filtering data from firebase flutter - firebase

I'm new in Flutter
I`m get the data from Firestore DB and show it as a ListTile.
Code on the pic
enter image description here
and here
enter image description here
Screenshot from app here
enter image description here
I save userID for each document in DB.
How can I filter and show only the active user's data?
I need the simplest and freshest solution.
userID will be hidden later
files with code here

Hi There I would filter based on userId. Lets assume you want to get favourite user places, this user places will be a sub collection of the users one. Therefore I will do my filter as follow:
// Get User Favourite Places.
Future<List<UserFavPlaces>?>? getUserFavouritePlaces(
{required String userId}) async {
final userFavouritePlaces = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
if ( {
try {
.map((docs) => UserFavPlaces.fromJson(
} catch (e) {
} else {
return null;


Firebase Document Fields are getting Deleted

For some time now, I have noticed that the fields of some of my firebase documents get deleted, even though I do not delete them or write any logic on my app to delete fields of a document or a document itself. This is a picture that shows a document on my firebase project, which has its fields deleted on its own.
The firebase project is connected to my flutter app, but I have not written any delete functionality.
I only update the fields occasionally with recent data.
Please, who has any idea of what's happening?
This is how I update the documents of my user collections
Future<String?> submitUpdate(User user) async{
CollectionReference userCollection = firestore.collection('users');
String? uid = await 'uid');
//updates user doc in users collection
await userCollection.doc(uid).update(user.toMap());
return "Success";
return null;
This is how i create the user document in the users collection.
Future<String?> saveUserCredentials(User user) async{
CollectionReference users = firestore.collection('users');
String? uid = await FlutterSecureStorage().read(key: "uid");
//creates a user doc in the users collection
await users.doc(uid).set(
return "Success";
}catch (e){
return null;
I have a User model that defines the user object.
If you want to set some fields of a document, but keep existing fields, use set with SetOptions(merge: true):
.set({'field1': value1, 'field2': value2}, SetOptions(merge: true));
Without this, the existing fields that are not listed in set will be not be kept, probably this happened to you.

Flutter & Firebase- How to allow only 1 account per device

I am trying to only allow the user to make 1 account on the device so when he makes an account and signs out, and then trys to make a new account it will not make the account and say this device already has an account.I got the device id so far but I dont know what to do now.
create a table in your database where the combined columns: userid (from new account) and deviceid are unique.
use device_info package to get unique device id
method get device id
Future<String> getDeviceId() async {
var deviceInfo = DeviceInfoPlugin();
if (Platform.isIOS) {
var iosInfo= await deviceInfo.iosInfo;
return iosInfo.identifierForVendor; // on iOS
} else {
var androidInfo = await deviceInfo.androidInfo;
return androidInfo.androidId; // on Android
What I would do is use the unique device id and in firestore create a document in the user collection whose document id is the device id, then to verify that the id already exists it would be to use the following code
.then((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
print('Document data: ${}');
} else {
print('Document does not exist on the database');

How to get Firestore document specific data Flutter

When I press a button I want to get that email address for my Text widget.
You can try the following:
void _onPressed() {
Firestore.instance.collection("users").getDocuments().then((querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.documents.forEach((result) {
This will retrieve all the emails inside the collection.
If you know the document id, then you can do the following to retrieve one email specific to the document id:
void _onPressed() async{
var firebaseUser = await FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser();
The above works assuming you have the currentuserid as a document id.
You can use the where function if you know the email address you are looking.
Firestore.instance.collection('users').where('email', isEqualTo: '');

How to delete a subcollection from firestore flutter

so am new using firestore to store data. at the moment i need to delete data already saved in the Firestore through my App. I have tried
Future<void> removeDocument(String id, String userId){
return ref.document(userId).collection(userId).document(id).delete().whenComplete((){
print("DELETE DONE::");
But its not working.
The thing is I used the userId to save the user details
now I want to delete the data but it does not delete the data even though the print message shows in my Log.
The method below is how i add data to the Firestore
Future<void> addDocument(Map data, String userId){
return ref.document(userId).collection(userId).add(data);
void setupLocatorWorkout() {
locatorWorkout.registerLazySingleton(() => Api('workout_goal'));
locatorWorkout.registerLazySingleton(() => CRUDRemoteDataSource());
ref = _db.collection(path); // this is the base collection
please what am i doing wrong here?
Thank you!!!
Delete a User by UID:
void deleteUser(User user) async {
await db.collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
.then((_) {
print('User deleted.');
Don't forget to add import 'dart:async'; at the top
The answer is you shouldn't.
According to the Firestore docs, you should not do this because:
While it is possible to delete a collection from a mobile/web client, doing so has negative security and performance implications.
However the link shows how it can be done frome some platforms.

How do I get the surrounding data related to my userId using flutter and firebase

While using flutter I am able to successfully get the UserId, however I want to be able get more user data (using the UserId)
Surrounding Information:
With the userId how would I go about printing the users; name bio, membership... etc?
Since you are using Realtime Database, then to get the other data, you can do the following:
db = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference().child("Users");
db.once().then((DataSnapshot snapshot){
Map<dynamic, dynamic> values = snapshot.value;
values.forEach((key,values) {
First add a reference to node Users then use the forEach method to iterate inside the retrieved Map and retrieve the other values.
Try like this :
Future<dynamic> getWeightinKeg() async {
final DocumentReference document = Firestore.instance.collection('you_collection_name').document(user_id);
await document.get().then<dynamic>(( DocumentSnapshot snapshot) async {
final dynamic data =;
//Do whatever you want to do with data here.
getUsers() async {
//here fbPath is reference to your users path
if(user.value !=null){
//here users is List<Map>
getUsers() async {
//here fbPath is reference to your users path
//and userListener is StreamSubscription
userListener = fbPath.onChildAdded.listen((user){
//here users is List<Map>
//and cancel in dispose method by calling
