Does Nginx close client TCP connection before sending back the http response? - nginx

I found the following documentation from Nginx website itself:
The above point is not correct, right? Since HTTP is a synchronous protocol, after a client sends a request over an established TCP connection with the server (here Nginx reverse proxy), the client expects a response on that TCP connection. So if this is the case Nginx server cannot close the connection just after receiving the request, correct? Shouldn't the Nginx server keep the connection still open until it gets a response from upstream server connection and relays back that data over the same client connection?

I believe the way that paragraph is phrased is inaccurate.
The NGINX blog post mentioned in the question is referencing the behavior of UDP in the context of Direct Server Return (DSR). It is not part of their official documentation. I suspect that the author didn't do a good job of communicating how a conventional layer 7 reverse proxy connection works because they were focusing on explaining how DSR works.


Close HTTP request socket connection

I'm implementing HTTP over TLS proxy server (sni-proxy) that make two socket connection:
Client to ProxyServer
ProxyServer to TargetServer
and transfer data between Client and TargetServer(TargetServer detected using server_name extension in ClientHello)
The problem is that the client doesn't close the connection after the response has been received and the proxy server waits for data to transfer and uses resources when the request has been done.
What is the best practice for implementing this project?
The client behavior is perfectly normal - HTTP keep alive inside the TLS connection or maybe even a Websocket connection. Given that the proxy does transparent forwarding of the encrypted traffic it is not possible to look at the HTTP traffic in order to determine exactly when the connection can be closed. A good approach is therefore to keep the connection open as long as the resources allow this and on resource shortage close the connections which were idle (no traffic) the longest time.

Are communication protocol Half-duplex or Full-duplex?

I know there are a lot of different comminucation protocals like: http, tcp, ssh, socks5, SMTP, POP,etc.
I also know that to achieve a comminication, we need to connect localhost:localport to remotehost:remoteport. For example, if we google something, we would connect a random local port to 80. If we ssh a remote host, we would connect a random local port to remotehost: 22.
My question is: Are communication protocol Half-duplex or Full-duplex?
I guess the answer is Half-duplex. Because I think in http connection, at first we send the request from localhost:localport to remotehost:80, and then the remote server send its response from remotehost:80 to localhost:localport. Similarly, in ssh connection, at first we sent the ssh commands to remote host, after receiving the commands, the remote host do something and send the results back to the local host.
So I think in one connection between localhost:localport and remotehost:remoteport, the message is sent either from localhost:localport to remotehost:remoteport, or from remotehost:remoteport to localhost:localport.
Am I right?
As explained in this article:
SSH is a bidirectional full duplex protocol, which means that it’s not synchronous like HTTP where you need to send a message for a response to happen.
With SSH the remote host might want to tell you something even if you have remained silent. This connector uses a callback flow approach to decouple the “sending” operation from the “receiving” operation.
As documented in this IETF draft, most implementations do allow full-duplex HTTP (for 2xx responses).
Full-duplex HTTP follows the basic HTTP request-response semantics but also allows the server to send response body to the client at the same time when the client is transmitting request body to the server.
Requirements for full-duplex HTTP are under-specified in the existing HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1) specification, and this memo intends to clarify the requirements of full-duplex HTTP on top of the basic HTTP protocol semantics.

Post request in HTTP and HTTPS protocol

We are trying to make a secure communication between our embedded system and web server.Firstly we implement HTTP connection to in our microcontroller. I am just connecting to 80 port of my web server and send simple GET request to this port as example below :
GET /foo.php?msg=test HTTP/1.1
My questions is,How we will turn this to HTTPS ? Which port i should connect ?
Will be any difference on structure of GET request above ? Will i have to do some encryption manually or connect to "https" link instead "http" is enuogh for secure communication.
Thanks for any information
The only difference between a HTTP request and a HTTPS request is that the first is send over a plain TCP connection while the other is send over a TLS connection, i.e.:
with HTTP you establish a TCP connection and send the request over this connection
with HTTPS you establish a TCP connection, upgrade this connection to TLS (including proper certificate validation etc!) and then send the same request as you did with HTTP over this connection.
Apart from that I recommend to either use an established library for HTTP or carefully read the standard. Although HTTP looks simply it is actually not and there are many questions here where users try to do a simply HTTP request and trip over behavior they did not expect.
For example in your case the server might send the response with chunked encoding, with content-length or simply end it with connection close. And it might wait for further requests on the same connection since HTTP/1.1 implicitly enables HTTP keep-alive. Does your code really account for all these cases?

How websites work in terms of network models?

My understanding regarding network model communication:
Application layer:
1. HTTP(Not Persistent or stateless): For exchanging messages like get, post, put etc. Here connection is made to webserver and disconnected after sending response. So server will not keep track of the previous requests.
2. Websockets(Persistent or statefull): For creating a communication channel that will be open to exchange data. Here we can keep track of the previous requests. Like we can know how many users are currently connected to our server.
Transport layer:
TCP(Persistant and Statefull): Will let the server know to which application to connect using port number. Both HTTP and web sockets will work upon this layer.
Considering working with HTTP and TCP:
I make a HTTP request from browser(application layer):
Connects to web server sends all files requested and also makes a TCP connection with the application(transport layer).
After sending response it's disconnected.
My confusion:
I got totally confused when I heard, read that TCP is Statefull and Persistant connection.
Q1. Now after step three is browser still connected to webserver because of TCP?
Q2. Is the context object we get in server side in c# code is the complete request packet with HTTP info, TCP info, function to invoke or controller to invoke in MVC etc?
Q3. If client and server are still connected with TCP. Then on next HTTP request does it will use the available TCP connection or will create new TCP and HTTP connection? Why can't it use previous TCP to communicate? Or TCP will be destroyed after HTTP? Or what's happening?

WebSockets - why is the handshake HTTP? Sharing port 80

I'm not clear why the handshake for WebSocket is HTTP. Wiki says "The handshake resembles HTTP so that servers can handle HTTP connections as well as WebSocket connections on the same port." What is the benefit of this? Once you start communicating over WebSocket you are using port 80 why can't the initial handshake be in WebSocket format?
Also, how do you have both WebSocket and HTTP servers listening on port 80? Or is it typically the same application functioning as HTTP and WebSocket servers?
Thanks y'all :)
WebSockets are designed to work almost flawlessly with existing web infrastructures. That is the reason why WS connections starts as HTTP and then switches to a persistent binary connection.
This way the deployment is simplified. You don't need to modify your router's port forwarding and server listen ports... Also, because it starts as HTTP it can be load balanced in the same way that a normal HTTP request, firewalls are more lean to let the connection through, etc.. etc... Last but not the least, the HTTP handshake also carry cookies, which it is great to integrate with the rest of the app in the same way that AJAX does.
Both, traditional HTTP request-response and WS, can operate in the same port. Basiclally the WS client sends a HTTP request asking for "Upgrade:websocket", then if the server accepts the WS connections, replies with a HTTP response indicating "101 Switching Protocols", from that point the connection remains open and both ends consider it as a binary connection.
