these functions compute the same value for the base case n = 0, but the induction case is much harder?
I've tried proving the following Lemma, but I'm stuck in induction case:
Lemma about_visit_fib_v2 :
forall i j : nat,
visit_fib_v2 i (fib_v1 (S j)) ((fib_v1 j) + (fib_v1 (S j))) = (fib_v1 (add_v1 i (S j))).
induction i as [| i' IHi'].
intro j.
rewrite -> (unfold_visit_fib_v2_0 (fib_v1 (S j)) ((fib_v1 j) + (fib_v1 (S j)))).
rewrite -> (add_v1_0_n (S j)).
intro j.
rewrite -> (unfold_visit_fib_v2_S i' (fib_v1 (S j)) ((fib_v1 j) + (fib_v1 (S j)))).
Fixpoint add_v1 (i j : nat) : nat :=
match i with
| O => j
| S i' => S (add_v1 i' j)
A note of warning: in what follows I'll to try to show the main idea of such a proof, so I'm not going to stick to some subset of Coq and I won't do arithmetic manually. Instead I'll use some proof automation, viz. the ring tactic. However, feel free to ask additional questions, so you could convert the proof to somewhat that would suit your purposes.
I think it's easier to start with some generalization:
Require Import Arith. (* for `ring` tactic *)
Lemma fib_v1_eq_fib2_generalized n : forall a0 a1,
visit_fib_v2 (S n) a0 a1 = a0 * fib_v1 n + a1 * fib_v1 (S n).
induction n; intros a0 a1.
- simpl; ring.
- change (visit_fib_v2 (S (S n)) a0 a1) with
(visit_fib_v2 (S n) a1 (a0 + a1)).
rewrite IHn. simpl; ring.
If using ring doesn't suit your needs, you can perform multiple rewrite steps using the lemmas of the Arith module.
Now, let's get to our goal:
Definition fib_v2 n := visit_fib_v2 n 0 1.
Lemma fib_v1_eq_fib2 n :
fib_v1 n = fib_v2 n.
destruct n.
- reflexivity.
- unfold fib_v2. rewrite fib_v1_eq_fib2_generalized.
#larsr's answer inspired this alternative answer.
First of all, let's define fib_v2:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Definition fib_v2 n := visit_fib_v2 n 0 1.
Then, we are going to need a lemma, which is the same as fib_v2_lemma in #larsr's answer. I'm including it here for consistency and to show an alternative proof.
Lemma visit_fib_v2_main_property n: forall a0 a1,
visit_fib_v2 (S (S n)) a0 a1 =
visit_fib_v2 (S n) a0 a1 + visit_fib_v2 n a0 a1.
induction n; intros a0 a1; auto with arith.
change (visit_fib_v2 (S (S (S n))) a0 a1) with
(visit_fib_v2 (S (S n)) a1 (a0 + a1)).
apply IHn.
As suggested in the comments by larsr, the visit_fib_v2_main_property lemma can be also proved by the following impressive one-liner:
now induction n; firstorder.
Because of the nature of the numbers in the Fibonacci series it's very convenient to define an alternative induction principle:
Lemma pair_induction (P : nat -> Prop) :
P 0 ->
P 1 ->
(forall n, P n -> P (S n) -> P (S (S n))) ->
forall n, P n.
intros H0 H1 Hstep n.
enough (P n /\ P (S n)) by tauto.
induction n; intuition.
The pair_induction principle basically says that if we can prove some property P for 0 and 1 and if for every natural number k > 1, we can prove P k holds under the assumption that P (k - 1) and P (k - 2) hold, then we can prove forall n, P n.
Using our custom induction principle, we get the proof as follows:
Lemma fib_v1_eq_fib2 n :
fib_v1 n = fib_v2 n.
induction n using pair_induction.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- unfold fib_v2.
rewrite visit_fib_v2_main_property.
simpl; auto.
Anton's proof is very beautiful, and better than mine, but it might be useful, anyway.
Instead of coming up with the generalisation lemma, I strengthened the induction hypothesis.
Say the original goal is Q n. I then changed the goal with
cut (Q n /\ Q (S n))
Q n
Q n /\ Q (S n)
This new goal trivially implies the original goal, but with it the induction hypothesis becomes stronger, so it becomes possible to rewrite more.
IHn : Q n /\ Q (S n)
Q (S n) /\ Q (S (S n))
This idea is explained in Software Foundations in the chapter where one does proofs over even numbers.
Because the propostion often is very long, I made an Ltac tactic that names the long and messy term.
Ltac nameit Q :=
match goal with [ _:_ |- ?P ?n] => let X := fresh Q in remember P as X end.
Require Import Ring Arith.
(Btw, I renamed vistit_fib_v2 to fib_v2.)
I needed a lemma about one step of fib_v2.
Lemma fib_v2_lemma: forall n a b, fib_v2 (S (S n)) a b = fib_v2 (S n) a b + fib_v2 n a b.
intro n.
pattern n.
nameit Q.
cut (Q n /\ Q (S n)).
tauto. (* Q n /\ Q (S n) -> Q n *)
induction n.
split; subst; simpl; intros; ring. (* Q 0 /\ Q 1 *)
split; try tauto. (* Q (S n) *)
subst Q. (* Q (S (S n)) *)
destruct IHn as [H1 H2].
assert (L1: forall n a b, fib_v2 (S n) a b = fib_v2 n b (a+b)) by reflexivity.
The congruence tactic handles goals that follow from a bunch of A = B assumptions and rewriting.
