I am designing a wordpress website. I am quite new in it. I made a mistake.
Generally the website points to wp directory which I mistakenly changed it to home. Now, it gives a 404 error.
I changed this https://sure2biz.com/wp to https://sure2biz.com/home.
Kindly tell me steps to point it back to wp.
If you are not able to acces your wordpress dashboard, go to your cpanel, PHP My Admin => Select your Database => Go to table WP OPTIONS => there you can replace URL
I need help. I have wordpress installed both on my domain and subdomain.
I try to integrate wordpress posts in my ionic app using this tutorial:
This work on my domain but not on my subdomain.
What i really want is to my ionic app get posts from wordpress installed on my subdomain.
The first think, you have to do it's very if you have access to this: http://yoursubdomain/wp-json/wp/v2/.
If you don't have any access to this, you have to change your wordpress permalinks, And put Post name as permalinks structure inside wordpress settings, don't forget to save.
If that doesn't solve your issue, explains the error that you have.
I have a wordpress website in my ubuntu server. Eg, my website url is
xyz.com. when i'm trying to access wp-admin page it should be xyz.com/wp-admin. But it redirect to another url like xyz.com/xyz/wp-admin
Can anyone give solution for this issue?
Wordpress admin dashboard is /wp-admin from whatever directory your website is installed.
For instance, you have a website https://dijofrancis.com and wp is installed in the root directory then your admin url is https://dijofrancis.com/wp-admin
If you paste your .htaccess file (situated at the root of your webserver directory) we could help a little more.
I once had a similar issue when I stupidly made a global redirect with a wildcard on my website.
If you say that when you access:
it redirects you to
Then it might be a permalink issue.
Re-make your permalinks from WP dashboard.
Also, you can try to use
and test from another link (if issue is permalink, maybe WPS HL will interact with wp-admin in a way that will work for some reason)
Due to some requirement I have to install wordpress in cakephp site, I installed it inside app/webroot/blog and after some modification I can access wordpress blog as
Now the problem is that wordpress post url should not contain word "blog" ,currently they are as
They should be like
I have open to install wordpress anywhere.
Is your problem that you truly don't want the word 'blog' to appear in the url, or that you can't see your posts because their path is wrong? If the latter, you can fix it by changing the root path in the wordpress settings, add '/blog' at the end of your default path and all should be well.
I have created a Wordpress install on a sub-domain of my server. So for example my url is www.myUrl.com and I created a subdomain that is essentially www.myUrl.com/sub. I installed Wordpress on www.myUrl.com/sub and it works fine.
The site shows up on that new url as it should BUT when I click a link, lets say 'blog', instead of taking me to www.myUrl.com/sub/blog it takes me to www.myUrl.com/blog.
I am pretty new to wordpress and have looked up the issue but can't find any answers. I have messed with the absolute path stuff inside the .wp-config file but cant' figure out what to do and if this is indeed the file I need to change. I have also tried to find this on the permalinks page.
Please let me know what other information you need to help me answer this question and thanks in advance.
It looks like your home URL is defined as "www.myUrl.com" in the database. U can find this in the wp-options table in the database or in WordPress at the general settings. When I move to a subdomain I also delete the .htaccess and save the permalinks page of the settings so the .htaccess gets a refresh.
I have wordpress website on server, created pages and that's working fine, but when I download wordpress files and DB on local and want to run with localhost, permalinks for pages are not working.
It seems this is an old post, but this might help others that encounter same error.
Apache –> Apache Modules –> and that will display the lists of available modules.
Now just check rewrite_module.
source from WordPress Custom Permalink not Working in Localhost
Hope that helps.
Sometimes when copying from one server to another, wordpress' permalinks goes a little screwy, try setting them back to default (using the admin panel) and then setting them again to your desired permalink structure (being sure to apply the changes each time).
you need to go into the database and change a few options.
Goto your phpmyadmin installation and navigate to wp-options table. Change the siteurl and home options to your localhost address.
Wordpress needs these database tries to build your permalinks. If they are wrong, then it will direct your links to incorrect locations.
You can simply fix this by doing the following:
Go to settings in your WordPress site.
click on permalinks ( You will see the URL structures of your newly configured WP site. (if it shows your original website values, go to settings-> general and set your local site URLs
Don't do any changes, just click on the Save button.
Refresh your local site and click on your page link or post.