Proving the theorem is very similar.
Theorem fib_v1_fib_v2 : forall n, fib_v1 n = fib_v2 n 0 1.
intro n.
pattern n.
nameit Q.
cut (Q n /\ Q (S n)).
tauto. (* Q n /\ Q (S n) -> Q n *)
induction n.
split; subst; simpl; intros; ring. (* Q 0 /\ Q 1 *)
split; try tauto. (* Q (S n) *)
subst Q. (* Q (S (S n)) *)
destruct IHn as [H1 H2].
assert (fib_v1 (S (S n)) = fib_v1 (S n) + fib_v1 n) by reflexivity.
assert (fib_v2 (S (S n)) 0 1 = fib_v2 (S n) 0 1 + fib_v2 n 0 1) by
(pose fib_v2_lemma; congruence).
All the boiler plate code could be put in a tactic, but I didn't want to go crazy with the Ltac, since that was not what the question was about.
This proof script only shows the proof structure. It could be useful to explain the idea of the proof.
Require Import Ring Arith Psatz. (* Psatz required by firstorder *)
Theorem fibfib: forall n, fib_v2 n 0 1 = fib_v1 n.
Proof with (intros; simpl in *; ring || firstorder).
assert (H: forall n a0 a1, fib_v2 (S n) a0 a1 = a0 * (fib_v1 n) + a1 * (fib_v1 (S n))).
{ induction n... rewrite IHn; destruct n... }
destruct n; try rewrite H...
There is a very powerful library -- math-comp written in the Ssreflect formal proof language that is in its turn based on Coq. In this answer I present a version that uses its facilities. It's just a simplified piece of this development. All credit goes to the original author.
Let's do some imports and the definitions of our two functions, math-comp (ssreflect) style:
From mathcomp
Require Import ssreflect ssrnat ssrfun eqtype ssrbool.
Fixpoint fib_rec (n : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
if n is n1.+1 then
if n1 is n2.+1 then fib_rec n1 + fib_rec n2
else 1
else 0.
Fixpoint fib_iter (a b n : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
if n is n1.+1 then
if n1 is n2.+1
then fib_iter b (b + a) n1
else b
else a.
A helper lemma expressing the basic property of Fibonacci numbers:
Lemma fib_iter_property : forall n a b,
fib_iter a b n.+2 = fib_iter a b n.+1 + fib_iter a b n.
case=>//; elim => [//|n IHn] a b; apply: IHn.
Now, let's tackle equivalence of the two implementations.
The main idea here, that distinguish the following proof from the other proofs has been presented as of time of this writing, is that we perform
kind of complete induction, using elim: n {-2}n (leqnn n). This gives us the following (strong) induction hypothesis:
IHn : forall n0 : nat, n0 <= n -> fib_rec n0 = fib_iter 0 1 n0
Here is the main lemma and its proof:
Lemma fib_rec_eq_fib_iter : fib_rec =1 fib_iter 0 1.
move=>n; elim: n {-2}n (leqnn n)=> [n|n IHn].
by rewrite leqn0; move/eqP=>->.
case=>//; case=>// n0; rewrite ltnS=> ltn0n.
rewrite fib_iter_property.
by rewrite <- (IHn _ ltn0n), <- (IHn _ (ltnW ltn0n)).
Here is yet another answer, similar to the one using mathcomp, but this one uses "vanilla" Coq.
First of all, we need some imports, additional definitions, and a couple of helper lemmas:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Definition fib_v2 n := visit_fib_v2 n 0 1.
Lemma visit_fib_v2_property n: forall a0 a1,
visit_fib_v2 (S (S n)) a0 a1 =
visit_fib_v2 (S n) a0 a1 + visit_fib_v2 n a0 a1.
Proof. now induction n; firstorder. Qed.
Lemma fib_v2_property n:
fib_v2 (S (S n)) = fib_v2 (S n) + fib_v2 n.
Proof. apply visit_fib_v2_property. Qed.
To prove the main lemma we are going to use the standard well-founded induction lt_wf_ind principle for natural numbers with the < relation (a.k.a. complete induction):
This time we need to prove only one subgoal, since the n = 0 case for complete induction is always vacuously true. Our induction hypothesis, unsurprisingly, looks like this:
IH : forall m : nat, m < n -> fib_v1 m = fib_v2 m
Here is the proof:
Lemma fib_v1_eq_fib2 n :
fib_v1 n = fib_v2 n.
pattern n; apply lt_wf_ind; clear n; intros n IH.
do 2 (destruct n; trivial).
rewrite fib_v2_property.
rewrite <- !IH; auto.

Using an exponentiation function

This is the definition for exp in group theory:
Definition exp : Z -> U -> U.
intros n a.
elim n;
clear n.
exact e.
intro n.
elim n; clear n.
exact a.
intros n valrec.
exact (star a valrec).
intro n; elim n; clear n.
exact (inv a).
intros n valrec.
exact (star (inv a) valrec).
I tried to define a ((a^n)^k) this way.
Definition exp2 (n k : Z) (a : U) := fun a => exp k (exp n a).
But exp k (exp n a) is of type U->U but I want it to be of type U. How can I do it?
As Gilles pointed out, the signature of your exp2 function is equivalent to
Definition exp2 (n k : Z) (a a(*won't work in Coq*) : U) :=
exp k (exp n a).
You need to remove one of the a:
Definition exp2 (n k : Z) (a : U) := exp k (exp n a).
Definition exp2_alt (n k : Z) : fun a => exp k (exp n a).
